Healthy Fat Loss

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Get Rid Of Fat On The Inside: Don't Be A TOFI

Get rid of fat on the inside even if you are a slim person

Scientists using MRI body scanners have found that dangerous levels of fat can be stored in your body around your vital organs even if you are a naturally thin person. They've even given a name to people in this significant sector of the population - TOFI or "Thin on the Outside Fat on the Inside". Are you a TOFI?

Surveys conducted by scientists in a London hospital using an MRI scanner to locate and measure fat deposits in the body have found that fat is stored in significant quantities around you vital organs such as liver, heart and pancreas. This represents a very high-risk health factor. What's more disturbing is the fact that high levels of fat can be found clinging to the vital organs of people who are thin and not regarded as overweight.

Exercise to get rid of fat on the inside

The surveys indicate that thin people who don't exercise much have higher levels of fat on the inside than those who take regular exercise. No longer can you use the fact that you are a natural thin person as an excuse for not working out which will put a smile on the face of many of us who find it so difficult to lose weight even with good nutrition and exercise.

If you don't exercise regularly or you want to find out how to look after your body better then please go and get a free 'burn the fat' report and e-course from here: Lose Weight And Plan To Stay Lean And Healthy.

Exercise isn't just for weight loss

Many people think that the only purpose served by exercise is to lose weight. This new information about fat on the inside is further proof that exercise is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle, which should lead to a longer and more active life. Regular exercise together with good nutrition burns fat from all over your body inside and outside while building muscle at the same time.

Eat properly, exercise regularly and you'll feel better, look better and live longer.

Find out what food to eat to help you lose weight: Food to Help You Lose Weight at


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