Healthy Fat Loss

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Weight Loss Surgery - A Lifelong Flab Ridding Solution!

A major cause of bodily disorders in the multitude, obesity, increases frustration and promotes low confidence level in individuals. Many of them indulge in crash dieting, only to land up in other bodily troubles. However, dieting or exercise produces a nominal change in the body weight (maximum of 25 pounds). Besides, there is another stumbling block on the way to shedding weight- maintenance. It is not always possible to stick to a diet plan. Often it is quite disappointing to put off one's favorite food in fear of gaining weight. As the frustration level creeps in, it becomes increasingly difficult to take up this life long plan.

Nevertheless, things have been made easier. Thanks to the incessant researches carried out in the field of medical science. Weight loss surgery offers a permanent answer to every obesity related queries. Weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery involves removal of large segments of the patient's stomach and intestine. Over the years, the process has been modified and redefined to yield better results.

The American Society for Bariatric Surgery describes two basic approaches to weight loss surgery:

- Restrictive procedures that decrease food intake
- Malabsorptive procedures that alter digestion, thus causing the food to be poorly digested and incompletely absorbed so that it is eliminated in the stool.

The Restrictive Procedure is based on a simple theory. Restrictive weight loss surgery works by reducing the amount of food consumed at a time. The surgeon creates a smaller upper stomach pouch. The pouch, with a capacity of approximately 1/2 to 1 oz. (15 to 30 ml), connects to the rest of the stomach through an outlet known as a "stoma." In a cooperative and compliant patient, the reduced stomach capacity, along with behavioral changes, can result in consistently lower calorie intake and consistent weight loss.

Malabsorptive Procedures were developed for patients who did not respond positively to the Restrictive Procedures. This procedure was devised in conjunction with the restrictive approaches to yield the appropriate result. Some of these techniques involve a bypass of the small intestine, thus limiting the absorption of calories. On balance, malabsorptive or restrictive procedures have resulted in an overall increase in the loss of excess weight.

However, weight loss surgery depends on several factors to ensure best results. These include:

- Patient's age
- Weight before surgery
- Overall condition of patient's health
- Surgical procedure
- Ability to exercise
- Commitment to maintaining dietary guidelines and other follow-up care
- Motivation of patient and cooperation of their family, friends and associates

Once these conditions are analyzed, performance of the surgery becomes easier. Besides, patients can also look for information on weight loss surgery on the Internet. In fact, weight loss surgery is best recommended for highly obese people as they cannot possibly lose tons of weight through dieting. So bring about a change in your persona by getting rid of extra flab and notice others' eyes turning around with awe!

Suzanne Macguire is an expert author, pursuing studies in weight loss programs.

Custom Weight Loss Formulas

With this New Year comes many resolutions, the most popular being weight loss. As with all good intentions, resolutions are most successful when a person has a plan to help support the effort. Whether you are trying to lose 20 lbs or 100 lbs it is important to create a plan for success. Part of your plan should include the nutrients your body needs in order to function at its peak. Since so many millions of people today are taking prescription medications for health concerns, it is often confusing when attempting to choose the best support formula for weight loss. Don't be fooled by the ads that claim that "anyone" can take this formula or that formula. That simply is not true. If you are currently taking medication for High blood pressure, cardiac concerns, diabetes, kidney, thyroid, stress, pain, or any other health issue, it is wise to avoid certain supplements and herbs. It is impossible to list all of the supplements that one should avoid since each body has an individual bio-chemistry and unique needs. Please do not just walk into a drug store, health food store, or your local grocer and choose a formula off the shelf. It would be much wiser for you to know that the supplements you are taking coincide with all medications your doctor has prescribed. If you'd like more information on how you can obtain a custom formula that is made specifically for you and your health concerns, call my office.

For over 23 yrs I have helped people achieve their health goals including weight loss. Weight loss is not just an issue of the body, it is connected closely to your mental and emotional states. Here are some important elements to help you succeed:

Make movement part of every idle moment. When you are on "hold" waiting for someone to come back to a phone conversation just stand up, or move your feet, your legs, your hands, or your arms until the conversation continues. If you are sitting down to finish your conversation, rotate your wrists and ankles. Squeeze your leg muscles for a few seconds and release. Just think MOVE whenever you have idle time. Park your car a longer distance from the grocery store than your norm. Each extra step you take equates to burned the more you move, the more calories you burn. Be sure to include weight-bearing exercises as part of your health routine. The dense muscles of your body will actually continue burning calories after your work out has finished, which is contrary to aerobic exercise. It is important that you use weights three times per week. Talk to your doctor to find out what you are allowed to do. If you do not get any guidelines for restriction, speak with an exercise coach, a physical therapist, or even the physical education instructor at a local high school or college if you can. Find out what is allowed for your age and condition.

Eat foods that are filled with fiber. You will find that raw fruits and vegetables, and slightly steam veggies are generally rich in fibers and packed with nutrients. Limit the amount of animal foods that you consume. Certainly cut out empty calorie junk foods such as pies, cakes, ice creams, donuts, soda, alcohol, sugar, and white flour foods. Whatever you put in your mouth should be as valuable as possible. Eat nutrient dense foods, foods that are closer to nature. If you wish to dip your raw veggies try non-fat or low fat dressings.

Be sure to eat three main meals and two snacks daily. This will actually help to keep your metabolism active. It will prevent you from having a craving because it will allow more stable blood sugar throughout your day. If a person were to cut back on calories and skip meals it would trick the mind and the metabolism into thinking that it needed to hold onto weight and/or water in order to survive. This is our body's natural survival instinct.

Drink purified water throughout the day. Do not drink soda or alcohol.
Cut down on the amount of salt you take in daily
Find hobbies that will occupy your time.
Taking digestive enzymes with your meals may help. Check to see if you are compatible with papaya tablets, bromelain, and probiotics.
Include more dark leafy greens if your condition allows. Dark leafy green vegetables have more iron which in turn will hold more oxygen in the cells. If you are not allowed to take extra iron you might want to avoid extra dark leafy greens and other iron-rich foods like raisins and liver.
Use non-salt flavorings such as dried herbs to add pep to your dishes.
Get used to chewing your food for thirty seconds before swallowing. Carbohydrate metabolism begins in the mouth.
Find activities that interest you. Often eating too much has its roots in boredom, if it is not due to metabolism issues. Fill your life with new activities to change your focus. Changing your focus is paramount to the success of any weight loss program.

If you need to "chew" something, use sugarless gum in a pinch.
When you find yourself craving a food that you smell or see start saying the following immediately: "No food tastes as good as thin feels!"
Wear a small alarm, or use your phone alarm. Set the alarm to go off once each half hour when you first start your lifestyle change. When the alarm goes off, repeat your favorite positive affirmation. Along with the affirmation drink some purified water - add a little lemon juice if you can tolerate it, or slice of orange, or strawberry. Warm green tea may be good if your doctor allows.
If you are someone who was used to having an alcoholic beverage more than once or twice a week, try the following: Ice water with an olive. Ice Tea with a lemon wedge. Tonic Water with an olive or other fresh fruit slice. Sip slowly and repeat your positive affirmation mentally. A small amount of wine may be permissible. Again, ask your physician.
Adding some invisible fiber to your foods may also help to curb your appetite. You will find invisible fiber in most all grocery stores and drug stores. Follow the directions on the label. When we eat foods rich in fiber we naturally eat less because we feel fuller faster.
Practice deep breathing exercises to avoid stress periods during your day. Close your eyes, breathe in deeply and hold it for three seconds. Exhale. Repeat three to five times. As you breathe correctly from the diaphragm you will feel invigorated and get a mental lift as well.
Get a good pair of walking shoes and USE them. When the weather permits walk out of doors. If not, walk in place while you watch your favorite program. You will surprised how fast the time goes by. If you can't walk for thirty minutes consecutively, start out with five minutes at a time. Before you know it you will be walking ten then twenty and eventually you should be able to easily walk for thirty minutes. You can try to sing or repeat the alphabet or talk with your family or a friend while you walk. You should be able to hold a conversation as you walk - if not, you might be walking too quickly. Pace yourself and make it fun!
Get some good work-out music. When we hear energizing music our heart rate increases and our bodies are filled with a sense of power.
Some people do best if they can check in with a coach. Ask for referrals in your area. Do what it takes to stay motivated. Remember that each day away from an old habit is one day closer to SUCCESS!

Janet Angel, Ph.D.

Janet Angel is a sought-after wellness expert with advanced degrees in nutritional biochemistry and psychology. She believes that everyone needs to educate themselves on the wellness opportunities available around the world. Dr. Angel has counseled many prominent citizens across the United States and has participated in several international research programs surrounding health. She has been a guest on many radio programs, is a public speaker, author and seminar leader. Dr. Angel believes that the body has the innate ability to heal itself in most circumstances, given the right environment, the right elements and the opportunity. For further information on her drive to help others reach their fullest potential, please go to For financial wellness ideas go to

How to Lose Weight Fast at Home

It is astounding to me how some people can lose weight in their sleep, yet some people can run an iron man, yet never lose a pound!

Is this something we can change? Read on for some powerful tips.

Detox Your Body!

We are largely in contact with toxins every day, whether it be in the air you breathe, your food, or your homes! Your bodies even produce more toxins as your stress, anxiety, and fear levels increase. However, your bodies are naturally able to detoxify themselves using your kidney, liver, and skin, but these systems cannot always handle all the toxins you throw at them. And, when this happens, your bodies resort to storing these toxins in your joints and fat cells.

There are some common, obvious symptoms that your body might be holding on to too many toxins. These symptoms include: headaches, feeling off-balance, gastrointestinal problems, insomnia, depression, and most prominently, weight gain!

Detoxification is the most important step in the treatment of obesity and enabling yourself to lose weight quickly. These toxins are being stored in your fatty tissues and joints, and the greater your problem with obesity is, the more toxic your system is.

Following a good detoxification program can produce wonderful results. There are numerous great programs out there, including body wraps, juice diets, and more. And, in practicing one of these programs, you will become healthier, look and feel younger, and have more energy!

Get your Heart Rate Up!

Your heart is a muscle and just like all the rest, it needs it exercise. And, when your heart is being helped from some good exercise, it reciprocates by helping you to lose weight!

Many people will simply work out on a treadmill or home gym for a few minutes, and then wonder why they have a hard time with losing weight. If you know anything about the way your heart works, you will know that your heart rate needs to be within its target zone to be burning fat. And, by the time those 10-15 minutes are up on the old treadmill, you have just barely gotten your heart warmed up!

But, how do you know what your target heart rate is? You can dedicate a lot of time to figuring this out using elaborate formulas and tests, but there is an easier way. Its called a "talk test". Try having a normal conversation during your exercise activity. If you can speak clearly, without any difficulties, you are probably in the 50 to 80 percent target heart range. This is a fantastic fat burning zone, and will definitely help you to lose that weight.

If you are having problems speaking while exercising, you are probably exercising too vigorously. If that is the case, you should bring the intensity down a notch, and prolong your exercise. That will enable you to last longer and burn more calories!

Drink Water!!

You have been hearing your parents tell you this since you were a little kid. Drink water! It will do wonders for your looks, it will flush out impurities from your skin, and it will give you a clear, vibrant, glowing complexion. Even skin that begins to sag with aging can become taut and tight when the skin cells are properly hydrated.

When you are properly hydrated, your muscles can literally feel the difference. They will contract more easily, and your workouts will be drastically more effective. Consequently, you will be left with great muscle tone and you will be on your way to losing that weight!

So, is drinking 8 glasses of water a day too hard? Really? Its only 2 quarts of water. I know dozens of people who drink that much soda in one day. Make the effort to drink the water, and it will pay off in multiples.

When you are drinking the amount of water that your body desires, you will notice a decrease in appetite, and you will become a healthier and leaner new you!

If you are sick and tired of how you look and feel, and want some proven methods for weight loss, nutrition, and detoxification, visit: How to Lose Weight Fast at Home

Brandon Walsh is a renowned weight loss expert, and considered an expert author in the fields of nutrition and dieting.

Tips for Guaranteed Healthy and Fast Weight Loss

Almost everybody, at some point in their of life, has experienced weight-related problems. Most of us, women and men alike, are not content with what we see. We feel that unless we are wafer thin like the models and celebrities we see on television and magazines, we will never be attractive and beautiful.

On the other hand, there are an increasing number of obese individuals across the world. Becoming overweight has become a trend in both the West and East hemispheres. The increasing popularity of processed and fast foods have exacerbated the obesity situation.

There are many diseases related to being overweight, such as hypertension, diabetes, sleep apnea, coronary heart disease, to name a few. Thus, you need to find ways to incorporate weight loss activities and good eating habits to our daily routine.

Before you start any type of diet, however, you need to go to a physician first. The doctor will tell you if your weight loss plan is appropriate for your health condition. Furthermore, the physician will also assist you in determining if you really need to lose weight and how much weight you need to shed. Many people develop eating disorders because they do not visit a doctor before drastically changing their eating habits and starting a diet plan.

If you want to lose weight fast, healthy and permanently, you need to follow the tips below.

Maintain a balanced diet

The reason why many people are overweight is partly due to an unbalanced diet. If you eat too much from one food group, you won't be able to get the vitamins and nutrients that your body need.

A balanced diet is composed of protein, dairy food, a little bit of fat from healthy oil, fruit and vegetables, and good carbohydrates -- at least 5 portions every day. Many professionals suggest a diet that is composed of mostly carbohydrate, moderate protein intake, and a little bit of fat.

However, there are many diets espousing a huge amount of protein intake and a dramatic decrease in carbohydrates. Before you apply such diets to your daily routine, you need to talk with a physician first. This high-protein diet may not be ideal for some people, such as those with kidney disease.

Increase servings of fruit and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are good sources of vitamins and minerals that our body need. Such food supplies us with vitamin A that is good for our eyes, vitamin C that boosts our immune system, beta-carotene that helps protects our body from the damage of free radicals, and nutrients.

Most fruits and vegetables are high in fiber and low calorie, so they also help clean our colon and make us feel fuller. Canned fruits and vegetables are acceptable; however, there is no substitute for the real thing.

Stay away from junk food and sugar-loaded drinks

Try eliminating junk food and soda from your diet for a week or two, and you will surely feel and see the difference. Maybe the reason why it is called junk food is due to its poor nutritional value. Try looking at a junk food's label, not only is it full of saturated fat, but also usually high in salt or sugar, or both.

Aside from water, most of the things you drink are also loaded with calories. Soda and sweetened fruit juices are mainly sugar. Thus, no matter how little you eat, but if you still drink lots of soda and sweetened beverages, you will still continue to gain weight.

Don't skip breakfast

Even if you are in a hurry or late for work or school, you need to grab a bite. It would be better if your breakfast is healthy probably an apple, oatmeal and a glass of nonfat milk.

If you miss breakfast, you most probably will feel hungrier the rest of the day. In order for our body function properly, we need energy from the food we eat. If you skip breakfast, or a meal or two, your body's metabolism will slow down to compensate for the lack of energy supply.

More often than not, people who skip meals, particularly the first meal of the day, will binge later in the day. So, even if you skipped breakfast, you will have a tendency to eat a lot during lunch or dinner.

Start exercising

Many of us spend an extended number of hours in our offices. We get stuck sitting down in front of the computer for more than eight hours. When we get home, we spend another hour or two to check e-mails and chat with friends. Thus, we don't expend most of the calories from the food we eat and those excess calories go straight to our belly, arms and thighs.

If you want to increase your metabolism, you must start exercising. Brisk walking is a good way to start your exercise routine. If you do not have time to go to the gym, you need to find ways to increase your activities. Try sports activities that you will enjoy boxing, badminton, or spelunking. There are many to fat burning activities to choose from.

The tips above will not let you lose 10 pounds overnight. However, in the long run, such changes will help you become healthier and fitter. The weight loss you will experience will be more permanent.

Dr Nathalie Fiset is a family doctor and a certified hypnotherapist. For more information go to:,, or

How to Lose Weight Fast? Eat More!

If you are too lazy to exercise and dieting, I have good news for you. If you are undergoing exercise or dieting but still find that they did not help you to lose much weight, you will love what I have to tell you.

If you managed to lose weight, after vigorous gym training or strict dieting, but gained back the weight that you once lost, what I am going to share with you will definitely reignite your confidence in your weight loss target.

From my personal experience, after a regime of strict diet, or even body building, my excess weight would be reduced. This would definitely lower my guard and revert to my old ways of eating and as a result, I always get back my weight. I will inevitably, go back to dieting or weight training again ... This yo-yo effect on our body weight is unhealthy.

Normally to reduce weight, one would restrict their diet and aim to eat less. Your body will interpret that message to store more fat instead because of the reduction of fat consumption. The result is that you get less nutrition, with little or no fat reduction.

I discovered a better way would be to eat normally, but to include or replace some of these food with other kinds of wonderful food that aims to boost your metabolism and burn more calories than the food you consumed. Such food is also known as 'negative calorie food'. The beauty of eating these fat burning foods is that the more you eat, the more you lose weight.

Sound simple? Yes, but the challenge is to love them and eat them as some of us would hate fruits or vegetables.

What I have come up is a list of fat burning food in different categories for your reference. I suggest you print them out and highlight your favorites. Your objective is simply to consume as many of these food that you like.




Brussels sprout

green bean
red cabbage
string bean



Dairy Products (Must be Low-Fat)


Do not be surprised that I have included dairy products as fat burning food. As against normal belief, consuming low-fat milk or yogurt, or cheese will increase the intake of calcium which causes fat cells to produce less fat and assist the body to break down existing fat.

How do you incorporate consuming these foods into your daily diet? I have some pointers for you to consider. For salad, you can start with lettuce, add shredded carrots, cucumber slices, diced apples and pineapples. For snacks, you may want to replace your chocolate bar with an apple, or you can make sugarless Jell-O with prunes. Alternatively, you may want to have a solely fruit salad as snack and top up with a sugarless whipped cream and serve cold.

Be creative. Use fat burning vegetables to replace other types of food, and you may use garlic in your cooking and reduce the use of salt. Your food will taste nicer too. From today, aim to eat more of the food listed as they are healthier, and make you slimmer.

Although I suggest you eat as much fat burning foods as you like, as these foods will help you lose weight and keep it off. However, never go for a crash negative calorie food only. You should increase eating these foods, but not to replace total diet with them.

A balanced lifestyle that combines eating the right foods and exercises will help you reaching your target weight quicker. Keep your list of fat burning foods as your secret weapon and by eating these negative calorie food daily, will help you to lose weight faster than you thought. Trust me, there is no better way than to eat more and lose weight.

Terence Ng is a lazy weight loss expert and owner of How to lose weight fast. How to lose weight fast helps people who want to lose weight easily and quickly, using Terence's lazy but easy lose weight methods. You can instantly download his secrets by visiting

Weight Loss Workout Routine Benefits

Is a weight loss workout routine right for you? Answer the following questions to find out. Do you feel sluggish at the end of the day? Do you feel tired and stiff after a long day at work? Are you stressed out most of the time?

Too many days without adequate exercise, rest and fresh air can leave you feeling as tired on the inside as weak muscles feel on the outside. If you suffer from this kind of fatigue, try a weight loss workout routine and increase your whole body's energy level.

If you want to shed extra pounds and tighten muscles, a weight loss workout routine, that combines a cardio workout and strength training, is perfect for you.

It could be just what the doctor ordered for extra energy, increased metabolism, and the feel good endorphins your body produces after exercise. Want to feel good all day? A weight loss workout routine is the way to do it.

It is easier than you think to achieve these extra benefits, and the best part is, you can do it at home. With a few pieces of quality home gym equipment, like a treadmill or an elliptical exerciser, you could soon be seeing your muscles tone, your energy level boost, and your moods get much better.

Studies show that working out regularly reduces stress and helps you to handle adversity better. You'll feel boosts in important neural chemicals all day long if you start home workouts like a treadmill workout program.

As you add strength training to your routine, you will see more fit muscles and longer, leaner body lines. This part of the weight loss workout routine will speed up your metabolism and increase your body's ability to burn fat long after your workout.

A cardio workout routine followed by strength training helps your muscles metabolize the lactic acid that causes the burn and ache after a workout. These kinds of workouts are excellent for burning excess body fat. If you are looking for increased energy and decreased stress, a weight loss workout routine is the perfect choice for you.

Copyright 2005 Treadmill All Rights Reserved.

This article is supplied by where you will find valuable information, ratings, reviews, articles and buying tips before you make the investment in quality fitness equipment. For more fitness related articles go to:

Tips For Healthy Weight Loss

Let's face it, being overweight has become a real problem for us. Diet companies, diet pills and supplements and gyms have become a very large business. Every single day there are hundreds of thousands of people who watch advertisements on television, read magazine ads and who do research on the internet. Everyone is looking for a quick and simple solution to their weight problem.

What makes matters even worse is that a large portion of these people try one method of weight loss, achieve some degree of success, gain the weight back and then try another method to lose weight. The big companies know this and use it to their advantage. It is an industry standard that the average consumer that habitually indulges in weight loss programs and products will change what they are doing every six months or so.

This is down right frightening. Real, healthy and enduring weight loss can only be achieved by doing our homework and implementing what we have learned. Healthy, long term weight loss requires a significant lifestyle change and not a quick fix.

The following are the things that you should seriously consider when embarking on a weight loss program that has enduring and healthy results.

1/ Before you do anything, do your homework. In this day and age, with access to the internet, anyone can learn almost anything in a relatively short period of time. The down side to this is, of course, information overload. However, with a little effort and patience one should be able to separate the important information from the junk.

There is not one single diet for everyone. Also, it is never, ever necessary to join a weight loss program that either sells you food or tells you how to eat. It is simpler and cheaper to learn what to eat and to prepare it for yourself. After all, this is not rocket science.

Get a primary education on whole, natural foods. Gaining weight and becoming fat does not happen in a vacuum. It is self evident that it is what we eat and how we live that permits us to gain those extra pounds and to get out of shape.

2/ Take the time to figure out what organic exercise program appeals to you. What I mean by that, for most people, joining a gym is not necessary and is not the best way to work out.

Do you like to walk? How about swim, jog or ride a bike? Do you enjoy an aerobic workout following along with a tape or dvd on the television? Figure out what it is that you enjoy doing and make the commitment to do it. It is that simple.

This is what you will discover. If you make the transformation of your lifestyle your primary goal, the weight loss will be effortless. The weight goals that you achieve will be healthy. It takes focus, determination and effort, but the benefits are priceless.

Join the Weight Loss Club where you will receive free ebooks, tips, information and advice on how to lose weight.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss

Diet Without Counting

Wouldn't it be so much easier to lose weight if we could diet without counting? Most people lack the motivation to diet because they don't have the patience to count and keep track of the calories, points, or carbohydrates they consume. They would much rather diet without counting. That is why the calorie shifting diet is gaining widespread popularity as a viable alternative to the other so-called "mainstream" diets.

Rather than focusing on the quantity of the food you out, the calorie shifting diet places its emphasis on what foods you eat and when you eat them. In fact, while on this diet, you can eat as much food as you want until you are satisfied at every meal. Further more, you are required to eat four full meals per day. Furthermore, you are required to eat food from all four food groups during the course of this diet. Even more compelling is the fact that you are required to take a mandatory three-day "cheat break" from the diet every two weeks, to give your body a chance to rest from the rapid weight loss you will have been experiencing.

While on this diet, you can expect to lose nine pounds for every eleven days of dieting. That comes out to approximately twenty pounds per month.

So how is it possible to lose weight that rapidly, while eating as much food as you want, four times a day, from all four food groups?

The answer lies in the theory of calorie shifting, which is based on the premise that you can trigger your body's metabolism to go into fat burning mode at will, simply by restructuring your diet in such a way that you shift the types of calories that you consume from meal to meal on a rotational basis. Doing so induces simulated nutritional deprivation which causes the body's metabolism to tap into its food stores as its instinctive "survival mechanism", while in reality you are eating healthy.

The success rate with this diet is very high due to the levels of satisfaction that are achieved during the dieting process. You never feel starved or deprived while on this diet. Plus you experience weight loss at a rapid pace, nearly a pound a day. The mere fact that you are able to take a 3-day break from the diet serves as a boon for many a dieter.

So what are you waiting for? Follow the diet plan outlined at and you will be 9 pounds lighter 11 days from now!