Healthy Fat Loss

Thursday, May 15, 2008

How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat That Doesn't Want To Budge

You should be sporting a six-pack by now. Those hours a day at the gym on the running, rowing and cycling machine, combined with an endless amount of sit ups should have gotten you a six-pack by now. But it's not happening. You thought you knew how to get rid of belly fat. You thought you had it down to an art form, how wrong were you.

You're frustrated and saddened. That reflection in the mirror isn't what you hoped for. You're wondering where your efforts have gone and you're on the verge of giving up. It's that pooch at the bottom of your belly that's bothering you the most. It just doesn't seem to shift.

You wish you could just cut off that annoying flab sitting below your midriff. But before you do anything extreme! Realize that anyone can learn how to lose lower belly fat. This ever elusive answer to knowing how to get rid of belly fat effectively has eluded so many people because frankly there are just too many answers out there.

Most gym slaves are frustrated week after week, unable to shift that lower belly fat regardless of how many crunches they do. Heck, you might eventually get a four-pack, but there will always be that lower flab preventing you from getting to the next level.

Little do they know that the answer to how to get rid of belly fat in the lower regions is not what they believe it to be. Who wants to spend hours in the gym anyway?

Put it this way, if you have spent hours at the gym and you're starting to see gradual results, it's a start. Now you can continue the way you're going and maybe, just maybe in a few years you'll see the results you've always wanted. Now, there's no guarantee you'll ever reach your desired results, so it's insane to go this route.

Simply put, relying on a single method isn't your answer to how to lose lower belly fat. To effectively lose weight and gain a ripped body and a six-pack to be proud, of all you have to do is make small changes. Even if you've never stepped in a gym or rarely exercise, there are simple guidelines you can apply to your cardio workouts or diet that will make dramatic differences in results.

It's about increasing effectiveness and efficiency. After all you want to see great results in the littlest time possible. We can do this by turning your body into a super fat burning machine. To do this you will only need to adjust a few important aspects in your training or eating habits.

Most newbies to training, start their exercise regime so horribly wrong. They don't have the foggiest idea on how to perform exercises well, they don't combine cardio workouts with weight training and they simply eat poorly which will prevent them from seeing results.

If you really want to know how to get rid of belly fat, then it may be that you'll need change your game plan completely. If you're lucky, you may just have to apply one or two amendments. If you want to succeed, it's down to you to get the right expert advice.

Click here and get started on how to get rid of belly fat. Go to


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