Healthy Fat Loss

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Common Myths From Your Fellow Dieters

Myth: You'll be 'Just Fine' With a High Protein/Low Carb Diet.

Fact: Such diets are what we call trap-diets, since by the time you're done, you'll jump on the binging wagon faster than the speed of light. A high protein diet encourages the heavy consumption of meat, dairy products and eggs. While you're asked to stay clear from carbs such as bread, pasta, potatoes and fruits.

What's the problem with the diet? It takes away most of the popular foods; you'd find yourself stuck at a restaurant staring at the menu in a work meeting unable to pick anything off the menu. This leads to a case of severe boredom and frustration after some time, and eventually you will quit the diet all together.

Your body's cholesterol is most likely to skyrocket during such a diet, and some people even lose some of their lean muscle mass. Your kidneys become like a bee hive, trying to get rid of the excess fat and consequently causing dehydration. On the long run, such stress causes serious problems such as: nausea, dizziness, headaches, dehydration, and lethargy. You should stay away from a high protein diet and go for a more balanced diet that will not harm your body in the process.

Myth: Fad Diets for Permanent Weight Loss.

Fact: Yes, everyone seems to say that they've lost the weight in 2 months, but what happens after a year? You're most probably going to discover that they've re-gained the weight and even packed on a couple of extra pounds. The main pillar of any diet is to provide your body with all the nutrients it needs, therefore; diets that cut out foods disturb your body's natural functions. Fad diets do not live up to their "permanent weight loss" promises because most people end up binging after a couple of months dieting.

The key to permanent weight loss is exercise and a balanced diet; any other fad is just an empty promise.

Myth: Low-fat/Fat-free is a Godsend.

Fact: The only food that is low in both calories and fat is fruits. Other man-made products that claim to be low-fat or fat-free usually have extra sugar, starch, or flour to make them yummier. You don't see it in the bold lines, but check the label on the product for every minuet detail before taking it to the counter.

Myth: Dairy Products Are Your Ticket to Heart Attacks and Fat.

Fact: If we were to follow this theory, we should have wiped France off the map a long time ago, since large amounts of cheese and wine are consumed there at a daily basis.

Dairy products are not the enemy; they are an important source of calcium that keeps your bones strong and healthy. As a child, you rely on calcium for your growth and in old age you need to avoid diseases. Dairy products also contain vitamin D, which helps to regulate levels of calcium and phosphorus in your blood.

If you're still worried about weight gain, why not pick those low-fat/fat-free brands from your local supermarket, or even better eat them in moderation.

It is advisable to take care when consuming butter and margarine since they contain high levels of fat and might cripple your weight loss efforts. If you can't wean yourself away from butter, make sure you eat less amounts. Margarine is an over-processed fat that could cause all sorts of troubles if high in trans fat. If you had to pick between the two, grab the butter yet cut on its consumption.

Myth: Going Vegetarian is the Ultimate Weight Loss Solution.

Fact: Ask any vegetarian around you, have you lost weight when you first became a vegetarian? In 90% of the cases, the answer is: no. Plants, by nature, have a lower concentration of nutrients than meat, so you will have to eat more food to make up for the difference. Not to mention that many of the vegetarian diets might deplete your B12, D, calcium, and zinc if not supported by proper supplementation.

For vegans, lacto, or ovo-vegetarians foods such as eggs and dairy products are off bounds, but there are the main sources of such vitamins. In this case, you'll have to rely on uncommon vegetables to provide you with those vitamins.

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