Healthy Fat Loss

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

5 Easy Steps To Getting a Six Pack Fast

Choose the Right Fat Burning Foods The foods that you put in your diet should be those that help you attain two dietary goals: to lose fat that you already have, and to avoid taking on more fat. Proteins will help to burn more calories whilst the carbohydrates chosen should be of the low-starch variety or those that convert into glucose more slowly. There should also be lots of fibre to help assimilate dietary fat, whilst the fats themselves should be of the unsaturated kind that are easy to burn for energy and keep cholesterol levels low.

Do Efficient Fat Burning Cardio Exercises Doing aerobic cardio exercises is the fastest way to burn fat. While you're thinking of abs exercises, remember you need to shed that fat, so don't forget to perform cardio exercises. The best time to do them is in the morning while your stomach is still empty. Since your sugar level is down at this time, your body will burn fat as fuel to power your exercise.

Incorporate Some Resistance to Your Abs Exercises Some people perform a couple hundred crunches, but whilst that will increase muscle endurance it will not add to muscle strength. Strength will come by overloading the muscle. The muscle needs to work harder than ever before against increased external resistance from, say, a resistance band or a medicine ball. Instead of simply increasing crunches, increase resistance by placing a weight at the chest or overhead when you make the crunch. Kneeling crunches, while pulling a weighted cable as you bend down, is a more advanced way to use resistance training on your abs.

Include Resistance Training for the Whole Body It's not only your abs. Get a resistance training programme designed for your entire body, one that includes the use of free weights and machines, and also utilises body weight exercises, or combines all three modes. The main objective of the whole-body programme is to progressively overload the muscles not only of the abdomen but also the back muscles, the shoulders, and the limbs. Once the muscles in your arms and legs and the rest of your upper torso become stronger, you'll find that you look a whole lot leaner. Resistance training helps you increase the fibre size of your muscles - the body's engine. This helps you burn more fuel more quickly.

Get Enough Sleep Not getting enough sleep alters the body's metabolic functions which can lead to weight gain and affect how the body processes food and store carbohydrates. Research shows that lack of sleep increases your craving for food; worse, the desire is usually for sugary foods and carbohydrates, since these help you immediately overcome feelings of fatigue. Remember, too, that when you work out on insufficient sleep, the exercise intensity will be at a lower level, but you may actually feel that you are working out at your normal high level. The net effect is you do not get the amount of exercise that you require. With sufficient sleep, your energy batteries are fully recharged, preparing you for a full-blown workout the next day. Sleep is the period when the body repairs your muscles, helping them to recover and actually grow that six pack more quickly.

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