Healthy Fat Loss

Friday, May 16, 2008

Turbulence Training - The Final Review

This program is based in two main principles that are put to work simultaneously:

Losing fat while building muscle at the same time.

The author of this new and revolutionary system is Craig Ballantyne. He is a certified specialist and has also written several articles for publications like Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Oxygen, Maximum Fitness, and more.

The workouts are created having in mind busy individuals such as students, entrepreneurs, managers, etc...and the training routines are organized in small workouts that can be done easily.

The exercises are designed in a way that through interval training and resistance training, they are able to boost your metabolism and keep it going so you will be burning fat literally all day...even while you sleep.

This smart combination of exercise, cardio and strength training allows your body to speed up your metabolism, with the result of "shedding" fat while you eat, while you sleep and while you work.

The main achievement of this program is that it is able to turn your body in a coordinated and almost perfect machine that will melt extra fat all day, no matter if you are sleeping, working out, having lunch or having fun at the bar with your friends.

One of the main advantages of the program is that all workouts can be done at home, so you won't have to waste your time going to the gym. The cost of the barbells and an exercise ball needed in this program are just a fraction of what a gym membership would cost. In the case you really enjoy going to the gym, obviously, these exercises can also be done there.

The system has introductory and intermediate phase workouts, so anyone can join in the program in short time. The workouts are organized in 26 weeks worth of routines that can be done over and over again.

Turbulence Training is based on proven scientific research and years of personal training experience: if you commit to this program you will lose fat and you will get in better shape.

If you want to know this program in more detail, please click the following link:


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