Healthy Fat Loss

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

5 Easy Ways to Lose Weight at Home

Are there any easy ways to lose weight at home? Yes, and no.

Fat is - losing weight is hard work and requires effort on your part. But there are ways that can make your life easy just by making a few changes to your lifestyle.

Below are simple tips you can do now from the comfort of your own home-

Easy Ways to Lose Weight at Home

  1. Forget about celebrities - steer clear of tabloids and gossip magazines that constantly picture Hollywood mums who bounce back into shape minutes after birth. They have personal trainers, chefs and genetics on their side. Don't forget, they have 'Photo shop' to brush up their curves.
  2. Stick to this mantra - don't eat (junk) foods you simply pull out of a bag and eat. The best thing is to prepare your own food and cook it, it's going to be better for you because it's not processed with preservatives, extra sugar and extra salt.
  3. A single pound of muscle requires three to five time more energy to sustain itself compared with a pound of fat. That means with more muscle, you'll burn more calories, even at rest. Plus the muscle just strengthens you up. And the best way to get started, and strengthen your muscles are body weight exercises. Many variations of the exercises include push ups, the plank, bear walk and spider-man push ups. And when you combine this with high intensity cardio workout like sprinting, you'll burn the fat away. So get into strength training to burn more calories.
  4. 'Bad' foods can be good. The keys are portion size and cooking method. Juicy, tender cuts of steaks are fatty but are fine to eat if you trim the lard before cooking, or grill it so excess fat can drip away. As for an easy guideline on portions, always eat less steak than you would chicken and eat off 1 salad plate only (no more than one serve). Controlling your fat intake and portion size is a great combination to reduce the amount of your daily calories.
  5. Slim down on comfort foods. To boost your veggie intake and cut calories without really noticing, add spinach and squash them to pastas and casseroles. The vegetables add flavor and fiber, so you end up eating fewer calories and less fat. As well - when it comes to snacks, many of us down 300 or more calories when 100 or 200 are all we need to fend off hunger. The next when you have the dreaded cravings, go for fruits like a banana, a handful of nuts or just go out running to take your mind off food.

The above tips are just some of the easy ways to lose weight at home If you need more effective ways to lose weight with good nutrition and fat blasting workouts, visit The Truth About Six Pack Abs And Get a FREE eBook on "Training & Nutrition: Insider Guide For a Lean Body" Now!


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