Healthy Fat Loss

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Lose 10 Pounds In 10 Days- 5 Easy Steps

Do you want to lose 10 pounds in 10 days? You can do it easily and without starving yourself by following these simple diet tips:

1. Cut your calorie intake by 500 calories - You can go online and find a calorie chart and figure out how many calories you need each day based upon your gender, age, lifestyle and frame. Cut the calories by 500 and stick to it. Make sure that you count the calories of all the foods and drinks that form part of your daily diet

2. Cut simple carbohydrates from your diet -These include all sweets such as cookies and cakes. They do nothing for you but absorb very quickly into your bloodstream and turn to fat.

3. Substitute water for all of your other drinks - Watching what you drink is crucial to weight loss. Many people consume tons of calories each day just by what they drink. Sugar laden colas and sodas offer you no nutritional value but stick around and end up as fat on your belly, buttocks and thighs. Substitute water, that has no calories, no carbohydrates and will raise your metabolism

4. Eat breakfast - Speaking of metabolism, eat a good breakfast every morning. Eat a hard boiled egg or some other protein based food. This will give you an energy boost to start the day and enable your body to burn off calories quicker. When your metabolism slows down, you burn fewer calories. This is why starvation diets fail. Boost your metabolism and allow those calories to come off naturally

5. Substitute protein for snacks during the day -You may think that the candy bar that you eat at 3 p.m. gives you a boost of energy, and it does. But it is a temporary boost and gives you fat, sugar and no nutrition. Instead of a candy bar, have something that contains protein which will raise your metabolism.

Raising your metabolism is key to losing weight. You can do this by eating breakfast, making sure that you get enough protein and drinking a lot of water. Eliminating simple carbohydrates is another crucial element towards dieting. If you follow the above plan, you will lose 10 pounds in 10 days.

Have you had enough? Are you ready to do something about it? Change your thinking and you can change your body. Your Weight Loss success story can start today! More information on easy weight loss and more is available at


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