Healthy Fat Loss

Monday, May 26, 2008

The Weight Loss Exercise Secret You Need To Know

Whilst many overweight people still seek the holy grail of weight loss through magic pills and diet plans, the more realistic buckle down to regular exercise as the answer. There are many people, former junk food addicts, who ascribe their success in losing excess weight to following an exercise program.

This article will examine a common mistake made by many people pursuing an exercise based weight loss program and establish whether it really is necessary to plod away for hours on a treadmill or exercise bike in order to shed the pounds. It's easy to see the arguments in favour of losing weight by exercising. The mere act of burning up the calories means that they are not available to be added to the waistline. So far, so good.

It often happens, though, that after some initial success in losing weight a plateau is reached when it seems impossible to make any further progress. At this point many people give up, citing lack of time as the reason. Others will doggedly carry on without seeking to establish the cause of the failure of their program.

There is a simple reason why this so often happens. Very often people in this situation are doing the wrong kind of exercise. They go to the gym several times a week and spend half an hour or an hour on the treadmill or exercise bike, at a steady, measured pace. The body soon accustoms itself to this regime, hence the lack of further progress after an initial loss in weight.

Doing some steady, not-too-demanding exercise is in order for warming the body up prior to proper exercise, so as to minimise the chances of pulling a muscle or tendon. But for real weight loss you need the said proper exercise, i.e. high intensity "interval training", where you work flat out for a limited time, say a minute to start with, rising to five or ten minutes when you are really fit, and then ease off with a rest or slower pace, before again working flat out for a limited period.

This pattern should be repeated in accordance with how fit you are. You can start with a short period of this kind of training, and gradually extend it as your fitness improves. The important point is that sweating the excess weight out in this way is far more effective than more gentle aerobic exercises over a longer period.

Remember, also, that other factors, such as ditching junk food and switching to a healthier diet, are also vital to long term success in losing excess weight. Learn all you can about different foods and exercise routines, plan for realistic, achievable targets, and you will have a much greater chance of shedding those pounds for good.

Revealed at last - the secret to genuine, natural, permanent weight loss.


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