Healthy Fat Loss

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Guide To Weight Loss - Three Things To Stay Away From When Losing Weight

Here are three things that you definitely need to avoid if you want to lose weight. Many people don't even know about what I'm going to reveal right now, and that's one of the reasons why they can't lose weight - because if you eat the foods below then you will definitely put on the pounds. So here's a list of foods you should avoid...

1. "Natural Flavors" and "Spices"

Any package that says "Natural" on the front or the back generally means that the product does not contain any added "artificial" (having no counterpart in nature) additives, but it does not necessarily mean pesticides or other chemicals were not used in processing. Your potato chips that say "natural" could be genetically altered, grown with pesticides, and cleaned with unfiltered water and still read "All Natural!"

What is scary is that natural flavors and spices are assumed to be OK. But what is not OK is that any substance derived from something natural, no matter how dangerous it is, can be classified as a "natural flavoring." What's worse is that if a poisonous chemical is used to derive that flavoring, it can still be called "natural". Many natural flavors are synthesized from Isoprene, which is a known carcinogen! Isoprene stays in the food... it doesn't just disappear!

Manufacturers also hide monosodium glutamate (MSG)-a flavoring which causes headaches and allergic reactions-in their "natural flavorings" or "spices" listings because it is derived from seaweed, a natural product. So clearly, being natural is not the same as being harmless.

2. Irradiated Foods

Food irradiation is done by zapping food with a dosage of radiation. The X-rays are used to kill insects and bacteria, prevent sprouting, and slow rotting. While the process does not make the food radioactive, the chemical structure of the food is altered and there are a number of animal studies that show negative health effects. Some researchers suspect that a regular diet of irradiated food may cause leukemia, other forms of cancer, and kidney disease.

The FDA says it's safe. When you hear that, I want you to think about other things that were apparently safe... such as cigarette smoking, pesticides, asbestos and CFCs. Each of these at one time was classified as safe. The FDA claims irradiation of food is safe and has already authorized the irradiation of fruits, vegetables, pork, chicken, herbs, spices, teas, and seeds. Spices are the most widely irradiated food in the United States. You can avoid irradiation by buying 100% organic spices and foods.

NOTE: Avoid the microwave as well. This type of irradiation affects the chemistry of foods by activating the water molecules inside. If cooking does some damage to enzymes and foods, then microwaving is the equivalent to a nuclear blast, leaving everything once living lifeless and wilted.

3. Chemicals

This is the catch-all... As a general rule, anything that's longer than 15 letters, you can't pronounce and is hyphenated is generally not good for you.

Kate Fletcher has taught hundreds of people how to lose weight. Visit her website right now at Fast Guide To Weight Loss for some great information on losing weight. Or, want to see the #1 weight loss course online? Visit the Burn The Fat Review section of Kate's website.


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