Healthy Fat Loss

Monday, June 9, 2008

Weight Loss Guides - Why You Shouldn't Believe Everything You Read

One of the reasons many people have trouble losing weight is because they are given incorrect information. It's all around us. In fact, let me show you an example. I was reading a magazine once which said something like the following:

"For me to become slimmer, I need to use light weights and lift 10-15 reps".

This is another of the common faulty myths associated with fat loss training. This theory robs well intended gym goers like a bandit in the night for a few reasons.

1-Volume is too high and intensity is too low. We can presume that we already are doing more aerobic activity in addition to restricting calories using light weight and higher reps is asking to lose important muscle. While dieting we need to give our body any reason possible to hold onto the good muscle mass that we have. We can not maintain or even stimulate new growth by using predominately light weight.

2- Adaptation. Progressive change is the basement that our training efforts are built on. Results are typically measured in either increased reps or weight used. How were you training before you decided to lose weight? Probably with 10-15 reps correct? Our goal has since changed so our training needs to as well. We can alter our efforts by using new exercises but the quickest road to the results in through both exercise and rep range changes.

3- Less muscle recruited. By staying within the same rep ranges we actually use less muscle. A change in muscle is dictated by the type of muscle fiber recruited. Using higher repetitions will cause us to preferably recruit our smaller and slower muscle fibers.

Results come quicker no matter your goal when you recruit both muscle fibers types. By alternating lifting session between higher and lower rep ranges we can achieve fat loss quicker than imagined.

Kelly Hutchings is a professional weight loss trainer. Visit his website right now at Burn The Fat Review to see the best weight loss course on the planet. Go there now --> Fat Loss For Idiots Review.


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