Healthy Fat Loss

Monday, June 9, 2008

Weight Loss and the Law of Attraction

Depending on the circles that you run in, you may or may not have heard about a very powerful force in your life that is called the Law of Attraction. Its powers are literally limitless and utilizing those powers is absolutely free of charge!

Who doesnt want Unlimited Cosmic Power without even having to bust open their wallet?

I will start with a brief introduction to the Law of Attraction, and then I will get right into how you can use this universal power for something that a lot of people care about losing weight!

In simple terms, the Law of Attraction basically states that like attracts like. Whatever thoughts and feelings that you focus on the most will literally determine your future.

In fact, the Law of Attraction has already been working for you and every other life form in our universe since the beginning of time. However, only recently has education about its incredible power become readily available to the general public.

So how is it that the Law of Attraction can help you to lose weight? Simple you just need to think about it! Sounds easy enough, right?

Well, it actually is just that easy, but an explanation of exactly how you are supposed to think will help you to understand this process better. You can then take that knowledge and use it to help you with your weight loss or fitness goals.

Earlier I said that the Law of Attraction has been working for all life since the beginning of time, which begs the question, Then why havent I lost any weight yet?. In fact, that same question could be asked about pretty much any other goal that anyone has ever had. If all we have to do is think about something in order to bring it into our lives, then why arent we all rich, perfectly healthy, and living happily ever after?

The simple answer is that most people without even knowing it dont really think about what they want. They think about the fact that they DONT have it. Now, if youll go back briefly to the definition of the Law of Attraction like attracts like then you will see that the reason why people dont have the things that they want is because all they ever do is think about NOT having those things.

This same concept applies to weight loss and health just as efficiently as it applies to everything else. A lot of people want to lose weight, but rather than think about how wonderful their life will be once they have lost the weight, they instead think about how miserable they are because they HAVENT lost the weight!

Think about it. If you need to lose weight, which of the following statements describes your thoughts/feelings when you walk in front of a mirror without any clothes on:

a) I am so sexy since I have my weight under control, and I have an unlimited amount of confidence. I can date anyone that I please and my biggest problem is deciding which little tiny piece of clothing to wear to the beach or the swimming pool.

b) I am so FAT! I cant even stand to look at myself in the mirror, so how can I expect anyone else to want to look at me? Ill be lucky if I dont have to take my clothing size up another notch or two at the rate Im going.

Now, be honest. Which one of those statements do you think comes closer to the way that people who need to lose weight think of themselves?

Once again referring back to the Law of Attraction If you think miserable, sad, guilty, or low self-esteem powered thoughts, then the Law of Attraction will dutifully bring you more things to be miserable about. In fact, the more miserable you are about any particular subject say, weight loss the more powerfully you will attract more of the same since that is your primary focus.

So, the answer to utilizing the power of the Law of Attraction for weight loss is to simply stop thinking about your situation in such a negative manner! Start thinking positive thoughts, confident thoughts, and thoughts of happiness, smaller clothing sizes, and showing more skin at the beach.

When you successfully do those things, the Law of Attraction will start to move around the chess pieces that affect your life, and before you know it, you will have whatever it is that you need in order to finally get in shape.

It may come in the form of a free gym membership, a workout partner, a piece of home exercise equipment that you actually want to use, a new motivation to get involved in some sort of physical activity, or any number of other things that will put you on the path to weight loss.

Heres the rub, though You cant sit around and get hung up on the details. Mike Dooley said it best in the movie The Secret The Hows are the domain of the Universe!

You dont need to worry about HOW it is going to happen, you just have to feel the positive, confident emotions that will MAKE it happen. The Universe will then step in and show you the path!

Aaron Potts offers free self empowerment teachings at and is the author of the Law of Attraction eBook 'Mental Meltdown: Weight Loss Begins in the Mind'. Get his free newsletter or grab your copy of the empowering eBook at

7 Tips For Healthy Weight Loss

You already know that you can lose weight with that new crash or fad diet. Or you can choose to change your diet 100 percent. Now, you and I both know that the all or nothing approach does not last for very long. In fact, most of the time they are not even healthy. The following are some diet and lifestyle tips to help you lose weight in a healthy manner and to keep it off.

1. Learn everything that you can about eating a healthy diet. Ignore the fad diets. Long term success is about healthy lifestyle changes. By eating healthy foods and incorporating an exercise program into your lifestyle you enjoy the benefits of better health and effortless weight loss.

By educating yourself you gain confidence. This confidence will enable you to achieve your weight loss goals.

2. Be real clear about what you are doing. Write down both your goals and your reasons for wanting to lose weight. Include reasons that are not just your target weight.

3. Write down what you eat and review it on a daily basis. At the end of each day you will be able to recognize problem areas. Do not beat yourself up. Simply make a mental note of areas that require work and strive to improve where you experience difficulties. This little technique is very powerful and helps you to establish control in an area of your life that you previously felt helpless.

4. Break your goal down into manageable steps. 30 pounds may seem to be a huge obstacle. 5 pounds per month for 6 months is easier to picture. Even 3 pounds per month over a 10 month period. It may not seem like much but you should consider the direction of your weight loss program. This is a healthy way to lose weight and to keep it off forever.

5. This compliments step 4, make certain that your goal is realistic. Believe it or not, losing weight is not your only goal. As a matter of fact, it should not be your primary goal. Your goals are to alter your diet and exercise habits. When you are successful at achieving this the weight will come off by itself. As the weight begins to come off you will gain confidence and improve your self esteem.

6. Develop a plan for how you intend to achieve your goal. Do not jump into this lightly. This is something, ideally, that you will live with for a very long time. Do your research first. Think about how you are going to do this. Then take very definite steps to implement your changes. These changes will, over time, become new habits. This is how the real work is accomplished.

7. Learn how to avoid trigger eating. A great deal of the eating that we do is when we are not hungry. Often, this is an automatic response to a variety of triggers. Many times these triggers are emotion based. They include such things as stress, anger, being bored or depressed.

This is one of the areas that a food diary comes in handy. Being able to recognize these responses gives us the chance to step back and see what we are doing. With this knowledge in hand we can take the necessary steps to dealing with this problem.

Remember, life does not happen in a straight line. Meaning, when something goes wrong do not panic. Acquiring new habits takes time. When you slip, merely pick yourself up, brush yourself off and proceed forward. Take action and persevere, you will be successful.

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss.

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

There are so many kinds of diets out there, some work better and some don't work at all. But even those that work don't help you keep your new weigh for long. And even more important - Not all of these diets are healthy.

Loss weight gradually

If you want to loss weight gradually then you should aim to decrees 200-500 calories from your standard amount of calories. Your goal should be to loss fat and your body burns the fat in a rate of 200-500 calories a day (depends on your physical activity, weight, nutrition and the amount of oxygen in the air). Meaning:

1. If you weigh more - the more fat you would burn.

2. The better your physical condition - the faster you'll burn fat.

3. If you won't consume any carbohydrates - you will have a harder time to burn your fat.

4. If you are doing any aerobics activity then your fat will get burned the fastest.

Remember - if you'll loss more than 500 calories a day - That's 3500 calories a week, a bit over a pound. If you loss more than that then you are losing muscles, liquids and more essential ingredients.

It's a slow process but you will see results for the long run.

Your daily menu

The right diet menu is the one that includes 55%-60% carbohydrates, 15% proteins and up to 30% fat from your daily calories needs. If you are an athlete you should increase the amount of proteins. If you suffer from diabetes then you need to make some personal adjustments.

Most of the problems begin when you eat a lot of carbohydrates in a very short time - your body can't handle that many carbohydrates and it turns them into fat. That's why you should eat more meals a day but make each one smaller. It is also preferred to eat healthier carbohydrates like whole-wheat flour and unprocessed cereal. A rule of thumb here can be to try and eat natural food or at least foods that are closer to nature.

Another thing to remember is that our body contains 60% of water. If you eat fewer carbohydrates then your body observes less water and you think that you are losing fat when you are actually losing water.

Weight loss is a way of life

Weight loss is a way of life - if you will treat it as temporary thing then you'll surely gain back your weight in the future. Don't fall for those miracle weight loss pills, a diet like everything else in life demands some work. The only healthy and fast way to loss weight that i came across so far is Hoodia but you can read more about it in my healthy weight loss blog. So if you are not ready to make a real change in your life - its ok but when you decide to try to loss some weight - make sure that you are prepared to make some sacrifices. And when you choose your diet program or your diet products please make sure that it is a healthy one and that it won't cause you any damage in the future.

I truly believe that anyone can succeed in losing weight - it is just a matter of strong will and choosing the right diet for you.

My name is Kris Dugan and I was a very fat kid. Since I remember myself I was always reading or trying some diet so I actually see myself as a big expert in this field. And not because I learned more or read more about losing weight than others, but because I DID IT and i m talking from experience. So be sure to visit my healthy weight loss blog.

Weight Loss Success Stories - My Own Success Story

We read weight loss success stories in advertisements in magazines, and see the weight loss success stories on info-mercials with "results are not typical" at the bottom of the screen. It's kind of depressing sometimes.

So, I decided that I would like to share my real weight loss success story with you. My hope is that it will help motivate you on your path to weight loss, or give you the push you need to commence your own weight loss program.

For me, it all started years ago. I would diet all the time. I would see some weight come off, feel good about myself, start eating normally again and pile all the weight back on. Every diet I went on would follow this pattern. I was your classic yo-yo dieter.

A few months ago I decided enough was enough and I was going to get rid of my yo-yo habit (I kicked cigarettes years ago, so I was sure I could kick another addiction!). I commenced a new program. This program would involve eating normally. This program would not involve starvation and eventual relapse. This program would involve some exercise. I planned to not only lose weight, but become healthy. I would target weight from fat, not weight from water.

I picked up a copy of a commercially available weight loss and (more importantly) weight control program.

The essence of the program is as follows:

1. Rather than eating three meals a day, change your habits and space your meals out to six per day.

2. Do some light exercise.

There are some things you need to calculate at first and some other things you need to measure, but basically that's it!

Using this program I have managed to lose about 20 pounds in two months. I am now a shadow of my former self. Importantly, I lost this weight without going hungry. As for maintenance, there's nothing to change-- I am eating more than enough food with more than enough variety and I can have a binge when I like.

I hope this weight loss success story was motivating in some way for you and helps you find it within yourself to achieve your long-term health goals.

To find out about the weight loss program David used, read more weight loss success stories or monitor David's progress visit

Weight Loss Exercise - The Best 2 Routines You'll Ever Find

If you have been struggling for the last few months trying to follow a weight loss exercise routine which actually works but you have only discovered new ways to waste your precious time, then let me tell you about the best 2 routines I've ever practiced, and take it from an expert, since I have lost so much weight that people hardly believe I am the same person.

You will need to follow these 2 routines conjunctively, this way you will ensure a quick and permanent weight loss that will definitely change the way you look, think, and overall, the way you feel towards yourself.

#1, the Body Strength build up.

By following this weight loss exercise routine you will be able to burn all that excessive fat in your body and transform it to well defined muscles. As you increase the muscle work up that you perform, so will increase the calories that you burn, which is great if you are suffering from an overweight problem. Here is how to do it:

Warm up for at least 5 minutes by stretching your muscles in every possible direction, this will keep you from injuring yourself. After the warm up, this routine consists on the following activities: 10 pushups, 10 DB row repetitions, 12 DB squats, 12 hyper extensions, and 15 AB crunches. Rest after you finish and repeat the process at least 3 times per day, 3 times per week.

#2, Cardio Training

Cardiovascular training is by far the best way to lose those extra pounds that accumulate in your body every day, and not only that, but it is also very fun to practice and will keep you entertained as you do so. This weight loss exercise routine consists on the following activities: 5 minutes warm up, 2 minutes of walking, 1 minute of running as fast as you can, then repeat the 2-1 process 4 or 5 times, and take a rest. Do this every single day since it is very important to keep your body under physical training at least 6 days per week, and trust me, the results will be worth your time.

These 2 weight loss exercise routines will tremendously help you achieving your weight loss goals, just remember to practice them frequently and to watch what you eat, if you do so, your efforts will be handsomely rewarded.

This article can be freely published on a website as long as it's not modified in any way including the author bylines, plus the hyperlink must be made active just like below.

Want to lose weight and gain lean muscle mass? Check out Body Building Resource for articles about muscle building, fat loss, diet and fitness. Also available are a muscle building eBook, DVDs, gym equipment and supplements. Go to

How To Lose Weight Fast and Easy

Increasing numbers of people around the world are experiencing weight problems but a foolproof easy weight loss program does not yet exist; however, depending on the reason for your condition, good treatments can be prescribed by any doctor. Being overweight is the cause of many medical conditions which require long term attention but obesity also affects the way we see ourselves as well.

You only have to look online to see the number of easy weight loss systems available but what most people forget to mention is how important the individual losing the weight is! Losing weight can be for health reasons, self image reasons or both but whatever the reason, you must be sure that you're doing it for your benefit and not another person.

Effective weight loss programs require you take certain facts into consideration; for instance, the time you eat during the day as well as what it is you eat, how often and whether you exercise at all. Losing weight quickly like twenty five pounds a more can actually do more harm than good to your body as it suddenly has to adapt to a lower weight and it can also give unrealistic future expectations.

Considering that one pound represents 3500 calories which can be burned or lost in a week, it means you need to get rid of 500 calories a day either through exercise or proper diet. Too many people are consuming large amounts of unhealthy food because they enjoy eating but there is no need to force-feed yourself just because you enjoy particular foodstuffs.

Another more subtle factor is the emotional reaction to stress and problems as many people simply start eating when they feel insecure or depressed. These poor eating habits are causing serious concerns within the medical community as the number of people contracting type 2 diabetes increases which is usually as a result of obesity, not too mention cancer and heart conditions. The answer to permanent weight reduction is not just about easy weight loss diets but the person themselves and their psychological attitude to the problem.

One aspect that also needs to be included is how the person pursues the subject of their weight loss program as those who take a more relaxed approach are usually more successful. This type of attitude is good for a person in all walks of life as it provides the person with a positive mind frame. Most people who have maintained their weight loss have found themselves with more energy and actually like themselves more because they have achieved something special.

Losing excess pounds using an easy weight loss program is as much about changing your mental attitude as it is your life style habits by reducing the amount you eat.

Discover more info on how to lose weight fast at

3 Easy and Fast Ways to Lose Weight

There is not one person in this world that does not have any problems. Sure everyone has their own problems. For a lot of people there is a huge problem that could be very important to their health. Tons of people have the huge problem of being overweight. Everyone that has a weight problem would love to find some easy ways to help them lose it. There are three easy ways that I know of they are to drink water daily, make sure that you eat portions, and do physical activity everyday.

The first easy way that will help you with that terrible problem that you can't get off of your back is to drink water daily. This will help you keep your body cool. Also if you drink water every day you are going to be draining out fluids all day long and this will cleanse your body. While you are exercising you will be sweating bullets because of the extra water that you are going to be taking in but that is ok because the more that you sweat the more water weight you are going to be losing.

The next easy way to help you lose weight is to make sure that you eat portions this will help you shed even more of the weight. If you cut out a lot of the extra food that you didn't need to eat that day then you will see a lot of weight come off. I tend to eat three portion meals a day and I try to spread them out through the day. If you do not see the results that you like then try to cut your portions just a little bit more and then you will really see the results that you want.

The final easy way to help you lose the extra weight that you have all throughout your body is to do something physical daily because exercising is the key to losing weight. The more that you tend to exercise then the more weight that you are going to lose. Doing something physical can be as easy as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or you could go walking around a mall. Also you can go out and go roller-blading, bike riding, or you could jump rope.

These are the easy ways to that I know of which will be able to help you lose some weight.

For more information, you can check out: Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

If you are wondering what Fat Loss 4 Idiots is, it has said to be a diet plan specialized to help people lose 9 lbs in 11 days.

Weight Loss Success - The Secret Ingredient is a Kick in the Butt

Losing weight feels great and can help prevent serious health issues like diabetes and heart disease. But with so many weight loss diets to choose from, it's hard to know which program is right for you.

To put this in perspective, let's look at just some of the different diets that are on the market today.

Low Carb: This type of diet combines high protein (and high fat) with a minimal amount of carbohydrates and is very successful, at least in the short term, for many people.

Portion Control: This diet teaches moderation in meal sizes and often focuses on adding larger portions of fruits and vegetables with moderate amounts of protein and minimal intake of starchy carbs like potatoes and white bread.

Points System: Assigning different point values to foods helps these dieters meal plan by the numbers. No food is off limits here, but a piece of full-fat cheesecake might take most of your points for the whole day!

Calorie Counting: This could be thought of the old fashioned way to lose weight. A specific daily calorie intake is set and you count the calories consumed throughout the day in order to meet, but not exceed, this number.

High Fiber: This approach to weight management focuses on eating a high fiber diet filled with whole grains, beans/legumes and fruits and vegetables. The general theory here is that, if you focus on eating high fiber foods, you will naturally eat fewer empty calories that contribute to obesity.

Exercise / Muscle Building: Using aerobic exercise and muscle building techniques is yet another approach to weight loss that involves less focus on what you eat and more on what you do with your body.

Diet Pills / Supplements: Diet pills and weight loss supplements are available in many different formulas, with or without stimulants such as caffeine, and can be used alone (with healthy eating and exercise) or in conjunction with a structured weight loss program.

The truth is, ANY diet that combines healthy eating with exercise has the potential to promote successful weight loss. Yet many dieters fail time and time again - no matter what program they choose.

The Reason Why Diets Fail

Although most diets have solid nutritional elements that result in weight reduction, they are missing the secret ingredient to permanent weight loss success: personalized SUPPORT.

The best way to understand how support can help you succeed at losing weight is to look at the reality television show, "The Biggest Loser." Why are the candidates on this show so successful at achieving life-changing weight loss? Because they aren't just put on diets and exercise programs, they also have a personal coach working with them side-by-side, day-after-day to keep them motivated and on course!

The journey to lasting weight loss is filled with pitfalls, distractions and plateaus. In fact, many people give up before ever reaching their goal weight (and gain every pound back - and more!). That's why it's so important to have someone supporting you every step of the way. Someone that will keep you on track when the going gets rough, talk you through weak moments, provide encouragement and motivation when you're ready to quit and to share your joy as you reach each milestone.

Finding the Best Support

Your best support system will be a friend, spouse, parent or other loved one who is willing to provide motivation and encouragement as you lose weight - and provide tough-love (or a kick in the butt) when needed!

However, many of us don't have someone who can offer that kind of support. The good news is that there are online resources that allow you to connect with a personal mentor that will keep you on task and make you a success at weight loss.

Any diet can help you lose weight. When choosing a program, make your choice based on the foods you enjoy and the lifestyle you lead - and make sure you add personalized support to ensure your success.

To learn more about the specific diets discussed in this article and get recommendations for weight loss programs that work, visit

Need personalized weight loss support, but you don't have a big budget? Visit

Weight Loss Drugs? Get The Facts Here!

The idea behind the drugs is to quicken each person's metabolism enabling the weight to be lost much quicker. The problem arose when it was found that one of the side effects from this type of drug was the increased risk of heart valve disease and of course the drug was quickly withdrawn from use. Since then, newer drugs have been developed and doctors continue to prescribe them although they are still awaiting FDA certification.

These weight loss pills have become popular and you can almost guarantee that you will know of someone who has tried them with success. It is a tempting proposition, to lose weight while still maintaining the same diet; who would say no? As a consequence, drug companies spend millions of dollars in research on weight loss drugs while consumers spend even more buying the pills.

Weight control pills can be purchased either over-the-counter or prescribed by a doctor but even with the advances in medical technology they can still cause a lot of health related problems which can be unpleasant such as diarrhoea and vomiting. Surprisingly more dangerous side effects exist including stroke, heart attack, renal failure to name only a few, so these drugs are still far from safe to use.

Generally from the reports it would seem that the effectiveness of weight loss drugs is improved if they are combined with a regular exercise program and a low calorie diet. This means eating a good diet containing food from all the food groups and include vitamins and minerals. Fibre can be found in oats, rice, potatoes, cereals, vegetables and fruits.

At the end of the day, nothing beats a good full body workout!

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Overcoming A Weight Loss Plateau

Sooner or later, almost every single person that diets will hit a weight loss plateau. Usually it happens toward the end of reaching your ideal weight loss goal. It can be extremely frustrating especially if you have followed your weight loss program faithfully and even exercised on a regular basis.

The important thing is that you understand why your weight loss plateau is happening and how you can quickly overcome it. Most often, it happens because your body has gotten used to your routine again.

So by making small changes to your diet and exercise fitness routine, you can kick start your metabolism into a fat burning machine again.

When you started to lose weight, you took control of the foods you were eating and exercised more. To get past this weight loss plateau, you need to take control again and change the foods you eat once more. Just remember that you want to maintain healthy weight loss and you should never lose site of your ideal weight loss goal.

If you are eating a lot chicken, try eating more fish instead. Vary what vegetables you are eating and eat more soups to fill you up instead of salads. Make small adjustments to see if you can break the routine that could be causing your weight loss plateau.

Just remember to give your body a few days to get used to the new changes before you access if it is working or not. Results will not happen overnight and it's important to test your changes over a few days to even a week.

Changing your exercise fitness routine is another good way you can break a weight loss plateau. If you walk for thirty minutes a day, increase that to forty five minutes. To get your metabolism fired up and burn more body fat, step up your pace and walk a little faster.

If you are not working with weights, try adding even a small amount of weight training to your exercise fitness routine. You don't have to have big muscles to benefit from weight training and you may be surprised at your results.

Do other things like swimming as exercise on certain days to vary your exercise fitness routine. Swimming for weight loss is an excellent way to change things and works great for burning body fat.

Swimming for weight loss works so well because water provides 12 to 14 percent more resistance than air, so swimming is like having weights all around you.

Swimming as exercise increases metabolism to burn body fat and can improve cardiovascular health as well as increase your strength. Longer swims at a steady pace give you the most benefits if you are swimming for weight loss.

Swimming laps is a great way to exercise in a swimming pool. Try different types of strokes to vary the muscle groups you work to keep your swimming workout balanced.

These are just few ways to offer you an understanding of how to overcome a weight loss plateau. Once you realize that small changes can knock out this big problem, you'll be able to get back on track without much delay.

Getting through a weight loss plateau can be a challenge but keep your thoughts on the ultimate reward of getting to your ideal weight loss goal and it becomes much easier.

Copyright 2006Fat-Burning-Secret.comAll Rights Reserved.

This article is supplied by "Fat Burning Secrets" offering you negative calorie and fat burning compatible food lists and the best fat burning exercises. Discover simple yet powerful changes that can have a major effect on your weight loss results with this free report at: Free Fat Burning Report

7 Great Tips on Losing Weight Fast

Here are some 7 great tips on losing weight fast. Some people get stress out when they begin trying to change their bodies and their lifestyle. They believe some fancy diet a Hollywood star invented will be their savior. In reality, they end up gaining more weight back than what they originally weighed.

  1. Cut back on the bad carbs. Carbs come in two main forms, high glycemic and low glycemic. Your new lifestyle should include the low glycemic type of carbs. These keep your insulin levels on an even keel throughout the day. You can also eat all the green carbohydrates you would like, green beans, broccoli and lettuce are great for you and include fiber.
  2. Increase your fiber intake, but make sure you do this slowly. I seem to never get enough fiber throughout the day. So I add a fiber supplement in the morning. A high fiber diet not only makes you feel better, but also helps push fat out the body quicker.
  3. Start consuming 6 small meals a day. This may be the most important tip on losing weight fast. You need to keep your metabolism lit. People, who eat three large meals a day, are usually obese and sluggish. Keeping the metabolism burning helps burn fat and increase energy level.
  4. Start an exercise regimen which includes lifting weights and a cardiovascular workout. In order to remove excess fat, you need to gain lean muscle mass. The lean muscle mass you gain replaces fat cells. Shoot for thirty minutes of cardio with your heartbeat elevated at a consistent level.
  5. Drink plenty of fluids; it's essential to make proper hydration levels. Your body needs water to survive and dehydrating yourself slows down your metabolism. Plus, you will not get a recurring hunger feeling. You will feel fuller throughout the day.
  6. Add 10-15 grams of protein to every meal. Protein helps build lean muscle mass and is an essential part of any tip on losing weight. Just picture a stack of cards, try and eat an amount equal to a deck of cards with every meal.
  7. Maintain a log on everything you eat. A log is great way to understand just how much food you intake. Make sure you log every morsel you consume. Do not cheat yourself and forget to note the Snickers bar you scarfed down from the vending machine.

Keep in mind, you are not dieting you are changing your lifestyle. Give yourself a break, no one can eat clean every day. You should allow a day every week when you can eat whatever the heck you want. The cheat day should be included in tips on losing weight fast. Stay focused and have a planned goal and we will be seeing a better looking you soon!

You can discover more amazing information at Get Rid Of Belly Fat

How To Lose Weight Fast Exercise Tips

In this article I will be giving you some how to lose weight fast exercise tips so that you can start putting them to use and start to lose some weight quickly, one of the first things I think you should know about is the fact that losing weight is not usually an easy task for most people, it takes effort and determination and if you have both those things then you should be able to succeed.

How To Lose Weight Fast Exercise Tips

Here are some tips for you:

=> Follow a solid plan - One of the best things you can do when trying to lose weight, in my opinion, is to have a solid plan that you can simply follow from step 1 to the end, this makes it a lot easier than just trying to do what you think is the right thing to do, when you have a plan to follow, it becomes as simple as just doing the steps it tells you to do, you can get a solid plan online.

=> Have a target - Saying you want to lose weight is one thing, saying you want to lose x amount of weight in x amount of time is another, when you have a specific target that you want to reach, it becomes much more clear what you need to do and how you are going to achieve it, so make sure you know what you want as an end result and then do what it takes to get there.

=> Be disciplined - It can be very easy to become lazy or to not do the things you need to do because you don't feel like doing them, however, if this happens then you can be pretty sure that you won't reach your goal, what you need to do is keep yourself disciplined and make sure you do what you need to do everyday, if you can do this then you are much more likely to succeed.

These are just some tips I thought I would share with you today, losing weight can be very difficult but if you truly want it then you will do what it takes to do it, these little tips should help you and you can learn more about losing weight fast online.

Click The Link Below To Discover How To Lose Weight Fast:


Weight Loss Guides - Why You Shouldn't Believe Everything You Read

One of the reasons many people have trouble losing weight is because they are given incorrect information. It's all around us. In fact, let me show you an example. I was reading a magazine once which said something like the following:

"For me to become slimmer, I need to use light weights and lift 10-15 reps".

This is another of the common faulty myths associated with fat loss training. This theory robs well intended gym goers like a bandit in the night for a few reasons.

1-Volume is too high and intensity is too low. We can presume that we already are doing more aerobic activity in addition to restricting calories using light weight and higher reps is asking to lose important muscle. While dieting we need to give our body any reason possible to hold onto the good muscle mass that we have. We can not maintain or even stimulate new growth by using predominately light weight.

2- Adaptation. Progressive change is the basement that our training efforts are built on. Results are typically measured in either increased reps or weight used. How were you training before you decided to lose weight? Probably with 10-15 reps correct? Our goal has since changed so our training needs to as well. We can alter our efforts by using new exercises but the quickest road to the results in through both exercise and rep range changes.

3- Less muscle recruited. By staying within the same rep ranges we actually use less muscle. A change in muscle is dictated by the type of muscle fiber recruited. Using higher repetitions will cause us to preferably recruit our smaller and slower muscle fibers.

Results come quicker no matter your goal when you recruit both muscle fibers types. By alternating lifting session between higher and lower rep ranges we can achieve fat loss quicker than imagined.

Kelly Hutchings is a professional weight loss trainer. Visit his website right now at Burn The Fat Review to see the best weight loss course on the planet. Go there now --> Fat Loss For Idiots Review.

Inexpensive Ways To Exercise For Weight Loss!

Perhaps youre a student, trying to make it on a student budget. Or, youre a stay-at-home mother with little cash to spare. Or youre just getting started in your career and you dont have much in the way of disposable income. No matter what your situation, know that there are inexpensive ways to exercise for weight loss.

To begin with, one of the most cost-effective ways to exercise is simply by walking. It requires no special equipmentother than a good pair of athletic shoes. You can do it virtually anywherein a park, on a hiking trail, or around your neighborhood. Walking is also one of the best methods of cardiovascular exercise around. If youre able to increase your pace from three-and-a-half to four-and-a-half miles an hour, you can expend 50 percent more calories. That means that, in a half hour of walking, you could burn more than 200 extra calories.

Another low-cost way to exercise is to work out with an exercise videotape or DVD. These tapes and DVDs can cost less than $20, but they can provide you with a years worth of exercise routines. Assuming you already have a VCR or DVD player, you wont have to invest in any expensive equipment. You can also do the exercises in the privacy of your own home, so you dont have to worry about how youre dressed. Also, a number of television stations run exercise programsthe only money thats required is paying your monthly cable bill, an expense you might already have.

Yet another way to exercise without putting out a great deal of money is to ride a bicycle. While you will have to invest in a bike, you might be able to pick one up at a low price by buying second-hand through a newspaper ad or through a used bike shop. Once youve bought your bike, you wont have to invest any additional money in your exercise routine.

A number of magazines offer regular exercise features. These can be quite good and may even offer full-body workouts. By investing a mere $3.00 in a magazine, you might be able to find a fitness routine that you can use the entire year through. If you want to be really frugal, you can simply check out a fitness magazine from your local library and Xerox the exercise pages for future use.

One no-cost way to exercise is to dance. You dont even need any trainingyou can simply get up out of your seat and begin to move. Turn on a radio station with dance music and let yourself go. You might also consider checking out dance CDs and audiocassette tapes from your neighborhood library.

You can also pick up free exercise tips from the Internet. Youll find that many exercise experts offer their own websites which are filled with valuable information. Your doctor can also help you in developing an exercise routine thats right for you.

As you can see, it doesnt take a great deal of cash in order to exercise. And physicians say that, with regular exercise, you should be able to lose weight. By investing just a little bit of money up front, you can achieve as good a workout as you would be able to get at an expensive gym.

Ray Kelly is an Exercise Scientist with 15 years experience in the health and fitness industry. Sign up for his Free Exercise and Meal Planner at The Biggest Loser or