Healthy Fat Loss

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Weight Loss - The Importance of Realistic Expectations

If you are attempting to lose weight and body fat it is critical that you have realistic expectations for the how quickly you want to lose the weight and subsequently reach your goal. Today we live in a "microwave society" in which people want instant results and instant gratification. These ideas are further exacerbated by companies in the wellness industry who market products promising great results in "no time at all." Weather it be the magic pill or the latest fad diet these products are everywhere and it's important not to buy into the hype and allow it to impact your expectations.

Realistic expectations are very important because if you set your goals and they are unrealistic, you may begin to work towards them, fall significantly short of them, get frustrated and upset, and quit. I have seen this happen time and time again and these people are victims of unrealistic expectations. It can be very deflating if you set your expectations very high (lose 15 pounds this month like the man or woman on TV) and then only lose 4 or 5. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people get so dejected and quit when they were in fact making nice progress towards their goals.

The truth is a lot of people develop unrealistic expectations about the amount of weight they want to lose and the time they want to lose it in due to the marketing of companies out to make a buck. You can't let these companies whose products seemingly deliver the world impact the types of expectations you set for yourself (by the way, ever notice that at the bottom of all those infomercials and commercials it has a line saying, "Results not typical.") If you do you are setting yourself up for failure and disappointment.

When setting your expectations for any weight loss or fat loss program, it is critical that you factor in the amount of time you can commit to exercise, how committed you are going to be, how much weight you have to lose, etc. Do you think it's logical for someone who has 6 days a week to commit to exercise and someone who can commit 3 days a week to have the same expectations about the results they will get? Of course not! This is why it's very important to look at your own situation and set your expectations accordingly.

By setting realistic expectations, you are far more likely to keep the course and continue to work towards your goals. You will be encouraged with your progress and want to continue putting in the work because you are seeing results. Be sure to take into account your individual situation and set of circumstances when setting your expectations as well.

Brody Beach has a passion for helping others achieve their weight loss and fitness goals. Brody's mission is to help as many people as possible to develop the bodies they truly desire. For a free copy of one of Brody's ebooks and to receive a free personalized weight loss/fitness program designed by Brody to fit your individual needs, visit


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