Healthy Fat Loss

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Lose 15 Pounds Fast - Can You Believe The Hype

Fast weight loss seems to be the be all and end all for dieters nowadays. No one wants to lose weight slowly over time they want it fast but can that really happen?

No doubt you've seen numerous claims on various websites and book covers that it can but sadly most of those are talking out of their rear ends.

Yes they provide results for a couple of days but only whilst your body gets rid of excess fluids, after that it is all downhill with the vast majority of diets currently available.

The best diets do tend to be those that provide results steadily over time but as I said no one these days seems willing to do that. The good news is you don't have to.

Shifting calorie diets have been shown to bring in great results in terms of fast weight loss but more importantly than that the results show that it works continuously.

As I have said many diets only lose you fluids and then struggle to keep working for you but calorie shifting diets work on getting rid of fat and that is why it works constantly. So what does it do differently to the other methods of dieting available?

It works by tricking your metabolism into working at a high level by rotating and switching the foods you eat on a daily basis ( hence shifting calories ). It works surprisingly well and has an amazing success rate amongst its users.

There are only a couple of shifting calorie based diets available and one does stand out which you can find out about at the link underneath. Other than that you will only lose 15 pounds fast or get any other fast weight loss results through good luck or starving yourself.

If you want to lose weight quickly and safely then the only diet which can achieve this will be a calorie shifting diet to find out more information about diets using this method check out

Katie Turner lost 34 lbs after having her twins and failing with numerous other diets and you could too. To find out more click here.


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