Healthy Fat Loss

Monday, July 21, 2008

How to Lose Belly Fat

You wake up one morning and walk past a mirror. You turn around and look... your stomach has just moved. A layer of jiggly fat is covering your stomach. Sadly, this scenario is all too common in today's modern world. You would be hard pressed to find someone who has not had belly fat plague them at one point.

So how do we get rid of it? Endless crunches and sit-ups should melt that belly fat right off, right? Wrong. Spot reduction is a myth. You cannot selectively burn fat off your body from a specific spot. It has to be burned from all over the body. What you need to do is use up more calories than you are taking in. There are two components to this: diet and cardio.

  • Diet - You don't need to buy into the latest fad diet to lose belly fat. Just make sure you eat healthy and eat below your caloric maintenance level. Basically just eat less than you normally do. Make sure you eat healthy and do not starve yourself. If you try to starve yourself, your metabolism will shut down and when you eventually do eat, your body will hold on to every calorie and store it as fat. Instead you want to start eating more often. That's right. Try eating six small meals a day. It will boost your metabolism and you will feel less hungry. Also, make sure you eat good amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Remember dietary fat is not the enemy here, body fat is.
  • Cardio - Almost any amount of increased activity is helpful here, but I happen to like HIIT, or High Intensity Interval Training. In HIIT, you alternate periods of high intensity with periods of low intensity. For instance you could sprint for 20 seconds and jog for 40, sprint for 20, jog 40, etc. When you are just starting out, you may be able to do only around 4-5 cycles before dying out. That is only 5 minutes to accomplish what low intensity cardio would accomplish in a hour. In addition to being much quicker and more efficient HIIT boosts overall metabolism so you burn even more calories after the session.

Want to see results and lose weight quickly? Check this website for some awesome weight loss tips and a great diet program.

You Can Lose Weight Through Hypnosis!

It's close to summer, and you're wondering to yourself, if I only weighed less then I would be able to get into this really sexy swimsuit. But how do I do it with out starving myself, or spending hundreds of dollars on crap that may work for a couple of days and then I quit?

Trust me, I have been there. And I know what you're going through.

Weight loss, does not have to be rocket science. Even if you're a rocket scientist.


Through hypnosis, ..."Yeah, yeah pooh I don't know about that." It's the fear of the unknown that can actually hold people back from achieving their goals. I am sure back in the days of Christopher Columbus, many people didn't travel far for the fear of falling off the planet. As a stage hypnotist I am here to tell you, losing weight through hypnosis is easy, inexpensive, and very, very safe.
Now here's how,

1) Find some quiet time for your self. Make sure your not going to be interrupted by anyone or anything. Turn off the phones if necessary, make sure all TV's are off and there is noting around you that can disturb you. Close your eyes and breathe deeply through your nose and allow your breathe to exhale through your lips. With each breathe, allow it to relax all muscles in your body. Work on your feet first all the way up to your head. This should take anywhere between 5- 10 minutes.

2) In your minds eye, take yourself to a flight of stairs, or an escalator, or an elevator, you decide which one. As you descend downwards on each step, or each floor, tell yourself you are relaxing even more with each step, and with each step you are going down deeper and deeper.

3) Once you have reached the bottom, tell yourself you want to go outside. Picture yourself outside, but see yourself ,...thin, the weight you want to be, admire yourself, compliment yourself. Look at yourself as a new person. Really look at every detail about the new you, is there people around you, if so, what are they saying about the new you? tell yourself, this is the new you, tell yourself, this is how you are going to look from now on.

4) Leave this scene, and go back to the stairs, the escalator or the elevator, tell your self as you take each step up you will soon awaken and you will act on eating better so that you can look better and be healthier. Once you reach the top, tell yourself it's time to awaken, and feel even better then you did when you first sat or lay down.

Ta dah, just hypnotized yourself, even in this simplest way you are to to start taking better control of your weight. To maximize this, do this exercise before dropping off to a night of restful sleep, and during the first one to two hours you have for your day.
But ,..we're not done yet.

Set a goal on realistically how much weight you want to lose, put it on a 3x5 card, now stick this to your bathroom mirror, or a mirror that you normally get dressed in front of. If you're on the computer at home a lot, make sue to fix a sticker there with your weight goal.

Tell others how much weight you are going to lose, and ask them if they would support you.

Reduce your size of plates.
That's right, reduce them.

Use smaller ones, on all your meals.

And listen to me, eat BREAKFAST.

It's the green light you'll need to get your metabolism going.

It wouldn't hurt you to take a brisk walk two to three times a week. Put a disk or your IPOD for a favorite book, or music and enjoy a good 30 minute to one hour walk. Consult your doctor first thought before trying any exercise just to make sure, if he or she's says it's ok to walk, then DO IT.

Don't be a donkey and procrastinate.

So there you have it. If you are interested in learning more about weight lost, drop me a line at

Until then,...when I snap my fingers and count to three you'll feel better than before, one..two,...

Thomas E Smith, Hypnotist

Lose The Weight, Not The Fun, Of Summer Cookouts

It's summertime!

And with it comes barbecues, picnics, celebrations, and FOOD TEMPTATIONS. If you are trying to lose weight, control your blood sugar, cut back on saturated fats for heart health, or make any other dietary changes to improve your well-being, this can spell failure or the idea of deprivation. So what is a person to do? Shut themselves inside and become a recluse? Well, that IS an option, but not one that would probably make you very happy!

Commit to doing things differently from now on. Parties, cookouts, and social events are going to be a part of the rest of your life. It is time to leave the "kid in a candy store" mentality behind. You can still enjoy parties without making your body pay the price.

Below are some tips for handling picnics/cookouts, parties, and other celebrations with greater ease (for your mind and body).

* The number one thing to do is go with a plan in mind. Stop pretending you do not know what your M. O. (pattern) is at such events. You have had that "V-8 moment" after overindulging at a party far too many times to fool yourself anymore. Think ahead and decide what your strategy is going to be as far as eating (and even drinking). Then, stick to it! You may not do everything you planned to at first, but do not let that be an excuse for giving up. Keep reviewing your attempts and challenges, and resolve to do a little better each time based on what you learned the previous time.

* Never go to a social event hungry, unless you are planning to have a MEAL there. You are just setting yourself up to overeat or eat junky food. The "saving-calories-for-later" strategy does not work well for SO many reasons. Eat before you go if you know there is going to be a lot of finger food. Have a balanced, healthy meal at home and maybe just plan to have a small dessert there.

* Do not eat anything unless it is on a plate and served all at once (that includes you fixing the plate). Picking at food here and there makes it difficult for you to process how much you have eaten. By the time your stomach feels the stretch and sends the signal to the brain to turn off the appetite, you have already overeaten.

* Drink water or Perrier (NOT soda water or flavored water) instead of alcohol, or at least have 1 or 2 glasses of water between alcoholic drinks. This will help counteract the dehydrating effects of alcohol, reduce unnecessary calories/sugar, and prevent you from becoming inebriated!

* Bring your own healthy dish to share-something you have discovered and thoroughly enjoy. This assures that you will have at least one thing you can eat there that will not sabotage your healthy eating efforts, and makes you look like a thoughtful guest (momma always told me to never be an empty-handed guest). You might even find people asking you for the recipe!

* Barbecues are often an overload of starches: bread/rolls/buns, potato salad, pasta salad, potato chips, baked beans, etc. Piling your plate with high-glycemic, low-nutrition carbs such as these can sabotage your best efforts at life-time weight loss unless you learn to be smart about them. Either choose to have only one of them, along with a meat and some greens, or a smaller serving of a few of them.

* Learn to dodge or deflect people's well-intentioned urges for you to eat. If someone asks you if you tried "such & such" yet, you can say "Yes, and it was great" or "No, I'm full right now" or try, "Oh, I can't eat that; it gives me gas" (if you are the type of person who is comfortable delivering a line like that). People will continue to offer you food (sometimes even being insistent about it, which is usually based on their own insecurities), but continue to hold your ground and repeat the same phrase again. (If you have a particularly hard time with this, I suggest you practice some phrases in the mirror until you get comfortable saying them and they will more easily roll off the tongue when you need them. Seriously; try it).

* Focus on the fun, not the food. Unless the invitation said, "Come to a food-tasting party," there is some other reason for the event. Keep your focus on that. Use your mouth for talking more than eating. Keep your hands occupied with a bottle or glass of water. Involve yourself in any activities available.

(Note: if you tend to eat because you are shy or nervous in social settings, there are many things you can do to learn to be more confident. I used to be shy, too. Hypnosis is one of several things that helped me to become the confident public speaker and leader I am today. If you would like to talk to me more about my transition from shy to outgoing, contact me via email or phone and I will be happy to discuss with you.

For additional help with establishing healthy habits during celebrations, purchase my hypnosis CD, "Healthy Parties, Holidays, and Vacations" for just $10, plus shipping and handling. More personalized hypnosis CDs made specifically for you and your challenge areas can also be ordered for an additional cost. Contact me for more details.

Lisa Smith is a Certified Master Hypnotherapist, Wellness Coach, and NeuroLinguistic Programming Practitioner in the Virginia Beach area. She is a sought-after speaker, workshop presenter, and group coaching facilitator for creating health and self-fulfillment.

Her private practice, Life by Design Coaching and Hypnotherapy, offers coaching, hypnosis, NLP, and other options for health and self-improvement. In her 11 years as a hypnotherapist, she has conducted over 8,000 hypnosis sessions with children and adults for weight loss, addictions; stress and anxiety; phobias; childbirth; surgery preparation, cancer, pain management, and other mind-body healing. Sessions can be conducted in person or by phone. Visit her website at for contact and other information.
Copyright (c) Life by Design Coaching & Hypnotherapy. June 2007. All rights reserved.

The Easiest Ways to Lose Weight

Losing weight is something that we all worry about, as a society. In fact, studies show that North Americans are heavier than they have ever been before, and this includes our children. With all the health problems that are caused by obesity, thats a very serious problem it will probably impact on our health care costs in the very near future.

At the same time, the desire to be thin and fit has never been stronger. Advertising and images in the media tell us that a thin body is the only acceptable body and this is particularly true for women and girls. Putting all these facts together, what we have is a situation in which more and more people are very unhappy about their weight.

To discover the easiest ways to lose weight, we should consider why North Americans are overweight today, and how this is different from the behavior of most other societies. Theres a popular book on the market right now about why French women dont gain weight, despite a diet that is rich in meat and dairy fat. Whats their secret? And why are most Europeans and Asians naturally thinner and fitter than North Americans?

The answer is simple. There are two reasons: First, the food that people eat in most traditional societies is of better quality than the instant or packaged food that we tend to eat. This is changing in another generation or so, people all around the world might end up with the same weight problems that Americans already have. But theres a lot to be gained by eating food thats prepared in a traditional way, and that is as close to its natural form as possible.

The other reason is that people in more traditional societies are more physically active. This may surprise you, given the obsession with exercise that many North Americans have. But its true because of amount of time that we spend sitting in our cars, we simply dont get as much exercise as we should. Exercising vigorously two or three times a week is still not as effective as the constant exercise that you get if walking or biking is your regular means of transportation.

So, in short, these are the easiest ways to lose weight over time: First, eat foods that are in their natural state, or as close to it as possible. And second, use your car as little as you can. Some people make it a rule not to drive if they are traveling less than ten or fifteen blocks, for example.

These arent the quickest ways to lose weight, but they are the easiest and the best. Thats because, unlike a diet, these are lifestyle change that will make you healthier. Once you start enjoying regular exercise and good food, chances are that youll never want to go back. So unlike diets, which might offer more impressive results in the short term, you are unlikely to gain back the weight that you lose in this manner.

Heres how to get started:

First, when you go the supermarket, try to avoid the center aisles. In most markets, the meat, milk, eggs, fruits and vegetables are located at either end of the store, and in the back. The center aisles, on the other hand, are where all the packaged food is kept. If you avoid the middle of the store as much as you can, you will end up with a cart full of natural protein and produce, the perfect ingredients for losing weight.

Heres another hint: dont let yourself get hungry. Eat regular meals, so that you dont feel deprived. If youre like most of us, once you feel hungry you are more likely to eat whatever happens to be available, healthy or not. Thats where the problems start. If you have regular, healthy meals and snacks, you wont be tempted by the junk food thats all too readily found in any corner store or vending machine.

Finally, avoid using your car as much as you can. Its better for the environment, and much better for you. Walking for a few hours every day is actually a better way of losing weight than if you exercise vigorously a couple of times a week. Try to work walking into your daily routine for example, can you leave home a half hour earlier and walk to work each day? With gas prices reaching an all-time high, think of all the money youll save while youre using weight!

Follow these simple life changes for lifelong health and fitness. Over time, your body will settle at a healthy weight, and you can begin to enjoy the ample benefits that this brings!

For more great information visit Gabae Weight Loss the premiere resource for weight loss, diets, nutrition and living a great healthy life style!

Also if you're looking for more informative articles check out Gabae Weight Loss Articles.

Ways to Burn Fat

When you want to burn the fat within your body, you will certainly try to do some exercises. In most cases you will try to do so aerobic exercises. Yet one thing you may not know is that weight bearing exercises are also very important.

There are trainers who say that weight bearing exercises will not help if your aim of exercising is to burn fat. They tend to believe that these exercises will be good if you are planning to build your muscle. However, it is not totally correct.

According to a study by the Fitness Products Council and Sporting Goods Manufacturers, in North America, weight lifting is probably the most popular sports. In fact, you should try to combine aerobic exercises with weight training programs if you would like to burn your body fact efficiently.

You may know that in order to increase metabolism, you will need to do some cardiovascular exercises. It will certainly help you to burn the body fat after the exercises. Yet you should also know that weight lifting exercises can help to increase metabolism during the exercises. In fact, the metabolism can be raised for a few days after the training session if you are undergoing some intensive training.

However, you should also understand that training intensively everyday will not really help. As a matter of fact, your muscle will develop when your muscle is resting. As a result, you will need to allow enough time for your muscle to rest and develop after a training session. From here you should know that training intensively everyday will not be able to allow enough time for the muscle to rest.

As a matter of fact, you need to allow 24 to 48 hours for the muscle to rest. During this period, your muscle will develop and become stronger. And this resting period for your muscle will be the most perfect time for you to have cardiovascular exercise. This will certainly help to increase the rate of burning your body fat.

One thing you need to remember is that, you will lose some muscle mass when you are trying to losing weight. Yet it is the muscle mass which keeps our metabolism high. Starving yourself will not help you want to lose weight healthy. Your weight will gain back very soon. You should try to lose your weight gradually and this is the correct way to lose the extra pounds!

Antony Lee has a website on Health, Fitness and Exercises. Be sure to check Healthy Weight Loss.

Lose Fat Fast

Its natural to want the fastest and easiest way to burn body fat, but what if the answer is not a quick fix. Burning body fat will inevitably result in losing body weight. But, not all body weight lost in an unhealthy way is fat. Sometimes, you are losing muscle and water if you do not aim to burn that body fat in a healthy way.

The first change many people need to make when trying to burn body fat is to add weights to their exercise routines. Weight training does not have to mean bulking up and gaining a ton of muscle. However gaining more muscle mass is the end goal. At rest, muscle burns more calories than fat. That means for every pound of muscle you build on your body, the more calories your body will burn when sitting, resting and even sleeping. Weights can be added to your current exercise routine easily. If you need guidance on how to add weight to your routine, your local gym will have personal trainers available at your disposal often for free with gym membership. Or you can check out the resources listed at the end of this article.

In addition to exercising, your daily food intake will need to be changed a bit to turn your body into a fat burning machine. The common misconception that all carbohydrates are created equal often leads to overeating and weight gain or maintenance. Simple carbohydrates are those that make up white breads, sugar laden snacks and even white potatoes. When choosing your carbohydrates, choosing whole grains can add both complex carbohydrates and fiber. Complex carbohydrates are converted to fuel much more slowly in the body meaning a constant source of energy for the body. Fiber, also present in whole grains, lends to feeler fuller for longer periods of time after a meal. The longer you feel full, the less calories you will want to consume and the more fat you will burn.

Overeating is often a common factor for people who need to lose weight. Portion control is a learned response that many people forget thanks to the overwhelming portions sizes served up at family meals and in restaurants. For example, a portion of protein should be the size of a deck of cards, not half the plate. As a general guideline your carbohydrates need to be about the size of your fist. Once you relearn the correct portion sizes for each serving of food, you will eat less, and lose more fat. A great way to check portion sizes is by looking at recipes and getting used to measuring your foods out until you naturally only choose the right size portion.

Burning fat needs to be a combination effort between the body and the mind. The body can burn more fat easily with the introduction of weight training exercises to build body muscle. The mind, however, must be retrained to eat smaller portion sizes and healthier whole grain foods. The changes will take a little time to get used to, but you will soon find yourself reaching for the whole wheat bread, sweet potatoes and barbells with ease. You'll be even more motivated to do this as you see the fat being lost from your body.

And just imagine if you could triple that fat loss.

Discover how to triple your fat loss and lose inches of your body so you look good and feel great

Wendy Hearn has helped thousands of people to achieve healthy weight loss

Lose 50 Pounds in 2 Months - Join Me on the Highway to Health

Are you looking forward to getting back into that perfect shape for your wedding? Or is your closest friend getting married and you have to be in your best shape for his or her big day? Or has your doctor given you the final ultimatum to lose weight or else to be ready for diabetes? You could have any reason to lose weight but have you not been trying your best to lose it? I am sure you must be trying sincerely very hard to lose some weight but has it worked for you? Well, if nothing has worked for you till now then we will make something work for you. If you can promise to work on our weight loss program, we can promise you that you'll lose at least 50 pounds in two months. We will take it forward week by week.

First week - No burgers, pizzas, hot dogs, colas and alcohol for you. Avoid any kind of fried items like chicken or wafers. Drink only toned (low fat) milk. No cheese and butter. Replace your cooking oil with olive oil and use bare minimum oil for cooking vegetables. Jog for at least 10-15 minutes a day with equal time dedicated to cycling at moderate speed.

Week Two - Continue with the regime of first week. Replace your breakfast with sprouts and yogurt. Increase the jogging and cycling time by at least 5 minutes daily. Start drinking lemon and honey mixed in a glass of water every morning after workout.

Week Three - Continue with the existing regime. Start weight training for half an hour everyday and start having 5-6 light meals throughout the day. Start doing some physical activity like swimming or playing basketball in the evening to burn more calories. Include some fish and lean chicken in your dinner to help in quick healing of any damage caused to the muscles and tissues during weight training exercises.

Week Four - Keep following the previous week's schedule. You will now have to slowly move on to a detox diet. Start drinking at least 8-10 glassfuls of water every day. Also replace your lunch with only boiled and freshly cut vegetables. From this week onwards no more packed food for you.

Week Five - Add another half an hour of weight training to your existing daily schedule. Start eating egg white and fruits for breakfast and brunch respectively. Keep the remaining diet schedule like before. Get a sleep of at least 6 hours a day at a stretch.

Week Six - From this week onward you will have to follow a completely detox diet. No more oil or chicken for you. Once in a day you can have some fish. Drink lemon and honey mixed in water at least thrice a day preferably after workouts in the morning and evening.

Week Seven - Time to up the ante. You will have already lost quite a lot of weight by now. Now we will add some Yoga (at least half an hour in the evening) to calm down your mind and craving for oily and fast food. The detox diet will continue.

Week Eight - Just keep the old schedule of the seventh week going. There is nothing that you have to do except for comparing yourself in the mirror with what you were a couple of months back.

To lose 50 pounds of weight in two months is not that difficult. Are you not smiling already?

You can find out more about losing fat as well as much more weight loss reviews and weight loss ideas by visiting Lose 50 Pounds in 2 Months

Foods to Eat to Lose Weight

Many people do not know that certain foods can actually help you lose weight without exercise like you saw in my video. They can make a HUGE difference.

The foods to eat to lose weight are probably foods you already know of but just don't know what portions, times or mixtures to eat them in. These 3 simple foods can go a long way if mixed with the proper diet and some of them are what helped me lose almost 30 pounds in 30 days with no exercise as you saw in my video.

Some of these foods you cannot even eat in the program I did and some you can but if you aren't going to do the program I did exactly I would start integrating these foods into your diet because I still do to this day and they have made a big impact on KEEPING me thin!

Foods to Eat to Lose Weight #1:

Although this is many foods you get the point. Foods high in fiber will result in suppressing your hunger with makes you eat less frequently throughout the day. MANY people's problems are snaking nonstop throughout the day and this can prevent that. It was a big problem for me. Some examples of foods high in fiber would be oatmeal (like I had almost every day in my meal plan), nuts, fruits, and even many cereals (careful for sugar). My favorite was oatmeal and I loaded this into my diet generator almost every week! For me personally it was one of the best foods to eat because it left me feeling refreshed and feeling full. Eating this in the morning will give you the best results.

Foods to Eat to Lose Weight #2:

The second foods to eat to lose weight isn't even a food... it's water! Many times people will think they are hungry when in fact they are just thirsty. This is why it is a good idea to have a tall glass of water with your dinner meal. Water also does a good job of flushing toxins out of your body.

Foods to Eat to Lose Weight #3:

The third food to eat to lose weight is veggies and fruits. This one was pretty obvious. I hated veggies but there were a select few I liked and one good thing about the diet generator in my diet program was I could input ONLY the veggies I liked and it would build my meals around those. Remember eating these are twofold. Good for you and high in fiber like we talked about before.

To see Phils video and sample diets of how Phil lost almost 30lbs in 30 days WITHOUT exercising visit foods to eat to lose weight

How To Lose 40 Pounds in a Month

Just a few days ago someone asked me if it's possible to lose 40 pounds in a month, and if so how she could do it. I decided to take the answer I gave her and to make an article of it. So here it is.

But before I write about how this can be done, let me say that I suggest you give yourself more time to lose 40 lbs. A month will require some drastic measures. But if you're adamant about it, read on. You need to be aware that in order to lose 40 pounds in 30 days, you need to create a massive calorie deficit. This isn't something which is easily done. It's possible to do this in just 2 ways:

1. Use a detox diet - A detox diet cleanses your body of a great deal of undigested pounds and helps you to create a calorie deficit. A detox diet includes drinking a lot of fluids, usually water and fruit juice (fresh juice). This kind of diet flushes you out and helps to stave off hunger. In this way it's possible to lose 40 pounds fast. In a month, it can be done. However, you need to be aware that this may not be the healthiest thing to do. Using a detox diet for too long can be detrimental to the body since you're not eating a lot of necessary nutrients. It's great for fast weight loss, but don't use it for too long.

2. The second way to lose 40 lbs in a month is to create the necessary calorie deficit by working out a lot and eating in moderation. You will need to do a lot of cardio (at least 4 hours each week) and also do strength workouts, but cardio is key. You will not be building muscle tissue in this month, you will only be losing weight. If you do enough cardiovascular workouts, and eat in moderation (a lot of vegetables and fruit and short on carbs), you may be able to lose 40 pounds in 1 month. But you need to be aware that this will require a massive effort on your part.

As I said, it's possible to lose 40 pounds in a month with the right kind of determination and willpower, but I suggest you give yourself a bit more time. It'll make it easier.

To read about the best detox diet and cardiovascular based diet, visit this webpage:
Diet plans to lose 10 lbs in 2 Weeks.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose Weight Fast And Never Gain It Back

Free Weight Loss Meal Plans

Actions to remedy weight are numerous. Weight loss surgeries, medicines and pills, exercises and diet regimens are the common ways to lose weight. Alternative medicine such as drinking herbal teas and pills are also said to help lose weight. There are free weight loss programs that are shared through the Internet A part of these free weight loss programs are free weight loss meal plans. These provide for absolute better alternatives than any painful injury that you have to go through before you can actually achieve your desired shape.

To have a meal plan is important because it is a great way to guide you with your food intake. These free weight meal plans are usually designed to contain the right food groups and keep the meal balanced. It must be emphasized that dieting entails that you should be able to choose and eat the right kinds of foods that your body needs to maintain the nutritional requirement but whether you are on a diet or not, it is advisable to plan your meals. If you do not have a weight loss problem and you do not want to encounter such problem, you should make sure that you also plan your meal otherwise you might find yourself in the same dilemma as most people who have weight loss problems.

Doctors, nurses and people working in the health care community advise using free weight meal plans for patients. This is to ensure that the patient is able to recover or to recuperate from the sickness through the nutrients that can be found in these foods and at the same time ensure that the intake of food is being monitored to fit the dietary requirement considering his or her physical condition. Dietitians make special meal plans to cater the person unique needs. That is why it is advisable for you to get a dietary expert especially if you do not have any idea on which foods to eat and which foods not to eat.'

If you do not want to get a dietitian but you cannot make a meal plan of your own, try to search the Internet about free weight loss meal plans. These should be your keywords because there is a difference between meal plans that is designed for weight loss than just a normal meal plan. Meal plans for weight loss will give you a ready source of recipes and food combinations to help you lose that dreaded weight.

A good meal plan cannot be taken for granted. There are many available weight loss meal plans and tips on how to make one available on the Internet This makes getting a meal plan that is for weight loss more convenient and efficient.

Anthony Thedford has been writing information articles for years. For more information on weight loss, please visit our website at

Lose Weight Fast By Changing Your Exercise Program To Enhance Muscle Strength and Fat Loss

You can lose more weight in a shorter period of time by exercising in a more natural way. What I mean by this is that the body will tend to adjust to any exercise routine you do on a regular basis. Here are some ways to lose weight quickly and keep it off by exercising.

  • Do a different type of exercise each day. Changing your exercises will work out different muscle groups in your body. Our bodies are very complex and it is important to build all of the muscle groups in order to burn more fat on a regular basis.
  • Try more non-traditional body moves. Move your body side to side, backwards, and even stand on your head. All of this will help you to build a stronger core. This means that your extremities will not do the work that your abdomen, stomach, buttocks and thighs should be doing.
  • Exercise at different times of the day. Everyone is different. Make sure you do not get stuck in only working out for one hour at the same time every day.
  • Experiment with different types of equipment. There is so much available now that it is easy to have a complete gym at home with very inexpensive equipment.
  • Do not eat for three hours before exercising. You will burn more fat by doing this
  • Allow your muscle groups to rest in between exercises. Muscles need about 48 hours to recover. Work them out every other day.

Utilize these methods in order to maximize your weight loss in the shortest amount of time. Also include a diet that will work with your body to lose fat and you will be able to lose a large amount of weight in a short period of time.

And now I invite you to learn about a diet plan that will help you to lose weight very quickly by visiting and seeing how you can burn fat for quick weight loss.

Effectively Lose Weight and Gain Good Health With Hoodia Gordonii

Hoodia gordonii is a diet pill which designed to make you lose weight effectively and naturally. It is made from herbs and no added chemicals, purely, natural.

This diet pill is made from hoodia gordonii which is a cactus like plant that can be seen in Kalahari Desert of South Africa. It is purely natural and you can't gain any side effect will taking it. This diet pill doesn't come with any artificial flavors or colors, so you won't need to worry about any harmful side effects, unlike other diet pills out there, they can bring you adverse reaction will taking it. Actually, San people have using it for thousands of years and for them hoodia gordonii is truly effective, since they've been using it to suppressed their hunger and thirst when they need to go out for hunting. They also used it in curing minor infection and illnesses.

There is a question that can come up in our mind at some point about hoodia, if it can really help you in losing weight or not. This is all natural plant that has active molecule that works an appetite suppressant, it can make you eat less by tricking the brain in telling that are you full and satisfied. So if you take it with healthy diet and proper exercise, you will see great results in no time. It can really make you lose that unwanted pounds of yours without even worrying of any adverse effects. Actually, just in a span of a week to 10 days, you can see results.

The reason why you lose weight in taking hoodia gordonii is that it can make you feel full, even it you haven't eaten at all you feel full and satisfied, since it can trick your mind in thinking that. But it doesn't mean that if you never felt hungry and thirsty, you will never eat and drink at all. You have to still eat, but eat rightly, you need to take nutritious food and make sure to eat right amount of it, never overeat, it can make you fat it you does. Even if you do not feel thirsty, you must drink plenty of water each day since it is needed by your body.

While taking hoodia gordonii diet pill, it is right to do proper exercising, allocating at least 30 minutes to an hour of your time doing physical activities like biking, swimming, dancing, jogging can help you in losing more weight naturally. You can at least the ones that can make you enjoy will doing it, if you enjoying swimming, you can allocate few minutes of your time doing it. Since doing exercise can help you increase your metabolism and you can burn more calories and you will lose weight faster.

Yes, you need to eat healthy and do exercising since it doesn't mean that when you wish to lose weight, you will starve yourself and never ever take mega dose of hoodia gordonii, you must take the right amount of it each day, do not over use it.

Eliza Maledevic Ayson

Eliza Maledevic writes for - SEO Company

Ways to Lose Weight Fast - Is Fat Loss 4 Idiots a Scam?

Ever since I've come across this diet, people have been asking me, "Is Fat Loss 4 Idiots a scam?". These people are really desperate to lose weight quickly and are looking for ways to lose weight fast. It's got a money back guarantee (more on that and how it works at the end of this article), which certainly helps make it look good. But what kind of system does the diet use, and does it sound doable?

What exactly is the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet? How does it work? They say it works by something called calorie switching. You're supposed to eat different kinds of calories during different parts of the week. Once your body gets used to burning certain kinds of calories, you switch over to another kind. This manipulates fat-burning hormones, they claim, to get your body burning fat nearly all the time. It's supposed to keep your metabolism and energy levels high which is a good way to lose weight fast.

How does the diet claim to do this? It gives you a web-based meal generator and, based on your input, spits out the four (instead of three) meals for you to eat, in eleven-day periods (and then gives you three "party days", where you can eat whatever you want). Here's a sample of the kind of meal plans it can give you:

Here is just one sample meal plan:

Day 1

Meal 1: Flavored Oatmeal
Meal 2: Tuna Salad
Meal 3: Sandwich (any type)
Meal 4: Scrambled Eggs

Day 2

Meal 1: Banana Milk Shake
Meal 2: Chicken
Meal 3: Eggs, Mixed Vegetables
Meal 4: Cottage Cheese

Day 3

Meal 1: Chicken
Meal 2: Fruit Salad
Meal 3: Fish Filet
Meal 4: Cottage Cheese

Then you move on to different kinds of calories, which is supposed to keep your body "switching gears" in a way that keeps burning fat. But does this really help you lose weight, or is Fat Loss 4 Idiots a scam? Plenty of people say it's helped them out. Others are more critical. If you're both serious and desperate to lose weight quickly, it could be an option to try.

If you try it and don't lose weight, there is a money-back guarantee. Fat Loss for Idiots is sold through ClickBank, an information product provider that offers money-back guarantees on EVERY product they sell. People who sell their products through ClickBank know this fact. They know that, should their product not be all it's hyped up to be, ClickBank will charge the refund back to their account. You can get buried in a system like that, just selling crap. Personally I think that, since the diet has been around since 2005, it's legit.

But you should not take anybody else word for it. If you're really serious about losing weight, you'll just have to try the system out and see.

If you really are Desperate to Lose Weight Quickly then check out Michael Davis's site on how Ways to Lose Weight Fast

Fat Buring Foods - Eat These Foods To Help You Lose Weight Fast!

Are there foods to eat that actually burn fat if you eat them? The answer is YES.

These foods can be incorporated any diet. should make them an essential part of your dietary regime.

What then are far burning foods? Basically, fat burning foods are foods that burn more calories than the caloric content of the foods itself.

Every farmer knows (that raises pigs) that there are certain foods which actually burn more fat than the caloric content of the food itself, so they avoid feeding these foods to their animals (which are sold by weight!).

These fat burning foods or so called negative calorie foods are natural plant foods, and also certain dairy items.

The fat burners then fall into three basic groups:

1. The Citrus group

2. The Cellulose-rich Vegetables and Fruits group

3. The Dairy group

The Citrus Group includes:






Kiwi (not a citrus but extra-rich in Vitamin C, thus a fat burner)

The Cellulose-rich Vegetables and Fruits group includes:





beet root




The Dairy group includes:

Non-fat milk

Low-fat yogurt

White (fresh) cheese

A word must be mentioned about the fat-burning capacity of dairy foods.

It is now proven clinically that calcium-rich foods (especially dairy foods) assist weight loss by increasing fat breakdown in fat cells themselves.

This means that the non-fatty dairy foods are fat burners and should be included in any diet. Also the studies showed that it is not only the calcium (for example, taken as supplements), as the dairy products far out-performed simple supplements in weight loss controlled experiments.

It must also be mentioned that eating the above fat burners will help lose weight but you need to add some mild daily exercise.
This can be in the form of walking or running, but it must be daily and for periods of no less than 20 to 30 minutes.
The pulse-rate must climb to near 100 beats per minute, and a light sweat should appear to indicate you are helping your metabolism turn back on. The foods also will have a most positive effect on this increased metabolism.

Another interesting fact is that by eating these foods and daily exercising your body will continue to burn fat even after the exercise is completed. It also has a cumulative effect.

It must also be remembered that a strict rule of diet (and physics) is that you do not lose weight unless YOU BURN (USE) MORE CALORIES THAN YOU CONSUME. So, the logic and practical application of eating the fat-burning foods, and waking up the body by exercise, hold true.

You also do not have to count calories, as you be able to understand if you are negative calories (consumed) or positive calories (consumed) by simple weighing yourself daily.

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