Healthy Fat Loss

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Diets for People Who Want to Lose Weight Fast

There are special diets for people who wanna lose weight fast and these diets really work. There is a big misunderstanding among people that one should avoid food as far as possible if he or she wants to lose weight. But it never helps. All it does to you is that it robs you of energy and vital nutrients essential for sustaining a healthy and active life. You go tired, become prone to diseases and infections, your internal organs such as liver, spleen, kidneys and heart start malfunctioning and your brain suffers severe fatigue and severe loss of blood and finally come out hungry like a wolf. You start gulping down indiscriminately everything you find edible and put on far more weight than you were before. So avoiding food is never a solution for losing weight.

Diets for people who wanna lose weight fast differ from person to person, depending upon their structure, weight, built, daily activities and their state of health. Still there are few things in common. We shall discuss them now.

First of all, stop following four heavy meals a day schedule and switch on to frequent but very small meals after small gaps. Eat a small quantity at a time and keep yourself a little starving and repeat it again and again. Then, avoid fats and sweet and include high proteins, preferably vegetable proteins and if not, then lean animal proteins, in your diet. A lot of fats are burnt in digesting proteins and muscles will replace fats. Don't give up carbohydrates totally. Have them, but in lesser quantity. Next, include a lot of roughage (fiber) and water in your diet. Fiber is very effective in reducing fat and so is water.

The more you drink water, the more you urinate and sweat, and each time you urinate or sweat, fats up to 4% of the volume of urine and sweat are lost from the body. Last but not the least; eat green leafy vegetables as much as you can. Apart from being rich in fiber and water, they provide the necessary vitamins and nutrients which keep the metabolism in order and help reduce weight.

John is a self proclaimed Weight loss Expert. Get A step by step weight loss guide and learn some hidden powerful weight loss secrets at and also get a free weight loss guide and see the weight loss program thats taking the internet by storm! Plus see more "Diets for People Who Wanna Lose Weight"


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