Healthy Fat Loss

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Russian Kettlebells For Rapid Weight Loss

"Enough is enough!" you say while scrutinizing image in the mirror one smiling Sunday morning.

Make a decision to improve health, wellness, as well as appearance and you are half way done. Next question that you may want to ask yourself is what fitness tool do I use that will help me to get to the outcomes that I desire quickly and safely?

There are many fitness toys and tools that claim that they are the one. How to decide? Which path should you take?

I will share with you a fitness tool that was known for centuries and now it is conquering United States with it's simplicity and effectiveness. Russian Kettlebells!

Today, Russian Kettlebell is the fitness tool of choice for many. And for a good reason.

Used by ancient Greeks for strength development, Kettlebells were then adopted by Turkish and Slavik people. Russians truly embraced the Kettlebell because of it's versatility and ability to produce explosive results.

Kettlebells are so effective in producing muscle tone, strength, and fat loss because classical kettlebell exercise use ALL muscles. Every single muscle is engaged and doing it's part - now that's efficient calorie burning!

Enjoy kettlebell training 3 times a week. Each workout should be 60 to 70 minutes.

Do a warm-up for 10 minutes.

Cool-down at the end of the workout for 10 more minutes.

Actual Kettlebell Workout should last 40 to 50 minutes.

Warm-up is a must
Use intervals(30 sec on, 30 sec off)
Train outside
If in trouble - DROP the Kettlebell!
Listen to your body (if something feels wrong, it probably is)
Stop well before muscle failure
Sample Kettlebell workout for weight loss (use the same pair of kettlebells through out the workout)

How to read exercise format: First you see the exercise: Sw for Swing, Sn for Snatch, Cl for cleans, Cl&P for Cleans and Power Presses. Next comes the weight of the kettlebell 8kg, 16kg, 24kg or 32kg. Then you will see a number or reps, usually as a percent of your maximum. Next is rest in seconds. Last number is the number of sets that you need to do.

Example: Sw16: 50%(+1) / 90 sec /5

means that you need to do Swings with 16kg kettlebell. Do 50% of your maximum. Add (+1) repetition to each next set. Rest 90 seconds between sets. Do a total of 5 sets.

The workout:

Warm up, 10 minutes: light jog / walk, light obstacle course

Cn&P: 30%(+1) / 45sec / 5
Cn&P: 40%(+1) / 45-60 sec / 4
Cn&P 50%(+1) / 60 sec / 3
Cn&P 80%(-2) / 60 sec / 4
Cn&P 30%(+2) / 60 sec / 4
Cn&P 50%(+2) / 60 sec / 3
Cool down, 10 minutes: light jog / walk, light obstacle course

enjoy the results! Remember to be consistent in your training and to think happy thought!

Denis Kanygin, CPT, Postural Therapist, owner of Workout IQ specializes in weight loss, postural therapy and fitness.


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