Healthy Fat Loss

Friday, May 16, 2008

Does Walking Or Running Burn More Fat?

This is a question that is debated quite often. The answer might shock you.

There's no concrete answer to this question, but basically it boils down to this: You will burn roughly 100 calories per mile, no matter what speed you go.

Now, there are some caveats. For example, a person who weighs 105 pounds will burn less calories per mile than a person who weighs 205 pounds, simply because the heavier person is carrying more weight. All things being equal, however, the lighter person doesn't need to eat that many calories in a day, so it balances out.

Another factor to, ahem, weigh in, is that the human body acclimates itself to any stresses put on it. All other things being equal, the better you get at running, the less calories you will burn. So, if you're a champion runner you will burn less calories on a run than someone who's running for the first time. Again, all things being equal, the champion runner will likely be able to run a further distance, thus balancing the equation again.

There's another camp that will argue that walking will actually burn more fat because it's a lower intensity exercise that can be sustained for a longer period of time. The key to weight loss, research has shown, is that it's not the intensity of the workout that counts, it's the accumulated duration of the exercise. So, it might actually be more beneficial for some people to walk simply because they can go for a longer distance without tiring.

The good thing about running is that it's great for your health. There are great cardiovascular benefits to a moderately intense workout. The bad thing about running is that it can be hard on some people's knees.

The bottom line? Do what you enjoy. If the thought of running makes you cringe, but you enjoy a nice long stroll, then by all means stroll away. The point is choosing a workout that you will stick with, and nobody's going to stick with something they hate doing for very long.

For more information that will guide you in terms of choosing the best activities to burn fat, visit and read our Turbulence Training Review.

Fitness guru Cynthia Blake is a writer for


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