Healthy Fat Loss

Monday, July 21, 2008

You Can Lose Weight Through Hypnosis!

It's close to summer, and you're wondering to yourself, if I only weighed less then I would be able to get into this really sexy swimsuit. But how do I do it with out starving myself, or spending hundreds of dollars on crap that may work for a couple of days and then I quit?

Trust me, I have been there. And I know what you're going through.

Weight loss, does not have to be rocket science. Even if you're a rocket scientist.


Through hypnosis, ..."Yeah, yeah pooh I don't know about that." It's the fear of the unknown that can actually hold people back from achieving their goals. I am sure back in the days of Christopher Columbus, many people didn't travel far for the fear of falling off the planet. As a stage hypnotist I am here to tell you, losing weight through hypnosis is easy, inexpensive, and very, very safe.
Now here's how,

1) Find some quiet time for your self. Make sure your not going to be interrupted by anyone or anything. Turn off the phones if necessary, make sure all TV's are off and there is noting around you that can disturb you. Close your eyes and breathe deeply through your nose and allow your breathe to exhale through your lips. With each breathe, allow it to relax all muscles in your body. Work on your feet first all the way up to your head. This should take anywhere between 5- 10 minutes.

2) In your minds eye, take yourself to a flight of stairs, or an escalator, or an elevator, you decide which one. As you descend downwards on each step, or each floor, tell yourself you are relaxing even more with each step, and with each step you are going down deeper and deeper.

3) Once you have reached the bottom, tell yourself you want to go outside. Picture yourself outside, but see yourself ,...thin, the weight you want to be, admire yourself, compliment yourself. Look at yourself as a new person. Really look at every detail about the new you, is there people around you, if so, what are they saying about the new you? tell yourself, this is the new you, tell yourself, this is how you are going to look from now on.

4) Leave this scene, and go back to the stairs, the escalator or the elevator, tell your self as you take each step up you will soon awaken and you will act on eating better so that you can look better and be healthier. Once you reach the top, tell yourself it's time to awaken, and feel even better then you did when you first sat or lay down.

Ta dah, just hypnotized yourself, even in this simplest way you are to to start taking better control of your weight. To maximize this, do this exercise before dropping off to a night of restful sleep, and during the first one to two hours you have for your day.
But ,..we're not done yet.

Set a goal on realistically how much weight you want to lose, put it on a 3x5 card, now stick this to your bathroom mirror, or a mirror that you normally get dressed in front of. If you're on the computer at home a lot, make sue to fix a sticker there with your weight goal.

Tell others how much weight you are going to lose, and ask them if they would support you.

Reduce your size of plates.
That's right, reduce them.

Use smaller ones, on all your meals.

And listen to me, eat BREAKFAST.

It's the green light you'll need to get your metabolism going.

It wouldn't hurt you to take a brisk walk two to three times a week. Put a disk or your IPOD for a favorite book, or music and enjoy a good 30 minute to one hour walk. Consult your doctor first thought before trying any exercise just to make sure, if he or she's says it's ok to walk, then DO IT.

Don't be a donkey and procrastinate.

So there you have it. If you are interested in learning more about weight lost, drop me a line at

Until then,...when I snap my fingers and count to three you'll feel better than before, one..two,...

Thomas E Smith, Hypnotist


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