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Friday, June 27, 2008

Bushwhacking Tradegy - Trip Report - Part 03 save youtube videos to computer

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As it usually happens with large hiking groups, and even more so with large bushwhacking groups, the stronger, faster people surge forward, leaving the slower, weaker people to fall far behind. Combine a slow, weak person with a heavy, bloated load and you've got yourself a straggler. The straggler in our group was a guy named Robert.

Robert was a good-intentioned, nice-looking young man, but seemed a bit inexperienced in the art of bushwhacking, a bit overweight, and was just carrying too much gear. To me he looked a little too clean, as well. He even smelled like soap. A few things had already fallen off his pack but luckily someone behind him noticed and retrieved the gear for him. If, and when, he was going to straggle to the last place in line he was going to lose things for sure. Perhaps essential things.

I am sure Robert appreciated the fact that John called for a break to regroup at the end of the dry creek bed just before we were to leave the open terrain and head into the deep, dark bush. A treeline beckoned us about 100 meters distant and did not look pretty at all. Sloping upward, covered with slide alder and devils clubs, we would be going against the grain.

When we all caught up, John, our self-appointed leader, brought to our attention the fact that Robert was already starting to lag behind and up until now we were in the easy part of the bushwhack. Exhausted already, Robert did not seem to appreciate the gravity of the situation and said nothing. John, without permission or even asking, started to root through Robert's pack in order to determine why it was so bulky and heavy. I could see it in Robert's face that he was not pleased at John's intrusion and he promptly regained some of his lost energy, stood up, pushed John back and the both of them glared at each other face-to-face. Sally, I noticed, was ready to take action, no doubt on the part of John. A slight breeze had some up and a couple of clouds had appeared in the distance. Also, a few annoying flies buzzed around us all. I hoped that this was not a sign of things to come but something told me it was. I didn't really know any of these people, had never hiked with them, and did not feel at ease about the present situation.

It was this precise moment when Frank noticed his dog, Bully, was not with us. He had thought that Bully was with the lead group and the lead group thought that Bully was with the trailing group. Strangely this seemed to diffuse the angry Robert -- John standoff and the heavy-pack/straggling issue was quickly forgotten while everyone pondered when and where Bully was last seen. John was visibly irritated by this latest turn of events. Frank suggested that Bully had run up ahead or had returned to the vehicles, both of which he was sometimes prone to do, according to Frank.

After a lot of waiting and calling for Bully, Frank suggested that one or more of us return to the vehicles to look for Bully while the rest of us scouted ahead and then returned to the spot where we were now. Unfortunately our mobile phones were useless, already, as a signal could not be received.

This is when Adam, so quiet and calm up to this point, flew into a rage about how he was not here to baby-sit a dog, would not be inconvenienced by a dog and that this place was no place for a dog anyway. He tried to insist that we all either go on without the dog, or Frank should return to the vehicles and wait there for 8 days or try and catch up with us after seeing if Bully was there or not. Almost everyone seemed to take sides at this point, with a couple of us trying to stay neutral. John had a point and he was right; we were on a schedule and waiting were we were for 6 or 8 hours while Frank went off in search of Bully was not an option.

The tension, the breeze, the clouds and even the flies increased in intensity. Patience was wearing thin as our synthetic-fibre shirts and someone had to make a decision about what to do about Bully. A few chests puffed out, voices were raised and a bit of spittle flew through the air. All this sure took the heat off of Robert. Looking up at the hillside that we were about to tackle I was fairly confident that Robert's time would come again.


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