Healthy Fat Loss

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Lose Weight: Attack The Snacks

Did you know that when you are on a diet, if you eat something and no one sees you - it doesnt contain any calories! Of course that's not true...but it is how many of us think!

Do you eat when you are bored, upset or angry? Do you find that every day requires a chocolate bar to get you through the afternoon? If you are trying to lose weight, you may feel guilty about snacks. As a weight loss coach, I find some folk (particularly women) laugh nervously when I ask them what happens to their food consumption around 4pm. This often is the time of the day when the Snack Monster takes control of them! Some berate themselves for being weak, out of control and without discipline. They either eventually give up on their diet altogether or develop counter thoughts so they dont feel so bad. It didnt really matter - it is fat free. Or, if no one notices, the calories dont count.

The good news is that a healthy eating programme leading to weight does not have to be like this. You can lose weight without being hungry or guilty! Its possible to take control of the Snack Monster and healthy snacking can lead you to weight loss success, not failure. So instead of being full of regret about snacking, choose your snacks wisely and have more energy and vitality, without the guilt.

The keys to healthy snacking are to select foods that:
* Can satisfy your hunger,
* Supply your body with energy, and
* Provide important nutrients

Look for foods that contain the following:

* Whole grains. Whole-grain snacks are rich in complex carbohydrates and fibre, which give you immediate energy that has some staying power. Consider items such as low-fat whole-grain crackers and whole-grain crispbreads.

* Fruits and vegetables. Eating fruits and vegetables provides a feeling of fullness with no fat and only a small amount of calories. They also provide vitamins, minerals, fibre and other nutrients.

* Nuts and seeds. Nuts and seeds are a good source of protein, which helps keep you feeling fuller longer. Nuts and seeds are high in calories, however, so don't eat them in large quantities.

* Low-fat dairy products. Cheese, yogurt and other dairy products are good sources of calcium, protein, and other nutrients. Be sure to choose low fat versions.

Prepare for your week and have a range of healthy snacks on hand at home or in the office and snack on healthy choices with peace of mind.

Kim Beardsmore is a weight loss consultant whose business operates across 60 countries. Tons of recipes, articles, resources, free newsletter and more to help you lose weight and keep it off forever. Estimate your healthy body weight or receive a free weight loss consultation at

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How To Lower Your Body Fat Percentage Fast

Lowering your body fat percentage is not difficult at all you just need to know the most effective methods. How low your body fat percentage should be depends on your own personal goals. If your goal is to show off your six pack abs then a body fat percentage of 10% or lower is recommended. For males the essential body fat to survive is between 3 or 5% for women this number must be higher. In the next paragraphs you will discover three ways for a lower body fat percentage. Please note if you a dramatically change in your eating habits then contact your doctor first.

Eat more and smaller

Professional athletes and bodybuilders are boosting their metabolism by eating six healthy meals in a twenty-four hour period. If you have a fast metabolism you're burning calories all the time even if you are at rest. Of course you can lower your body fat percentage with proper nutrition and eating only breakfast, dinner and lunch. But if your goal bodybuilding or fitness then eating six meals per day is an absolute requirement. By eating every three hours that you are awake you won't have food cravings. Another tip is to eat much in the morning and less in the evening. The reason why is that you are burning fewer calories at night.

Drink more water

Most people don't drink enough water and perhaps sometimes you wake up with a hangover. The reason for this is that you don't drink enough water a good starting point is drink at least eight or ten glasses of water every day. Water is very essential for the fat burning process. If you are working out drink water before, during and after your workout to prevent dehydration.

Avoid saturated fats

Saturated fats are the most harmful and they are increasing the levels of cholesterols in your blood. Some professional bodybuilders don't consume dairy products for the reason that they contain to much saturated fats. Avoid saturated fats as much as possible is the message but surely there is nothing wrong with eating a chicken breast or red lean meat from time to time. But be careful peanuts for example contains good fats but they are very high in calories. If you want to lower your body fat percentage you must be aware what you eat and what ingredients your food contain. Make it a habit to read food labels as much as possible.

Lowering your body fat percentage with these three tips should not be difficult at all. No matter what your goal is it will takes work and effort from your side. Having the right information and a good motivation are essential factors for your future success.

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Running For Weight Loss

Obesity has emerged to be a matter of great concern in recent times with an increasing section of the population falling victim to it. However, it is not only the adults who are obese, a growing number of children are also overweight. Therefore, it is high time that obesity is curbed and the only effective means of countering obesity is by means of losing weight. It is necessary to mention here that there are several weight loss supplements and pills available in the market which assures quick weight loss. However, most of them are actually quite useless and some in fact are harmful for the body. Therefore it is always advisable to stick to the traditional means of losing weight, i.e. by maintaining a balanced diet and following a regular physical training session.

There are various forms of aerobic exercises which are considered to be immensely beneficial in aiding weight loss in obese individuals. Running is the foremost among them. Running or jogging is one of the most effective means of losing weight and apart from aiding in weight loss, running has several other benefits as well. With the help of running, it is possible for an obese individual to shed those extra calories and fat deposits that have accumulated in his body and running facilitates toning of the muscles of the body providing a healthy physical appearance. In fact a regular course of jogging or running in any part of the day can be very useful in facilitating swift weight loss.

Unlike the various artificial supplements available in the market, running would not produce any adverse effect on the body. It is quite true that in the present world, the scenario is such that it is quite difficult for individuals to make out spare time form their rigorous professional schedules to devote to some physical activity. As a result of this lack of physical exercising, as a person grows older, there occurs considerable weakening of the bones and muscles of the body. Running prevents the weakening of the bones and muscles of the body and rather facilitates their functioning and strengthens them considerably. Moreover, unlike rigorous exercising in the gym, running seems to be a better and more comfortable option for attaining weight loss.

Obesity is responsible for increasing an individual's risk in contracting lethal diseases like cancer and heart ailments. Running greatly curbs such tendencies. Much on the contrary running greatly increases the functioning of the body's immunity system and regulates blood pressure. It therefore also lowers the risk of these fatal diseases.

Many weight loss diets fail from lack of discipline.

Free Weight Loss Information

Most people understand that to lose weight effectively you must burn more calories through some form of exercise, and obviously eat less, but that is all they know, depending on what passes your lips everyday, no amount of exercise will help.

Oh Shock horror, what does this mean for you. Well don't feel alone many top athletes and body builders are also clueless as to how, a well formulated diet, and some exercise can do wonders for the waistline. Now read on.

Important Points That Need To Be Understood.

Rudimentary Mistakes

Certain mistakes can prevent fat loss, and slow the whole process down considerably, making these mistakes can easily be done without realizing you have made them. In so doing they can cause problems at a later stage. They are as follows.

Food Restrictions

This is one of the most common mistakes every dieter makes, starving yourself will slow down the body's metabolism. But in so doing also makes the body's metabolism very efficient, and in this case it certainly is not what you want. In this efficient state the body burns fewer calories and expends less total fat. Reducing your food intake will seriously hamper exercise performance also.

Over Consumption

Surely this one speaks for itself, sure over indulgence will cause your body to burn more calories but then the opposite of the above will occur, a very inefficient metabolism.


This I consider to be the most important mistake, One or two large meals a day does nothing to enhance weight loss, in fact the body becomes programmed to only use what it needs and then stores the rest in fat. Eating more frequently and at set times will speed up the metabolic rate and burn more calories. This method of eating will also prevent you from suffering lethargic effects and will make you feel more energetic throughout the day. Although the most important aspect of timing is what, and how much you eat at any particular time in the day.

The Diet

When exercise and controlled eating take place the body moves into a state of metabolic flux, burning allot more calories than normal and thereby causing he body to shed unwanted fat. Now research has show that a general rule of thumb is to consume 30-50% of your calories from carbs, most of them between zero to six hours after your work out. Proteins are next which should make up 30 to 40% of your calories and 20 - 30% coming from good fats. Another fantastic thing about this diet is that no matter what amount of calories you require, following the diet as stepped out below will inadvertently cause you to lose weight. For the very technical among you please feel free to alter the portion sizes as required to meet your caloric needs

The Diet Template

1. Breakfast -
The most important meal, kicks off metabolic function, this meal should consist of at 15 to 20 percent of your caloric intake per day.

2. 10 o'clock Snack -
A necessary meal to keep the metabolism running, and ensure that the hunger pangs don't derail you from the diet.

3. Pre Exercise Nutrition (taken 10 mins before a work out)
Prepares the body with ample nutrients to ensure energy during the workout, as well as feeding the muscles during exercise. Please note that this step can be done at any time of the day as everyone works out at different times.

4. Straight After The Workout -
This must be consumed as soon as possible after your workout, delaying this step for even 30 minutes, can significantly reduce benefits.

5. Lunch (at least 1.5 to 2 hrs after workout)

6. 3 o'clock Snack (2 hrs after lunch)

7. Supper (2 to 4 hrs after 3 o'clock snack)

Breakfast (importance - Must be consumed within 1 hour of awakening)

Breakfast option 1
2 x boiled eggs
1 x Slice Low GI whole wheat Bread
1 x Fruit From List
1 x Full Glass of Water
1 x Cup Coffee/Tea
1 x Good multi Vitamin Tablet
2 x Cod liver oil Tablets (optional but worth it)

Breakfast Option 2
6 x Thin Slices of Baked Ham +- 2 Oz
1 x Slice Low GI whole wheat Bread
1 x Fruit From List
cup low fat cottage Cheese or 60ml
1 x Cup Coffee/Tea
1 x Full Glass of water
1 x Good multi Vitamin Tablet
2 x Cod liver oil Tablets (optional but worth it)

10 AM Snack (important as this maintains metabolic function?)

Option 1

1 x slice of cheese 5 0z
3 x slice of ham 1 0z
tomato or cucumber sliced with salt and pepper to taste
1 x Cup Coffee/Tea
1 x Full Glass of water

Option 2

100g grilled chicken breast
tomato or cucumber sliced with salt and pepper to taste
cup of boiled veggies
1 x Cup Coffee/Tea
1 x Full Glass of water

Lunch (between 1 and 2 pm highly important that u don't skip this meal)

Option 1

150g grilled chicken breast (skin removed) or 150g Pork chop (fat removed)
1 cup of boiled brown rice
tomato and cucumber made into a salad with salt and pepper to taste
1 table spoon of olive oil and lemon juice added to salad as salad dressing
1 x Cup Coffee/Green Tea
1 x Full Glass of water

Option 2

150g grilled Turkey breast (skin removed) or 150g lean beef (fat removed)
1 x Small jacket potato either boiled or micro waved in skin
1 table spoon of olive oil poured over potato with some salt and pepper
1 cup of boiled veggies
1 x Cup Coffee/Green Tea
1 x Full Glass of water

3:30 PM Snack

Option 1

2 x Rice cakes
1 x Tablespoon of Peanut Butter (spread on the rice cakes and enjoy)
1 x Fruit
Cup Flax Seeds
1 x Cup Coffee/Tea (optional)
1 x Full Glass of water (unfortunately not optional)

Option 2

1 x Avocado sliced into wedges sprinkled with lemon and salt
1 x Slice low GI W/W bread (spread avo on the slice, it's a real treat)
1 x Fruit
10 x unsalted Cashew Nuts
1 x Cup Coffee/Tea (optional)
1 x Full Glass of water (unfortunately not optional)

Supper (between 5 and 7 pm highly important that u eat before 7pm)

Option 1

150g grilled chicken breast (skin removed) or 150g Pork chop (fat removed)
1 x cup of boiled brown rice or one cup of sweet Potato (no sugar added)
tomato , cucumber and lettuce made into a salad with salt and pepper to taste
1 x table spoon of olive oil and lemon juice added to salad as salad dressing
15g of selected peanuts (used as a after meal delight)
1 x Cup Coffee/Green Tea
1 x Full Glass of water

Option 2

150g grilled Turkey breast (skin removed) or 150g lean beef (fat removed)
1 x Small jacket potato either boiled or micro waved in skin
1 table spoon of olive oil poured over potato with some salt and pepper
1 cup of boiled veggies
20 Almond Nuts
1 x Cup Coffee/Green Tea
1 x Full Glass of water
Now remember to accelerate your weight loss, try to exercise for at least 20 minutes a day.

And There you have it, hope my article was helpful and interesting. Good luck. For more interesting reads on this subject go to

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Lose Weight With Hoodia Supplements

Studies have shown that weight loss pills made from the Hoodia Gordinii plant can successfully suppress appetite. These pills are very popular nowadays and have been used by lots of people around the world with great success.

Hoodia suppresses the appetite by making the brain think you have already eaten. This way you will want to eat less, making you lose weight. The effect of this plant truly is remarkable. You will still feel hungry, especially when you have eaten very little, just a lot less. This is not a meal replacement product so you will still have to eat.

The Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert have been using the hoodia plant since ancient times. They use it to stop feeling hunger during their hunting trips. The Bushmen also use the plant as a treatment for various diseases including indigestion, tuberculosis and others.

Hoodia gordonii pills and extracts are a great alternative to prescribed weight loss medications. Hoodia does not have any known side effects and is purely natural. You can easily buy hoodia pills online and have them delivered straight to your door.

Unfortunately the popularity of hoodia supplements also come with its negative effects. Lots of fake hoodia products have appeared on the market. This is why you should only buy them at reputable sites or stores. Ask for proof that they are really selling true hoodia. It is very easy to get scammed.

While Hoodia products are very helpful they will not make you lose weight by themselves. If you want to truly be successful at weight loss you will have to combine the Hoodia supplement with a good diet and exercise program.

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Weight Loss Check List - 3 Essential Tips To Keep You On Track

Its the little things that matter when you are trying to lose weight. Most diets require a person to make extreme changes in their lifestyles. This is why people fail. However, you can make some adjustments in your life that will help you to lose weight in a healthy and easy fashion by following a couple of the following tips.

1. Keep track of your beverage consumption. The calories from what you drink add up. A full sugar can of cola has close to 200 calories in it. If you multiply that 200 calories by 30 (days in a month) then you have 6000 calories that month just from drinking one can of cola a day. When you exceed your bodies needs for calories beyond 3500 calories, you gain a pound. Conversely, if you consume 3500 less calories, you lose a pound. This means that you can lose close to 2 pounds every month by leaving that can of cola out of your diet. The same holds true for other soft drinks.

2. Get moving every day: You dont have to engage in a formal exercise program to fit exercise into your life.
-Try to walk as often as possible. Bring your lunch to work and go for a walk at a park, mall or shopping center during your break.
-Always take the stairs, even if you take them for just a few floors.
-If you are in a waiting room and have a long wait, get up and walk around.
-Get up and move while you watch television. Get up during every commercial and jog or skip in place or do a couple of abdominal exercises.
Remember that your body continues to burn calories for a few after you stop exercising.

3. Program yourself to lose weight. You need to engage the power of your mind to help you to lose weight. Consider the priority that food has in your life and to shift that. Try to visualize your body losing weight. When you wake up in the morning, affirm that you are going to integrate some healthy habits into your day.

Remember, there are a number of small changes that you can make in your life to lose weight. With a couple of easy adjustments, you may lose up to 20 to 30 lbs. a year.

Renee Feldman MA, is the founder of and other Popular Free Tip Courses that are helping people worldwide to achieve their health, fitness and wellness goals. Renee is an Exercise Physiologist and Certified Personal Trainer. One of the first personal trainers in the United States, Renee is certified by the American College of Sports Medicine which is the Gold Standard in fitness. Her vast experience ranges from competitive bodybuilding, where she won state wide championships to professional dancing. She has used her education and experience working in Corporate Fitness Centers, Health Clubs, Y.M.C.A.'s and J.C.C.'s. Renee has an incredibly well developed and diverse background in Meditation and Guided Visualization which she has used to coach her clients for the last 12 years. She also lectures and presents information on fitness, wellness and the mind/body connection. She successfully demonstrated her cellulite reduction methods on television.

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Wherein Jamie does not discuss secrets and dances to Panic At The Disco.

Also some shit about eating gushers that was filmed like a week ago.

Tess said that the Grandma part was hard to understand so here is what I am saying:

So, I just got back from having a meeting with my boss. Ooo, that was fun.

A couple weeks ago my grandma made a comment to me about not needing to eat a piece of bread with my dinner because I didn't need the extra calories, and... I flipped out on her because I have a huge problem with my weight and I've been trying to lose weight for pretty much the last like 5 years.

And I've been semi-successful, I mean I weigh less than I did in high school. But I'm still not at my goal. So when she said that to me I just lost it completely. 'Cause I struggle a lot with like eating and things like that. And when people say things like that to me, my solution to the promlem is well I just won't eat anything. How's that? So I stop eating for a few days until, you know, lattes no longer satiate me.

And she said something similar to that this morning and I managed to control my temper this time but I was still pretty upset about it. I felt like crying. I didn't yell at her, but I didn't talk to her for the rest of the day either.

So that is my issue with weight, and it's hard for me to lose weight because: I have a huge snack food and fast food addiction. In fact, the other day I had a craving for fruit snacks so I bought a box of gushers and a box of fruit roll ups. And I figured that would last me in my cravings for a couple of weeks... or a week, maybe.

A couple days later I felt guilty about having them at all, so my solution to that problem was to eat all of them so that they wouldn't tempt me later in the week. So, last night I ate like 8 fruit roll ups and 4 packs of gushers in one sitting.

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Mindset Matters When It Comes to Weight Loss

So what is your Weight Mindset? What are your thoughts and beliefs when it comes to weight? Are you set for success or failure? Are you sentenced to being a lifelong struggler or will you overcome and be a life-long achiever of weight loss?

Your Weight Mindset will determine your weight-more so than the diet or exercise plan. You will always validate your mindset. If you have a mindset that says losing weight is hard and managing the weight loss is even harder, that is what you will get-a life of struggling to keep your weight down. If, however, you have a mindset that losing weight is doable and that you deserve to live in a happy, healthy body, then you will rise above the weight loss problem and manage your weight.

How can you tell what your Weight Mindset is? Well, first take a look at your current picture. Look at what the scale and the measuring tape are telling you. Look at your eating habits. Observe how you use food at a party; is food your main focus? Look at your actions when you are alone with food. Notice your emotions when you are eating. Do you feel anxious, hurried, stressed? Are you using food to quiet those emotions? Pay attention to how your body feels after you eat. Are you stuffed or pleasantly full?

Is dieting torture to you? Do you have control over what you eat and when? Do you stick with a diet until you lose all the weight you want to, or do you jump around from plan to plan?

You can try every new diet to hit the best-seller list for the next twenty years. You can gain a Ph.D. in biochemistry. You can vacation at a fat farm. You can stop eating and live on grapefruit juice for a month. But, when all is said and done, if the thoughts, feelings and beliefs that make up your Weight Mindset don't change to support your lower weight, you will never have long-term success.

Your Mindset will always shape your weight. It is always impacting your decisions whether you want it to or not, whether it is producing good results or bad. Each thought you have, every belief you allow to live in your mind will shape your future. They will either move you toward your goal or away from it. They will either give you strength or misery. They will make you a struggler or an achiever. This is why it is so important to monitor your thoughts.

Keep in mind that your thoughts and beliefs lead to your habits and behaviors which create the results you see. Choose to think like an Achiever, and you will create the results that Achievers create.

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The truth is that the astounding weight loss being achieved on the green tea diet is just one of the numerous miracle-like benefits of simply drinking it. The tea diet is also widely recognized as a substance that can protect against many different cancers such as stomach cancer, ovarian cancer, cancer of the colon, oral cancer, prostate cancer, and breast and cervical cancers. Another antioxidant in tea diet is also being studied as a potential cure for cancer. The diet is actually a dietary supplement which is composed of natural ingredients such as green tea.

Due to the popularity of recent findings, green tea has almost become synonymous with weight loss and diet. For instance, instead of drinking coffee and cream which area high in calories, the weight loss programs can not only save you from taking in too much calories but also let you take in several healthful substances like polyphenols and flavonoids. There are a large number of remedial benefits of drinking green tea and research has confirmed that consuming a small amount like just one cup a day can greatly assist in weight reduction and fat burning. The great thing about the weight loss benefit of green tea extracts is that it does not have any adverse side-effects.

With its countless health and weight loss benefits, these dieting supplements are fast replacing ephedra as the leading weight loss product in the market. Although green tea weight loss supplements also contain caffeine this doesn't seem to have the negative effects found in other products with caffeine. People who use these supplements in studies will loose approximately 2 pounds per month. Yes, believe it or not, more and more often you'll find green tea (or green tea extract) included in the compilations of many of the more popular weight loss supplements today.

As opposed to black and oolong tea which undergoes full oxidization, green tea diet is only gently steamed, preserving the natural antioxidants in its original form. A green tea diet is one of the easiest lifestyle changes to make. The tea diet is no different that it not only recommends but requires the use of simple exercises to be completed along with the consumption of the dietary supplements.

P. Rodgers specializes in marketing natural health & beauty supplements. and

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