Healthy Fat Loss

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

How to Lose Weight Fast

Here are 8 steps on how to lose weight fast

Step 1: Whether it be to live longer or be more physically active - you must decide what you want and why you want it. Once you know what you want, you should have no problems in completing your goal. Your determination and how hard you work at it to lose weight will set your future.

Step 2: Think of losing body fat - Lowering the body fat is the answer to a healthier you.

Step 3: Get a buddy or two to get onto a fat loss journey with you. Having a buddy system will keep you motivated, and keep you accountable for your actions and to your team. This is a key to staying focused.

Step 4: Get your eating habits in order - Diet is king when trying to lower your body fat. If you don;t get this right, no matter how great a workout is, you will lose the body fat.

So plan your weekly meals ahead of time and start shopping for the week. Plan to include plenty of fiber, healthy carbs, healthy fat and protein in your meals.

These are essential ingredients to a healthier body.

Step 5: Cut out junk food and sugary drinks like donuts, white bread, soda drinks, energy drinks and other processed foods. These are the bad kinds of food you should stay away from now.

Instead get into the daily habit of drinking 8-10 glasses, eat 3 servings of fruits and 5 servings of veggies.

And think about your 'good feel' snacks - emotional snacking can wreck a diet, so plan to replace them with healthier snacks like handful of unsalted nuts.

self off the chair and into the gym, no one else will work out for you. Get a gym that is close to your home of that suits you good.

Step 6: Get out of your chair and start exercising. Even if you are busy, make time for it. Life is too short if you don't make the effort to look after yourself. Take an hour of your time and workout.

Step 7: For fat blasting workouts - forget the steady state cardios, and start interval training and using full body muscle workouts to stimulate more of your fat burning metabolism. Not only are there more effective, it requires very little of your time.

Step 8: Don't give up, if you play by the rules, and work hard, your results will come. If you fail to lose weight at any time - don't fret over it, just learn from it and get on with your future. Future is brighter with your effort.

Now take these simple steps, apply it and lose it now.

This is how to lose weight fast, and shape up for life.

Want More Information on The Best Exercises For Quick Weight Loss? Visit For More Fat Blasting Tips on How to Lose Body Fat and Build Muscle At The Same Time.


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