Healthy Fat Loss

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Lose Pregnancy Weight Fast - 5 Smart Ways to Burn the Fat

Moms who want to lose weight after giving birth can do so by exercising. However, the goal is to find the most effective exercises and means to reduce your workout time and increase your metabolism, to get a lean, fit body. Well, here they are.

1. Weight Training

The type of strength training that works to strengthen your lost muscle mass is called resistance training. It essentially increases muscle density and hence makes your muscles lean. Resistance training requires simple equipment such as an exercise ball, dumbbells or cable weight machines. You can also use your body weight to do lunges or squats to work your muscle groups. Strengthening your muscles will increase your metabolism and your ability to burn the baby fat more quickly.

2. Include Compound Exercises

If you want to lose pregnancy weight fast, then you have to forget isolation exercises for now and concentrate on doing compound exercises. Compound exercises work several muscle groups at the same time. Therefore, you will be stimulating many muscle fibers at once and that will in turn, result in more energy required and calories burned. A compound exercise like squats or lunges can burn more calories that just doing stomach crunches. Squats will work the muscles of your lower back, legs and buttock compared to crunches only working your stomach muscles.

3. Pair Up your Exercises

Muscles work in groups of two. Thus to burn the baby fat quickly, you need to aim for a full body workout. You can accomplish this by dividing up your workout into exercising your upper body and your lower body. By doing this you will keep your metabolism rate working in the fat burning zone. And once more, since you are stimulating many muscle groups, you will lose the pregnancy weight by burning more calories.

4. Reps Low and Rests Low

One of the most effective methods to trim your tummy and build lean muscle is to complete your exercises with maximum effort and in short bursts. To accelerate quick lean muscle growth, studies have recommended that your reps be between 8 to 12 reps for each exercise. And after each set, you should rest between 30 to 60 seconds. Thus you will have the benefit of an increased metabolism; more calories burned and less time spent working out.

5. Cardio in moderation

Only focusing on cardio as the answer to losing the baby fat will leave you frustrated and getting nowhere fast. Cardio burns calories, as does any form of exercise. What you have to realize is that cardio works on building your heart and leg muscle endurance. This burns fat for the short term. Cardio does not give you lean muscles. The proper way to get toned muscles is by incorporating some resistance training into your weekly workout schedule. You can alternate your cardio training days with your resistance training days to get a more balanced workout schedule.

You are more than just pounds of post-pregnancy weight and life-long weight management goes hand in hand with a healthy lifestyle. Losing pregnancy weight is only one of many aspects to living well. The realistic way to look at any weight loss endeavor is to ensure that you are able to maintain a balance between of how you work, play and love you and yours.

Suzanne Brown is an enthusiastic advocate for women's health and wellness and for lifelong learning for self-improvement. For more information on how you can lose your tummy and lose the pregnancy weight, make sure to visit Suzanne's blogs.


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