Healthy Fat Loss

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How To Eat What You Want And Still Lose Weight

I'm writing this article to inform you of how the body works in regard to food intake. There's way too many fitness freaks out there that want you to eat only "clean foods". A lot of fruits, veggies, plain chicken or turkey breast and maybe some granola for a snack. Who wouldn't get sick of that after a week or two.

Don't get me wrong, there's no question eating like this you'll lose weight. But will you be able to continue that eating habit for weeks, months, or even years down the road? Not only that but, are you really striving to look like a supermodel, or are you just wanting to get the body you had before kids? Most of us just want to look fit and trim, not a ripped god or goddess. It's been proven over and over again, the majority of people don't have the willpower to continue that type of regimen. Think to yourself for a minute, how many times have you went on a diet only to stumble a few weeks later. Then you start the whole process over again.

Okay, let me break down how the body works, without using a bunch of scientific medical jargon. Simply put; It's not so much what you eat, as it is how often you eat. Our bodies have a metabolism, it's job is it burn the food you ingest. If you have a steady flow of food into your system your metabolism will continue to run, burning off fat gram after fat gram. The main reason people gain weight is they don't eat enough. By this I mean, you need to eat at least 5 to 6 meals a day. Listen, I'm not saying you can run out and eat a double cheeseburger with fries for every meal. But you don't have to stick with fruits, veggies and chicken all the time either. Here's how your day of food intake should look like:

1. Start with a good breakfast, preferably within 30 minutes of waking.

2. Healthy snack.

3. Lunch.

4. Healthy snack.

5. Dinner

6. Then it's time for dessert, maybe some yogurt with fruit or low fast ice cream.

There you have 6 meals. You put a 2-3 hour gap between meals and your all set to lose weight. Up until now I haven't mentioned exercise. Exercise is another tool you can use to speed up your metabolism. Don't click away yet I'm not going to ask to run on the treadmill for hours on end. But any little exercise you can do will greatly increase your weight loss. I'm talking about things like...walking for 30 minutes on your lunch hour or maybe a quick 30 minute walk around your neighborhood with the family. The point is, stay active, the minute you stop being active is when your metabolism slows to a crawl.

If you are the type of person that needs a structured program with step by step instructions, I recommend you visit Better Fitness and purchase their program. This program received a 5 star rating in several aspects including... Customer support, refund and return policies and overall customer satisfaction. So having said that I wish you luck on your weight loss endeavors. Bye for now.

Chris Wyrick has been in the health and fitness field for 24 years.


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