Healthy Fat Loss

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Best Way To Lose Weight

Many products claim to be the best way to lose weight from diet pills, to patches to meals delivered to our home but we all know the best and only way to lose weight fast is a change in diet and exercise.

The exercise part is actually pretty easy although most think it is the hard part. Simply walking thirty minutes a day can provide the basic exercise needed to begin a great fat loss program. I believe that the change in eating habits is the much harder part. Finding a plan that works without the feeling of starving is the key to sustaining a program. Changing the body's metabolism and how we process the food we eat will serve for much more sustained weight loss than any fad diet on the market today.

Being able to follow simple eating habits and meal plans that we can make ourselves will set the foundation. Think about going to the grocery store every day to get the food to meet the daily meal plan will serve to save money over the home delivered prepared meals that cost a fortune and will also fill a good part of the daily requirement of exercise.

I look at it as working for my food and make a point of purposely walking back and forth across the store to get the things I need as a way of getting in that thirty minutes of walking. There is absolutely no need to feel like we are starving ourselves to start on the way to rapid and continued weight loss when a good program that details how and what to eat will leave us feeling satisfied throughout the day. I actually eat more than three meals a day on my current plan and never feel like I am hungry.

Want information on the best way to lose weight and steer clear of the fad diets that do not work? You can visit my site at:


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