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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

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Healthy Weight Loss Tips for Lifelong Success

Losing weight is never easy. It takes hard work and a new way of thinking. Perhaps you've tried one diet after another only to be disappointed by more weight gain. Fortunately, there are healthy ways to lose weight and keep it off. Use the healthy weight loss tips below to get started on the road to lifelong weight success.

Get Creative with Your Diet Plan

Think about your diet for a moment. Are strict regimen diets going to work when you're so accustomed to eating what you want when you want? Do you have time and money to plan meals that require many ingredients that you've never even heard of? If not, then you probably won't last long on many diet plans. When you determine that it's time to lose weight, use the foods you already eat to your advantage - even the fattening ones. Don't cut them out altogether, just eat smarter!

Try eating your favorite items in smaller portions along with a new tasty food that's healthy. For example, if your favorite meal is two cheeseburgers with fried potatoes, turn this into a healthier meal by eating only one cheeseburger, boil a potato for 45 minutes (tastes great with ketchup), and add a couple of vegetables such as green beans and corn to your meal.

You're actually getting more foods and adding good nutrition, but eating smaller portions of the fattening ones. The potatoes taste just as good boiled as they do fried but are much healthier!

Add Protein-Rich Foods or Protein Shakes to Your Diet

Another way to achieve healthy weight loss is to add protein-rich foods to your diet or drink protein shakes as snacks or replacement meals. There are even special diets and companies where you can get protein shakes customized for your body's nutritional needs. Examples include the La Bamba diet, Shapeworks, Herbalife products, and so forth. With La Bamba Herbalife diets, you will use protein to get off extra pounds quickly. With other protein diets, you can drink protein shakes and take protein supplements for long-term dieting. It depends on your particular weight loss needs.

Protein helps your body to burn the calories you eat throughout the day so your body does not continuously store fat in unwanted areas. Protein also helps build and preserve lean muscle mass.

Drink Plenty of Water for Healthy Weight Loss

Water is essential to a healthy weight loss plan. Water hydrates the body and organs. It gives you energy and helps you to fill full throughout the day. Water also helps your skin and cells. No matter what type of diet you choose, be sure to drink around six to eight glasses of water per day.

The benefits of healthy weight loss are many: lower blood pressure, better figure, more energy, healthier heart and organs, less stress on bones, joints, and muscles, and less mental stress.

*Note: As with any diet plan, consult with a physician to be sure there are no health risks when trying a new diet. If you have health conditions that would prevent you from eating certain foods, then find a diet that will be safe for you.

Use the tips above to take back control of your weight and live life to the fullest!

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Learn more about Healthy Weight Loss Tips or Majon's Health and Beauty directory

Foods That Increase Your Metabolism - Discover The Truth

Everyone is looking for foods that increase the metabolism since we all know that the higher our metabolism is, the faster we burn calories and the easier it is for us to lose weight or avoid weight gain.

The only problem is that there is a great deal of misinformation around the subject of metabolism boosting foods. So much so, in fact, that it is difficult to separate fact from fiction.

Here are some clarifications which it is best to make:

Negative calorie foods -

These are foods which contain a very low amount of calories and are hard for the body to digest (usually because they contain a lot of fiber). The result is that when you eat them, your body uses more calories in the digestive process than these foods actually contain creating a calorie deficit which is actually beneficial to weight loss. Now many of the so called "experts" proclaim that these foods actually increase the metabolism, something which is completely false. These foods may create a temporary calorie deficit, but if you don't eat them again the next day, your metabolic levels will not increase.

Protein -

A research showed that eating a good dose of protein may cause the body to burn an extra 200 calories or so per day. This is due to the fact that the Amino acids in protein are hard for the body to digest, causing it to expand more energy. However, this is again a temporary increase. This doesn't speed up the metabolism permanently.

Spicy - Spicy foods can create a temporary spike in the levels of calorie burning. Again, this is a short effect.

The best course of action to increase your metabolism is the following:

1. Eat a hearty breakfast - This causes the body to start the day right after it had been deprived of food all night long.

2. Eat throughout the day - nibbling and grazing throughout the day keeps our metabolism at a steady level. It is better to eat many small meals than 3 big ones. Whatever food you eat, your metabolism will increase in this way.

3. Do weight training and cardio workouts - the more muscle tissue you have the more calories you burn each day, even when you're resting. This is a more permanent metabolic increase than any food can give you.

4. Above all, don't skip meals or starve yourself as this will cause your metabolism to plummet.

Overall, the key to a high metabolism is maintaining a healthy diet and exercising.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with The Shifting Calories method

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To receive 2 free diet and fitness reports, click here: How To Lose Weight Fast And Never Gain It Back

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The My Alli Weight Loss Plan

Gary Foster, Ph.D. is a renowned leader in the field of weight management and behavior change. Dr. Foster is a Professor of Medicine and Public Health and Director of the Center for Obesity Research and Education at Temple University in Philadelphia. He has previously served as Clinical Director of the Weight and Eating Disorders Program, Department of Psychiatry, at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Dr. Foster is also a frequent presenter at national and international meetings and has treated overweight patients in individual and group settings for over 20 years.

To achieve your weight loss goals, one should begin with meal planning which is one of the great benefits The My Alli Weight Loss Plan offers. Life is tempting. Fast-food advertising encourages you to grab and go - often at a good price that could cost you in the long run. If you know what to expect from the outside influences, you can avoid the setbacks that lead to weight gain. In the meal planning section of The My Alli Weight Loss Plan, you'll find resources including meal planning, articles, and information that can help you: fight cravings survive slip-ups control portion size. You can also discover which popular low-fat diets work with the alli program. Just view alli-friendly diets. Some diets are not a good fit with alli, because they allow high-fat foods that can cause treatment effects while using alli capsules. With alli, you need to stick with a reduced-calorie, low-fat diet. How many daily fat grams and calories are right for you? Check out the target fat & calories charts in The My Alli Weigh Loss Plan

Four ways to fight cravings:

Has this happened to you? You see a chocolate bar in a magazine, so you take a walk to the nearest vending machine. Or you're in a movie theater, and the smell of popcorn drives you to the concession stand. These triggers are hard to handle. What can you do?

1 Get moving. Physical activity can boost your mood just like food can - and it uses up calories, rather than adds them

2 Swap foods. If you crave a salty snack, have some salted celery or a lettuce salad with lemon juice and a sprinkling of salt. If you want something sweet, try sugar-free hard candy or a fruit-and-ice smoothie with no-calorie sweetener

3 Distract yourself. If you can do something else for just a few minutes, the craving may pass. Drink water. Sometimes thirst disguises itself as hunger. But make sure you're not substituting water for food; you still need nutrients as part of a healthy diet.

4 Survive the occasional slip-ups! Weight control is not like walking a tightrope - one misstep and you're done. If you slip, don't fall overboard with bad choices.

Here are a few tips for recovering according to the My Alli Diet Plan:

> Accept that mistakes happen.

> Forgive yourself and focus on what to do differently next time

> Persevere with your goals.

> Avoid "all-or-nothing" thoughts of giving up Identify triggers.

> Try to understand what events or circumstances led to overeating. Anger, stress, loneliness, or the blues are common. Be ready for them Turn your back. When you sense a trigger, change direction. If you're in the kitchen, or near food, go somewhere else. Just walk away

> Do the math. If you want to be sure you have a low-fat diet, count the grams of fat in your daily food choices and compare them to the number of grams of fat suggested for your calorie level. For more on daily fat and calorie targets, there is target fat and calories charts inside the Alli plan.

> Watch portion size.

One of the easiest weight loss strategies is to control portion size. Get to know the amount of food you eat. Often, we get in the habit of eating a certain amount of food to feel satisfied. And if we're served more food, we'll eat more. Studies have shown that the more food people were given to eat, the more they ate, regardless of their feeling of satiety. If the full plate is important to you, try using a smaller plate. Or keep portion sizes the same, but cut calories by lowering the fat in your dishes and adding more low-calorie ingredients like crunchy vegetables and leafy salads.

>Pay attention to the "energy density" in foods.

All foods have a specific number of calories within a given amount (volume). Foods such as desserts, candies, and processed foods are high in energy density. A small volume of these foods has a large number of calories. But some foods such as fruits and vegetables have low energy density. So you can have a larger portion size with a fewer number of calories - and that can fill you up without the downside of calorie overload.

The My Alli Diet Plan is truly a very realistic and easy way to lose weight fast and I wouldn't hestitate recommending it to anybody wanting to feel and look better. We are in charge of how we look and if you have the will, maybe the Alli Plan might just be the way.

For 10 quick tips on portion control, Click here

If you wish to find out more about the My Alli Weight Loss Plan and what it offers, Click here

Cheap Weight Loss Methods

cheap weight loss methods are a dime a dozen these days. The only problem is finding cheap weight loss methods that actually work and if they do work. Will the weight loss program work for your unique metabolism? How fast will you see the results from these so called quick weight loss programs? Learn how to lose 9lbs. Every 11 days, speed up your metabolism to high gear no matter what kind of genes you were born with. While eating more meals and no exercise involved with this new updated weight loss method

Cheap Weight Loss Methods in the past use to teach eat less meals, intake less calories, take several diet substitutes and exercise till exhaustion. Current quick weight loss programs now know that this is not true and is a unhealthy approach to quick weight loss. Not only that, the health and fitness gurus have also learned every diet plan and diet supplement doesn't work for everyone. Every person was born with different genes and have metabolisms that work at different speeds.

Quick Weight Loss Programs that are Successful for Anyone

There are two main factors that need to be included in any quick weight loss programs to be successful to any individuals unique needs. You need to eat several meals throughout the day but with the correct foods. Second, the time you eat those meals is the key for success. It really is that simple when broken down to simpler terms. Don't listen to the complex mumbo jumbo that the so called health and fitness gurus talk about. I believe some of them make it sound more complex than what it really breaks down to. Speed up your metabolism=burning calories and fat quickly which means losing unwanted body weight.

How this Weight Loss Method is so Successful

Eating more food at the right intervals of the day will speed up your metabolism no matter what type of metabolism you have. If you try this weight-loss program you will feel a difference and see the results very quickly. Your metabolism will jump into hyper drive and burn the fat quickly. Trust me you won't be able to stop smiling knowing you will achieve your personal weight loss goal quickly. When I first tried this technique I could literally feel the difference the first day. It gave me more energy than I have ever had, made me feel healthy and alive like never before.

Whether your looking for quick weight loss programs to achieve a personal short term goal or for a long term goal this quick weight loss method will work for you. Exercising definitely helps you to lose weight quicker and be healthier but is not necessary for this quick weight loss method. Not everyone is built the same and some people can't physically workout or just don't want to. This diet plan will be great for you and keep you healthy and energized throughout the day.

Ray Day has used this quick weight-loss program with exceptional results. Even after he achieved his weight loss goal he still uses this cheap weight loss methods daily because it's not just a diet plan for him but a whole new way of life. It's easy to implement for everyday life. He found out about this program here quick weight loss programs

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Weight Loss Surgery Questions - Do I Really Need Surgery?

Are you considering surgery for weight loss purposes? If so, I want you to stop what you're doing and ask yourself the following question regarding bariatric weight-loss surgery:

Do I really need surgery in order to lose weight? Is it truly the only option for me?

This should be the first question you answer before pursuing any other aspect of weight loss surgery, such as finding a surgeon or lining up your finances. After all, this is surgery we are talking about here. So before you can decide if weight loss surgery is right for you, it's important to exhaust your non-surgical options for weight loss.

This is especially important if you undergo a weight loss procedure as severe as the gastric bypass. Unlike newer forms of weight loss surgery (such as gastric banding), the gastric bypass permanently alters your digestive system. That's right ... the surgeon will physically alter your stomach as well as your intestines as part of it. That's a serious form of surgery, and it comes with significant risks and potential complications. So it's important to exhaust your non-surgical options for weight loss before resorting to surgery.

"Resorting" is the opportune word here. You should only choose weight loss surgery as a last resort, and only in cases of severe obesity.

Surgery for Weight Loss and the "Quick Fix" Nation

Sometimes I look at the before-and-after photos on the websites of weight loss surgeons, and I am shocked by the types of patients who undergo this type of surgery. Many of them are merely overweight, but very few are morbidly obesity. Weight loss surgery should be reserved for patients who are morbidly obese, not for people who are merely overweight. Many of the "before" pictures show people who could have reached their target weight through regular exercise and healthy eating. But they opt for a risky surgery instead? This baffles me.

It also seems to me that many weight loss surgeons have loosened and expanded their definitions of what makes a "qualified" patient for bariatric surgery. There was a time when such surgeries were reserved for the morbidly obese -- a clinical term describing people who will literally die from their obesity, if left unchecked. But lately, it seems a lot of surgeons will operate on anyone who can afford the surgery and sign the medical waivers. This is a disturbing trend, to say the least. But I guess it's just a sign of the times and the "quick fix" mentality many people have these days.

Exhaust Your Natural Options Before Using Bariatric Surgery

Some people will make a half-hearted attempt to lose weight through proper nutrition and exercise, and then give up in frustration. Don't make this same mistake. Before turning to surgery for weight loss, you should make a serious effort to lose weight naturally (through better nutrition and exercise). It takes time and effort, but it should always be your first attempt. By addressing your nutrition and lack of exercise, you are correcting the actual source of the weight problem ... not just the symptom.

* You may republish this article on your own website or blog, as long as you credit the author and keep the active hyperlinks below. Copyright 2007, Brandon Cornett.

21 Questions on Weight Loss Surgery
This article is part of a longer series of weight loss surgery questions that potential patients should ask before choosing surgery. For more on this subject, read our 21 questions about surgery for weight loss by visiting

How I Lost Weight - My Weight Loss Success Story

This is my story about how I lost weight. I hope my success will inspire other people to succeed as well.

I remember it was after I heard something about another scientific research which revealed that being overweight is bad for health.

Every time I heard something like that I would promise myself that I'm going to lose weight, but I failed miserably and completely.

However, this time I made a decision that I must do something about it.

You see, pride is very important to me.

I do not like when people see me in bad light.

So I thought: "Maybe I can use my pride to help me get rid off extra pounds." I made a list of all people that I want to respect me. Next, I bought 20 or so postcards and wrote on them: "I promise you that I will lose weight."

Within one week, I gave or sent the postcards to the people on my list - dad, mom, brother, my boss, the best friend, five other friends and my neighbors. The only person I did not give the postcard was my girlfriend.

I was mad about her and I really wanted her to respect me. I knew that I would die of shame if I broke my promise.

But one day, I came to her house, gave her the postcard and left without a word.

Losing weight was the hardest thing I did in my life. Many times I was on the brink of breaking my promise. But every time this happened, I would remember the people on my list and how I would lose their respect for me.

Why am I telling you this?

Because one of the most important reasons why lots of people fail to lose weight is the lack of motivation.

Wanting to lose weight or wanting to look good is often not enough for most people to stick to a weight loss program or diet.

In other words, the stronger your motivation, the better your results!

Once armed with strong motivation, it was easy for me to shed extra pounds.

In case you want to know what weight loss program I used ... well, I did not use any of popular diets.

My plan was simple. It included three elements:

1. Eating half of everything I usually eat. No food supplements or calorie counting.

2. Exercising 30 minutes a day, seven days a week - everything from brisk walking, swimming, playing basketball to weight lifting.

3. I used some tools that significantly helped me lose extra weight.

I'm 100 percent sure that without using these tools I would not be able to achieve my success. Click here to learn more about these weight loss tools.

Five Simple Steps To Losing Your Belly Fat Fast

Do you want to learn how to get rid of your belly fat and learn fast weight loss tip? Lose your beer gut forever with these fast healthy weight loss tips.

So, any of you guys out there with the big ol' beer gut and you want to get rid of it fast, then keep reading.

How do you lose weight fast?

A real simple tip is and we've all been taught it, from the time we were kids from our parents, is increase our vegetable intake, more specifically your non-starchy vegetable intake. It's not to hard to choose a vegetable that's non-starchy.

The main reason is, because you want to be able to eat something that is not caloricly dense but nutrient dense and non-starchy vegetables. They're a great source of fiber which is very important for helping you feel fuller longer and not encouraging you to eat 30 minutes later. You're going to be full for a long time. The fiber takes longer to digest, so the body has to work harder and you keep your insulin levels in check which is big for preventing fat storage.

What is insulin which I mentioned above?

When you eat you get sugar in your blood and your body has to get that sugar out of the blood and either use it as energy or store it for use at a later time. Insulin does that. When you ingest food and you get these sugars into your blood, your insulin increases and gets those sugars, pull them out of your blood and either, like I said, burn them for energy or store them to be used at a later time. When all of your carbohydrate glycogen levels are full, then the only other alternative is to be stored as fat. Insulin tends to promote fat storage because most peoples glycogen/carbohydrate levels are usually pretty full, so the alternative is fat storage.

You want to keep that insulin response low, which is one of the main goals.

Now on to Tip number 2 which is eating protein at every meal. We hear so much about protein; again, most guys are probably meat and potatoes guys. Why is it so important - how do we make the transformation to just eating fatty protein sources to types of proteins that you should be eating to help lose that gut.

It should be easy to get protein into your diet since most men are meat and potato type of men, but you want to control the type of protein you eat. A fried chicken breast, or 18 chicken wings from Hooters, probably isn't going to be the best source. Yes, its protein, but you are also going to pack in a lot of extra calories that you really don't need if you're trying to lose your gut. So, one of the things you want to do is to look for those lean protein sources. Skinless chicken breasts, lean beef and steaks, fish grilled not fried. Eggs are another good source.

Dairy is also another good source. If you like cottage cheese or yogurts or things like that, you can get in your lean protein that way as well.

Tip number 3 Eat whole grain carbohydrates.

So now, what is a whole grain carb? What's a good carb? What's a bad carb? When am I supposed to be eating some of these carbs?

A whole grain carb would be carbohydrates that are considered a good source of fiber. Staying away from the - you've heard the thing of no white breads and things like that and white rice, and to a point there's validity to why people say that. I don't know that they always know why they are saying it, but the reason that they should try to limit those is because those are usually made with processed carbohydrates and very little fiber content. Whole grain carbs will say 100% whole grain. Wheat bread is just white bread that hasn't been bleached. So you need to look for the whole grain or the whole oats/grain wording in it to find out, and look at the fiber source. Most of them should have at least 2 grams of fiber per serving, if not 3 to be considered a good fiber source. So, that will help you get you your answer as well with that.

Alright, rapid weight loss diet tip number 4. Eat more healthy fats. Now, this is very confusing for people, I'm sure. Healthy fats, unhealthy fats, Trans fats, why is this going to be such a big deal when it comes to losing weight fast?

Your healthy fats is what's usually called essential fatty acids, and what that means is that it's fatty acids and fats that we can not produce in the body on our own, so we have to get them through diet. Why essential fatty acids are so important is because there's hundreds and hundreds of studies that are showing that it helps with numerous diseases.

It helps prevent certain diseases such as heart disease and cancer. The studies are actually now showing that it may actually increase your metabolism by as much as 400 calories a day and that's the big one when it comes to just specific weight loss.

If you want to just throw out all the numerous health benefits of why essential fatty acids are good and just go off of the fact for weight loss and fat loss, it actually helps increase your metabolism and there's also some studies showing that it may actually block what they tend to call pre-fat cells from turning into permanent fat cells. So, again, that's another huge step in regards to weight loss and trying to prevent weight gain. And, essential fatty acids primarily are, what you'll also hear or read, as Omega 3 fats.

You'll see that fish is an excellent source of Omega 3 fats. Use olive oil because of the essential fatty acids and the Omega 3s. Walnuts and Almonds are another good source and they're actually a good protein source, they contain good fiber, and they contain healthy fat.

So, if you want a healthy snack, throw some almonds in a bag and take them with you to work, keep them at your desk. They're a great snack to help you feel full; help boost that metabolism and it's actually a really good food for you in many ways. You're getting your fiber, you're getting your protein, you're getting your healthy fat, you're getting three of the five tips I'm giving you today just in one food, with that.

How to lose belly fat tip number 5.

Eat frequent meals. I'm sure you've heard it before eat smaller meals throughout the day. You're probably having a muffin and coffee for breakfast, having a big lunch, maybe not eating all afternoon, come home and eat a huge, huge dinner. How are you guys going to get 4-6 small meals a day?

You do have to do a little planning ahead, but if you use the previous four tips, you could cut up some vegetables ahead of time on a Sunday and just put them in bags so that you have them available to put into your lunch or as a snack. Protein choices you've got the yogurt, you could hard boil eggs, you could have string cheese as a snack. Almonds, as we talked about.

Doing those types of things and plan ahead to where you don't have to think the morning of, "Alright what am I going to eat for my snack today? What am I going to do for lunch? It's all already in the fridge. Plan on a Sunday for one hour and then all you have to do is pack your meal. Put it in individual bags, throw it in your cooler and put it in the refrigerator at work, so that it's available. That way, the less thinking you can take out of it, the better off you're going to be.

Every time you eat your metabolism increases to digest that food. Your body uses calories to digest calories? So, you want to keep that metabolism revved up every day.

What guy doesn't want to eat. The worst thing about trying to lose weight is you think you have to starve yourself and that's the exact opposite that you want to do if you're going to lose weight. You need to feed yourself and you need to feed yourself consistently because then the weight will come off. If you restrict eating and that metabolism plummets your body has to survive. It goes into a survival mode at that point and it's going to do everything possible to burn as little calories as possible because you don't feed it frequently enough.

Apply these 5 tips today to lose belly fat fast.

If you're interested in taking your fat-loss efforts to an entirely new level, go to the following site and grab a free fat loss report which details 36 potent foods for boosting your metabolism and losing belly fat -

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