Healthy Fat Loss

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Laxatives For Weight Loss

The dangers of obesity have induced various different kinds of weight loss products to be introduced in the market, some of which are extremely beneficial causing efficient weight loss. But most of these products are useless and instead of causing weight loss, they cause immense harm to the body.

Various other products are still undergoing research in order to determine whether they are actually helpful in causing weight loss. Laxatives have also been considered by many as being an efficient means of losing weight. In this case it is necessary for one to realize the way laxatives function in order to cause effective weight loss. The main purpose of the laxatives is to cause swift movement of the waste products from the bowel. The food contents are accumulated in the large intestine where it is usually absorbed. Here it is to be kept in mind that food particles are not absorbed in the small intestine.

In cases when laxatives are consumed, the absorption of food in the large intestine is terminated. Therefore the consumption of laxatives greatly regulates the absorption of fats within the body. Such factors lead to grease diarrhea which in their turn are conducive to cause weight loss. However, one must remember that while the taking of considerable quantities of laxatives can facilitate weight loss, it can also cause certain damaging effects to certain organs of the body. For example, it can cause weakening of the bones of the body resulting in a disease known as osteomalacia and can permanently harm the GI tract.

Moreover, it is necessary to keep in mind here that weight loss can have negative effects in the form of bulimia or anorexia and in various cases it has been noticed that those victims of these diseases have adopted the consumption of laxatives to ensure rapid weight loss. Usage of laxatives is considered detrimental to the health of pregnant women. Therefore it is always advised that the use of laxatives must always be regulated accordingly by a medical practitioner. Also, one must conform to it and not indulge in taking more than the selected dosage assigned for a particular person.

Slim tea and dieter's tea are some of the prominent laxative products that are used by individuals. These products enable the removal of toxins and ensure swift bowel movement thus not allowing the absorption of the food products and therefore being able to control the calorie intake. Slimming tea is made up of herbal products which can be quiet beneficial.

Many obese people take diet pills for fast weight loss without the exercise.

Getting in Shape For Lazy Bastards

Okay so let me get this straight... You dont feel like making exercise a daily habit, you dont like the feeling of being out-of-breath, and youd rather stay the way you are if it means being comfortable...even if you do become an even fatter and lazier bastard in the process?

Ladies and Gentlemen - what youve just read above is the exact mindset that most out-of-shape people have when attempting to get in shape. And when they fail, they actually ask the obvious question of why they have failed... Sad isnt it?

As opposed to those types of people, I have come in contact and trained people who did have the desire to change their daily habits with the goal of getting in shape and being healthier. Now this is the mindset of a few select people who want to get in shape - and its a good mindset to have. But again, Ive also seen people fail to get in shape with this wonderful mindset...

The reasons: Okay, for the lazy mindset - its obvious why they fail. If you go into any activity with the I dont feel like it mood, guess what, you most likely will fail and you wont get anywhere because all of your energy will be focused on not wanting to be there doing whatever is it youre doing. Or for some fat and lazy people, their energy will be focused on which flavored donut theyll purchase when the training is over. Whatever it is you focus on while physically training, if youre focus is not centered on progression and self-improvement - you are doomed to fail.

As for the pre-motivated types, the reason why some of them fail is because they lack consistency after they start training. To give you a more clear vision on what I mean, Ill tell you about a particular client I began to train recently...

A friend of mine heard about my fitness training services one day and decided that he wanted me to help him get in shape. He called me up and we met at a location. He was so worked up and was motivated to get in shape and have more daily energy - and with this mindset, he couldnt possibly fail, could he? Well, for the first few days he used my advice and trained really hard and actually started to make progress. However, one day, a day in which he scheduled physical training for himself, he decided to slack off and take a break. So he did take a break for that one day... And soon, that one day off turned into 5 days off!

Can you believe that? He quit training for one day and resumed back to his old habits...and all the progress he made from improving his stamina to increasing his muscle base all disappeared within a week. He basically threw every little progress he made out the window. And after that, he simply forgot about training.

Of course, being the persistent S.O.B. I am, I pushed him forward after hearing about his fall and he did achieve his fitness goals after about a month of consistent training (powered by me).

But the main lesson to learn here is this: No matter what shape, size, or physical state you are in, if you train consistently, you will succeed at getting in shape and achieving your goals in a reasonable amount of time.

Ryan Dodson - Personal Fitness Instructor

I guess you're wondering how I took an out-of-shape "couch-potato" like him and turned him into a living, breathing, fitness machine. Well, I've put all of my knowledge and exercise methods into one downloadable.pdf file and you can instantly download it from the *new and improved* InhumanStamina website (coming soon)

How To Stop Emotional Eating

For many people overeating is simply a habit and a strong focus and change of behavior will be key to weight loss success in these cases. But to say that people who are overweight just eat too much, is not always true.

Sometimes people eat more, for any number of psychological reasons. In a letter that I recently got from a subscriber there is the following line: "I find myself eating sweets when i get frustrated or sad".

Stress, frustration, sadness and depression are just a few emotional triggers which can make a person want to eat more. Eating is then usually associated with these emotions and for this reason they choose to eat more to comfort themselves.

Certain chemicals in the brain are linked to both mood and hunger.

For example, one of the most likely culprits that lurks behind the act of emotional binges is cortisol -- a stress hormone that tends to make people crave sweet and salty food. So, if you experience more stress than is natural, higher quantities of cortisol is produced, leading you to crave for unhealthy foods, and this in turn leads to other health related problems. It's the domino effect.

In cases like these it is wise to resolve your emotional issues first, even if you need to consult a specialist, rather than trying to attack the eating problem first.

And for your own good, try to cope in healthy ways --

  • Exercising has the effect of letting the dominoes and the dice fall in your favor. It is the foundation of feeling good and eating healthy. Get your endorphins going, instead of cortisol.
  • Eliminate any temptations by not actually buying foods that are going to cause you a problem. This will encourage you to eat better foods and in doing so change your behavior patterns.
  • Social support can go a long way toward helping you process your feelings. Put your trust in your family, a close friend, or once again - by seeing a specialist if necessary.
  • Keep a diary. This has proven time and time again to have many health benefits beyond mere stress management. This is successfully used to set goals, keep track of daily consumption and to chart progress. Even when failures arise, these are noted, and used constructively, eventually just becoming a bad day between more and more successes. So when you feel like reaching for unhealthy food, reach for a pen and your journal instead.

Get your free copies of "A Guide To Fat Burning Foods" and "The Original Turbulence Training Bodyweight Workout" at, and discover how to increase your metabolism by making the right food choices, and how to exercise for fat loss, at home for only 20 minutes, 3 times a week, using only bodyweight!

Win Back Your Life By Running

Running is one of the most popular exercise programs available. And it can be good for just about anybody. Running, as a way of life, can be enjoyable and a source of good health. If you are wondering how running can contribute to your lifestyle, well, there is just not enough space to list all the benefits. But here's a few.

Strengthens Muscles And Bones

Have you heard of atrophy? Well, basically it is the wasting away or the decrease in size of particular parts or tissues in the body. Somehow, this concept applies to your muscles and bones whenever you neglect to use them. Most tissues in your body need to feel that they are needed; otherwise, when they do not get the level of demand that they require, they become weaker and they are simply wasted away.

You see, spending all your time in front of the TV or computer screen would create signals in your system that you do not have much need for some of your muscle and bone tissues. Overtime, those muscles and bones that you do not use will decrease in size and become weaker and brittle. Running, as an exercise, has been proven to put most of your muscles and bones to good use. In fact, it has also been found to stimulate the production of growth hormones that fuel the growth and development of stronger tissues in the body.

Busts Stress And Tensions

Somehow, running can help you deal with stress from your work, school, or even your home. Going for several miles allows you to have the time to contemplate on many problems and areas of your life. Running for an hour or two gives you ample time to clear your thoughts and emotions; you can even increase your speed or the intensity of your run to vent trapped anger or frustrations. This may be the reason why, statistically speaking, most runners have a positive take on their careers and life in general.

Works Against Diseases

Various studies have shown that running can help you fight off debilitating diseases such as stroke and diabetes. There are many doctors who prescribe running as a regular form of exercise for patients who wish to combat osteoporosis and hypertension. As a cardiovascular workout, running can help you build up a stronger heart and keep your arteries considerably elastic no matter how old you are. And of course, just like any exercise, it helps you fortify your immune system by flushing out disease-causing toxins.

Keeps Your Body In Shape

More often than not, people who are in a running program have a single goal in mind; and that is to shed off unwanted pounds. Indeed, this form of exercise is one of the simplest ways of attaining or maintaining a shapely body. It can help you burn a lot of calories per minute without using any fancy gadget. All you need is a good pair of running shoes and you are ready to go for miles.

So if you are overweight or you just want to get rid of the flab on your sides, you can try running as a form of cardiovascular workout. It is definitely safe and it won't require you to spend a lot of money on equipment; the best part about running is that there are no membership fees.

Tones Your Legs

The part in which running can have the biggest impact is your legs. And why not? Running is basically moving your legs rapidly. This exercise can help you attain beautiful and well-toned legs that you would be proud to show off.

But remember, the shape of your legs is not enough to make it look attractive. Do not forget to deal with the flaws on the skin of your legs; even running can not help you with this. For pesky spider veins, you can use products like Veinuderm. For more information about eliminating spider veins and other spots on your legs, visit

Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine

The Weight Loss Challenge

Since the last quarter of the 20th century, the prevalence of obesity has increased sharply for both adults and children. Current studies reveal increases from 15 to over 30 percent of our current population as being obese. For children aged 2 to 5 years of age, the obesity prevalence increased from 5 to 14 percent; for those 6 to 11, there was an increase from 6.5 to over 18 percent; and those 12 to 19, obesity prevalence increased from 5 to 17 percent. Obesity begins at the home where the adult leaders teach and nurture unhealthy lifelong habits. Our society reinforces the behavior with advertising and an abundant supply of unhealthy foods. These worsening statistics prove that we need better education and guidance on the importance of healthy nutrition and lifestyle.

So unfortunately, if you are living in the developed world, you will more than likely need some help and direction with your weight control. There is a strong need for safe dieting and lifestyle restructuring. To start, you need to ask yourself some simple Yes or No questions:

Are you:




Plagued with:

Weak Concentration?

Low Self Confidence?

Poor Health?

Poor Sex Life?

If the answer is YES, then a well-rounded healthy diet plan is just what your physician should be ordering. No more pills or unnecessary alternative medical treatments like the ones you see on television. You don't need a miracle bowel cleanse. You don't need a revolutionary diet-modifying drug.

Do you have any of the problems listed above? Do you have trouble with your weight? Are you just looking to shed a couple of pounds? Have you tried one or more diets without long-term success? You aren't alone, but one among the millions of others around the world who feel a sense of hopelessness when it comes to dieting and personal health.

The dieting industry currently yields tens of billions of dollars a year. Most claims are to help you lose weight very quickly; however, read any of the fine print under the promotional pictures of the models and you will start to see the little slogan "Results not Typical." Well, what are the typical results for dieters? For starters, 90 to 99 percent of people regain the weight and then some! Many chronic dieters spend over ten thousand dollars on dieting products during their lifetimes. Wouldn't it be nice to use that money for an investment, vacation, or that special something you've always wanted? Of course it would.

There is a serious problem in America and with most of the developed world right now. That problem is customer demand fueling the food and drug corporations. Do you think they care if you are fat or thin? Maybe the individuals working in those corporations want the best for their fellow citizens, but the truth is that these corporations are in business to make a profit. What sells better? A bland tasting super healthy burger, or a juicy, fatty, scrumptious one deep fried, covered in condiments, and wrapped in sugar dough? Most will vouch for the latter.

Like the fast-food industry, the sit down restaurants are seldom better. Let's face it; our brains and bodies LOVE refined sugars and juicy fats. Therefore, the chefs and food creators at the various establishments are pushed to create that feeling of ecstasy in your mouth with these two main ingredients. And they should. You are paying them good money to make the best tasting food you've ever put in your mouth. Furthermore, do you see many restaurant reviews on the nutritional or personal health benefits gained from eating there? Of course not, and the restaurants should not be forced to do so. However, it's always nice to see healthy alternatives on the menus as well as nutritional disclosure about the meals served.

Bottom line, you've probably tried several diets without success. You have more than likely experienced part or all of the "diet cycle." The diet cycle starts when you decide to start a diet plan or product. Then, social, mental, or family pressures and roadblocks develop and you fail. You become frustrated and depressed with your failure, which leads to a return of old habits and additional weight gain. The cycle will repeat itself, again and again, if you do not adequately prepare for success and make the necessary changes in your life sustainable to break it.

You can get out of this continuous downward sequence. You can start to reverse some of the damage you've already caused your body. You can start to promote a healthier future for you and your family. It starts with the incorporation of a healthy diet and lifestyle plan. Avoid the fads and special products, and get in touch with an weight loss expert to direct you towards success.

Brent Harris, M.D.
TeleSlim Program Director


How To Eat What You Want And Still Lose Weight

I'm writing this article to inform you of how the body works in regard to food intake. There's way too many fitness freaks out there that want you to eat only "clean foods". A lot of fruits, veggies, plain chicken or turkey breast and maybe some granola for a snack. Who wouldn't get sick of that after a week or two.

Don't get me wrong, there's no question eating like this you'll lose weight. But will you be able to continue that eating habit for weeks, months, or even years down the road? Not only that but, are you really striving to look like a supermodel, or are you just wanting to get the body you had before kids? Most of us just want to look fit and trim, not a ripped god or goddess. It's been proven over and over again, the majority of people don't have the willpower to continue that type of regimen. Think to yourself for a minute, how many times have you went on a diet only to stumble a few weeks later. Then you start the whole process over again.

Okay, let me break down how the body works, without using a bunch of scientific medical jargon. Simply put; It's not so much what you eat, as it is how often you eat. Our bodies have a metabolism, it's job is it burn the food you ingest. If you have a steady flow of food into your system your metabolism will continue to run, burning off fat gram after fat gram. The main reason people gain weight is they don't eat enough. By this I mean, you need to eat at least 5 to 6 meals a day. Listen, I'm not saying you can run out and eat a double cheeseburger with fries for every meal. But you don't have to stick with fruits, veggies and chicken all the time either. Here's how your day of food intake should look like:

1. Start with a good breakfast, preferably within 30 minutes of waking.

2. Healthy snack.

3. Lunch.

4. Healthy snack.

5. Dinner

6. Then it's time for dessert, maybe some yogurt with fruit or low fast ice cream.

There you have 6 meals. You put a 2-3 hour gap between meals and your all set to lose weight. Up until now I haven't mentioned exercise. Exercise is another tool you can use to speed up your metabolism. Don't click away yet I'm not going to ask to run on the treadmill for hours on end. But any little exercise you can do will greatly increase your weight loss. I'm talking about things like...walking for 30 minutes on your lunch hour or maybe a quick 30 minute walk around your neighborhood with the family. The point is, stay active, the minute you stop being active is when your metabolism slows to a crawl.

If you are the type of person that needs a structured program with step by step instructions, I recommend you visit Better Fitness and purchase their program. This program received a 5 star rating in several aspects including... Customer support, refund and return policies and overall customer satisfaction. So having said that I wish you luck on your weight loss endeavors. Bye for now.

Chris Wyrick has been in the health and fitness field for 24 years.

Which Diet Will Work For You?

How many more diets will you have to go on to lose weight? How much more money will you spend on weight-loss solutions and how much more willpower will you be able to muster up to lose those extra kilos?

Most diets suggest that excess weight is a problem that can be solved through dieting. Through my experience, however, this could not be further from the truth. Is it possible that it is not about willpower at all? How would you feel if I suggested that weight is not the problem, but rather it is your thinking, your self-image and your self-esteem that have caused your distorted thinking about food, your body or your life?

I know that inside of you is a naturally slim person that existed before your thinking became distorted by the media, social pressures, family problems, neuroses, unforeseen disasters and the natural ups and downs of life.

So what is the solution?

Reach the thin mind inside of you despite what the outward appearances suggests and start from there.

Start living from inside of yourself.

In summary - get to what the REAL issue is and be willing to address your issues and be willing enough to want to change.

This perspective is different from the dieting concept mainly in that it treats the causes of overeating. By understanding the reasons for your overeating or under-eating, you can begin to address what it is that is really disempowering you.

This will require:
A Decision

Some feel it may be too much to handle, so they continue along the dieter's path. This is a form of procrastination used to avoid the truth. It may not be the right time in your life right now to face your weight and your life, but I ask you:

When is the right time?
How far along the dieter's do you have to go, to reach rock bottom?
When is enough more than enough for you?
How much longer can you stand yourself as you are now?
How many more weeks, months and years do you have to go on pretending to yourself, family and friends that you are okay?

Permanent weight loss can be yours if you are willing to at least entertain some simple yet very effective tools, strategies and perspectives. These are all available at your fingertips if you want it. Are you willing to give your permanent weight loss attempts at least one more try?

Kim Knight, The Coach Yourself to Greatness Coach, has helped a number of clients target their goals. The Personal Life Coach is not only a sought-after trusted and inspirational coach. She has also written EBooks for all those who want to help themselves or support others. There are many successful clients whose friends and family are amazed at finding out that someone else coached them on their overall transformation. For more information, visit Kim's site at and sign up for up for her FREE Coaching Tips at

Put The Snack Down And Step Away From The Freezer!

Life is certainly not easy, anything that you want is difficult and things you do not want are sometimes damn near impossible. It is so easy to gain excess weight, and it is pretty enjoyable doing it! It is a pain to get rid of the extra weight though, and it is a truly horrible experience.

If you think about it, putting on weight is easy and enjoyable. You just eat more and more, but it is pleasurable! Dieting however is always a nightmare.

Recent studies have shown that our bodies do not react to dieting in the way that we thought it would. Your body will start to learn about any regular dieting patterns, and will prepare itself for these lean periods.

Another problem with our modern lifestyle is the convenience of fast food. Almost everyone these days is rushed off their feet, they just do not have enough time to work, look after the kids and to eat properly. This just makes fast food so much more of a tempting idea than cooking.

Treats can also be really damaging to your waistline. Snacks contain lots of calories and little to no nutritional value. The only really healthy snack food is fruit, and then you should only eat them at meal times.

You can kick the habit if you really want to, you just need to work hard enough. Once you have broken the habit you probably would not miss whatever it is you have just given up anyway! offers you the latest information on weight loss, articles, and reviews about the numerous weight loss products that are on the market.

FREE weight loss articles, exercise tips and tools to help you lose weight.

Exercise For Women Over 40

The last of the baby boomer turned forty in the year 2000, and this is a generation that has revealed that it has no intention of going gently into old age or declining health! Many women fear the age of forty as the beginning of an inevitable decline but when you take a real look around, you'll see that nothing could be further from the truth. Women of this age and older are maintaining healthy lifestyles, exploring new types of exercise and in some cases are far healthier than they were while they were in their twenties and thirties!

When you are looking for a way to stay in shape, don't think of an exercise regimen that will sap your energy and make you groan every time to do it. You'll find that if you really have an interest in a particular activity, you will do it for longer than you intended to, do it more regularly and be less resentful every time you do it. If possible, you can take some time to learn a new activity that will let you accomplish a life goal. Have you ever wanted to snorkel off the Great Barrier Reef? Take some time to become a better swimmer. Have you ever wanted to hike the Appalachian Trail? Give yourself a year to get in shape to do just that.

You can also find exercise that will make you feel more womanly and help you remember that you are beautiful no matter what your age is. Look at various types of dancing and realize that there's never a bad time to dance. Belly dancing is a great way to emphasize your favorite parts of yourself, while jazz, tap and traditional Irish dance can get your heart going like nothing else will!

Remember that boredom and frustration are some of the biggest things that keep us from exercising, so shake it up. Find one activity that you really like, whether that is rock climbing, ju jitsu or dance, and pick up other activities to help you do it. For instance, when warming up to tackle a rock climbing wall, some yoga is a great thing to get you started. Learning yoga can complement the rock climbing and keep your routine interesting.

Similarly, remember that your exercise should suit you in terms of convenience and that it should fit into your day easily. Can you easily get to the gym, or do you need something that you can do at home? Also, remember that there's no reason you can't start slow and work your way up. It can take as much as 3 months to see change so be patient, with yourself and whatever program you've decided on. Be safe as well, and start with a lot of good stretching and remember to dress appropriately.

Just because you're past forty doesn't mean that it's all downhill from here! Get active, find a form of exercise that you can love and you'll find yourself feeling better than ever. You can view more information about weight loss for women over 40 and get interesting recipes, chat with other women over 40 and its all FREE at

Weight Loss Hazards of Low-Fat Food

The revolution of zero-fat food, or low-fat food, is here. It's all around us. We see them whichever way we look at the grocery store we shop in. We here it buzzing in our ears like a mosquito through commercials. There's "Low Fat This", and "Low Fat That", and "The Other Thing Light - only x percents of fat!". They wash our brains with it, and we succumb. Who can blame us?

And they usually charge more for these low-fat items. And we pay willingly, don't we? They know how badly we want to lose weight and keep ourselves slim, trim, and firm.

I should say that the low-fat food revolution is really that - a revolution. I'm not kidding here. The variety is endless, and the taste has gotten better over the years - some of that low-fat stuff tastes just as good as the "regular". So what's the problem here?

The problem is they don't tell you everything. They count on you seeing the magic words, "low fat" or something similar, and immediately believing it's good for your fat loss purposes.

However, gaining fat happens not only as a result of direct fat consumption.

Take sugar, for example. Many of these low-fat foods contain plenty of it. Sugar is not fat; it is a simple form of carbohydrate. So why is it something to consider?

Carbohydrates dissolve in your body to provide it with energy. But if you don't use that energy, the body stores it for "cloudy days"; and that's done in the form of - you guessed it - fat. And since sugar is carbohydrate in a simple form, it is digested quickly, and this whole process happens quickly accordingly.

If your low fat food contains more complex carbs - for example, starch - this is less of a problem, because complex carbs are digested more slowly, so you have more time to use the energy they produce. But still, if you don't use it, the "low fat" label will mean very little.

So when you see food that's labeled low-fat on your grocery store shelf, be careful before you put it in your shopping cart. Read the other parts of the label, see what other things in contains. Then you'll know if that "low-fat" boast means anything.

Steve Gaidi has gained over 50 pounds of lean muscle without adding any fat whatsoever, over years of trial and error on various training programs, despite spending relatively little of his time at the gym. For his comparison on leading fat loss and muscle building programs, click here: Steve's comparison of leading fat loss and muscle gain programs.

For Steve's review of Turbulence Training, the fat loss and fitness program for busy people, click here: Steve's Turbulence Training Review.

For Steve's review of Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle by Tom Venuto, click here: Steve's Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle review.

A Guide to Youth Weight Loss Camps

If you want to start promoting health and wellness to a young person, a youth weight loss camp can help you with that. A youth weight loss camp is similar to boot camp except that it is more fun, less harsh, and gives importance to discipline when it comes to health and proper nutrition.

The goal of losing weight
A youth weight loss camp is usually designed based on the concept of losing weight while having fun. If a youth needs a boost in their self-esteem and self-image, the camp instructors can guide them in doing so while teaching them how to change their eating habits to something more healthy and their inactive lifestyle to something more active.

A youth can stay in this camp for at least a week. Some are overnight camps while others last for 4 to 6 weeks. If there is an opportunity for a youth to go to a youth weight loss camp, urge them to do so. There are special packages with discounts that they can surely benefit from because it is guaranteed that they can learn a lot about health and wellness from weight loss camp.

Facilities, programs and activities
Weight loss camps are located in beautiful locations and are equipped with modern facilities and manned by expert instructors and staff. The youth will be fed a variety of healthy and nutritious meals arranged and designed for them by nutritionists. The programs and activities can inspire the youth to gain better self-worth and to change their current lifestyle to a healthier and more active one while they are having fun participating in them.

Before enrolling...
Book an appointment with the doctor to check if the youth is fit for weight loss camp. An obese youth may already have some health problems regarding his heart or lungs so they should be monitored closely before sending them to camp, otherwise, it can lead to more complications.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

Green Tea Weight Loss Miracle

Green and black tea originate from the same plant, but green tea hasn't been fermented and retains more tannins. It contains powerful antioxidants which help to fight aging as well as many diseases including cancer. As well as being a very healthy drink it can also help you to lose weight...Read entire article

Green Tea Weight Loss Miracle

How Drinking 3 Cups of Green Tea a Day Can Help You Lose Weight and Improve Your Health.

Green and black tea originate from the same plant but the difference is that black tea has been allowed to ferment whereas green tea hasn't. As a result green tea retains more tannins and has less caffeine.

Green tea has great health benefits as it contains powerful antioxidants which promote anti aging as well as help to fight diseases including cancer. Just a couple of cups of green tea a day will help to boost your immune system.

It can also lower blood pressure and reduce stress levels.

Make sure that you leave the tea bag in the cup for minimum 3 minutes to allow infusion of it's powerful properties. Unlike black tea green tea is drunk without the addition of milk, this alone saves you calories especially if you enjoy your daily cupa but want to lose weight!

Tea contains polyphenols which have anti cancer, anti viral and anti inflammatory properties. Green tea contains a type of polyphenol called catechins which seem to have an effect on fat loss by helping to burn calories and reduce cholesterol. Catechins are thought to help prevent the accumulation of fat in the body.

Green tea is also a great aid to weight loss as it increases the metabolic rate and may also help regulate blood sugar levels. This is also good news if you are diabetic.

Just drinking between 3 to 5 cups a day will burn about 70 calories a day, however green tea can be an acquired taste and some people just can't stand the taste.

If you are one of these people or just don't have time to make yourself 3 or 5 cups of green tea every day then you may be happy to hear that green tea can be purchased in tablet form.

It's very important if you are losing weight to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Green tea alone isn't the answer to weight loss however many cups you drink a day!

Kathy Joyce can help you to find a new slimmer, fitter and healthier you with valuable tips and resources on weight loss, fitness and nutrition.

Diabetes - Death by Sugar All Around the World

Due in part to many reasons, the whole world, on average, is getting bigger & fatter every year. At present:

* More than 300 million adults worldwide are obese.

* Almost half of these individuals live in developed countries and as many as 23% of American adults are obese.

* Obesity results in $100 billion in healthcare costs each year in the United States.

* Obesity results in 300,000 preventable deaths each year in the United States.

* Obesity nearly doubles your chances of developing high blood pressure.

* Nearly 70 % of cardiovascular disease cases are related to obesity!

* The U.S. Surgeon General has developed a national action plan to reduce obesity.


The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

The National Institute of Health

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention

The Na tional Women's Health Resource Center

A recent study from the journal Public Health reported obesity as being a greater health risk than smoking, drinking or poverty. Obesity was more closely associated with major illnesses and a poorer quality-of-life in comparison to people that smoked, drank, or lived in poverty. Researchers found that half of the people who are obese have an additional chronic condition such as heart disease, cancer or diabetes. This study was based on a telephone survey of 10,000 Americans and used only body mass index to assess obesity and overweight. Regardless, the results are cause for great concern.

You must also keep in mind that some individuals may fit into more than one category, and sometimes even all of the categories. However, the researchers stated that more people are overweight or obese than are, collectively, daily smokers, problem drinkers or living below the poverty line. Of course, being in more than one category puts your health status at an even greater disadvantage.

Obesity is a huge burden on the health care system now and will be even more so in the near future. It is a largely a preventable disease however it is a medical condition in many cases. This is very unfortunate but it is not something that should be dismissed as static. You can make a change or you can help someone make a change toward healthier living. One of the authors said the survey "demonstrates that public health officials should intensify their fight against obesity to levels that at least match the public health campaign against smoking".

Sturm, R., and K. Wells. Does obesity contribute as much to morbidity as poverty or smoking? Public Health. 115(3): 229-235, 2001.

Unfortunately, this is not a joke, and it's definitely no laughing matter. There are a large number of Internet resources for more information on either subject, such as and The newsletters from the American Diabetes Association have provided a wealth of knowledge (and many statistics and research facts in this article).

Type 2 Diabetes (T2-D) is associated with a marked impairment in the ability of the hormone insulin to stimulate glucose uptake in skeletal muscle. Most diabetic patients are obese and have high blood levels of lipids (fats) and glucose (sugar). Both of these blood levels can contribute to insulin resistance. Correct insulin is necessary for the cells of the body to pull sugar (glucose) from the blood to use as energy. Thus, it is a negative cycle (high blood glucose leads to insulin resistance and insulin resistance leads to high blood glucose!). Over the long-term, high blood glucose levels can lead to damage of the eyes, kidneys, nerves and heart.

Fortunately, while diabetes is serious, it is largely preventable and is also possible to control with lifestyle modifications, although it can't be "cured". Patients can learn to take care of their diabetes by decreasing their blood glucose levels through nutritional and exercise interventions and subsequent reductions in body fat. In fact, with weight loss, exercise, and better nutrition, many diabetics can greatly reduce (or eliminate) the need for medications. Any treatments should be discussed with a medical professional before changes are initiated.

However, enough optimism, it's time to look at the hard facts and the sad state of diabetes in North American (and the rest of the world).

* T2-D affects 140 million people worldwide.

* 16 million Americans have diabetes.

* Diabetes is the 6th leading cause of death by disease in America.

* In America, the total annual cost of diabetes to the nation is more than $100 billion.

* ~25% of all Medicare costs are spent on people with diabetes.

* Obesity is the most important determinant of insulin resistance.

* No one is able to escape the effects of diabetes (i.e. death of family and friends; financial; health care costs; etc.).

The chance of death due to diabetes is increasing primarily due to cardiovascular disease. More depressing is the fact that the risk of death increases with lower socio-economic status, likely because these people are less educated, and due to the fact that you can buy loads of saturated fat and sugar for a couple of bucks just about anywhere. Cardiovascular disease sucks. Having been a spectator of an open-heart surgery at the foot of the operating table, it is clear that no one who has the choice would want to go through that ordeal. Imagine your chest ripped open, your heart fixed up, and your chest sewn up with wire. Bring on the morphine.


The most disturbing issue surrounding diabetes is the impact that it is having in adolescents and in specific ethnic groups. Nowhere is it more sad or obvious as to what harm a sedentary lifestyle and a fast food nutritional intake can have on a person's health than in children. Overweight children are becoming more common, health problems are greater, and T2-D is being seen more and more at younger ages. Risk factors for overweight kids include overweight parents, high-fat diets, watching too much television, and being from poor families.

Unfortunately, overweight children often simply become overweight adults. Because it is difficult for people to lose body fat as one grows older, public health experts hope that preventing excess weight gain in children will avert health problems later in life. Researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed that American adolescents are developing T2-D. However it is difficult to detect T2-D in children because rarely do they show symptoms (these take years to manifest). Thus, it is extremely important to initiate educational, nutritional, and physical activity programs as soon as possible at all socio-economic levels.


Overall, the number of American diabetics increased at least 33% over the 1990's and as obesity continues to increase, so will diabetes. Unfortunately, this impacts certain ethnic groups to a greater extent than others. For example, Native American Indians have a very, very high number of T2-diabetics in their communities (3 three times the national average). African Americans may have an even higher rate of diabetes (10.8% of all African Americans - 2.3 million). It is hoped that educating these peoples on nutrition and physical activity will help combat the disease.


American's fat consumption has decreased over several decades from 40 % to 34 %, however the rate of obesity has risen from 12 % in 1991 to at least 23% today. This may be due in part to the vague "official" nutritional recommendations and the massive fast food industry. The general public believes in a low fat and high carbohydrate diet, however they don't know that there are both good and bad fats and good and bad carbohydrates.

In fact, some research shows that neither the total amount of fat or carbohydrate a person consumes can predict diabetes. Researchers suggest it may not be the quantity of fat or carbohydrate that you eat, but rather the quality. Improving the quality of your food intake and monitoring the quantity will help prevent against overweight and obesity.

Hu et al. (2001a) have written a tremendous paper on the role of nutrition in diabetes. They found that for carbohydrates, one should consume more low-glycemic carbohydrates and a high fiber content. In contrast, everyone should consume minimal refined flour products to prevent large increases in blood sugar and insulin after meals.

Recommended carbohydrate foods are oatmeal, whole unrefined grains, fibrous vegetables, apples, and other fibrous fruits, while breads and sugar based foods (soda, candy, etc.) should be eliminated. In diabetic individuals, a diet of low-glycemic carbohydrates can improve blood sugar control and if you are obese, you should absolutely eliminate all high-glycemic carbohydrates from your diet. In fact, a meal of high-glycemic foods does not cause people to feel full, and may lead to more eating! In summary, this relationship has been established: High-glycemic carbohydrates develop obesity, and obesity develops diabetes.

In their thorough review, Hu et al. (2001a) also found that a high intake of saturated fat and trans-fatty acids likely promote diabetes. In contrast, an increase in a person's intake of poly-unsaturated fat and Omega-3 fatty acids could help prevent diabetes. It is wise to decrease consumption of saturated fats (animal fats), margarine, butter and hydrogenated vegetable oils (i.e. the oil that french fries are cooked in). Salmeron et al. (2001) recommend decreasing your intake of trans-fatty acids (hydrogenated vegetable oils) by replacing them with non-hydrogenated polyunsaturated fatty acids will help decrease your risk of T2-D. One place to start is reducing your intake of fast food.

In replacement, everyone should try to consume more fish oils and non-hydrogenated vegetable oils (i.e. olive oil). Most of the research presented is based on association. For example, in the Netherlands, diets containing a lot of fish are associated with lower risks of diabetes. Researchers suggest that one must follow the correct diet for a long time (i.e. make it part of your lifestyle) in order to see benefits. For example, fish oils (Omega-3 fatty acids) have benefits for "cell membranes" and help insulin function properly, however this will not happen overnight just because you had a salmon steak!

Basically, a typical "Westernized" diet should be avoided. All the negatives (i.e. saturated animal fats and sugars) seem to be associated with one another (i.e. they are all found in your typical fast food meal). In reality, everyone should try to:

* Decrease animal fat (saturated fats) and hydrogenated cooking oils.

* Increase fish and flax oils (poly-unsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids) and vegetable oils.

* Decrease high-glycemic carbohydrate intake. Don't drink regular soda!

* Increase fiber from whole grains

* Increase fruit and vegetable consumption

At the 2001 ENDOCRINE SOCIETY meeting, alternative treatments of T2-D were recommended by Arsenis and Goettelman. In this study, diabetic patients reduced animal protein intake from 2-3 times a day to once every other day (vegetable protein was substituted) and stopped all consumption of plain sugars. Patients liked the new diet and the fact that they did not have to fast, take low calorie diets or receive appetite suppressants. The metabolic profile of many patients improved and it even helped some to stop using certain medications. The authors concluded that the reduction of animal protein and sugars help to improve the quality of life and metabolic profile of diabetic patients.


In addition to diet, another contributing factor to obesity is that 60 % of Americans don't get enough activity and 25 % get NO activity. A recent study examined almost 40000 males over the age of 40 and how the amount of TV they watch relates to their T2-D risk (Hu et al., 2001a). Researchers showed that more TV was significantly associated with higher risk for diabetes and that increased physical activity is associated with less risk for diabetes.

The key point is that if people get up and moving that they may be able to decrease their risk of diabetes. This information should be applied towards youths as well. In addition, for obese people, simply losing 5-10 pounds can have a dramatic positive effect on their health!

Even inadequate sleep can have an effect on diabetes according to research from the lab of Dr. Eve Van Cauter. In a study, subjects that got restricted sleep (< 7h) for 5 nights had impaired insulin sensitivity (Mander et al., 2001). It may be due to disruption of bodily functions due to shortened sleep. Thus, one of the functions of sleep may be to assure normal blood sugar levels. That's another "Western world" lifestyle factor that may contribute to diabetes.

On a related note, "Excessive Daytime Sleepiness" (EDS) is becoming more prevalent. This condition is associated with diabetes and is considered as an important public health problem because it is a strong risk for public safety. Its prevalence is estimated to occur in 5% to 15% of the general population.


According to the National Institute Health, 35-40 % of adult American women and 20-24 % of adult American men are trying to lose weight at any given time. An interesting story came out of Philadelphia last month. Philly was rated the fattest city in the USA for January of 2000 and the mayor urged the city to lose weight. The city has taken the challenge and this year sits at 3rd, while Houston is now the fattest in the USA. On a whole, obesity and diabetes are more prevalent in the Southern United States!

In a study presented at the American Diabetes Association conference, diabetic patients have the greatest improvements in symptoms after following a program that combined a proper exercise and diet approach (Alpizar et al., 2001). Obesity remains the major obstacle to the achievement of satisfactory glycemic control in T2-D and often limits management of cardiovascular risk factors. After nutritional education and guidance, as well as an increase in daily physical activity, modest weight losses and improved diabetic factors were noted (Reynolds et al., 2001). Again, these stress the need for education and guidance.

If you are active, if you eat a variety of healthy foods (natural produce, lean meats, un-refined grains), and if you are of a healthy weight, than the fear of diabetes and obesity should be minimal. When asked how to avoid diabetes, Dr. Ronald Kahn said, "Stay thin! If you are not, get thin!" After all, obesity is the most important determinant of insulin resistance.

For active people of a healthy weight, it is not unrealistic to include the odd "Western" meal in your weekly schedule without causing panic. However, the consistent intake of a high-sugar, low-fiber, high-saturated fat diet, along with a daily sedentary living pattern precludes people to the awful diseases that are diabetes and obesity.


Alpizar, M., et al. Effectiveness of an Exercise Program and Diet Plan in the Control of DM2 Patients. American Diabetes Association, 61st Annual Conference, 2001.

Hu, F., et al. Diet & risk of Type II diabetes: the role of fat & carbohydrate. Diabetologia 44: 805-817, 2001a.

Hu, F., et al. Physical Activity and Television Watching in Relation to Risk for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Men. Arch Intern Med. 161: 1542-1548, 2001b.

Mander, B., et al., Short Sleep: A Risk Factor for Insulin Resistance and Obesity. American Diabetes Association, 61st Annual Conference, 2001.

Reynolds, L., et al. Lifestyle intervention reduces multiple risk factors in obese patients with poorly controlled insulin-requiring type 2 diabetes mellitus. American Diabetes Association, 61st Annual Conference, 2001.

Salmeron, J., et al. Dietary fat intake and risk of type 2 diabetes in women. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 73(6): 1019-1026, 2001.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines and all over the Internet, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit

Which Diets Are The Best?

So which diets are the best? Which give the fastest results? Which guarantee weight won't come back after you've finished with your dieting method? There is one dieting method that answers all of the above questions. This dieting method enhances your fat burning system and increases your metabolism. It is called calorie shifting, and with it you can accomplish tremendous weight loss. Up to 10 pounds or more in 2 weeks.

Now you're probably thinking, if it's such a fancy diet, it must require a lot of work, right? The answer is no. With the right knowledge you can accomplish this diet easily. And guess what? All you have to do is eat 4 or more meals a day! The only thing that you have to do is make sure every meal you eat has different calorie values. If you do this correctly, weight loss will happen very quickly and you can start seeing results after the very first day!

How is it possible that the greatest dieting method only requires that you eat more and not less? Well here's the thing, the body has a natural way of knowing what you will eat. This is because it's used to a routine and because of that it's used to burning the same number of calories. So even if you try dieting under normal circumstances and eat less, your body will adapt to this change and burn less calories to keep the routine in check. However calorie shifting will disrupt this.

Calorie shifting is designed so that there is no routine, which is why you will be eating meals in different calorie values. And when your body will be forced to burn different amounts of calories so often each day, it will naturally start increasing your metabolism and will burn more calories so that it can continue it's routine. And when that starts to happen, you start to lose weight very rapidly. So if you're still wondering which diets are the best, look no further because this is it!

Calorie shifting is a safe and fast alternative to dieting pills, rigorous workouts, and starvation. It is the most flexible diet you'll ever discover. With it you can eat the foods you love and still lose weight while you go on with your daily life.

But we've only scratched the surface of this amazing new dieting technique. If you're interested in knowing more, I highly recommend you visit this page. You will find important information, tips and very helpful resources on calorie shifting!

7 Myths of Low Carb Diets

If you have heard the myths about low carb diets then this article will actually help you to learn the real facts about low carb diets.

Here are the most common 7 myths about this type of foods,

1. Low carb means zero carb

The myth among people is that the low carb diet means that in your diet the carb level should be near zero.

However, the fact is you should have at least 45% to 65% carbohydrate depending upon individual. Not even a single expert advocates this.

2. Low carb diets do not let you to eat vegetables and fruits

The myth is that vegetables and fruits contains mainly carbohydrate, so you should not eat vegetables & fruits if you wish to take low carb foods.

However, that fact is people who follow a low carb way of eating almost always eat more vegetables and fruits than normal population. Non-starchy vegetables are actually comes at the bottom of the low carb pyramids.

3. Low carb diets have less fiber

The myth is that a low carb diet must be low in fiber.

The fact is that this type of diets are high in fiber. In fact it lessens the effect of other carbohydrates.

4. People who are eating low carb diets are inviting heart disease

However the fact is these types of foods decline the risks of heart diseases. Even these foods with lots of animal fat and protein do not raise the risk of disease.

5. Low carb diets will damage your kidneys

This is absolutely a pure myth. The fact is these type of foods actually recommended in case of a kidney problem. As these diets do have less protein which is good for people who are suffering with kidney problems.

6. Low carb diets will tend to reduce your bone's calcium

The fact is, these types of foods actually protects our bones for calcium as these diets have less protein thus less chances of having calcium in your urine.

7. Atkins died with his own diet plan

The fact is he died because of a head injuries resulting from a fall.

Wishing you success in your life.

177 Ways to Burn Those Calories! Download Now

Fitness - Built For Action

Consider: the Stone Age is now thousands of years back in the past. With every passing era, early man took changing centuries in his stride. Like all animals, he was created to be on his feet. At first, he chased, hunted. Then; he combined these activities with farming. But he remained on his feet. Upright. And when the sun set, he lay down, back and legs straight out.

The Industrial Revolution ushered in modernity. That progressive element which had crept into our lives could have been used constructively. But it only made us the sedentary animals we are today. We get out of bed to sit down for breakfast. We travel, or try to travel, on our rumps to work. Once there, we work .on our seats. Coming home is a rewind of the journey to work. Then, we sit down before the TV-VCR till the calorie-chair beckons us to dine, and sleep nods us to bed. It's truly, backside to the future.

Get the picture? The operative word, the key to our lifestyle, is sit, which even as it rhymes is, the very antithesis of fit. If we are critics of your armchair, it's with reason. If by living in the lap of luxury, man is losing his spine and finds modern life a pain in the backside, the reason often is just below him. The chair and he have conspired to be on a sit-down strike against nature.

In the process, we deaden ourselves - physically and mentally - because we don't bother to break out of our numbing lifestyle. We don't allow nature's exercise - standing, walking, bending - to revitalize our muscles. We don't allow those vital active processes to pour more oxygen into us. We are our enemies - ruining ourselves in a quiet but violent way. And as terrorism breeds in a politically criminalized society, heart attacks breed in our violated bodies.

Rebels have realised that to get politicians to hear them, they have to jolt them. It begins with asking, then shouting, and finally, physical violence. Similarly, our body begins to rebel. The symptoms are many - obesity, aches and pains and finally, the terrorism of a heart attack.

You can't afford to slow down in your life in the fast lane. So, work tensions, the philosophy of all work and no play combined with a sedentary lifestyle make you worse than a dull boy.

What happens if you leave your vehicle unused for days in the garage? The battery runs down, of course. The same thing happens to an unworked body. With more than 50 per cent of his body being muscle, today it is medical men - even more than bodybuilders - who say we are what our muscles make us.

In the course of centuries, man's evolution from the leafy jungle to the concrete one, has left him with more muscles than he normally uses. Man was built for action - not atrophy.

While our historical heritage gives us an insight into our natural selves, it is scientific know-how that adds an understanding to our perceptions. And the foundation of science itself is based on observing the simple, yet wondrous things that happen all around us.

Read out for Makeup. Check out weight lifting routines and yoga.

The 3 Easy Ways to Shed Unwanted Pounds

Wouldn't it be great to see yourself again at the beach with no worries about your weight or going shopping for the pants that you would only be able to fit into when you were in high school? Or imagine your self healthier with more confidence about whatever you do. When you lose weight you will no longer live the stressful life that most overweight people do no more. Today, I would like to share with you some small steps that you can take in order to achieve long term weight loss success.

Here is how you can shed those unwanted pounds in these 3 easy steps:

1. Commitment and Goals

Now, the reason why I put this step for number one because I feel that it is the most important thing you can do in order to get the results you want. I think that you should take a piece of paper and write down all of the things you want to change about your body. You should also write down how you plan on losing all of your weight and also put some dates of when you expect to be at your goal weight. You should constantly look back at that paper whenever you wake up and whenever you feel like eating unhealthy. Constantly remind yourself that you no longer want to be overweight and you want to look good at the beach.

2. Diet

Really, don't think of it as a diet. It should be viewed mostly as a lifestyle change. Take a look at what exactly you are putting into your body now and analyze which is good verse which is bad. When I first started my diet, I would ask myself before I ever put anything in my mouth, "Is this brownie harming my body" or "Is this piece of Pizza harming my body". Just sift out everything that is bad for you. Now, when you feel like you are good and lost some pounds, you may treat yourself for one day, but that's it.

3. Walking for Exercise

I could have really put any other type of exercise up there, but how would you feel about this article if I said Rock Climbing for exercise. That is a very intense workout and usually can't be done if you're not fit. Walking is such a great way to start off your exercise regimen. Walking can actually be done all through your weight loss journey if you choose. It is the easiest and most addicting exercise there is.

For more information, you can check out: Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle.

If you are wondering what Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle may be, it is a fitness program that has been recognized by many fitness magazines and is used by fitness models.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots An Honest Review

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a new diet program that claims you can lose 9lbs in 11 days, although if you ask any nutritionist they will say that any more than 3 or 4lbs in this time is dangerous.

So does the Fat Loss 4 Idiots work? Well this is my independent review of the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program.

As mentioned above 9lbs of weight loss in just 11 days is quite fast weight loss, so first like me explain the system that the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet uses:

The Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet is like any other diet except it is based around metabolism. The way it claims to work is that the human body is quite clever and will memorizes the calories and foods of the past days and speed up or slow down accordingly.

Also the body builds up a tolerance to some foods and puts them in a scale of what to burn first and what to burn slower. The way the body normally works is by burning the calories first and then the fat.

The points above is suppose to be why most traditional diet programs sometimes do not work that well. If you limit your calorie for months with a normal diet your body will adjust accordingly and the metabolism will not burn as much fat as you think therefore you will not loser much weight.

The way the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet works is not by watching the calories you are taking in but is based around a calorie eating pattern.

Obviously the next question is how does it work? Well, that is the million dollar question and the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet secret so I can't tell you in this review.

The idea is that you will teach your body to remember your calorie intake, then you suddenly change your calorie intake. This leads the body to make changes in your favor with the calorie burning. For instance if you were taking in 2,000 calories a day and suddenly change to 1,000 calories the body says I thought we were on 2,000 calories a day? and thinks it must start burning more fat!

That is the general gist of the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet but you will need to know more like How long does the body need to memorize the calorie intake? And What different types of calories are there and which ones do I use?

In conclusion I would say the Fat Loss 4 Idiots is worth a look if you have found that conventional diets are not working for you!

Jean Daniels used to suffer with her weight but after finally getting her weight under control she enjoys helping other people and teaching about weight loss.

For more info on how you can drop 9lbs of weight every 11 days without fail! Click The Link Below:

Fat Loss 4 Idiots

1440 Minutes - Can You Spare 30 for Your Health?

The problem lies in what these pastimes consist of...

Like most people you are probably exhausted when you get home from work and are looking forward to just crashing on the couch and maybe grabbing a quick snack before dinner. On occasion there's no problem with that, but in general this type of a routine can quickly lead to packing on the pounds and to poor health. After time it also has a cumulative effect where you find yourself in a "rut" and unable or unwilling to break the cycle.

But what if you were to dedicate just a few of those minutes each day to your health?

How about taking just 30 of those 1440 minutes and exercising? After your commitments you would still have an additional 5 or more hours to yourself.

I know... you're tired, you're hungry and you need an energy boost by the time you get out of work and the last thing on your mind is "hitting the gym."

Here's the ironic part about working out. When you first begin to exercise you may be tired and run-down, but by the end of your session you will feel and look reenergized. You will also be less apt to snack on unhealthy foods after your workout since you won't want to jeopardize all the hard work you just put forth. Your mental clarity and mood will have also improved and you will find that you are consciously and subconsciously making more positive and healthy choices in your life.

What you can expect out of a short, intense and efficient 30 -45 minute workout:

  • Increased energy levels
  • Increased muscle tone and definition
  • Improved cardiovascular function
  • Decreased risk factors for many health related diseases
  • Increased productivity throughout the day
  • Improved mood
  • Spiked metabolism to keep you burning fat all day long
  • Better postural alignment
  • Less neck, shoulder, and lower back pain
  • ... and the list goes on and on

So I guess the question is why aren't you spending 30 of those 1440 minutes a day exercising and choosing to improve your health?

You don't need a lot of time and the only motivation you need to muster up is actually getting yourself to your workout destination. Once you're there I guarantee you'll get yourself in motion, and when you do you will begin to feel the transformation take place within your body.

Here's the plan:

Choose a time at least 3 days a week that you are going to dedicate at least 30 minutes of your day to exercising. It can be before, after or on your lunch break, but make it a routine and stick with it.

Start out moderately and don't burn yourself out within the first few weeks like most people anxious to get back into the gym and get healthy do.

Set reasonable goals that you can achieve in those first two weeks. It may just be that you want to make it to the gym 6 times in 2 weeks. That's not unrealistic at all, and then from there you can begin to set more challenging short and long term goals which you plan to achieve with your new workout routine.

Remember, time is not an excuse. Yes, we all use it, but that still doesn't make it right. Find the time, prioritize your schedule and tell yourself you are worth 30 minutes a day.

You owe it to yourself to choose your health because without it everything else suddenly becomes meaningless...

Committed to your success

Stephen Cabral

Author of Fatlossity - the Complete, In-Home, Step-by-Step, Weight Loss System

Stephen Cabral is a national health & fitness correspondent with over 10 years of credentials and media appearances. He holds national and international certifications in strength & conditioning, personal training, yoga and nutrition. For more information on his Free Trim, Tone & Tighten Newsletter seen by over 100,000 readers each week go to

Why Diets Are A Waste Of Time & Money - What You Can Do Instead

A 'diet' is always seen as a temporary measure. An unpleasant episode that must be endured in order to reach some weight target, often in time for a major event such as a wedding, your own or your children's. Afterwards, with a big sigh of relief that its over, we get back to normal eating. In what seems no time at all, especially if a holiday is involved, the weight is back where it was, and you wonder; was it worth it?

The truth about diets is that they train us to "live on less" so normal food is now far too much. Many people have managed to get to their chosen weight and then find that they cannot come off the diet without putting the weight back on. They are trapped in a regime of half starvation and misery. Their life revolves around how much can they eat and when they eventually break, which they always do, they eat like it was an Olympic event.

The answer is simple - just eat slightly less for all of the time. It may be slower than you would like but it works, and its forever not just for Christmas or weddings.

If you reduce the fat content of your 'normal' food you can eat an enormous amount of other stuff, so you won't feel hungry. You will actually eat less calories without eating less food. Avoiding fat is easy. Obvious targets are dairy fats and margarines. Spread butter or margarine thinly, or buy fat-reduced spreads, or even better, try without. It works for sandwiches with lettuce and tomato to provide some moisture but I'd rather have some spread on my toast than just jam. Trim the fat off your meat and bacon before cooking.

Try semi-skimmed milk and then progress to the fully skimmed. Ignore the slightly grey colour and enjoy its increased calcium and vitamins compared to the greasy un- skimmed product. Vegetarians should also be aware that many vegetable-based products could be as heavy in fat as those that are meat based. Biscuits are generally very high in fat, typically around 25% but much higher again if chocolate coated. The problem with biscuits is that you can easily take in a substantial part of your daily calories without feeling as though you have eaten anything but a few mouthfuls. If you need a snack have some fruit instead or low fat yoghurt.

Attention! Read This Before Wasting Hundreds, Possibly Thousands On Expensive Online Fitness Programmes, "Wonder-Cures", Fad Diets Or Potentially Dangerous Low-Carb Experiments...