Healthy Fat Loss

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Weight Loss & Herbs

It is probably common knowledge that herbs are the predecessor of the medicine that we use today.

Interestingly enough, herbs are making a come back and are once again gaining in popularity over the

use of pharmacuetical medicine. Even doctors and medical researchers are beginning to rediscover both the benefits and safety of herbs.

Ancient cultures relied upon herbs to treat various ailments and conditions. Through intuition and experimenting they discovered the various effects that herbs produced in treating their health problems. Traditional cultures such as the Chinese developed a highly sophisticated system for treating ailments, including the use of herbs.

Over time the benefits of using plants and herbal remedies spread throughout the globe. Now, in modern times we are able to see that in many instances modern medicine does not provide all the answers.

Have you seen the commercials on television advertising different drugs? Of course you have. How about the end of the commercial where the announcer states that the using this drug may produce the following side effects? Positively frightening, isn't it? It is for this reason that many of us are turning to the use of herbs and other natural remedies. People are starting to realize that natural treatments can be of benefit to them.

Many of them are concerned about the serious side effects that come from using pharmacueticals.

There is something that most people do not realize or bother to think about. Using an herbal remedy for anything, including weight loss, tends to take a little longer. The reason for this is that herbs are by their very nature milder than conventional medicine. Have you seen those ads on the internet that promise you that you can lose 20 pounds in two weeks. Well, stop and consider that for a moment. You do not really want to lose that much weight in such a short period of time. You may think that you do but you really don't.

Why? Because losing that much weight that quickly can not possibly be good for you. It is a jolt to your system. It is not healthy. And there will be some very unpleasant side effects.

Conversely, herbs are mild. They take time. They produce continuous results. Herbs can be used for extended periods of time without producing any harmful side effects. Those of us that use herbs either to treat disease or to lose weight almost universally sing their praises.

Various cultures from all over the world have produced natural systems for treating health problems. Some of the most sophisticated and enduring systems come from the Chinese, from India and Africa. The system that probably is the most codified and complete comes from our friends in China. The Chinese have the second oldest, recorded history in the world. And they also have the most complete, natural system for treating what ails us.

From Africa comes Hoodia, which is a very effective means of losing weight. For Hoodia to be effective; however, it must be unadulterated. There are some serious quality control issues with Hoodia and it is difficult to know what you are getting.

One of the most popular products on the market comes from the Chinese. It is Wu Yi. This popular weight loss method has even been touted by Oprah. Here is the problem with Wu Yi. It is simply black tea. Black tea possesses no qualities that enable one to lose weight. I believe that the success of Wu Yi can be found in its' advertising. It states that it is effective when combined with a sensible diet and exercise. In other words, Wu Yi is a very expensive placebo.

Also from China is 999 Fitness Essence. This particular herbal fat burner is not as well know. Until very recently it could only be purchased from your local Chinese acupuncturist. 999 Fitness Essence consists of Lotus Leaf, Poria, Bush-cherry Seed, Chinese Yam and Hawthorn Fruit. These herbs and plants, used in this combination, have demonstrated a consistent and healthy means to lose weight.

Before purchasing any herbal treatment, do your homework. When purchasing on the internet, make sure that the seller provides contact information and a money back guarantee. Also, read the testimonials and see if their circumstances are similar to yours. (Some testimonials say that the results are not typical. Take this into consideration).

The truth is that the cornerstone of any healthy, weight loss program is diet and exercise. But, if you want to compliment your weight loss regimen, then the right herbal product will help you to lose weight in a healthy and consistent manner.

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Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss


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