Healthy Fat Loss

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Getting in Shape For Lazy Bastards

Okay so let me get this straight... You dont feel like making exercise a daily habit, you dont like the feeling of being out-of-breath, and youd rather stay the way you are if it means being comfortable...even if you do become an even fatter and lazier bastard in the process?

Ladies and Gentlemen - what youve just read above is the exact mindset that most out-of-shape people have when attempting to get in shape. And when they fail, they actually ask the obvious question of why they have failed... Sad isnt it?

As opposed to those types of people, I have come in contact and trained people who did have the desire to change their daily habits with the goal of getting in shape and being healthier. Now this is the mindset of a few select people who want to get in shape - and its a good mindset to have. But again, Ive also seen people fail to get in shape with this wonderful mindset...

The reasons: Okay, for the lazy mindset - its obvious why they fail. If you go into any activity with the I dont feel like it mood, guess what, you most likely will fail and you wont get anywhere because all of your energy will be focused on not wanting to be there doing whatever is it youre doing. Or for some fat and lazy people, their energy will be focused on which flavored donut theyll purchase when the training is over. Whatever it is you focus on while physically training, if youre focus is not centered on progression and self-improvement - you are doomed to fail.

As for the pre-motivated types, the reason why some of them fail is because they lack consistency after they start training. To give you a more clear vision on what I mean, Ill tell you about a particular client I began to train recently...

A friend of mine heard about my fitness training services one day and decided that he wanted me to help him get in shape. He called me up and we met at a location. He was so worked up and was motivated to get in shape and have more daily energy - and with this mindset, he couldnt possibly fail, could he? Well, for the first few days he used my advice and trained really hard and actually started to make progress. However, one day, a day in which he scheduled physical training for himself, he decided to slack off and take a break. So he did take a break for that one day... And soon, that one day off turned into 5 days off!

Can you believe that? He quit training for one day and resumed back to his old habits...and all the progress he made from improving his stamina to increasing his muscle base all disappeared within a week. He basically threw every little progress he made out the window. And after that, he simply forgot about training.

Of course, being the persistent S.O.B. I am, I pushed him forward after hearing about his fall and he did achieve his fitness goals after about a month of consistent training (powered by me).

But the main lesson to learn here is this: No matter what shape, size, or physical state you are in, if you train consistently, you will succeed at getting in shape and achieving your goals in a reasonable amount of time.

Ryan Dodson - Personal Fitness Instructor

I guess you're wondering how I took an out-of-shape "couch-potato" like him and turned him into a living, breathing, fitness machine. Well, I've put all of my knowledge and exercise methods into one downloadable.pdf file and you can instantly download it from the *new and improved* InhumanStamina website (coming soon)


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