Healthy Fat Loss

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Wii Weight Loss - Yes You Can!

Is there really such a thing as a Wii weight loss program? Unlike other game consoles, the Wii requires that you move your body, arms and legs, to guide the controller where you want it to go. Some of the sports games and a few others really can give you a workout! Depending on the game, and how physical you want to get with it, you can really work up a sweat by playing for a long period of time!

The best Wii games for Wii weight loss are the games that come with the console: Wii Sports and Wii Play. The best game for Wii weigh loss is definitely Boxing. Two players team up, or one player teams up against the computer. To box, you throw punches, using left, right, upper cut and other punches. Your arms get a great workout, and you can even get a little short of breath. Just make sure you play for a longer period of time, at least twenty minutes or more, to get the full effect.

What about other Wii games? Can you get the Wii weight loss effect from playing any other games? The next best game is bowling. To bowl, you move just the way you would when you bowl at the bowling alley, without having to move forward so much, but if you incorporate the forward walking movement, you can really increase the aerobic effect.

How about tennis? The Wii Sports game disk has full court tennis, and Wii Play has table tennis. Just like with boxing, with tennis you can just stand still and flick your wrist to move the racket. But you can also move your body, move your whole arm, and really get into the game by being more physically active. Is it going to be the same effect you would get with a real tennis match? Probably not, but if your goal is to just use the Wii for Wii weight loss, by moving a lot more when you play, you can really enhance the results.

As for other games, such as soccer, football, and racing games, the effect will be a little different, since many of these you can play while just sitting. With the Wii, though, it's really up to you how much you want to play. Just remember to tighten the wrist strap so you don't throw it through your television or a window or a player standing next to you. Shake that thing and stay in shape with Wii weight loss!

Sue Calhoun writes on a wide variety of topics all over the Web. Find the best price on a Wii game console, at and start losing weight today!

An Incredible New Weight Loss Product - Your Brain!

I would like to introduce you to an incredible new weight loss product: Your brain

I discovered this technique for weight loss many, many years ago from a great New Thought teacher. When I posted it on a business forum last year, a member publicly thanked me for her weight loss a short time later.

I hope some of you will accept this and give it a try also.

To lose weight, here is a technique to use. As you drop off to sleep, repeat over and over again to your subconscious mind, your ideal weight (or your goal weight). For example, just repeat as you fall asleep, when your mind is most receptive to suggestion: 140 pounds140 pounds140 pounds. In the waking state, an affirmation might be: "I weigh 140 pounds in divine order" or something similar. You will be conditioning your subconscious mind to accept your goal weight and it will compulsively guide you to do everything necessary to accomplish that result.

Am I qualified to make such a claim about this technique? I will let you decide. The photos you see of me that appear on my website were taken within the past couple of years and with some fluctuation, I have maintained this body for most of my life. I am healthy, trim, fit and look 20 years younger than my years. However, I come from a "fat" family. My mother wasn't overweight...she was obese, and when she died in the 80s, she was just a few years older than I am now. I won't give details about my younger sister - she's gone, too. And don't think I can't gain weight easily. Oh, yes I can, but my mind won't let me. It has been conditioned too well to keep me fit and healthy. I don't think about what I have to do to maintain that, it does it for me - I lift weights, I eat healthy foods and can indulge in fattening foods sporadically without repercussion. Automatic pilot. Will this technique work for you? I saywhat have you got to LOSE? Body back guarantee.

The whole point of the subconscious conditioning is to bring our consciousness to the point of acceptance that we already are where we want to be. Then the subconscious is compulsive and will intuitively guide us to the right foods, exercise, whatever it takes to fulfill that vision. But we must give the mind the right message.

The subconscious mind technique does not "replace" your healthy eating habits. It creates them! That's the whole idea. The subconscious is the seat of habit. And of intuition. With the right mindset, your healthy eating habits will become just that - healthy "habits" - instead of the compulsively unhealthy ones.

"When the imagination and the will are in conflict, the imagination always wins." - Emile Coue

This is not a diet. This is the natural way we are created to use our minds - constructively and in alignment with Universal laws.

So again, we use our minds to accept the idea, thought and picture of a fit, healthy person at his/her ideal weight. Once that idea is instilled in the mind, you will automatically be guided and directed to all that is necessary for you to fulfill that idea. You will just intuitively want the right foods and pass on the wrong ones. You will adopt the proper exercise habits. You will be guided to the right coach or nutritional information to manifest your subconscious idea. It must happen because that is the law - the nature of mind. Mind will always create according to the seed thought.

Speaking of exercisein my opinion, one of the greatest exercises in the world for getting the metabolism in gear is putting on good cushiony running shoes, going outside and just walking fast -- a couple of miles of fast walking. Weight lifting is fantastic for replacing fat with muscle, and for heart and bones, especially for women. But I understand not everyone is into or ready to lift weights. And we still need that aerobic workout. So get outside and start walking. That's an addiction you will love to have. When you start releasing those endorphins, the whole world looks better.

Important Footnote:

If you have a lot of weight to lose, your subconscious mind may not be able to accept that you can be your ideal weight all at once. The important thing here is to not set up resistance or an argument in the subconscious. So the following is a good method to use to prevent this.

Pick a weight that you feel that you can accept at this time, one that feels believable. For example, if you now weight 180 pounds and your ideal weight is120, that's a very big leap of faith to accept. So you might use 150 pounds as the target number that you suggest to your subconscious mind as you fall asleep. That is more believable at this point in time and will be more readily accepted by the mind. When you do reach your goal of 150 pounds, you can then change your input to 120 pounds. You may also do this if you have to lose a lesser amount of weight.

The important thing to remember is that the information that is most believable will produce the fastest and greatest results. This same idea also applies to financial prosperity, but I will save that for another time. By the way, I have learned many of these things through brilliant new thought teachers, far ahead of their time. It is time for valuable esoteric knowledge to become mainstream. You can become your own case study in the meantime.

How's this for a marketing idea: Mental weight loss clinics called "Brain Watchers International." :)

Copyright 2003, 2004 Marilyn Jenett

Marilyn Jenett, an accomplished business owner in the corporate arena, founded the Feel Free to Prosper program to mentor and teach others to become aligned with Universal laws and accept their right to prosper. Her students, from around the globe and from all walks of life, are enjoying remarkable success applying her lessons and participating in her private and group telephone sessions and audio programs. For more information, visit her website at or her network forum at

You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print as long as the bylines, URL and copyright are included. Please print the article in its entirety and unchanged.

Human Body Energy Stores and Losing Weight

Human body energy stores and losing weight

Many dieters think of stored energy as just body fat, and that to lose weight they need to follow a diet to enable the body to use up these fat stores. But there is more to losing body fat stores than just dieting, there are other stores of energy which can limit or interfere with the process of fat burning.

There are other stores of energy within the body; glycogen (carbohydrates) and protein (muscle). How the body uses these stores for energy production can change the way the body uses fat. This article discusses the stores of each energy component within the body and how they can affect weight loss.

Carbohydrates stored in the body
Glycogen is basically carbohydrates stored in the body. It is stored mainly in the muscles and to a smaller degree in the liver. Glycogen is a large storage molecule made up of millions of glucose (sugar) units. The process of storing carbohydrates causes it to hold about three times its own weight of water. The body can store a maximum of around 500 grams of glycogen but the exact amount of storage at any given time will depend largely on the nutritional status of the individual. Even if glycogen stores are full there will only be the energy equivalent to approximately 2000 calories, in other words if you didnt eat for a whole day then most of these stores could be used up.

But how does this all relate to losing weight?
Storage of sugar (glycogen) causes the body to hold three times its weight in water. This means that if your muscles have 500 grams of glycogen storage then youll also be holding an extra 1500 grams of water, so a total weight of two kilograms (4.4 pounds). If you used up 90% of the glycogen stored in the muscles which is quite likely if you cut food intake dramatically or was following a low-carbohydrate diet then youll lose just less than 4 pounds in weight. This is what tends to happen when following a very low calorie diet and especially a low-carbohydrate diet, all the weight loss comes from fluid loss through reduced glycogen stores. Its the reason why dieters lose so much weight within the first few days, and also the reason why so many dieters regain the weight after the diet ceases, the fluid is simply replaced as glycogen stores are replenished. The fact is that most of the weight lost was NOT fat loss in the first place. Knowing this information helps many people make sense of the fact that slow steady weight loss (around 1-2 pounds each week) is the best policy for permanent weight control.

Protein storage in the body
Protein in the body is used as a building material so it is not really stored in the same way as fat and carbohydrates, but because muscle is frequently broken down and used as energy the whole muscular system represents a huge potential store of energy. Some protein is always used to supply energy. It averages about 5% of total energy expenditure; this can increase to 15% during long periods of intense physical work, or high intensity exercise. Protein usage also increases when glycogen stores are low, protein is converted to glucose in the liver, thereby helping to maintain blood glucose levels. As glycogen stores are generally lowered when dieting or following a low-carbohydrate diet, it follows that more protein will be utilized for energy.

But how does this all relate to losing weight?
As is the case for glycogen, protein also holds water, about four times its weight. Thus if your body uses more protein for energy there will be a corresponding loss of fluid causing the dieter to believe a diet is working well. A loss of glycogen fluid along with protein fluid can result in some dieters losing between ten and thirty pounds in weight fairly quickly. It is inevitable that any reduction in energy intake will cause reduced protein but you should try to limit this loss as much as possible with regular exercise and an intake of high-quality protein food sources.

Fat storage in the body
Fat is stored in virtually every area of the body, not only under the skin but also inside the body cavity surrounding the organs and within muscles. We cannot determine where fat is stored or which area we burn it from first, although what we can do is reduce the amount of stored body fat we carry.

But how does this all relate to losing weight?
Fat is really the type of fuel we want to burn off in order to lose weight, so anything that helps burn more fat would be great for dieters.

One tactic is to reduce total calorie intake by only 15%. Research has shown that reducing energy intake too much causes the body to burn more protein from muscles in order to supply energy and/or essential amino acids (not enough essential amino acid intake simply because food intake too low). Cutting calories on a gradual but steady basis helps limit a decrease in metabolism and ensures you are still eating enough food to provide the body with essential proteins, vitamins and minerals for good health.

Another tactic is to exercise for longer duration at a lower intensity. Fat requires oxygen to burn completely, but oxygen can only be delivered to the working muscle cells at a steady rate, a lower rate of delivery for less fit individuals. So in order to maintain a constant fat burning state during exercise is to work at a rate which is easy to moderate in effort. A good guide to make sure you are in fat burning mode is to be able to just about hold a conversation while exercising.

A diet composed of around 60% carbohydrates, 25% protein and 15% fats of total calories can help. Remember fat is a concentrated source of energy, the less fat you eat, the more food you can consume without going over the reduced calorie intake.

Try to maintain or even better, increase lean muscle tissue. A higher degree of lean mass will help you burn more energy by increasing the basal metabolic rate. A higher metabolic rate will boost energy and fat burning.

Ensure you are obtaining the RDA for all vitamins and minerals. Many vitamins are involved in the release of energy from food, so an adequate supply gives us that vigorous feeling to want to participate in exercise and activities which in turn helps us burn more fat calories.

Wayne Mcgregor has written hundreds of articles on ways to lose weight. His website provides tons of free weight loss information and help.

Russian Kettlebells For Rapid Weight Loss

"Enough is enough!" you say while scrutinizing image in the mirror one smiling Sunday morning.

Make a decision to improve health, wellness, as well as appearance and you are half way done. Next question that you may want to ask yourself is what fitness tool do I use that will help me to get to the outcomes that I desire quickly and safely?

There are many fitness toys and tools that claim that they are the one. How to decide? Which path should you take?

I will share with you a fitness tool that was known for centuries and now it is conquering United States with it's simplicity and effectiveness. Russian Kettlebells!

Today, Russian Kettlebell is the fitness tool of choice for many. And for a good reason.

Used by ancient Greeks for strength development, Kettlebells were then adopted by Turkish and Slavik people. Russians truly embraced the Kettlebell because of it's versatility and ability to produce explosive results.

Kettlebells are so effective in producing muscle tone, strength, and fat loss because classical kettlebell exercise use ALL muscles. Every single muscle is engaged and doing it's part - now that's efficient calorie burning!

Enjoy kettlebell training 3 times a week. Each workout should be 60 to 70 minutes.

Do a warm-up for 10 minutes.

Cool-down at the end of the workout for 10 more minutes.

Actual Kettlebell Workout should last 40 to 50 minutes.

Warm-up is a must
Use intervals(30 sec on, 30 sec off)
Train outside
If in trouble - DROP the Kettlebell!
Listen to your body (if something feels wrong, it probably is)
Stop well before muscle failure
Sample Kettlebell workout for weight loss (use the same pair of kettlebells through out the workout)

How to read exercise format: First you see the exercise: Sw for Swing, Sn for Snatch, Cl for cleans, Cl&P for Cleans and Power Presses. Next comes the weight of the kettlebell 8kg, 16kg, 24kg or 32kg. Then you will see a number or reps, usually as a percent of your maximum. Next is rest in seconds. Last number is the number of sets that you need to do.

Example: Sw16: 50%(+1) / 90 sec /5

means that you need to do Swings with 16kg kettlebell. Do 50% of your maximum. Add (+1) repetition to each next set. Rest 90 seconds between sets. Do a total of 5 sets.

The workout:

Warm up, 10 minutes: light jog / walk, light obstacle course

Cn&P: 30%(+1) / 45sec / 5
Cn&P: 40%(+1) / 45-60 sec / 4
Cn&P 50%(+1) / 60 sec / 3
Cn&P 80%(-2) / 60 sec / 4
Cn&P 30%(+2) / 60 sec / 4
Cn&P 50%(+2) / 60 sec / 3
Cool down, 10 minutes: light jog / walk, light obstacle course

enjoy the results! Remember to be consistent in your training and to think happy thought!

Denis Kanygin, CPT, Postural Therapist, owner of Workout IQ specializes in weight loss, postural therapy and fitness.

Facts About Weight Loss Pills

Are you battling with your weight? You need not worry too much because you aren't the only one facing these issues. Thousands across the world are trying hard to lose weight. It is true that our rate of metabolism does not maintain balance with our urges for the food we relish. Since there are many ways to get rid of this dilemma it shouldnt be an irritating thought that worries you day and night. If you feel its time to lose those excess fat have a look at your diet, consider fitness regimes and weight loss pills.

People who are over weight turn to weight loss pills, because they badly want to shed their excess pounds. A large number of Americans have resorted to weight loss pills. It is not true that all weight loss pills helps you to reduce weight. There are many which can do harm than good. It is important to have an idea of which one is good and which one is not.

The ideal step would be to consult your doctor. Probably he or she will advice you to restrict your diet and to have regular exercises. Even they it is not a bad idea many prefer to choose weight lose pills, as they fear that restricting diet and regular exercises will not help. . The internet is a good source to learn about weight loss pills. Advertisements and commercial documentaries on weight loss pills are restlessly been shown on medias. I would prefer to stay away from them because they do more harm than good.

Many of them simply drain the necessary fluid content of your body making you feel thin. The unnecessary body fats are still there and so this does not prove to be a proper solution. Some other pills curb your hunger and your cravings will automatically disappear. Any way the better option is to consult your doctor before going for weight loss pills. This will help to ensure that you are losing weight in a healthy manner. After all losing weight is not that easy.

Morgan Hamilton offers his findings and insights regarding the world of health and fitness. You can get interesting and informative information by visiting Weight Loss Pills

Stretchercise for Health and Weight Loss

I never used to stretch. Then I lost over 186 pounds. Now I stretch.

If you do not exercise, you probably are not going to, so do what you can easily do for your health. If you do exercise, and you are going to continue, you can easily add stretching for your health. Take a lesson from cats.

Cats don't exercise. They stretch a lot; cats stretch immediately in several directions when waking from sleep or a nap, and will most often stretch almost any time they go from lying or sitting to standing. They even stop to stretch just because as they're walking somewhere.

Stretch your way to better health. Stretching has previously been considered a program for seniors or those recuperating; however, if you are overweight stretching may be a life saver for you. Stretching promotes elasticity in our muscles and joints and keeps us limber. How limber you are determines how you react to a slip and fall; it makes the difference between being injured and being able to catch yourself to prevent or minimize injury.

Stretching is also an excellent aid to diet and weight loss for the overweight or obese, and particularly for the morbidly obese; it is even appropriate for childhood adolescent obesity. The more overweight we are, the harder it is for us to exercise even if we want to: stretching lets us keep our muscles working and is the perfect way to enter the exercise arena as you lose weight.

Overweight and out of shape, or fit trim and in shape, any stretching program should start with care and caution. Consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program. Stretchercise as a program is done in multiple small doses many times during the day. If you do not exercise and get little physical motion, you should stretch for 2-5 minutes every hour.

One of the great things I discovered about stretching is that you can do it at length, with or without music, as an exercise program. Or you can do it for 30 seconds to a minute once an hour. In fact, much of it you can do while you're working, as a stress reducing little multi-task. You can do it watching TV, you can do it when you cook: you can actually make any movement you make a stretch.

And it feels good. And it increases circulation. And it reduces stress, muscle tension and fatigue. And it gives the muscles in your back that have been supporting you a much needed periodic respite. And it gives you energy.

As we age, flexibility decreases: it's use it or lose it. Stretching is an important factor in keeping muscles and joints flexible. The more flexible we are as we age, the fewer number of things become too hard for us to do, and the fewer aches and pains we have. Irrespective of health, it certainly extends our ability to maintain a satisfying quality of life. Stretchercising also helps if you have any weight control issues.

When stretching, you can use the corner of a wall as a stabilizing factor, which allows you to lean and stretch without fear of losing your balance. Whether you are doing your stretching on the floor, bed, in a chair, or standing, stretching to your favorite music tape will make time fly if you're stretching to exercise. (Minimum time to call it stretchercise should be 3 minutes to start, and as you become accustomed to it gradually continue to increase the amount of time.)

Stretching at your computer, be it your arms or just easily leaning side to side is good for you. You can tighten and loosen muscles of the arms, legs, and derrire any place, most any time. You can roll your neck; this is a great tension buster and helps prevent headaches.

Be sure when you stretch that you only go as far as is comfortable. Stretching should never hurt. You will probably find that, over time, you will begin to be able to do each stretch a little further comfortably. You may want to do a little research at your local bookstore, library, or on the Internet about yoga; it will provide many ideas and much helpful information about healthy stretching.

One last great thing I discovered about stretching: there are so many ways, places, and times to do it and so many muscles that can, and should, be stretched, anybody can become a master stretcher by trial and stretchercise.

Francine Gail Hemway is a former school teacher and district superintendent. Her first book, Beauty and the Yeast Beast: from Fat to Fairy Tale, was a presentation of the theories that led her to lose over 186 pounds without surgery and a program to follow to obtain similar results. Her latest book, The Big, Bad, O: the Brutality of Obesity, offers an honest perspective of the state of obesity in America and warns that the ostrich mentality of the U.S. in regards to the broad social and economic implications of obesity must change. You can contact Francine by going to or

Finding a Weight Loss Partner

When you first begin to diet it is hard to break old habits and begin forming new habits. This is where a weight loss partner comes in. Your diet partner will help keep you on track and hold you accountable for your food intake and your exercise plan.

Your diet partner will help you to stay motivated. You can plan to exercise together at a set time each day. This will keep you accountable and motivated. It is harder to give your weight loss partner a week excuse as to why you can not exercise than it is to convince yourself that you should just skip a day.

Diet partners also offer a great support system when it comes to sticking to a diet. It is easy to cheat on a diet especially if you feel you are going it alone. Your weight loss partner will help you to stay on track and listen when you do fall off the wagon.

You may also find that you end up with just a bit of competition when it comes to dieting with a partner. If you have a week where your partner has lost more weight than you or exercised more than you, you may just have to get moving and try and win next week.

Your partner will also add a bit of fun to dieting. You can work together to find fun new recipes and laugh when you goof up that new recipe. It is also a lot of fun to take a walk and tell silly jokes on the way. Set up one day each week where it is joke day and your entire exercise time is spent telling silly jokes while walking.

Friendships are built around common experience. You will find that your weight loss partner may just become your new best friend. As your lifestyle choices change so will your diet partners. It is always easier to do it with a friend.

Just remember to keep up the good work and have fun with your diet partner.

Are you tired of feeling sluggish and overweight? Now is the time to take action. Click on and get started today with the new you. Look for great diet tips and ways to make dieting easier and more fun at

Ultimate Weight Loss: Ephedra is Back?

I had some questions come in about Ephedra. So I have put together this short article to get you some info. Just to fill some of you in , Ephedra was taken off the market last year , but it is now back on the market and ready for consumers. This product seems to be the most wanted weight loss product. They cant keep this stuff on the shelves since it was given the OK to be sold again. Make sure you read some of the common sense rules below before using Ephedra.

Ephedra (also known as Ma huang, Chinese Ephedra and epitonin) is the worlds oldest medicine. The Chinese discovered ephedra more than 5000 years ago. Research has shown that ephedra increases metabolism and helps promote weight loss, relaxes the air passages in the lungs to help treat asthma and cough, promotes perspiration to help a person recover from a minor cold and helps promote urination to help relieve edema. Ephedra has been widely researched for its thermogenic (fat burning) properties. Research has show that ephedra helps promote the loss of fat while helping spare lean muscle tissue, a highly sought-after property that prescription diet medications still have not been able to reproduce.

Safety Tips

As ephedra is a stimulant and a thermogenic, it should NOT be used by people / in situations where these properties might be harmful. There are some common sense rules about using ephedra:

Do not use ephedra if you have any medical problems as the use of a stimulant might overtax your system. Do not use ephedra if your activity / environment will prevent you from dissipating heat. Your body core temperature might exceed safe levels. And do not take more than the manufacturer's recommended amount.

What this means is: If you have a heart condition, do not take ephedra. And if you plan to wear clothes to raise your body temperature, do not take ephedra. And do not think that playing baseball on a hot muggy day will counteract these two common sense conditions and make it okay to take ephedra.

Copyright protected 2005 by M.Landry

Michel Landry lives in beautiful Kamloops, BC in Canada. He has a huge interest in Health, fitness and business.

Healthy Weight Loss Choices

In this ever-changing world of the health-conscious trying to make healthy weight loss choices (and also the not-so-health-conscious) there is one link, one problem that seems to always defy capture. That one tiny piece of information seems to so far have eluded the searchers for decades, or at least since the start of the pencil-thin body era. This is the secret to easy, sure-fire, no diet weight loss and body shaping. It is a very elusive creature, and people look high and low to find it. They all believe it is there, if just one more product, one more secret formula, one more little pill could be put on the market. This cure-all will erase the hunt for perfection forever! No more searching, no more working out, no more counting calories, no more health issues. The problem is - there is no such thing as a 'magic' remedy.

When the interests of society started to become so ensnared in the advertising and marketing of products - from shoes to skin-care, from shampoo to poodle skirts - the whole of this society became enamored of the idea of one-size-fits-all and that everyone should look the same. It was at this very time in history that weight loss became so important, so mystifying, that an entire multi-billion dollar industry has thrived for years, pumping out pill after pill, product after product, idea after idea. It is no longer about how to be your healthiest, it is about how to look like someone else.

Times have passed of those long days of hard labor, working in the fields and factories with only your hands, torso, and legs to do the work. It was a time of physical fitness, and if the medical research was as progressed as it is today, people would be living very healthy into their centenarian age. They had a steady diet of meat, vegetables, fruits, and whatever else they could grow or gather from their own property. The benefit of obtaining food in this way was the very act - the physical exercise - that was required to produce, gather, and cook it was also the way an earlier people stayed fit.

Nowadays the healthy weight loss choices have been left up to the drug manufacturers and scam artists who would love for you to believe that their 'magic' pill, their 'magic' potion, their 'magic' fad diet is the one you must have to be healthy. There are some very beneficial programs on the market today, but finding and weeding them out can be a major undertaking due to the very massive amount of false information that is in marketing today. Most of those parts of society that are looking for this 'magic' will jump from program to program, pill to pill, and still never find what they seek - an easy, effortless way to become more healthy, particularly with losing weight. It is what keeps the weight loss/health industry in the mega billions of dollars every year.

There is only one safe, effective, permanent solution to the healthy weight loss choices people are making today. You must eat the right foods, in the correct amount and at the right time, and you must get enough exercise in your daily routine to keep burning those calories and keep your muscles the efficient machines they were intended to be. There is no other way. Anyone looking for a fast fix will only be disappointed in the end, and will keep the diet industry blooming with false promises.

It must also be remembered that each body, no matter how similar, is still unique. The healthy weight loss choice you make must be individualized for your specific needs and capabilities. One size still does not fit all. One choice still does not fit all. Know what you require and make the best choice for you and your healthiest body possible. Make your decision based on common knowledge and not on some 'secret' scientific research or 'magic' elixir. Your overall health and healthy weight loss choices are up to only you. You will ever only have one body. Take care of it and it will reward you for all the years you have to come.

Although not an advocate for a quick fix, I do believe there are programs on the market that can give you an edge on trying to be your healthiest. My opinion is just that, but check it out for yourself at

There are also a lot of 'secrets' out there to choose from -

Lose 9 Lbs Every 11 Days - Is It a Pipe Dream or Can It Be Done?

To lose 9 lbs in 11 days is hard yet possible. But the real challenge is to make this weight loss a permanent and continuous stream of shed pounds. What anyone who goes on a diet truly wants is to be able to continue losing weight further and further as time goes by.

This hardly ever happens as diets tend to make your metabolism slow down considerably. Usually people have a hard time to continue losing weight into the future due to their slow metabolism.

That's where the Fat loss 4 Idiots diet comes in and offers an alternate solution. By using Fat loss 4 Idiots' revolutionary calorie shifting weight loss method, you are able to keep losing weight while 'confusing' your metabolism so that it remains high at all times.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots actually promises you that you'll be able to lose 9 lbs every 11 days in which you use it. This statement may not be true for the following reasons:

1. You will not continue to lose weight once you reached your weight goal. Everything has a limit. People who have more to lose usually lose it faster than those with a little weight to lose.

2. Each 11 days period, your weight loss may be different, so you need to look at your average weight loss over a period of time.

3. While it is possible to lose 9 pounds every 11 days, it's unlikely that you'll be able to do so. After talking with over a hundred people who have used this diet, I discovered that the average weight loss with this diet is slightly less than 9 lbs every 11 days. I place it at around 6 which is still excellent.

You may be able to push your weight loss a bit further by exercising a lot, but this isn't part of the regular Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet, so is entirely up to you.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage: How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Fat Loss 4 Idiots Scam

Are You Losing Weight and Getting Fatter?

Your Can Turn Fat into Muscle......

Fact or Fiction???

Completely False!!!!

First of all Fat and Muscle are two completely different tissues in the body. Unfortunately we see people transform themselves from FAT to FIT and it almost looks like the FAT just morphed itself into bulging muscles of steel.

In Reality, the only way anybody ever turned FAT into Six Pack Abs is by losing fat (Reducing their Body Fat %) and building muscle that was lying beneath the layers of FAT.

Your Best overall strategy for doing just that is: A high-protein, low fat, good quality carbohydrate healthy eating plan, a solid strength training and exercise program that includes hi intensity training, and interval hi intensity cardio workouts.

That is the Triple Threat in converting FAT into MUSCLE....

So make sure you maximize your FAT LOSS and MUSCLE Gain by using the Body Perfect Fitness Factors: @ My Online Personal Trainer

Healthy Eating Plan- Refuels your workouts and helps burn FAT

Strength Training- Hi intensity - Burns FAT/Builds Muscles in the afterburn mode

Cardio Training- Interval Training - Helps support tremendous FAT Loss

Rest and Recovery- Builds Muscles while Recovering

Seek the help and guidance of a professional Personal Trainer or Fitness Coach.

I promise you you will see the FAT disappear and the Muscle take its place. And you will have a more Energetic, Leaner, and Fitter YOU!

Day 1 - Follow My Weight Loss Program - And So It Begins

Ok so over the past few years, give or take a few, I have packed on some extra pounds. Ok how about 50 extra pounds. With a lack of exercise and good eating habits, it really doesn't come as a surprise.

However with a 7 month old son now, I feel I owe it to him to get in great shape. Otherwise I might not be able to catch him once he starts walking.

I actually started yesterday, but thought it would be a good idea to share my progress with the Internet crowd with this blog. Let me first say, I am not a personal trainer, salesman of any health related products or anything like that. Just an average person who is trying to lose 50 pounds and is willing to share it with you.

My goal is to lose 50 pounds by December 31st, 2008. That gives me roughly 54 weeks to make it happen. In turn using this information I need to lose 0.93 pounds each and every week. Sounds like a reasonable goal and very achievable. The hard part is, can I stay on it? Can I stay on a daily regiment of eating right and exercising for that long?

The way I look at it, I really don't have a choice. I have to. For the sake of my son and family and my own health, it needs to be done.

Over the past few weeks I have been reading a number of health magazines and books, to get up to date on eating right and proper exercising.

I will post my progress everyday on here for the previous days activities.

Also as I come across something interesting that I feel I should share, such as a healthy recipe or good exercise, I will write about it here and let you know of the source as to where I obtained the information. I will not post something that I don't try first. It is just not fair to anyone who reads this. How can I endorse something if I don't even try it?

I am still new to the "blogging thing", so I will try and post pictures whenever possible to show everyone my progress. Along with posting pictures I will post a daily account of what I ate for each meal. Feel free to comment, good or bad (I can take criticism) on anything that you read. However don't post anything in the comments if you are trying to sell something. I will delete it. This is not a commercial blog for your financial gain. It is a blog to share with others a real life experience of losing weight.

Mike P.

Day 1 - Weight: 275 pounds

Meal 1: 3 egg whites, 1 whole egg
Meal 2: 1 packet of tuna
Meal 3: Spinach and lettuce mix with cut up baked chicken tenderloin and a small Gordon's salmon patty.
Meal 4: A small Gordon's Salmon patty
Meal 5: 2 1/2 whole eggs

Walked the dog in the early morning for about a half hour. Wasn't a steady even paced walk as the dog needs to, you know, stop and do his thing.

First day was tough in the sense of eating every 2 to 3 hours. I haven't done that in years, but it was a lot tougher late at night, while I am sitting there watching the football game. I was used to eating chips and other bad foods. It is a bad habit I am sure will really challenge my will power.

About the Author
You can follow Mike's weight loss program on his Blog at There you can follow Mike's progress as he details his daily routine fitness and nutrition program on his way to losing 50 pounds by December 31st, 2008.