Healthy Fat Loss

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Lose Weight - Never Go Hungry - Here's a Fast And Easy Plan!

So you've done The Zone, you've tried Southbeach and a friend told you Atkins doesn't work.

So what's the new plan for today? How will you burn off that fat, lose that weight? In a minute I'll show you a great plan to do that.

But here's the thing... we have to do something soon! People in the developed world are ballooning at a rate unheard of in the past. This is why in the face of sky high gas prices the big SUV is so popular. More and more people are way overweight and simply need the room.

If we don't get this under control an enormous health care funding crisis will develop as heart disease and diabetes explodes across the world.

What do you know about the Glycemic Index?

This index was created in Canada nearly 30 years ago. The Clintons love it. It's been called "the key to weight loss" and I have certainly had remarkable results with it. More on that later!

Foods with a high GI (Glycemic Index) are foods that are rapidly digested and quickly converted into glucose in the blood. Pure Glucose has a GI of 100 and I guess sand or rock or something like that has a GI of zero.

Well it just happens that the "North American Fast Food Diet" which has been popularized and transported around the globe is choc full of high GI foods... things like bread, potatoes, sugar, cookies, pop, pastries... all of those highly refined carbs.

When you eat those high GI foods they are very quickly converted to glucose in the blood. Because they're absorbed so quickly you experience a very fast rise in blood sugar levels followed by a walloping shot of insulin. Over several years your system becomes insensitive to insulin (whose job is to get the sugar into the muscles) and the blood sugar gets deposited as fat.

So the trick is this... you've got to get off those carbs in a way that doesn't make you hungry... otherwise you'll go back to the old habits just like before.

I can show you how to do this! You'll lose weight and you won't be hungry! I have recently written a book entitled "Lose Weight - Never Go Hungry" which lays out a plan for overcoming Carbohydrate addiction and losing weight.

You can download it FREE here:
"Lose Weight - Never Go Hungry"


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