Healthy Fat Loss

Monday, June 16, 2008

Weight Loss With Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers believes that dieting is just part of long-term weight management. A healthy life style will result in a healthy body. Weight watchers has achieved lasting success with their weight loss program, and the program now has more flexibility than in past years. We are going to look at a few reasons their program works.

Part of their secret to success is the community involvement. The community in this case is a group of like minded people meeting on a regular bases to share their weight loss wins and failures. It is that feeling your not in this alone or I see what you did and I think I can do the same thing. Their pep rallies ( meeting) are encouraging and motivational.

The weight Watchers point system is probably he best known of their programs. A large number of foods have been evaluated and given a point value. If one stays within there daily point recommendation the chances are good that weight loss will result. Although they have booklets giving the point values of various food,this formula will be of help when the book is not available. Points= calories/50 +fat grams/12 - fiber grams/5'

So how many points are recommended? Weight Watchers provides these guidelines:

Less than 150 pounds = 18-25 Points

150 to 174 pounds = 20-27 Points

175 to 199 pounds = 22-29 Points

200 to 224 pounds = 24-31 Points

225 to 250 pounds = 26-33 Points

Over 250 pounds = 28-35 Points

Plus there some flex points involved. Flex points allow a person to pig out on a special occasion and and not feel that they have abandoned their comment.

Another program is the Core Plan. Basically this plan gives a wide scope on the variety of food recommended and relies on the discipline of the individual to limit the quantity. Most beginning dieters find that the community aspect,discipline and motivation supplied with the Points Plan is an excellent way to begin. When weight loss happens and they feel comfortable with the system, then the Core Plan may be advisable.

Their website ( contains a lot of helpful information. Your favorite recipe can be found changed to abide by the Weight Watchers guidelines. For people to busy to take time for a meeting or if a meeting is not available in you local they also have an online application of their plan.

Although Weight Watchers may not be for everybody the program can be very beneficial as it address the mental, emotional and physical health aspects of dieting. Weight loss is each individuals responsibility. See you at the meeting.

For more interesting articles on dieting and weight loss visit: Weight Loss Tips Site


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