Healthy Fat Loss

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Blood pH Level - The Benefits Of Alkaline pH Blood

We are all born with a very high alkaline blood ph of 7.4. Over the years as we age this ph level gets more acidic. An acidic environment is like a magnet for all diseases. It also speeds up the aging process. So if the aging process is to be slowed down and lost years regained then one must work towards a high alkaline blood ph.

Alkaline blood can be achieved only by consuming alkaline food and drinking alkaline water. What we eat is who we are. So if one eats vegetables like broccoli, asparagus, cabbages, lettuce and so on we will be making our alkaline blood better. On the other hand consuming acidic foods leaves our blood acidic. All the toxins from within our body are expelled out of the urine or by sweating. So if these toxins do not get a release, our body cells fall prey to them and begin ageing. Ever wondered why younger people are more energetic that older ones. Well! The answer is simple. Younger people carry more hydroxyl ions than hydrogen ions. The former gives oxygen while the later is an oxygen taker. More oxygen means added energy. There is thus a great need to eat alkaline foods so as to release more oxygen and thus derive more energy from it. Alkaline blood simply keeps the oxygen levels high in our arteries and so prevents the cells from degeneration and therefore aging.

Another good example of benefits of alkaline blood is arthritis and gout prevention as well as cure. Uric acid is not easily dissolvable. Water, alcohol as well as ether all fail to dissolve uric acid, but it easily dissolves in alkaline salts and alkaline water. Thus alkaline blood helps rid the body of uric acid which is the root cause of arthritis and gout. These ailments are caused by uric acid deposits between the joints of the body. The older we get the more likely we are to suffer from arthritis and similar diseases. This is because the older we gets the more our alkaline blood drops its alkalinity thus resulting in uric acid deposits in the body.

When our body gets sluggish and weak we refer to it as the aging process. But this aging is caused by deposits of acids at various points in the body. If we can rid the body of the various wastes and toxins we shall be able to slow down the aging process. This is called anti aging. Only alkaline blood will be able to flush all the toxins and wastes out of the body. Therefore an alkaline blood ph of at least 7.4 must be maintained. To maintain a high alkaline blood ph at least 80% of our total food intake must comprise of alkaline foods and no more than a maximum of 20 % acidic foods

To sum up it would be best to say that alkaline blood is in direct indirect proportion to aging. The more the alkalinity of blood the less we will age.

Discover How Alkaline Blood pH Works and Why An Alkaline Diet Is Recommended, including Free Foods Chart:


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