Healthy Fat Loss

Friday, May 9, 2008

How to Lose Weight In Days - FREE

Have you ever wondered why you had to go on a "Diet"? to lose weight? Well may instead of just assuming that Dieting is the end all be all path to Weight Loss, we should explore the real reason for our extra fat and get rid of it once and for all. So here are some facts and help to lose weight in days--FREE!

Before we get into the simple and no cost changes that you can make in order to lose weight fast, we need to look at a little Social Studies to see why all of those things that you thought were making you fat, may not be the CAUSE at all!

Interestingly enough, every Culture's eating habits can be a determining factor in obesity. Look at the French, the eat endless amounts of pastry, butter, creams and fat yet their obesity statistics are much different than those in America. Japan is another example of a country with low rates of obesity. Did you know that as of today, Japanese refuse to accept meat and dairy imports from America? There must be a reason and it is more frightening than what you think!

The reason that people are obese from a physicological standpoint comes down to two things; Toxins and Parasites. If you are overweight, your body is constantly fighting to re-route the toxic build up that has accumulated in your colon, away from your vital organs. So what it does is this; it keeps building fat cells in order to store those toxins. Get rid of these and your excess weight will start falling off almost effortlessly.

Here are 3 simple steps to help you lose weight in days for free;

  1. Figure out your personal Metobolic Type. This is another reason why diets do not work. Everybody metabolizes food differently. Metoblic typing has been done for centuries. Different people have specific food requirements. This is a free way to learn to listen to your body. In a nutshell, you know that you are eating the right type of foods when you feel Satisfied (not hungry or overfull), when you feel energetic (not lathargic), when your mind is clear (not foggy or forgetful) and if you have any diseases those symptoms remain unchanged after a meal. In other words the disease doesn't worsen by eating certain foods.
  2. Walk for at least 30 minutes 4 times a week. If walking is impossible for you, there are some exercises that you can do from a chair. Your Dr. should have some tips for exercise that you can do if you can not walk.
  3. Drink Water. Spring water is best, but to really get your digestive juices flowing and reap many other benefits add a teaspoon to a teaspoon and a half of Organic lemon juice to about half of your water servings. The benefits of H2O are astounding! Not only will you feel fuller, you will have less food cravings, you will help your body flush out those toxins and the lemon will help balance out pH levels in your body. (another contributing factor to being over weight and a whole host of diseases). You should have at lease 2 liters of water a day.

If you follow these simple steps you will lose weight in days-FREE!

Visit Here to Find the Top Secret Fat Loss Secrets that "They" don't want you to know. Here is some Free information on Metabolic Typing that will get you started.


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