Alcohol and Fat Loss
"Can I drink Alcohol while I'm trying to lose weight?"
"How much Alcohol is it OK to drink while I'm trying to lose weight?"
This is a common question that many people have when trying to lose weight.
And in many cases we want to "have our cake and eat it too."
I mean, there is really nothing wrong with that but when you're trying to make progress it's important that you recognize the facts when it comes to how alcohol effects your fat loss efforts.
Now here's the bottom line: one or two drinks a couple of nights a week is not going to stop you from making progress.
But if you are very serious about making progress I would ask you to consider why you even want to partake in that.
For example, if I was coaching you personally and you came to me and said that you want to make maximum progress in minimum time then I would suggest you limit drinking to once a week. (or zero if you can manage that.)
Here's why:
1) Alcohol is loaded with empty calories. These are carbohydrates that are ultimately going to turn into fat.
You might see some advertisement for some "ultra-light" beers with only 99 calories. Well, that's still 99 calories!
Drink 2 or 3 and you just put 200-300 empty calories in your body.
2) Alcohol sparks your appetite and makes you crave the foods you shouldn't be eating.
OK, let's say you decide to have a glass of wine with dinner. On paper this is no big deal. But in REALITY what actually happens?
First of all this makes you hungrier and you may begin to have serious cravings for foods you shouldn't be eating like processed carbohydrates (pasta, french fries) Personally, when I consume alcohol I crave fast food. Come to think of it, I crave anything!
3) Alcohol DESTROYS your momentum.
This is really the worst part. If you want to breakthrough a fat loss plateau then momentum is absolutely critical. If you want to stop yourself from ever getting momentum then by all means drink regularly.
Let's be honest: what normally happens when you drink Alcohol and end up overeating?
Do you feel on track the next day? Personally, I've noticed the effects last through the next day. So the point is to see the total outcome that drinking will have.
Now keep in mind that I'm writing this article to help you lose maximum fat in minimum time. Once you achieve your goals then you can figure out "what you can get away with." As far as I'm concerned there's nothing wrong with that.
For the time being try this: one night a week drink as much as you want. One drink, 3 drinks, five drinks, whatever (as long as your safe).
So if you drink on a Saturday night then you can simply relax on Sunday and it might even be a great time to give yourself some leeway in your diet. Enjoy yourself Saturday night and most of the day Sunday.
If this sounds too "extreme" for you and you can't go without drinking most nights that's fine, you can still make progress but you want come anywhere close to the progress you could make.
Ask yourself, "How much do I really want to lose fat?" "How much do I want to drink every night of the week"
The answers could be very telling.
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Robert Van Gardner is the author of "Living Life Lean."
His book shows people exactly how to breakthrough their own self doubt and limiting beliefs in order to create the body of their dreams.
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