Healthy Fat Loss

Sunday, July 6, 2008

SlenderTone - A Good Way To Lose Weight Fast?

SlenderTone is made popular for it's unique way to lose weight and tone abs as well as other muscles on your body such as: arms, thighs and anywhere that it can be wrapped. The best way to describe the sensation of it is that it's an unusual but pleasant non-painful feeling. You will feel a mild pulsing sensation, followed by some tightening of the abdominal muscles. The muscles should contract smoothly, hold themselves in a tensed position for a few seconds and gently relax again. So the muscles are being worked out without you having to actually do anything. The belt is doing it all for you.

Male and Female Options

SlenderTone comes in different options: Male and female. The difference between the two is mainly the shape and length designed specifically for the two different body shapes of the male and female. The performance of these produce the same results. The only difference is what I stated above - Shape and length.

So Does it Work?

My wife and I tested this out for 8 weeks. Here's the details on the outcome:

SlenderTone's lab results

  • 1.4 inch (3.5cm) average waist reduction
  • 49% increase in abdominal strength
  • 72% increase in sit-up performance
  • 100% of subjects reported firmer and flatter abdomens

My Results

  • 1.7 waist reduction
  • 50% andominal strength increase
  • 80% increase in sit-up performance
  • Yes I reported firmer and flatter abs

My wife's results came out just under the average. so clearly I did better. But using this product longer than eight weeks kept shedding inches from the waist and arms. So it's easy to see that the SlenderTone did in fact work, and it worked well. My recommendation: Try it out here (there's also many other weight loss product reviews), it's gauranteed to work in my opinion. Males tend to lose weight easier than women but it works just as well for both sexes.

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