Healthy Fat Loss

Friday, May 9, 2008

The Psychology of Weight Loss - Getting to the Roots of the Matter!

The Psychology of Weight Loss Your Approach!

We have missed the boat and your boat is sinking fast. You have weighted your ship down with stats, calories, grams and pounds. Now you are more confused than ever on how to lose weight, feel better and get stronger. We America catch up with the crisis, or will the diabetes and obesity epidemic sink us? The answer is not in the numbers the answer is in the psychology of weight loss. Yes, Americas health will get worse before it gets better. In order for you to get better these two steps must take place:

Step #1: Get over your hang-ups!

Why is it so hard for me to start exercising? I know its good for me. It seems like I have some form of resistance to getting in better shape.

Exercise Resistance or ER means a conscious or unconscious block against participating in a regular active program. Studies show that some people have barriers built up from past experiences that give them a negative mindset toward exercise and food. In many cases, this prevents a person from starting or following through on an exercise program.


I thought the golden years were supposed to be filled with relaxing things to do, not more activities I usually put off before?

Building up resentment toward exercise goes much deeper than just not liking the effort it takes to do it. Resentment brings out a rebellious attitude in us. The sooner you accept the fact that exercise is going to have to be a part of the rest of your life, the more likely you will start the more likely you will continue exercising. Resentment is usually fueled by his cousins: Denial, Pride and Laziness. The best thing to do is never let them play together. Resentment is a form of pride.


The only failure is not starting. Success is not measured in numbers. It is measured in your growth through the process. Just because your track record may show some ups and downs has no bearing on your future efforts. Plus, your self-worth is not based on how many times you started an exercise program. Fear of failure is an excuse to never try.


If you think for one second that you are going to be perfect in sticking to a plan, forget it. Its not possible for anyone. The truth is you will never be perfect. Perfectionism is an illusion.


You will always compare your results to something or someone. Once you hit a goal there will always be another one. You may even be the type that no matter what you do, it will never be good enough. If you are this type, stop for a minute and listen to your body. Comparing yourself to others and your past is a losing battle.


If your expectations are too high, you set yourself up for failure and then begin comparing yourself to others. In some cases, ER sets in before you even start. This is hurtful. Setting expectations that are too high is self-defeating before you even start.

Step #2: Change your false beliefs about food, exercise and life.

Getting to the ROOT of the matter

To change unwanted behaviors, its important to acknowledge your thinking toward exercise and eating. A lot of people believe they know what that thinking is, but havent come to grips with their core beliefs. In other words, they have to get to the root of the matter. For FREE MINI COURES click here

In order to change your attitude toward exercise and food, you have to understand the WHYs of the behavior.

You are going to have to dig deep, find the root of the problem, nurture and understand it.

Your BELIEF system

The reason you have certain behaviors is based on the core beliefs of your value system. It is here--inside--where things need to be addressed. Beliefs form barriers that stop you from starting or following through on a regular exercise and eating program. In order to change attitudes toward exercise you have to check under the surface.

It takes time, effort, and energy, and in some cases, outside professional assistance to get to the TRUTH of the matterto see what is below, admit it is there and bring it up to the surface. If you have a hard time following through on an eating plan, chances are barriers have formed, and stop you from smooth sailing.

Do the math! Numbers do not lie. You either accept the road less traveled or you face the consequences. Its just that simple. This may resemble a scare tactic, but the bottom line is this is the reality. If you think for one second you are exempt, above reproach, or just relying on luck or faith, think again. Your best defense is a good offense.

LOSE WEIGHT IMMEDIATELY! FREE MINI COURSE click here Discover the common sense way to lose weight with out dieting that the doctors DONT want you to know. Greg Ryan is a best selling author, former employee of Kathy Smith, and high profile fitness expert.

How to Lose Weight In Days - FREE

Have you ever wondered why you had to go on a "Diet"? to lose weight? Well may instead of just assuming that Dieting is the end all be all path to Weight Loss, we should explore the real reason for our extra fat and get rid of it once and for all. So here are some facts and help to lose weight in days--FREE!

Before we get into the simple and no cost changes that you can make in order to lose weight fast, we need to look at a little Social Studies to see why all of those things that you thought were making you fat, may not be the CAUSE at all!

Interestingly enough, every Culture's eating habits can be a determining factor in obesity. Look at the French, the eat endless amounts of pastry, butter, creams and fat yet their obesity statistics are much different than those in America. Japan is another example of a country with low rates of obesity. Did you know that as of today, Japanese refuse to accept meat and dairy imports from America? There must be a reason and it is more frightening than what you think!

The reason that people are obese from a physicological standpoint comes down to two things; Toxins and Parasites. If you are overweight, your body is constantly fighting to re-route the toxic build up that has accumulated in your colon, away from your vital organs. So what it does is this; it keeps building fat cells in order to store those toxins. Get rid of these and your excess weight will start falling off almost effortlessly.

Here are 3 simple steps to help you lose weight in days for free;

  1. Figure out your personal Metobolic Type. This is another reason why diets do not work. Everybody metabolizes food differently. Metoblic typing has been done for centuries. Different people have specific food requirements. This is a free way to learn to listen to your body. In a nutshell, you know that you are eating the right type of foods when you feel Satisfied (not hungry or overfull), when you feel energetic (not lathargic), when your mind is clear (not foggy or forgetful) and if you have any diseases those symptoms remain unchanged after a meal. In other words the disease doesn't worsen by eating certain foods.
  2. Walk for at least 30 minutes 4 times a week. If walking is impossible for you, there are some exercises that you can do from a chair. Your Dr. should have some tips for exercise that you can do if you can not walk.
  3. Drink Water. Spring water is best, but to really get your digestive juices flowing and reap many other benefits add a teaspoon to a teaspoon and a half of Organic lemon juice to about half of your water servings. The benefits of H2O are astounding! Not only will you feel fuller, you will have less food cravings, you will help your body flush out those toxins and the lemon will help balance out pH levels in your body. (another contributing factor to being over weight and a whole host of diseases). You should have at lease 2 liters of water a day.

If you follow these simple steps you will lose weight in days-FREE!

Visit Here to Find the Top Secret Fat Loss Secrets that "They" don't want you to know. Here is some Free information on Metabolic Typing that will get you started.

Proper Weight Loss Can Increase Your Chance Of Becoming Pregnant

Not many people are aware that being obese and overweight actually decreases a woman's chance of getting pregnant. According to a study conducted by Amsterdam's Academic Medical Center, women who have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 and above are less likely to bear children than those whose BMI are 21-29, which is considered the normal BMI levels. In short, the higher your BMI is, the more difficult it will be for you to get pregnant.

More precisely, the statistics show that individuals who have a BMI of over 40 have 43% lesser chance of bearing a child than women who have normal body mass. Moreover, women who have a BMI between 35 and 40 are also 26% less likely to get pregnant using natural methods.

Underlying Reasons

If you and your partner have been trying to conceive for several years without any success, you may want to have your BMI analyzed and your weight checked. The main reason behind this phenomenon is the hormonal imbalance found in women who are overweight or obese. The link is found in Leptin, which is a hormone that controls appetite and the use of energy. This hormone is deficient in people who have high body mass index. Unfortunately, according to some studies, it plays a very important role in increasing women's fertility.

Excess body fat can also affect ovulation, which is crucial in getting pregnant; in fact, it is one of the first stages in child-bearing. If your ovaries are not releasing egg cells because of abnormalities caused by your widening girth, then it would really be quite difficult, if not impossible to conceive the natural way.

Lastly, the human body has a tendency for self-preservation. Thus, if you are still on the heavy side, your body will naturally keep you from getting pregnant in order to protect you, as well as your baby, from complications and dangers brought about by being overweight or obese.

Complications Of Pregnancy During Obesity

As obesity becomes common among Americans, the number of pregnancies among obese women will also rise. Overweight women who are pregnant face potential risks during gestation and other complications during delivery.

Obesity will definitely cause damages during pregnancy and even during conception. Worse, the impacts of this kind of pregnancy will affect your child even when they are older. Babies born to obese moms have twice the risk of having congenital heart problems and obesity as well. A condition known as omphalocele is also prevalent, this is a condition where the organs like the intestines are sticking out of the child's navel.

Diabetes and hypertension are also foremost among the health hazards that an obese pregnant woman can experience. Plus, there is a high possibility of delivery through cesarean section as well as increased likelihood of infection.

Attaining Healthy Weight Before Pregnancy

The health of your new born child will greatly depend on your well-being. And the best expression of love that you can present to your new baby is having a healthy body yourself. In other words, before you embark into the most important experience of your life as a woman, you need to be in tiptop shape.

Attaining healthy weight prior to pregnancy can be a little bit tricky because whatever happens to your body will definitely affect your baby. In short, weight loss methods in this stage should not be all about exercise and reducing the food that you eat. In fact, there are some types of food that you need to eat in abundance; for instance, you need to beef up Omega 3 levels in your body without having to increase too much calories in your body.

If you find it difficult to lose weight prior to your pregnancy, you can opt to use weight loss products that are made from natural ingredients which can help you burn off more calories; supplements like Zylorin can help you get back in shape safely. Visit for more details.

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine

Small Changes To Your Weight Loss, Part 4

This is another installment in our series of how little changes can add up to weight loss success. Just as a huge, luxury cruise ship turns in small increments to make an adjustment, so can you. One day you don't eat a bag of cookies for dinner and then the next day expect to be satisfied eating nothing but vegetables. Extremes don't work when it comes to making changes in your diet. Make small changes and adjustments to achieve a u-turn in your diet. As you accomplish one small change, add another successfully, and another, etc., you'll find yourself moving forward with positive momentum. It is more than doable and before you know it, all these small changes equal to big success in your weight loss goals.

1. Use flavorings instead of swimming in fat. Butter, cream sauces, sugary sauces tend to encourage the mentality of the more the better. Many of my clients use these fat-ridden choices as pools that the food swims in rather than for flavoring. Flavorings such as salsa, hot sauce, Cajun seasonings. To keep your digestion and metabolism fires burning, these seasonings provide flavor without the fat and fewer calories. Adjust your taste buds to flavorings rather than pools of fat.

2. Stairs as exercise equipment. Who needs expensive exercise equipment or gym memberships? For only 10 minutes a day, walking up and down stairs will make a tremendous difference. For a 15-minute work break, you can spend only 10 minutes and have 5 to spare! According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), it takes only 10 minutes a day to help you lose as much as 10 pounds a year. 10 minutes a day for 10 pounds a year.

3. Skip e-mail or phone calls and walk it. The modern day conveniences of using the telephone and e-mail have made us more sedentary. Are you stuck at a desk all day? Get up and walk around the office or your home for five minutes per day for every two hours. A brisk five-minute walk every two hours will equal an extra 20-minute walk by the end of the day. How easy is that? An added benefit is that it will make you less likely to find yourself eating out of the vending machine out of boredom.

4. Balance your starch choice with vegetables. At your next meal, check out the proportion of your starch to your vegetables. For most of us that diet, carbohydrate choices are far larger portions than the portion of vegetables. To avoid a carbohydrate overload, eat an equal size portion of starch food choice to your vegetable choice. High fiber vegetables will satisfy your hunger before you overindulge in starchy foods.

5. To be smaller, order small. When you order a food item, order the small size. Order the smallest portion of everything. Jumbo, giant, super size, the bigger is better mentality do not result in a body size small. If you're ordering a submarine sandwich, order the 6-inch rather than the 12 incher. We tend to each what's in front of us even though we'd be satisfied on less. Think small to be small.

6. Drive past the drive thru. If you're running short of time or just plain don't feel like cooking, have a stash of healthy frozen dinners that have been created for weight loss. If you have problems with evening eating, you can use frozen dinners as well. Many of us tend to eat more in the evening than in the morning. An easy way to keep your evening eating and dinner meal is to buy a pre-portioned meal. You can supplement with vegetables and fruit.

It isn't necessary to make big changes all at once to lose weight. Actually, smaller changes tend to build on the successes of each other. We're less to feel overwhelmed by all the differences in our lives and give up. When you build a brick house, it is built a brick at a time. Build your own sturdy, solid foundation for weight loss, built one small change at a time.

Cathy Wilson is a weight loss life coach. Cathy lost 147 pounds six years ago. Her passion is helping clients achieve their weight loss and life goals. Cathy works with clients to create a weight loss life plan that is customized to each client. Cathy is a member of the International Coaching Federation, International Association of Coaches, and Obesity Action Coalition.

Visit Cathy's website:

Day 1 - Follow My Weight Loss Program - And So It Begins

Ok so over the past few years, give or take a few, I have packed on some extra pounds. Ok how about 50 extra pounds. With a lack of exercise and good eating habits, it really doesn't come as a surprise.

However with a 7 month old son now, I feel I owe it to him to get in great shape. Otherwise I might not be able to catch him once he starts walking.

I actually started yesterday, but thought it would be a good idea to share my progress with the Internet crowd with this blog. Let me first say, I am not a personal trainer, salesman of any health related products or anything like that. Just an average person who is trying to lose 50 pounds and is willing to share it with you.

My goal is to lose 50 pounds by December 31st, 2008. That gives me roughly 54 weeks to make it happen. In turn using this information I need to lose 0.93 pounds each and every week. Sounds like a reasonable goal and very achievable. The hard part is, can I stay on it? Can I stay on a daily regiment of eating right and exercising for that long?

The way I look at it, I really don't have a choice. I have to. For the sake of my son and family and my own health, it needs to be done.

Over the past few weeks I have been reading a number of health magazines and books, to get up to date on eating right and proper exercising.

I will post my progress everyday on here for the previous days activities.

Also as I come across something interesting that I feel I should share, such as a healthy recipe or good exercise, I will write about it here and let you know of the source as to where I obtained the information. I will not post something that I don't try first. It is just not fair to anyone who reads this. How can I endorse something if I don't even try it?

I am still new to the "blogging thing", so I will try and post pictures whenever possible to show everyone my progress. Along with posting pictures I will post a daily account of what I ate for each meal. Feel free to comment, good or bad (I can take criticism) on anything that you read. However don't post anything in the comments if you are trying to sell something. I will delete it. This is not a commercial blog for your financial gain. It is a blog to share with others a real life experience of losing weight.

Mike P.

Day 1 - Weight: 275 pounds

Meal 1: 3 egg whites, 1 whole egg
Meal 2: 1 packet of tuna
Meal 3: Spinach and lettuce mix with cut up baked chicken tenderloin and a small Gordon's salmon patty.
Meal 4: A small Gordon's Salmon patty
Meal 5: 2 1/2 whole eggs

Walked the dog in the early morning for about a half hour. Wasn't a steady even paced walk as the dog needs to, you know, stop and do his thing.

First day was tough in the sense of eating every 2 to 3 hours. I haven't done that in years, but it was a lot tougher late at night, while I am sitting there watching the football game. I was used to eating chips and other bad foods. It is a bad habit I am sure will really challenge my will power.

About the Author
You can follow Mike's weight loss program on his Blog at There you can follow Mike's progress as he details his daily routine fitness and nutrition program on his way to losing 50 pounds by December 31st, 2008.

Weight Loss And Fad Diets

Fad diets encompass a whole range of methods to temporarily lose weight. Many of diets are unsafe. We constantly hear about new fad diets in the market. Fad diets generally work as follows:

For a period of time you are instructed to restrict you diet to a select group of foods or to purchase prepared foods from the diet company. You may also be told to restrict your eating or to count calories. These diets vary but it is not uncommon for fats to be eliminated in these diets. The reaction to this starvation diet is that your body eliminates excess water. You'll also experience a rapid loss of weight. This initial weight loss is due to water weight.

As you continue to starve your body, after the initial water loss, you'll start to burn muscle mass. At this point it still is not burning fat. Of course, the excess fat is the problem behind your weight problem. The truth is that while you continue to avoid fats, your system will try to preserve the fat that it has stored. If you stay on this fad diet for a month your body will have no alternative but to start burning fat. This is where the difficulty begins. The dieter will get weaker, lethargic and not able to perform well at this initial fat loss stage. Burning fat requires more effort and time to produce energy from fat than it does from muscle.

Usually at this point something gives. You find it difficult to function under these conditions and return to your earlier dietary habits. The problem is that your body has difficulty adjusting to you former eating pattern. Before the body returns to restructuring your muscle, it will store most of your nourishment as excess fat.

Surprise, you're back to your pre-diet weight and possibly a bit more. This is how fad diets fail. It is not possible to lose weight with fad diets and to keep that weight off. This approach to losing weight is flawed from inception. It will never be successful in your weight loss goals.

If you're like most individuals, then chances are, you have not successfully achieved your weight loss goal yet and still looking for a weight loss plan that can lead you to a permanently slim body. There is only one approach that will work permanently. Simple lifestyle changes that you incorporate into you day to day life.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Water Helps To Loss Weight

One of the questions many dieters have today is, does water help to loss weight? Water does more than just help to loss weight. Water regulates the temperature of the human body, carries nutrients and oxygen to cells, cushions joints, protects organs and tissues, remove wastes and so on.

Dehydration can cause you to fell sluggish, tired and can contribute to major health problems. Water helps to flush your system and is better for you than any other liquid beverage on earth for maintaining good health. A merely percentage drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math problems and difficult focusing. Make drinking plenty of water an essential part of your daily routine.

So how much water should I drink? A good measure depends on your lifestyle and health level, which includes your eating habit and your level of activities. Healthier people can drink on the average about gallon or 8 ounces of water a day. When you are exercising or if you exercise a lot make sure that you drink plenty of water because you lose a lot of water through sweating and you need to keep your water levels up.

Can I lose weight by drinking water no matter what and how much I eat? Drinking water can help in losing weight but must be combined with sensible eating and exercising. A good rule is to cut your portion sizes down, and stop eating when you start to feel full. True hydration is sustaining an amount of water in your blood relative to your tissues that reflects the overall water and salt balance your body works at creating. Drinking a glass of water before you eat a meal is not a bad idea.

In losing weight the greatest benefit of drinking water is the positive effect it has on your metabolic rate. Dehydration slows down the body's metabolism, when you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated. You should try to avoid being dehydrated. Dehydration causes a reduction in blood volume, which causes a reduction in the supply of oxygen to your muscles, a reduced oxygen level can make you feel tired.

Water is an essential ingredient of the proper functionality of every single part of your body, especially the colon and the liver. Just by drinking enough water to keep your colon and liver healthier, you're contribution to the overall improvement health of your entire body. Water contributes to a healthier, plumper, moister and younger looking skin free from acne and blemishes. Many people don't realize it, but the amount of water you drink each day has a direct effect on how healthy your skin is. 37% of the U.S. population mistake thirst for hunger and about 75% of the population are chronically dehydrated.

Exercising helps in the circulation of body fluids. When combined with water and it's done on a regular basis you should see the weight loss result in about 3 - 4 weeks. Walking for about 30 to 60 minutes a day on a regular basis should provide you with sufficient exercise needed for your weight loss. The key is doing it on a regular basis, once a week might not be enough, three days or more a week of exercise should be ok.

Drinking water to lose weight is just one of the ways that you can lose weight for free. It's easy and better if combined with other easy ways to lose weight naturally and safely. For any weight loss program don't forget to drink your water, 98% of dieters use water to deter hunger pangs. Because water helps to filter toxin and aids the liver to function at optimal level it is being regarded by some as the most important thing to have during weight loss.

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