Healthy Fat Loss

Monday, May 19, 2008

Mastering The Emotional Challenges Of Dieting

You may want to know about something I'm finding remarkable for dealing with food cravings. This is the number one self-help CD that will CURE your cravings for binge eating and ANY food you want to STOP eating. Understand more about the Key To Successful Weight Loss below.

Now EFT experts have produced what we may call the "EFT Diet. EFT is an stately and potent process anyone can acquire for self-help, self-development and peak performance. EFT has been successfully utilised to treat a extensive range of emotional problems and issues, including anxiety, fearfulnesses, phobias, trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, heartache, anger, guilt, and so forth. "The truth that one can apply EFT anyplace, at any time, on most anything, using no drugs, nor meddling with other therapies are marvelous incentives that make me pleased and confident about applying the technique.

EFT Weight Loss and EFT Diet - Mastering The Emotional Challenges Of Dieting with the EFT Solution.

There is a lineal connection between what youre experiencing and believing (your emotions) and an unmanageable impulse to eat. For instance, if youre feeling lonely, afraid, hurt, or furious, binging will dull these unpleasant feelings. It centers your attention elsewhere so that you can profess the unpleasant feelings aside. It becomes such a habit to reach for food when these feelings rise up that were oftentimes unaware there are any damaging feelings present within us at all.

EFT Techniques solve these foul cravings for unhealthy and fattening foods. The EFT Diet is highly recommended by Robert Lagana - a natural competitive bodybuilder that has to stay entirely strict in diet mode for 8 months of the year while working full time in the IT industry and managing family life and personal projects.

EFT was created by Gary Craig in the mid 1990s, and is intended to be a simplification and improvement of Roger Callahan's Thought Field Therapy techniques. Emotional Freedom Techniques (or EFT) is an emotional healing technique, which is founded on a radical discovery that outrages most of the opinions of established psychology. The integration of Energy techniques with the style of Provocative Therapy, PET supplies herculean techniques to minimise the anxiety that follows such change. EFT is collaborative and respectful of clients fusing experimental Rogerian techniques with structural systemic interventions.

EFT, like many advanced spiritually-based concepts,brings forth passionate argument as to its scientific validity. EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)is getting acknowledged to many astounded users as a modern miracle. EFT is a new energy medicine that really quickly affects change. EFT works GREAT and you actually experience the difference at once.

Robert Lagana

Robert Lagana has been weight training and helping people for over 16 years. He has competed in numerous bodybuilding competitions and is a multi-title winner. He currently holds the 2006 Mr. Canada Natural Bodybuilding title in the NFSO & IFSB. Along with experience, He teaches natural muscular development as a therapeutic approach.


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