Healthy Fat Loss

Thursday, May 15, 2008

How to Maximize Your Glutes and Burn Fat

I have been in the fitness game for some time now. One question I get asked a lot is how to get a nice butt and lose fat. When I give the person the answer I usually get a shocked look. Most people believe you need to do a lot of cardio work and some light weights to achieve this. On the contrary, you need to perform the exact opposite. When we think of a group of people with nice glutes and low body fat, many of times we think of celebrities and elite athletes. If I were to say which group maintains the look the best, your answer better be athletes. Most celebrities go on and off of ridiculous diets and hunger strikes. They may look nice for a few movies, but for the most part of their lives they are either anorexic or holding excess loads of fat. Athletes like sprinters, volleyball players, soccer players and speed skaters have a great set of glutes and low bodyfat that last for much of their lives, even after their competitive years, with little maintenance. Now, these athletes, and many other athletes like them, will train with high intensity (more specifically heavier weight), great speed and power. Through their training they are able to gain low body fat and great glutes. The funny thing is that is not the objective of their training, just a great bonus.

So, to gain both of these goals at the same time we need to weight train with enough weight that our bodies grow stronger and gain muscle mass. Also, we will need to incorporate high intensity bouts of cardio energy system training. So, walking on a treadmill with cute little pink dumbbells aint gonna cut it. I already know plenty of people are turned off just from the idea of gaining muscle mass. Well, nice glutes are firm and hold a great deal of muscle. Trust me, making glutes smaller is just going to make you look pretty bad in any pants, shorts or bathing suit you wear. Another big bonus is muscle is thermogenic and metabolically driven by nature. Lay mans terms you burn optimal fat and keep it off. That is an incentive enough for anyone to get busy and weight train properly. What I am going to do is outline a sample program for fat loss and glute toning. Add this to your regiment and give it a try. If you are not on a regiment, you need to stop wasting time and get on one. The only way to see results with anything is through consistency, frequency, and variation. Before trying any program make sure you are assessed and know where you stand physically. In other words, you are going to be the one who makes your bed and the one who has to sleep in it. Enough of my ranting here is the program:

Day 1:
1. Box Squats (box should be a little below the knees 90 degree bend) 4x15
2. Depth Jumps (off of the same box) 4x10
3. DB Lateral Lunges 3x16
4. Farmers Walks 2x3laps
Use supersets on the first two exercises and rest for two minutes between sets. The weight needs to be heavy enough so you can just make it to the required reps.

Day 2:

Perform sprints in an open field or soft track
1. Mid Speed Sprint for 90seconds rest for 1 minute
2. Mid speed sprint for 30 seconds for five sets rest for 3 minutes and repeat

Day 3:

Day 4:
1. Jumping Squats 2x50
2. Walking (body weight) Back Lunges 2x20
3. Stiff Leg Deadlift 2x50
4. Jumping Mule Kicks 2x10
Superset exercises 1 and 2, then rest for 3 minutes. Superset exercises 3 and 4 and rest for 2 minutes.

Day 5:
Plyometric Drills and Sprints:
1. High Jumps 1x20
2. Speed Skater Lateral Jumps 1x20
3. High Skips (A-skip) 10x to High speed sprint 10sec. Repeat 10 times

This is just a sample of what a serious training regiment will look like. Remember the key here is to really give it your all and do not skip out on proper technique.

Good luck

Ty Ferrell is a NASM certified personal trainer and a constant student of the vast field of fitness. He is the founder of and can be reached there.


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