Healthy Fat Loss

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Weight Loss Check List - 3 Essential Tips To Keep You On Track

Its the little things that matter when you are trying to lose weight. Most diets require a person to make extreme changes in their lifestyles. This is why people fail. However, you can make some adjustments in your life that will help you to lose weight in a healthy and easy fashion by following a couple of the following tips.

1. Keep track of your beverage consumption. The calories from what you drink add up. A full sugar can of cola has close to 200 calories in it. If you multiply that 200 calories by 30 (days in a month) then you have 6000 calories that month just from drinking one can of cola a day. When you exceed your bodies needs for calories beyond 3500 calories, you gain a pound. Conversely, if you consume 3500 less calories, you lose a pound. This means that you can lose close to 2 pounds every month by leaving that can of cola out of your diet. The same holds true for other soft drinks.

2. Get moving every day: You dont have to engage in a formal exercise program to fit exercise into your life.
-Try to walk as often as possible. Bring your lunch to work and go for a walk at a park, mall or shopping center during your break.
-Always take the stairs, even if you take them for just a few floors.
-If you are in a waiting room and have a long wait, get up and walk around.
-Get up and move while you watch television. Get up during every commercial and jog or skip in place or do a couple of abdominal exercises.
Remember that your body continues to burn calories for a few after you stop exercising.

3. Program yourself to lose weight. You need to engage the power of your mind to help you to lose weight. Consider the priority that food has in your life and to shift that. Try to visualize your body losing weight. When you wake up in the morning, affirm that you are going to integrate some healthy habits into your day.

Remember, there are a number of small changes that you can make in your life to lose weight. With a couple of easy adjustments, you may lose up to 20 to 30 lbs. a year.

Renee Feldman MA, is the founder of and other Popular Free Tip Courses that are helping people worldwide to achieve their health, fitness and wellness goals. Renee is an Exercise Physiologist and Certified Personal Trainer. One of the first personal trainers in the United States, Renee is certified by the American College of Sports Medicine which is the Gold Standard in fitness. Her vast experience ranges from competitive bodybuilding, where she won state wide championships to professional dancing. She has used her education and experience working in Corporate Fitness Centers, Health Clubs, Y.M.C.A.'s and J.C.C.'s. Renee has an incredibly well developed and diverse background in Meditation and Guided Visualization which she has used to coach her clients for the last 12 years. She also lectures and presents information on fitness, wellness and the mind/body connection. She successfully demonstrated her cellulite reduction methods on television.


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