Healthy Fat Loss

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lose 15 Pounds Fast And In A Week?

It is a dream for many overweight people to lose 15 pounds fast and in a week. Is this really possible? Do you know some reasons why it may not be possible?

Well, perhaps you have tried a few diets but be honest to yourself. You were never focused anyway. There is also another thing you need to know why you never got focused as well and never got the fat off your body.

Do you know your body systems really well? There is a reason to believe that you don't otherwise you wouldn't be where you are today. Studies have shown that when you overeat or you eat more than you expend your energy, you grow fat and overweight. What it does to you also is allow the organisms in your stomach to crave for more food, induce tiredness in you and make you feel lethargic.

So in the end you become heavier by the day and risk your own health

If you want to lose 15 pounds fast and in a week, you need to undergo a process called detoxification. This will help clean your stomach and body of harmful toxins that lurk inside and remove bad bacteria. This way you gain not only health but the energy to start exercising you way to shape. Some swear through fasting, they detoxify their body. While this is true, not many people can go through 10 to 12 hours a day without food and water. This will make them sicker than before.

So why is it important to detoxify your body to lose weight?

As long as these toxins and bacteria stay within you, it will be hard to stop your crave for food and once you managed to clear them from your gut, you'll find weight loss becomes not only easier but faster. So to lose 15 pounds fast and in a week, all you have to do now is get rid of these harmful parasites and detoxify your body. Only then, will dieting and exercising become easy.

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