Healthy Fat Loss

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Truth About Acupuncture Point for Weight Loss

You may have heard of acupuncture practices that claim that there is an acupuncture point for weight loss. What is the truth? Is there really a specific acupuncture point for weight loss? Read on to find out.

Acupuncture and weight loss

Acupuncture is a kind of traditional medical treatment that is believed to have originated from China. It involves the insertion of very thin and long needles into the body. According to this method, our body has certain points that when triggered by the needles can aid in restoring health and well-being. That is why acupuncture is commonly used to treat pain. Nowadays, new techniques in acupuncture claim to aid in weight loss.

Your ear and your weight

No matter how far off it sounds, the ear is actually the acupuncture point for weight loss. Some studies show that when that specific point in the ear is punctured, it can release endorphins in the body that has relaxing and calming effects to make it easier for us to deal with anxiety, frustration and stress, all of which normally trigger bingeing and overeating sweets and other comfort foods (translation: fattening). Endorphines also affect the endocrine and hormonal systems. Acupuncture also aids in increasing metabolic rate, so that you can burn calories faster.

Stapling the ear?

Ear stapling is one of the new ways to lose weight. This is done by puncturing a surgical staple wire onto your ear cartilage. According to women who participated in this weight loss regimen, they felt pain in their jaws, which made it hard for them to chew or open their mouths properly. This is probably the reason why they managed to lose weight. Be careful, though, because back-alley clinics and sometimes even licensed acupuncturists make mistakes during the procedure. It is still advisable to use tried and tested yet safe methods for dieting, like eating healthy foods and exercising regularly.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

7 Reasons for Being Overweight

Being overweight is written and talked about more and more, but despite this, the number of people who are overweight increases constantly. Specialists state the drastic change in lifestyle of humans in the last decades and the following physiological and psychological changes to which human organisms cannot give an adequate answer, as a basic reason for this.

1.Your life is constant motion.

You don't get enough sleep, you eat sandwiches at work, and your main meal is late at night or even in the night.

The disorders in nutrition behaviour will undoubtedly lead to the appearance of overweight. Try to have an abundant breakfast, and to take light food in the evenings, basically consisting of fast absorbing carbohydrates.

Chronic insufficient sleep also disturbs the production of digestive ferments.

2. You are all day long on your desk, in the other time you don't get out of your car, and you spend the evenings in bed before the TV.

The lack of enough motion is a process at which organism doesn't have a reason to spend the absorbed calories. The result is one and simple - increase of the physical loading, which will contribute to activation of the metabolism and the sympathetic nervous system (it is responsible for the weight loss). Even if you dance or swim you will without any problem gradually lose the accumulated fats.

3. You go through a difficult moment in your life and you have only one joy - in spite of all to eat to satiety and to lie in bed.

It has been ascertained that 30 % of people get fat "due to stress", in condition of depression. Sometimes the voracious appetite and gaining weight are the only signs of a psychic disease. In this case you need mostly correct psychotherapy and medicines which to remove the anxiety and to improve your mood.

4. Overproduction of hormones.

You notice that your face has become rounder, your cheeks have acquired red nuance, and more hair grows on your body. High blood pressure upsets you. At women the menstrual cycle is often disturbed, and men suffer from reduced potency.

This happens at greater production of hormones of the adrenal glands. The reason can be the presence of some infection, malign formation in the adrenal glands or illness of some part of the brain (pituitary gland or hypothalamus).

5. You suffer from a chronic disease - of kidneys, cardiovascular system, or you have problems with the digestive organs.

You retain liquids in your body. They are externally expressed when their amount exceeds 5 liters. In this way your body mass increases with 5 - 7 %. This illness has to be treated obligatorily.

6. Gaining weight is combined with skin itching, frequent urinating, deteriorated vision, thirst.

These are the typical signs of diabetes of 2 type. You have to search for assistance of an endocrinologist to make yourselves a blood analysis and to test your pancreas.

7. You go through the so called hormonal stress - pregnancy, climax, puberty.

During those periods your organism makes an adjustment and related hesitations in weight. It is considered that it is most difficult to lose the excess weight, accumulated during the last two months of pregnancy.

You can find more information on overweight, obesity, cholesterol and weight loss on my blog dedicated to the healthy lifestyle.

Weight Loss Tips For Athletes

For a best performance, athletes are to be trim and healthy. Winning is based on their talent along with a healthy body. For workouts and practice, they need to shed weight without damaging their muscles. This is the point were most of them do not care about. In order, to gain a quick change they often skip meals or use diet pills and laxatives. Some even try vomiting by triggering their throat. Ultimately, such habits will lead to eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.

Thus, athletes who are to be healthy end up in various diseases especially in women. Exercising towards the competition needs more effort. In certain cases, these people starve and follow unhealthy diets that might lead to diseases affecting the bone. Sudden change in the weight is always risky. An ideal goal is to reduce one or two pounds a week. Appointing a dietitian would help much in assisting a proper diet considering the weight, height, and age. With a healthy diet, it is easy to attain loss of fat than the muscle.

Athletes should always consume a variety of food. It is advisable not to skip meals especially when hunger cannot be controlled. Protein and carbohydrate enriched food stuffs can be taken before the routine workout or exercise. Calories are being burned off with exercise. Therefore, a well-planned food regime is to be prepared. Athletes put on weight after a particular competition. Retaining their old figure is not as easy as it sounds.

Consuming smaller meals within two to three hours and using considerably smaller plates keeps the person away from overeating. Skimmed milk and low fat diary foods should be preferred. Fish and chicken must be included in one meal of the day. It is better to avoid meat, but if it is a necessity remember to remove the fat before cooking. Including high-fiber food in the regime would give a feeling of fullness. Devouring fruits and vegetables will be more apt that it may avoid the person from over eating.

Fruit juices should be taken in plenty without much sugar and fat. Carbonated drinks are to be completely avoided. It is important for the athletes not to feel hungry during workouts. They might have a crave for sweets and confectioneries. A fruit or fruit juice before the work out will reduce their exhaustion and always feel full. Drinking plenty of water will prevent dehydration. Dehydration can result in serious problems to the health.

There are many risks for the athletes if they lose weight without any proper consultations. Along with the fat, muscle wasting might take place with heavy exercises, which can lead to diseases that may be even fatal.

For your free course teaching you exactly how to succeed with your weight loss goals using simple and effective Hoodia weight loss simply go to

How To Lose Your Beer Belly Fast

We all know that having a beer belly isn't very attractive. In fact, surveys show that it's a huge turnoff for women and men alike. A lot of people who suddenly find themselves with a beer belly fail to do anything about it since they believe that it cannot be helped. This is a shame because there are ways in which even someone was is totally out of shape can lose a beer belly.

Many people don't do anything about their beer belly because they believe that it'll take a lot of exercise in order to reduce it. While I'm totally in favor of exercising (being a sports junkie myself), it is possible to lose your beer belly with very little exercise, but with the right diet. And you know what? The diet doesn't even need to be that restrictive, it just needs to be structured in the right way.

If you want to lose your beer belly in a way which is mostly based on proper nutrition, I recommend that you use the Calorie Shifting Diet, also known as Fat Loss 4 Idiots. Since it has very little exercise, it may not develop your abs muscles, but it can help you to lose your beer belly.

The reasons I recommend this diet are the following:

1. It has a high success rates for men and women in any age group or fitness level.

2. It's very easy to use.

3. It's not a restrictive diet which makes you suffer while doing it. In fact, you get to choose much of the food, and you eat 4 meals each day.

4. It has a diet generating software which means that you know exactly what to eat and when.

I know this may sound too good to be true, and, like anything else, this doesn't work for 100% of the people. But it works for most of them. It can be the way for you to lose your beer belly.

What makes this diet work isn't the amount of calories that you eat, it's the way these calories are spread out throughout the days and weeks in which you use this diet. Fat Loss 4 Idiots, is based on Calorie Shifting, a revolutionary weight loss method in which a person can manipulate his/her metabolic rate by shifting the types of calories that he or she eats throughout the day. In this way, our body burns a lot of calories fast and does so for a long time. It's perfect for losing your beer belly, since it basically helps you to shed your excess pounds.

To read more about this diet and to see user testimonials, click this link: Fat Loss 4 Idiots Reviews

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose Weight Fast And Never Gain It Back

Weight Loss and a Busy Schedule - How Do You Make Them Work Together?

I know what your thinking, "I never have time to think let alone make a plan to lose weight!" It's the common excuse of those that have tried and failed many times. This excuse is not valid in my opinion, as it won't be a difficult task if you make it a priority and work it into your schedule as an every day part of life. Here's how I mixed my weight loss with my extreme schedule and made it work.

The first thing I decided to do was write out my current eating schedule (or lack thereof) so that I knew what my current habits were like. I then wrote out how I would ideally like to set my eating and workout schedule up. After having the schedule I wanted written out on a piece of paper, I began looking for ways I could make it happen. For instance, I wanted to have 5 meals throughout the day, but 4 days out of the week I'm at work and pretty much am forced to adhere to my work schedule. So what I did was set up small portioned meals I could take with me to work and eat them on the breaks I was given. I knew that it would be a whole lot easier to follow a routine if I had it planned out beforehand.

With the eating planned out, I knew I still needed to find time to workout. Not only did I need to find time to workout, but I had to plan it within a 10 hour work day, which if anyone has worked them, they know how exhausting they can be. For my own personal benefit, I decided to plan my workouts before work as after working out my body is set up to burn more calories throughout the day. I also tend to be more energized which helps tremendously on those long work days.

If you have a very busy schedule, don't think you can't incorporate a healthy lifestyle into it. It may take some effort and some will power, but it IS possible. Just like anything else, the first week or two will feel different, but after a while it tends to feel like a normal day which is exactly how you want it to feel. Good Luck!

Tyler Boshears is a weight loss survivor, having lost over 100lbs. and keeping it off for 5 years! To learn how YOU can drop those unwanted pounds and keep them off, visit his website at:

Fast Safe Weight Loss - Two Easy Ways To Lose Weight Fast Naturally

Many people don't want to spend long periods of time on weight loss, so they are always on the lookout for fast safe weight loss methods. Losing weight fast has its own advantages, but it also requires caution. Not all methods that promise fast safe weight loss are really helpful; some fast safe weight loss methods are really hazardous for the body. However, losing weight fast is good because it gives you that confidence and motivation of losing weight for good. In this article, we will discuss some natural ways to fast safe weight loss.

If you really want to lose weight fast, there are only two things you need to do: alter your diet and start exercise programs. These are natural remedies and won't cost you anything but they are highly effective methods used by people for fast safe weight loss.

Have your breakfast in the morning, and don't eat a large meal at dinner time. Instead, eat smaller meals throughout the day. Spread your small meals throughout the day with a gap of two or three hours between each meal. This will help increase your metabolism. However it is advisable not to make the gaps between each meal too long, because even a five-six hour gap between two meals can decrease your metabolism. Not only do you need to break your large meals into smaller meals, you also need to alter your diet and eat only those foods which will help increase your metabolism. Try to include more protein, whole grains, beans, vegetables and fruits in your diet.

Try not to get tempted to eat junk and fast food, as they are known to increase a person's weight by leaps and bounds. You should only eat food that is low on calorie, like vegetables and fruits. Buy a lot of fruits and vegetables and stock them at your home, so that you don't feel tempted to eat fast food whenever you feel hungry. You can do even better by planning your diet for a whole week and choosing to eat only low-fat products that will help you towards fast safe weight loss. If you have a habit of gorging on junk food when at office, then take fruits with you to the office and eat them at the lunch time.

Another method to achieve fast safe weight loss is to include more exercise and workout programs in your daily routine. You also need to change certain habits. If you have been driving to office, try to walk the distance. Also take short morning walks. Try not to use the elevator; instead take the stairs. You can also include a dose of strength training in your exercise program. Strength training will help you build muscles. Do you know what is the connection between building muscles and losing weight? Studies show that each pound of muscle that you gain will help you burn an extra 35 to 50 calories per day. If you can afford to do long term strength training, it will increase your metabolism by as much as 15 percent. In my opinion there is no other alternative to fast safe weight loss than doing strength training and exercises.

Above I have given you a few tips that will help you lose weight fast. How much weight you will be able to lose depends entirely up to you. If you work hard, you can lose as much as two pounds of weight each week. AS I said above, strength training is one the best ways to lose weight fast. There are a lot of different strength training workout programs that are proven to help you lose fat while building your muscles at the same time. If you want to know more about such fast safe weight loss workout programs then simply click the link in my resource box below.

Dick Doe is a fitness expert.He has helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on his fast safe weight loss workout programs visit:

Personal Trainer: No Experience Necessary

I have read many articles like " Before you hire a personal trainer read this " then the article goes on to give you different things to look for, and the #1 is certification, well what everyone should know, is that anyone who can read a book and retain information can become a certified personal trainer.

If you are fat you can become a trainer, if you smoke you can become a trainer, if you are a boozer you can become a trainer.

So even though the a person has no previous experience- they can take an online test and become certified to train you, what I want to know is this who you want training you?

Most people will become the trainers "test subjects" they have no real life experience, they have no idea how to get someone into shape, so does it make more sense to have some one certified or experienced training you ?

Go into almost any gym and you will see some bad trainers, also good trainers, but the bad trainers out number the good trainers.

Personal trainers who don't live what they teach should be ashamed of themselves if they can't take control of their own life, how can they motivate you to better life.

If these trainers want to change peoples lives they should live this way too.

I personally seen people get certified that were fat, even seen one guy who could not even balance himself on one foot, yet they were certified as personal trainers- CRAZY.

Basically what I'm saying is certification isn't always the answer, experience can go along way, if you find the right person.

John Grube is an expert on the subject of bodyweight training. He also has 25+ years of training experience and is the author of The Wildman Training Program manual. For more info

Is Hoodia Gordonii A Truly Effective Weight Loss Supplement?

People love to eat and with a lot of delicious food readily available, who wouldn't want to? But this has caused obesity and being over weight. That is why year after year people spend billions of dollars on products that claim to help them slim down. Recently, a new product came along -- Hoodia Gordonii.

Hoodia Gordonii

Actually Hoodia Gordonii is a name of a plant from the Kalahari Desert in the southern part of Africa. It is cactus-like succulent plant that has been used for centuries by the San Bushmen around the area as food.

In 1963, scientists from the Council for Scientific Research and Industrial Research (CSIR) conducted a research and screened bush foods. As a well-known bush food of San Bushmen, Hoodia became part of the research. In the screening process, extracts of the plants were made and tested to determine for toxic effects. The scientists have observed that the extracts from the Hoodia plant caused a decrease in the body weight and appetite on the animals on which it was tested on but it did not appear to be from toxic effects.

Weight Loss and Hoodia Gordonii

The discovery of the effects of hoodia gordonii prompted scientists to do more research on it. Phytopharm, a British company, was able to isolate what they believed to be an active ingredient of the hoodia gordonii that they named p57. The ingredient p57 has been tested on animals specifically on rats. They injected p57 on the test subjects and it showed promising results. The rats with p57 ate less and lost weight compared to other rats without the p57. To explain in layman's terms, what hoodia does is it tricks the brain into thinking that the body is already full and it has already eaten.

Phytopharm also conducted a clinical trial that involved 18 human subjects. In this clinical trial, it has been found that the subjects, after taking in hoodia, lost 1000 Kcal per day compared to a control group taking in placebos.

As of now, there are no known side effects of hoodia. Though researches are still on going to ensure the safety of people who are taking it.

Hoodia gordonii is now sold in powder, capsules, liquid and in tea form and can be bought from health food stores. One thing you should know about this is that hoodia gordonii is not a drug. Despite the fact that pharmaceutical companies are trying to isolate p57 to create a drug, the hoodia gordonii out in the market is still entirely natural.

The effects of hoodia gordonii may vary from person to person. Some experience the effects of hoodia a few minutes after taking it and some take as long as a couple of weeks. This would also depend on the person's metabolism.

But taking hoodia gordonii can only do so much in helping a person lose weight. It should also be supported with a good routine of workout and exercise to have an effective weight loss regimen.

Hoodia Remedy -

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Lose 15 Pounds Fast And In A Week?

It is a dream for many overweight people to lose 15 pounds fast and in a week. Is this really possible? Do you know some reasons why it may not be possible?

Well, perhaps you have tried a few diets but be honest to yourself. You were never focused anyway. There is also another thing you need to know why you never got focused as well and never got the fat off your body.

Do you know your body systems really well? There is a reason to believe that you don't otherwise you wouldn't be where you are today. Studies have shown that when you overeat or you eat more than you expend your energy, you grow fat and overweight. What it does to you also is allow the organisms in your stomach to crave for more food, induce tiredness in you and make you feel lethargic.

So in the end you become heavier by the day and risk your own health

If you want to lose 15 pounds fast and in a week, you need to undergo a process called detoxification. This will help clean your stomach and body of harmful toxins that lurk inside and remove bad bacteria. This way you gain not only health but the energy to start exercising you way to shape. Some swear through fasting, they detoxify their body. While this is true, not many people can go through 10 to 12 hours a day without food and water. This will make them sicker than before.

So why is it important to detoxify your body to lose weight?

As long as these toxins and bacteria stay within you, it will be hard to stop your crave for food and once you managed to clear them from your gut, you'll find weight loss becomes not only easier but faster. So to lose 15 pounds fast and in a week, all you have to do now is get rid of these harmful parasites and detoxify your body. Only then, will dieting and exercising become easy.

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Weight Loss Tips For 2008

The first thing that we have to know before we precede to the topic weight loss tips is that there are no short cut methods for you to shed excess weight over night. It requires will power and patience. Another thing to be remembered before you start acting upon the weight loss tips that you are getting is that shedding weight is some thing that is to be dealt with according to the physique and body nature of individuals. Make sure that the life style that you are going to adopt is suitable for you or not.

Like any other work, a programme to shed weight or the weight loss tip you are to follow should also have a target. You should be definite about how much pounds that you want to reduce and the time period within which you want to achieve that target. Make a fixed time schedule without attempting to drag it to an indefinite period. That will make you find excuses for not following the diet rules and routine exercise that you have to do every day.

Try to collect all available materials on the subject especially when you prepare a diet chart to know the impact of reducing food intake. Avoid vitamin deficiency by taking vitamin and mineral supplement to avoid problems arising out of malnutrition.

The first step to be taken by you is to observe quantity of food that you consume a day. Just observe what all food stuff, including the snacks that you consume while you are watching TV or a movie that you consume to know the exact amount of food that you take a day. It is essential to know what all things you have to quit to get rid of the over weight problem.

Never attempt to skip break fast. A good break fast is some thing that is essential for your body to remain healthy and strong. Avoiding break fast may make you eat more at lunch time.

Add a lot pulses and vegetables into your regular diet. Pulses are good to increase the metabolism of your body. Make it a habit to drink plenty of plain water a day. It will help you to lose weight faster than you think

Shift to four to five small meals instead of taking heavy meals three times a day. If you want to avoid excessive intake of food learn to eat slowly by chewing every bit of your food. Avoid all junk foods and fried items from your regular diet. Avoid occasions that tempts you to take too much food. Follow a regular exercise routine to make the weight shedding programme more effective and quick.

For your free course teaching you exactly how to succeed with your weight loss goals using simple and effective weight loss diets simply go to

Weight Loss 4 Idiots Reviews, Complaints and Questions

Weight loss 4 idiots, also known as Fat Loss 4 Idiots, is a widely used diet plan. As such, it's best if you were aware of common complaints and questions about this diet. So here are some Weight Loss 4 Idiots reviews and information.

1. You should know that Weight Loss 4 Idiots has a fruit day. Some people don't like it one bit and find it hard to stick to. And indeed it's not the easiest thing in the world. However, each 11 days cycle of this diet only has one such day, so you should be able to tough it out.

2. This diet requires to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. Again, some people find it difficult to do, though I recommend it regardless of the diet since it's very healthy.

3. Weight Loss 4 Idiots reviews from people who used this diet are overall positive, yet some people do fail with this diet. It's not 100% foolproof.

4. This diet does not revolve around exercise, yet you need to take frequent walks to increase the calorie burning rate and to accelerate your weight loss pace.

5. Weight Loss 4 Idiots does not build muscle tissue as it does not involve weight training. This is a strict nutrition based diet.

6. This diet wasn't made specifically for diabetics although some do very well with it.

7. Weight Loss 4 Idiots allows you to choose your favorite food items from a list of items, so you can create a menu which is composed of things you like to eat.

I hope this Weight Loss 4 Idiots reviews has helped shed some light on this diet for you.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with Weight Loss 4 Idiots.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Weight Loss 4 Idiots review and testimonials

Starvation Diets - Starving to Lose Weight

A starvation diet in my mind is any diet where you are starving yourself. I know that when we are dieting usually we will restrict our calories so that we are burning more calories than we eat but on a starvation diet we are actually restricting calories to such a point that we affect our metabolism and force our bodies to jump into a phase below dieting where we are not able to lose weight anymore.

To understand a starvation diet we need to look at what we are doing to our body when if we decide not to eat at all for a few days. First of all our bodies will think that we are just between meals and our body will start to use up blood sugar and then start burning up carbs until they are gone. Once we have run out of carbs our body should use fat and muscle tissue for energy but instead will start to lower our metabolism in a fight to protect our bodiesthis is the starvation phase. Eventually if we did not eat our bodies would start to burn off our fat and muscle and our metabolism would slow to a point where we would become very lethargic and our organs would start to slow down and eventually shut down and we would die. There are not many people that would go this far bad as we see in people with bulimia this definitely does happen sometimes.

Instead of using a starvation diet to lose weight what most diets tend to do is to confuse the mind and body so that our metabolism well stay up and will continue to burn fat while at the same time hopefully not burning the muscle that we have nearly as quickly. If we look at bodybuilders in their dieting phase before a competition they must lose all of their fat so they have to diet fairly hard and expect to lose some of their muscle actually quite a bit of muscle.

When you are looking at a diet and do not want to starve look at the following points.

1. What is the goal of your diet? Usually the goal is to lose fat
2. What are you going to do to lose that fat? If you diet your body needs to stay a little bit comfortable and if your try to lose weight too fast you will go into starvation mode.
3. What are you going to do to raise your metabolism? Most people will use exercise for two reasons, firstly the exercise will burn calories to help you lose weight, but even more importantly getting exercise will force your body to raise your metabolism so that it can be ready when more exercise is going to happen.

In reading this hopefully you will see your body as I do, and that is that our bodies are machines that adjust to stimuli fairly quickly. Your body will speed up and slow down its burning of calories and storing of fat. I hope this will help you a little bit in learning to control your body using diet and exercise.

For more information on picking a diet and workout plan for yourself you can visit my build muscle book review or my fat loss for idiots review.

Are Wedding Diets Just For The Bride?

While the first words which spring to mind whenever the word diet is mentioned are weight loss and reduced food intake, but is that really all that it has to offer or is there a little bit more?

There is no doubt that a diet can and will help you to trim your figure ahead of the big day, but it can also help you in the run up to what can be a very stressful time. By eating the right foods at the right time it can give you the strength of mind and the strength of body to enjoy your day to the full and ensure that everything goes to plan. Many people are concerned that diets mean cutting out ALL of the food which they like, but this is not true. Simply by adding, or exchanging, parts of your diet for more health food and adding more exercise into your daily routine you can see a big difference very quickly.

While the popularity of wedding diets continues to grow, many people seem to forget that the grooms also want to look good on their big day. Whether they have suit in mind which they want to wear, or simply want to get themselves into better shape, wedding diets can mean as much to a groom as they can to a bride. In fact there are many brides and grooms who will actually start a dieting and exercise plan together prior to their big day, each motivating and helping the other to each their goal.

Dieting does not always mean shedding masses of weight, it can simply mean improving your diet, shedding a few unwanted pounds and basically getting yourself back into shape. So whether you are the bride or the groom, has there ever been a better reason to start that diet you have been putting off for some time?

Whether your are looking for the latest Tescos Diet, WeightWatchers Diet or another of the well know online diet programs, check us out.

Smartlipo - Fast and Safe Office Based Liposuction Under Local Anesthesia

Smartlipo a machine that can accomplish Fast and Safe Liposuction Under Local Anesthesia. This technology uses laser energy to liquefy fat or destroy fat cells so that they can be suctioned (liposuction). It also tightens surrounding skin tissue. Unlike traditional liposuction which requires general anesthesia and more down time, this procedure is done in the doctor's office or medical spa. This procedure is not for the obese needing large amounts of fat removed and are in frail health.

Here are some of the benefits:

1. Less recovery time than traditional liposuction: Most persons can return to work within 24 - 48 hours.

2. Local vs general anesthesia. General anesthesia obviously comes with greater risks.

3. Done in the doctor's office or medical spa. This affords greater convenience.

4. Body contouring or sculpting for a more youthful appearance.

5. Versatile: procedure can be used on the belly, face, neck, upper arms, knees, back, enlarged male breasts, and thighs.

6. Promotes Skin tightening and improved tone for a more youthful appearance.

7. Less tissue trauma vs traditional liposuction. So, there is less bleeding, swelling, pain and bruising.

8. Less risk than traditional procedure in the hands of a capable user.

9. Approved by the FDA.

10. Ideal candidate is one who has localized fat deposits on body as well as face.

Before undergoing any medical procedure, make sure you discuss all your medical conditions and medication history. These can impact if you are a candidate or how well you tolerate any medical procedure. Again, this procedure is for healthy patients who have localized facial or body fat and not obese patients requiring large amounts of fat removal.

Natural Weight Loss Supplement:

Orville Campbell, MD is an internist and nephrologist. He is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. His expertise include: health and wellness, hypertension, diabetes, vitamin D, and kidney diseases. Dr. Campbell is an entrepreneur. He has owned several businesses and medical practices since finishing Emory University in 1995. He gives back to the community through his church's health and youth ministries and his children and youth mentoring organization called Teaching Kids to Dream, Inc.

6 Foods That Help You Lose Weight Fast

Changing your diet to include the following 6 foods will help you lose weight fast. These foods will not make you lose weight by simply eating them (there's contrasting views about whether such foods even exist) but they will ensure that your metabolic rate and energy levels stay up which means that it'll be easier to lose fat.

Foods That Help You Lose Weight

1. High fiber food. Fiber has the ability to make you feel full and is highly nutritious, though it doesn't really contain a lot of calories. It helps the body and especially the intestinal system to function a lot better. To get a good dose of fiber make sure to eat vegetables, fruit, and unprocessed grains and cereals.

2. Lean protein. Our muscle tissue has a direct bearing on our metabolic rate. The more lean muscle tissue we have the faster we burn calories. As our muscles are made of protein, it's imperative that we eat enough of it in our diet. Good sources of lean protein are chicken, turkey, egg whites, tuna, and salmon.

3. Good Fats. Yes I said fats. Even if we want to lose weight our body still needs fat in order to function properly. But there's a huge difference between good and bad fat. In order to get good fat we should eat walnuts, almonds, flax seeds and other nuts, olive oil, avocados, and coconut. Remember, no fat isn't healthy and is bad for long term weight loss goals.

4. Snacks. This isn't a specific food but I had to include it because snacking can actually help you to lose weight. It has been shown that it's better to eat 5-6 meals or snacks each day than 3 square meals. Our body handles food better when it's in small doses. Snacking also keeps our blood sugar levels constant and helps the body burn fat faster.

5. Herbal tea. Drinking a hot beverage like tea helps you to lose weight faster for a number of reasons. First, drinking a hot beverage is a slow business meaning that it takes your mind off eating. Second, herbal tea has soothing affects on us which help to avoid craving and it's another way to increase our water intake. It also contains a lot of antioxidants which help to slow down the aging process.

6. Water. Most people don't consider water as food, but it's highly important to your weight loss efforts. Drinking enough water helps to stave off your hunger and also assists in all bodily functions, including the metabolism. Drink 8-12 glasses each day. You will look and feel much better.

Click here for more fitness and diet tips, as well as 2 free ebooks

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with The Calorie Shifting Diet

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose 10 Pounds In 2 Weeks Or Less

1 Cardio Trick To Lose Belly Fat - Maximize Your Belly Fat Burn Rate

One of the best ways to lose belly fat is through cardio workouts. Cardio can burn a lot of fat in a relatively short period of time, as long as it's done in the right way to maximize your fat burn rate. The sad thing is, that most people do cardio in a way which doesn't help them to burn the maximum amount of fat and also consumes way too much of their time.

So what is the wrong way to do cardio? Or better yet, what is the 1 cardio trick to lose belly fat fast?

The wrong way to do cardio, which is the more common form you see in gyms, is the long duration, low-medium intensity cardio workouts. You probably know what I mean: people who get up on the treadmill and simply use to it to stroll for an hour, barely picking up their feet. Others may run at a slow pace which may be great for a warm up, but it's not the best way to lose belly fat, not by a long shot.

Not that I blame those people, they've simply been filled with misinformation. They've been led to believe that they need to do long workouts in order to burn any fat at all. Of course you need to do things for a long time if you're doing it at a slow pace like a turtle. Your body barely feels any exertion.

The 1 trick to lose belly fat with cardio involves doing short duration, high intensity, interval cardio workouts. By doing such workouts you get the body to really feel the burden, work your heart through a whole range of beat rates, burn a ton of fat, and do it in less time. The downside is that you need to work hard. If you don't push yourself, you will not be able to burn enough belly fat to make it worthwhile, but if you are prepared to make the effort, you can have a massive cardio workout in 20--25 minutes flat.

So the trick to doing cardio to lose belly fat is to do it a high intensity level which means that you will only be able to keep it up for a short while, and then to lower your intensity level for a while to catch your breath, and push yourself into higher intensity again. If you do this cycle for the entire 20 minutes of workout, believe me, you'll be huffing and puffing, and sweating profusely. What's even better, is that your body will be burning calories a higher rate for a long time afterwards because you've really pushed it to the wall.

Try doing this kind of cardio. If you do just this 1 trick to lose belly fat, you will see and feel the results.

To read more about how to get flat abs, click here: Tricks To Lose Belly Fat.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read about a massive cardio oriented fitness program, click here: Turbulence Training Review - Learn The Secrets Of Cardio.

Master Cleanser Weight Loss - Make it Last

The Master Cleanser weight loss plan has gotten a lot of hype lately, but it's actually been around a long time. With some Hollywood starlets extolling its virtues, many everyday folks are now giving the Lemonade Diet a try. Weight loss is fast and furious when you are consuming only this spicy lemonade concoction. The obvious question then is does the weight loss last?

If you are doing this particular lemonade fast just for weight loss you must be aware of a few key points. First and foremost look at the Master Cleanser weight loss as the first step. If you in need of dropping some weight, you'll notice a pretty substantial loss once you've completed the program. Your clothes will be looser and you'll have a smile on your face when you step on the scale. If you want to reap these weight loss benefits into the future you've got to make a promise to yourself not to go back to your unhealthy eating habits. The weight loss you enjoy while you are on the Master Cleanse can be permanent if you adopt a new healthier lifestyle.

A big part of success with the Master Cleanser comes from a new attitude. Once you've experienced the initial weight loss from drinking only the lemonade you should design a healthy eating plan that you know you can stick to long term. For most people this means a good balance between fresh ingredients and lean protein. It can be difficult to exercise while you are following the Master Cleanse Detox, but afterwards try your best to make exercise a part of your weekly routine. If you're not one for heading to the gym, take a walk around the block, or purchase a treadmill to use at home. Dancing is even a great form of exercise and all you need for that is some of your favorite music.

In addition to the maple syrup, cayenne pepper and fresh lemons, water makes up the biggest component of the program. Keep the habit of drinking water throughout the day even when the cleanser is over. Water is essential to helping flush out fat and toxins. If you tire easily of plain water, a little twist of lemon juice and you've got a great refreshing and familiar treat.

Once you've experienced the Master Cleanser weight loss you'll be pumped and ready to continue to lose weight. Nothing feels quite as fulfilling as looking in the mirror and seeing your body shrinking. Long term, we all want to be healthy, and being at our optimal weight is a great first step towards that.

On average, you can expect to lose between 15-20 lbs in just 14 days on the Master Cleanse. You can change the way your body looks and the way you feel. To find out how to get the best results possible from this proven weight loss method visit How to Succeed on the Master Cleanse.

It's not just about drinking lemonade!

Weight Loss Hazards of Low-Fat Food

The revolution of zero-fat food, or low-fat food, is here. It's all around us. We see them whichever way we look at the grocery store we shop in. We here it buzzing in our ears like a mosquito through commercials. There's "Low Fat This", and "Low Fat That", and "The Other Thing Light - only x percents of fat!". They wash our brains with it, and we succumb. Who can blame us?

And they usually charge more for these low-fat items. And we pay willingly, don't we? They know how badly we want to lose weight and keep ourselves slim, trim, and firm.

I should say that the low-fat food revolution is really that - a revolution. I'm not kidding here. The variety is endless, and the taste has gotten better over the years - some of that low-fat stuff tastes just as good as the "regular". So what's the problem here?

The problem is they don't tell you everything. They count on you seeing the magic words, "low fat" or something similar, and immediately believing it's good for your fat loss purposes.

However, gaining fat happens not only as a result of direct fat consumption.

Take sugar, for example. Many of these low-fat foods contain plenty of it. Sugar is not fat; it is a simple form of carbohydrate. So why is it something to consider?

Carbohydrates dissolve in your body to provide it with energy. But if you don't use that energy, the body stores it for "cloudy days"; and that's done in the form of - you guessed it - fat. And since sugar is carbohydrate in a simple form, it is digested quickly, and this whole process happens quickly accordingly.

If your low fat food contains more complex carbs - for example, starch - this is less of a problem, because complex carbs are digested more slowly, so you have more time to use the energy they produce. But still, if you don't use it, the "low fat" label will mean very little.

So when you see food that's labeled low-fat on your grocery store shelf, be careful before you put it in your shopping cart. Read the other parts of the label, see what other things in contains. Then you'll know if that "low-fat" boast means anything.

Steve Gaidi has gained over 50 pounds of lean muscle without adding any fat whatsoever, over years of trial and error on various training programs, despite spending relatively little of his time at the gym. For his comparison on leading fat loss and muscle building programs, click here: Steve's comparison of leading fat loss and muscle gain programs.

For Steve's review of Turbulence Training, the fat loss and fitness program for busy people, click here: Steve's Turbulence Training Review.

For Steve's review of Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle by Tom Venuto, click here: Steve's Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle review.

Fat And Weight Loss Through Getting Rid Of Parasites

Fat And Weight Loss. Why Has It Not Worked?

To lose fat and weight, many of us would have tried our utmost and yet we would not have achieved the desired results. It certainly may not be for want of trying. Often, we try too hard. At times we get the results but it does not last long. We cannot seem to keep off the fat in the long term. If the usual recommendations including exercise, pills, special diet, lotions and so on have not worked for us, perhaps we need to take a totally different approach. It may be appropriate for us to find out what caused the fat in the first place. Could it be due to something in our system that is making it difficult for us to shed off the unwanted fat? Could it be due to some harmful plaque or bacteria in our stomach, intestines and colon that act as parasites that is causing the problem? The Japanese have specially formulated drinks that contain healthy bacteria which have been reported to help our digestive system. Going by the popularity of such drinks, there must be some value in it. The only Japanese to keep away from it would be Sumo wrestlers as they thrive on being fat!

What Harm Can Parasites Do?

How do these parasites get into our bodies? The answer probably lies in the food and water that we consume. It could be due to poorly cooked food and food cooked under unhygienic conditions. Raw or poorly cooked fish especially pickled salmon, trout, white fish etc., contain larvae which after 5-6 weeks mature into adult worms. The worms can lay thousands of eggs and produce chemicals as well as toxins that can even affect our brains particularly the hypothalamus. This is the gland that controls our hunger and thirst. It has been stated that parasites prevent the body from absorbing nutrients from the food we consume. What is even more serious is that these parasites can cause damage even after they die. When they die, they become mineralized like a fossil causing painful swelling and blockages within our body. This has harmful effects particularly on our digestive system and colon. Clogged bowels make it difficult for us to excrete our wastes. As a result, there is plaque build-up which provides fertile conditions for the growth of parasites.

How Do We Get Rid Of The Parasites?

For those of us who have tried everything else but have not succeeded thus far, perhaps we should consider whether parasites are the root cause of our fat and weight problem. Apart from herbal capsules, there are also drugs, health drinks and other remedies which could help to get rid of the parasites. Apple cider vinegar which has been hailed as a natural remedy for a number of ailments may also prove helpful. Before you decide on what is best for you, it would be beneficial if you could get the full details on the parasites that are behind the problem of excess fat and weight that many of us are battling with daily.

In this regard, you may find this site useful.

Getting rid of parasites in the system could be the answer for those who have tried everything else to lose excess fat and weight but failed. How can you get rid of parasites and finally be able to shed the unwanted fat and weight? Learn more here!

What Is The Fastest Weight Loss Program?

Everybody today wants to find the fastest weight loss program, but not everyone is willing to put in the work for the long term.

This creates a huge problem because without doing something, you're never going to lose and keep the weight off!

Before you read the rest of this article, I want you to tell yourself that you are committed to losing weight. You will do what it takes, which isn't as much as you think if you follow my advice.

I may disappoint you by saying this, but the fastest weight loss program isn't any single type of program at all.

What I mean is this.

What you need to do is find the fastest weight loss program for you. This simply means that you have to find the program that corresponds the most to your current lifestyle.

If you work 12 hours a day and have a big family, obviously a program that's telling you to workout for an hour or more per day isn't going to work.

But a program that gives you workouts you can do in a half hour or less? That is the ticket to success.

Having said that, I believe I know what the fastest weight loss program is for most people, but I'm not going to mention it because that's only for most. I've done reviews on many books that I believe are the best out there for most people and can fit everyone's lifestyle - but that's not what this article is really about.

All I wanted to show you in this article is that if you want to succeed, you absolutely have to find something that will appeal to your lifestyle. The fastest weight loss program in the world can be the slowest if you won't do it!

So before you move further on your quest to losing a few pounds, getting more muscular, or even becoming a fitness bodybuilder or model, I strongly suggest looking around and finding a program that is going to be compatible with your lifestyle.

And remember, the fastest weight loss program in the world doesn't mean anything unless you put in the work to do it.

Jeremy Reeves has created a website just for you that reviews what he considers to be the fastest weight loss programs on the market. Show yourself that you're serious about losing weight and go check out before you do anything else today.

The Simple Weight Loss Plan

This article gives free tips and advice about how to lose weight. Dieting does not need to be a choir, however many of the weight loss programs that are available make it this way. During the article, I describe an easy to follow diet or weight loss program which has helped me to reach a weight that I am now happy and feel comfortable with.

The solution to my weight problem

The first thing I had to do was to be honest with myself. I asked myself a series of questions:

Why are you over-weight?

I do not eat the right types of food and I rarely exercise.

How determined are you to lose weight?

Very determined.

Are you willing for this to be a long term project, or are you looking for a quick fix?

The quicker the better, however I realise that crash diets do not work and end up causing more harm than good.

Do you feel you have enough self-discipline to succeed?

I am not sure but I will have to have, to reach my target weight.

The weight loss plan

These are the things I must do:

Eat three healthy meals a day.

Exercise more. This will be achieved by leaving the car at home more often and by walking to certain places, such as my children's school. I will also take the children to play sports like football and tennis, as often as I can.

Fight the demons in my head who constantly tempt me into eating.

These are the things I must not do:

Snack in between meals.

Eat too many take-aways, I will basically allow myself one a week.

Lie to other people or even myself about what I have eaten.

This sounds so simple and is very easy to follow. I have to admit that it is not that easy to carry off, especially not being able to snack between meals. With determination you can succeed and the sense of happiness and pride you will feel when you reach a weight you are happy with, will make it all worthwhile.

I have included many related contents in my Health and Fitness Page and Weight loss page which you might find helpful and interesting.

The Detox Diet: Harmful or Helpful?

What, exactly, is a detox diet? As described by several sources, a detox diet is a nutritional regimen that involves changing bad eating and drinking habits in order to cleanse the body of toxins and other contaminants. A detox has become quite the thing to do these days, and many claim that completing a detox can improve overall health and digestion as well as to heighten resistance to illness and help in weight control. All of the above can be accomplished with good, nutritious eating habits and healthy living styles, but we seem to want to do everything the hard way; hence a detox diet becomes necessary to bring us back to the point where we should have been anyway.

A detox diet can be comprised of many different methodologies. Some people prefer to fast, and only drink water or juice for a certain period of time. Others prefer to increase the amount of fish they eat. Others restrict the amount of calories they consume while others resort to bottled methods like an herbal detox diet. Some even go on a lemonade diet that is more commonly known as the Master Cleanse detox diet.

It stands to reason that any detox diet must be carefully monitored to ensure proper ingestion of nutritious foods, and many merely suggest that a person add more fruits and vegetables to their diet. Of course, staying away from fast food and soda, cigarettes and alcohol is a given. A detox diet is all about changing eating habits and adopting healthy and nutritiously balanced diets and foregoing McDonald's and Taco Bell offerings. It has become a fad to call anything that offers such a drastic change in eating or drinking habits a detox diet.

Still, some argue that the body is already more than capable of ridding itself of toxic wastes and that a detox diet is not only unnecessary but can also be dangerous. Our bodies are meant to contain a certain amount of fats and sugars, and to try to rid the body of these items with a detox diet can cause medical problems such as anemia, low blood sugar and lethargy and weakness. The balance of electrolytes, fats, enzymes, proteins, and carbohydrates in the body are finely tuned and shouldn't be tampered with. A detox diet that allows only liquid is not to be considered a safe alternative to exercise and a normal, well balanced diet. Studies have shown that the lack of protein in most of the more common types of detox diet decreases muscle mass in individuals. With less muscle mass, the metabolism automatically slows down, which will threaten most well-intentioned weight loss diets regardless of what you do.

Call it what you will. While a detox diet can help people learn new and better eating habits, as with everything, a detox diet should be done using caution and good judgment. Perhaps we could avoid all this unnecessary detox diet stuff by just eating better and exercising more in the first place.

Are you ready for a detox diet? Discover more about the detox diet at

Do Celebrities Lose Weight Fast? Stunning Secrets You Always Wanted To Know Finally Revealed

Why is it that most celebs out there look perfect almost everyday? Even when they do gain weight they shed it down within a matter of a few weeks? What is their secret? Well there are many things celebs do which are not known to the common man yet their techniques are so effective that it helps them get results almost instantly. Read on to discover some of the most mind twisting secret of celebs and how they lose weight...

They have guidance- Do you know that they have the best fitness trainers possible out there? You see having a trainer is not only good for personal motivation but you also get to know where you are going wrong with your routines as your trainer is there to help you with it and help you improvise on your mistakes to help you get maximum results.

They have a purpose- Do you have a purpose? You see celebs need to look good all the time and if they don't they will never get any more work therefore this is like bread and butter for them. You see they have to look good and lose weight otherwise they would be out of the job and someone else will come and take over. You see this way they remain highly motivated to lose weight and end up achieving their goals within time.

They stick to their workouts- Another reason why celebs lose weight so fast is due to the fact that once they get on a workout routine they stick to it even when they have lose the desired amount of weight. You see most people out there who lose weight tend to gain it all back simply due to the reason that they don't stick to their workout routines after they have lost weight.

The Real weight loss secret- Can you imagine yourself losing 9 lbs every 11 days from now? Yes you heard it right "9 lbs every 11days guaranteed". This is the single most effective way which helps you lose weight. It is truly an absolute breakthrough in the weight loss industry. If you don't know this than you are missing out on the best ever secret "Guaranteed" to help you lose weight right away. So are you ready to drop some pounds within the next 11 days? Read on to discover this rare secret right now click here- Earth shattering weight loss secret guaranteed to help you lose weight within 11 days

Create A Motivation List To Help You To Lose Weight

If you are looking into ways of how you can become fitter or how you can lose weight, this article may be of interest to you. It gives information and advice to help people to successfully lose weight and more importantly to keep this weight off in the long term.

I have had many issues with my own weight and have tried many different weight loss programs and diets. I have lost weight but then after only a short period of time, I would put all of the weight back on again.

A few years ago, I decided to try to reduce the amount I weighed yet again, but was determined that this time the fat would stay off. I had read many books on the subject of fitness and dieting and decided to follow some of the advice which I had learnt.

I wrote down all of the reasons I was trying to lose the excess fat. This is very important as it would be a constant reminder of what I am attempting to achieve and also about why I am attempting to achieve it. It would give me a huge motivation to stick to my weight loss plan. I would advise anybody who is also looking to lose weight to write a similar list as it proved to be very beneficial to me.

On my list I wrote about how I wanted to look and feel stronger and fitter. This I believed would help my self-confidence and self-esteem which were always fairly low. I had had enough of feeling ashamed of my weight and fat belly. I wanted to walk down the street feeling proud and assured.

I wanted to lose weight to avoid all the health problems that being obese can cause, as people become older. I am not sure about you but I rarely see a fat person who is in their seventies or eighties. I am hoping to live until a ripe old age and enjoy my retirement.

Next on my list was about the clothes I wear. Basically I am not able to buy the clothes I really want to as they do not really suit a person of my build. I often look at other people and am impressed with their clothes but then realise that they are a lot of thinner than I am. The clothes may look impressive on them but would not look the same if I wore them.

I also wanted to lose weight in order for me to look more attractive to members of the opposite sex. Being overweight I am sure has a bearing as to why I have not exactly been a stud in my life, well it is my excuse anyway.

The last reason on my list was about my general level of fitness. I love playing football and was a regular in the school football team. That was years ago, when ever I had played recently before writing this list, I had been out of breath after only about fifteen minutes. This was quite a shock for me and made playing the game far less fun and enjoyable. I wrote about how I would love to regain my fitness so that I could participate in this and other sports.

Once I had written my list, I would then read it on regular occasions and it would help me to keep motivated. I am not saying it was an easy road, however I eventually managed to obtain a weight that I was happy with. I am pleased to let you know that I have also been successful in keeping the weight off this time around.

In conclusion, if you are thinking about or hoping to lose some weight, I would recommend you to write a list of reasons why you are doing it. Keep these ideas in mind and if you start to be tempted by that fatty food, quickly read your list to remind you why you should ignore your temptations. Good luck.

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Weight Loss - How To Lose Weight Naturally

Weight loss is a tricky topic. Nowadays people are using lots of extreme methods such as crash diets and supplements for losing weight. If a person loses weight fast with the help of these types of extreme methods as I have mentioned above there is a great risk of gaining the same weight again from where you begun. As these methods will not become a part of your life style as they should to get life long benefit. So the conclusion is that weight loss is a slow process so it should be planned and slow.

Lets discuss some steps which should be taken to decrease weight in a proper way.

Family support family plays a great role in a persons weight loss program. Family members can help in many ways for example parents can motivate all family members to led a health way of life. Entire diet can be changed for whole family all high calorie food can be cut off from the diet. Person who is having support of his family gets better results than the person whose family is not supporting him.

Breakfast is important never try to skip your breakfast to reduce your calorie intake. Breakfast is most important part of your daily diet. Break fast gives energy for your all day activities. People who skip breakfast feel very hungry and they eat more than they are supposed to. People who are not having their breakfast are having higher rate of metabolism than the people who are regular in their breakfast. So try to have a good nutritious breakfast with some fruits and vegetables.

Say no to sodas this is very important what you are drinking when you are thirsty if you like drinking sodas and sweet juices this habit should be changed immediately as sodas an sweet juices are having lots of extra calories. Try to drink water and other sugar free drinks to quench your thirst.

Take a slow start weight losing program should be started slowly. If you will start slowly you will see gradual improvement. A fast start will not help you to go a long way. Try to cut down the portions slowly.

Jitesh Arora.Click here to know more about Weight Loss.

Diet Vs Exercise For Weight Loss

We're big proponents of exercise for a myriad of health reasons. But when it comes strictly to losing weight, what you eat is far more important than how many miles you log on the road. Just think: It takes about 6 miles or 90 minutes of brisk walking for a 150-pound person to burn 500 calories. Compare that to a seemingly harmless few handfuls (about a cup) of granola--also 500 calories. Yikes! You can see how easy it is to eat back all that hard work (and then some).

Don't throw in the exercise towel just yet!

Although subscribing to a healthy eating plan that emphasizes fruit and veggies, whole grains, and lean meat and dairy will help you needle down the scale faster than even our toughest outdoor fitness workout, studies show exercise is absolutely critical for another important reason: maintaining that weight loss and preventing weight regain. So at some point, you're gonna have to do both, and the sooner you do the better. After all, you don't just melt away the fat when you drop pounds with diet-only programs; you lose quite a bit of muscle weight, too. If you eat less and exercise, particularly if you strength train, you'll be more likely to retain muscle and lose mostly fat weight so you'll look leaner.

Bottom line: Healthy eating and regular exercise are lifelong habits necessary for weight management. Get on board and start reaping the rewards now. It's as easy as 1-2-3:

  1. Primarily focus on eating well.
  2. Exercise to keep off the weight.
  3. Subscribe to a lifetime of doing both.

Sarah Robertson, founder of Outside In Fitness, is an ACE certified personal trainer, ACSM certified wellness coach, and a former fitness and weight loss editor with Prevention magazine. Outside In Fitness offers innovative group and personal outdoor fitness training and wellness coaching for weight management in the D.C./ northern Virginia areas. For more information, please visit

Plus, read more fitness and wellness tips for everything from recognizing health scams and blasting past weight loss plateaus to circumventing weather woes and championing exercise excuses.