Healthy Fat Loss

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Rapid Weight Loss

Maybe you are a little overweight. Maybe you're more than a little overweight and you need to lose quite a few excess pounds, especially around the tummy area. What's the best way to go about it?

To be honest a lot depends on how you want to lose the weight. If you want to lose excess weight fast then most diets fall short. If you've ever tried to starve yourself to get thin then you've probably found the results to be less than encouraging.

Let's assume for your height and build you are carrying excess weight. What's the reason for your being overweight? Lack of exercise and eating too much would be amongst the highest ranked answers. You've probably read somewhere that being overweight is a product of over eating and under exercising.

There's not much doubting the fact that if you sit around all day cramming fatty, processed foods down your throat then you are going to get fat. So you need to exercise more and eat less to get the pounds to fall off, right?


Why? Well, with most information there's an element of misinformation and it's no different in the world of dieting. The reason for becoming overweight in the first place has nothing to do with how you can effectively burn excess fat in a matter of days.

Most people's perception of losing weight is to eat less and exercise more.

Exercise is a great way of getting fitter and stronger. It's also great for toning and shaping but forget it if you want to achieve rapid weight loss. When you're overweight one of the last things you want to do is dive into a rigid exercise program.

Once you've managed to lose some serious weight and gain a little self confidence you might want to think about an exercise routine that fits in with your life. There are plenty of high impact and low impact activities to choose from. A simple 30 minute brisk walk every day might actually be all the exercise you'll ever need.

Don't confuse exercise with rapid weight loss. You would have to do some pretty serious exercising if you wanted to lose more than half a stone in less than two weeks. Eating less also tends to have very little effect on your body's ability to burn off excess fat. If you really want to lose some excess weight in a hurry then forget about starving yourself to get thin.

Let's assume that on average you consume approximately 2500 calories a day pretty much every day. Your body will get used to this amount and your metabolism will burn off these calories in the same way every day.

Now let's assume that you decide to lose some weight and cut back on the amount of calories that you consume and reduce to around 1000 calories per day. Very quickly your body adjusts to this reduction in calories and your metabolism adjusts also.

You won't burn off excess fat just by reducing the amount of calories you eat.

You might lose a few pounds here and there but then your metabolism will adapt and cope with a lot less calories and you'll probably start to feel tired and agitated as a result.

Imagine a weight loss method where by you can eat the things you like to eat every day, food that can be purchased at any supermarket or convenience store. Now imagine a weight loss method that actually encourages you to eat those things every two and a half hours for up to six times a day without increasing your current exercise routine.

Sounds too good to believe doesn't it? How can eating four, five or even six times a day possibly help to shed pounds in excess fat? It just goes against everything you're told doesn't it?

Welcome to the world of Calorie Shifting and it works by confusing the natural way that your body adapts to consuming calories every day. Think of it quite simply as a calorie work out for your metabolism. A work out that is responsible for achieving rapid weight loss time after time after time.

Calorie shifting is a way of mixing portions of everyday foods in such a way as to achieve significant weight loss in a matter of days and the process can be repeated again and again. The key elements to this successful rapid fat burning program are a variation in portion size and type of foods consumed within an eleven day period.

Unfortunately most people neither have the time or the know how to produce such a fat burning menu and this is where it becomes necessary to enlist expert help. This help comes via the aid of an Online Diet Generator. A review of a website currently offering an Online Diet Generator is available here.

Tony Jo is the Health & Beauty researcher for
Online Money Robot Where Health Mixes With Wealth


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