Healthy Fat Loss

Monday, June 23, 2008

Day 2 - Follow My Weight Loss Program - A Little Harder

I just finished up day 2 of my nutrition and exercise program, although I haven't really done any serious exercising other than walking the dog, and doing work, but I will get to more on that in a moment.

After going through 2 days of this I realize, my cupboards and fridge are filled with absolutely nothing healthy to eat. It was quite difficult to conjure up 5 meals throughout the day that would be classified as healthy. So much so, that I don't think they were all healthy, but I have learned from doing a lot of reading, that I should control my portion size, so that is what I did.

Most of the foods I ate on Day 2 are about the same as they were on day 1. What I did notice, is that I did not get enough vegetables, especially the leafy green kind, throughout the day. I tried to incorporate some on Day 2 in the form of fresh spinach mixed with romaine lettuce in salads. My goal is to include veggies in meals 1 through 4, with the final meal being a protein only.

More research I have read says that eating after 6:00 pm (although some sources said 7:00pm) can contribute to weight gain, since most people's bodies slow down at the time. I also read that too many carbs and "bad" fats (we'll get more into that in another posting), can contribute to weight gain as well. Putting both of these statements of knowledge together has lead me to eat a protein only meal as my last meal of the day.

Now back to my exercise routine, or lack thereof. Currently I am only walking the dog, and as part time work, I renovate homes, doing a lot of lifting of material, etc. The plan is to incorporate a weight and aerobic exercise program, which studies have shown, combined with a healthy nutrition plan will accelerate weight loss.

With that said, at some point during my busy day, I will head over to the local sporting goods store and pick up some weights, maybe a bench, and basically see what they have that fits within my budget. As for aerobics, the outside comes free of charge, and my legs work wonderfully, so I don't see any reason why the dog and I can't start running in the morning or evening. We'll see what he thinks about it.

Mike P.

Day 2

Meal 1: Whole wheat waffles with natural peanut butter spread on them
Meal 2: Banana with natural peanut butter
Meal 3: Grilled cheese sandwhich on multi-grain bread
Meal 4: Natural peanut butter on whole wheat waffle, spinach salad
Meal 5: Mixed green salad with sunflower seeds and a Gorton's baked fish fillet

Again exercise consisted of walking the dog in the morning for about 15 minutes and then again in the evening for about 40 minutes.

Not a alot of variety in the food department as that is really what I had to work with. Will more than likely go shopping on Day 3 to pick up items I will need for the remainder of the week. Also I will be noting my weight on a weekly basis, every Monday.

About the Author
You can follow Mike's weight loss program on his Blog at There you can follow Mike's progress as he details his daily routine fitness and nutrition program on his way to losing 50 pounds by December 31st, 2008.


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