Healthy Fat Loss

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Win Back Your Life By Running

Running is one of the most popular exercise programs available. And it can be good for just about anybody. Running, as a way of life, can be enjoyable and a source of good health. If you are wondering how running can contribute to your lifestyle, well, there is just not enough space to list all the benefits. But here's a few.

Strengthens Muscles And Bones

Have you heard of atrophy? Well, basically it is the wasting away or the decrease in size of particular parts or tissues in the body. Somehow, this concept applies to your muscles and bones whenever you neglect to use them. Most tissues in your body need to feel that they are needed; otherwise, when they do not get the level of demand that they require, they become weaker and they are simply wasted away.

You see, spending all your time in front of the TV or computer screen would create signals in your system that you do not have much need for some of your muscle and bone tissues. Overtime, those muscles and bones that you do not use will decrease in size and become weaker and brittle. Running, as an exercise, has been proven to put most of your muscles and bones to good use. In fact, it has also been found to stimulate the production of growth hormones that fuel the growth and development of stronger tissues in the body.

Busts Stress And Tensions

Somehow, running can help you deal with stress from your work, school, or even your home. Going for several miles allows you to have the time to contemplate on many problems and areas of your life. Running for an hour or two gives you ample time to clear your thoughts and emotions; you can even increase your speed or the intensity of your run to vent trapped anger or frustrations. This may be the reason why, statistically speaking, most runners have a positive take on their careers and life in general.

Works Against Diseases

Various studies have shown that running can help you fight off debilitating diseases such as stroke and diabetes. There are many doctors who prescribe running as a regular form of exercise for patients who wish to combat osteoporosis and hypertension. As a cardiovascular workout, running can help you build up a stronger heart and keep your arteries considerably elastic no matter how old you are. And of course, just like any exercise, it helps you fortify your immune system by flushing out disease-causing toxins.

Keeps Your Body In Shape

More often than not, people who are in a running program have a single goal in mind; and that is to shed off unwanted pounds. Indeed, this form of exercise is one of the simplest ways of attaining or maintaining a shapely body. It can help you burn a lot of calories per minute without using any fancy gadget. All you need is a good pair of running shoes and you are ready to go for miles.

So if you are overweight or you just want to get rid of the flab on your sides, you can try running as a form of cardiovascular workout. It is definitely safe and it won't require you to spend a lot of money on equipment; the best part about running is that there are no membership fees.

Tones Your Legs

The part in which running can have the biggest impact is your legs. And why not? Running is basically moving your legs rapidly. This exercise can help you attain beautiful and well-toned legs that you would be proud to show off.

But remember, the shape of your legs is not enough to make it look attractive. Do not forget to deal with the flaws on the skin of your legs; even running can not help you with this. For pesky spider veins, you can use products like Veinuderm. For more information about eliminating spider veins and other spots on your legs, visit

Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine


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