Healthy Fat Loss

Friday, May 16, 2008

The New Answer To Fast Weight Loss

If you have not heard of the glycemic index (G I), it is the scientific report that helped put an end to the low-carb fad by proving that you can eat carbs and still lose weight the way to do it is to eat healthy low glycemic carbs.

The glycemic index is the measure of the rate at which carbohydrates from a given food enter the bloodstream. While high glycemic foods like white bread trigger a spike in blood sugar levels followed by a crash, low glycemic foods like low-fat yogurt are digested slowly, so blood sugar levels stay steady for hours at a time. The foods to look for are high fiber and not highly processed so that they take more time to digest.

The great thing about this new finding is that weight comes off quickly, and belly fat usually goes first. Women who regularly eat high GI foods develop impaired glucose metabolism, a condition in which insulin loses its ability to help cells use glucose as fuel. And research shows that the resulting blood sugar spikes cut production of the fat burning enzymes of the liver by up to 72%, causing the liver to shuttle the majority of consumed facts straight to the belly. When low GI foods are favored, however, blood sugar is balanced and the liver functions as an incredible fat burning machine.

When you eat a diet rich in low GI foods you can lose significantly more weight than with other diets. And additional studies show that low GI diets help women lose up to 1 pound a day in the first 14 days. The best part: women who've successfully used this weight loss approach never feel deprived because they actually eat. For the best results, experts recommend enjoying three meals and two snacks a day. Try to eat three helpings each of lean protein, fruit, vegetables and low glycemic complex carbs daily. Also include two or three servings of low-fat dairy and to servings of healthy fats daily.

More keys to lose weight fast can be found at

Weight Loss Motivation - 10 Tips for Sustainability

Weight loss motivation is the bane of all dieter's lives. It comes and goes like the wind. For many of us, keeping hold of it is like trying to control the elements themselves - impossible. That is until you realise that a dieting mindset is the route cause of your loss of motivation!

You may also be hooked into the belief that somewhere there is a 'quick fix' that will see you shed your excess pounds quickly and easily. Worse still you may even believe that it is your fault when the diets don't work. Therefore to create a successful change that leads to healthy eating habits we need to update our mindset to one that motivates.

Think about it for a moment. What is it that a dieting mindset generates the most of? Negativity - a constant focus on food that is labelled by us as 'bad'; the feeling of failure when our motivation and will power wane; the emotions of guilt, shame and self-loathing and of course the constant nagging feeling that we are 'Not Good Enough'. Negativity cannot sustain motivation in the long-term, only positive attitudes and beliefs can do that.

So let me ask you a question, "When did you ever buy a product or service (except for a diet related one) and blame yourself when it did not work?" That's what we have been doing for decades. It really is time to focus on the truth (from over 3 decades of research) that prove diets don't work, for most people, as a long-term solution to weight issues.

The truth is that diets are the cause of much of our weight gain (dieters are 3 times more likely to become obese) and our loss of motivation. Not convinced? Since when did negative thoughts or feelings ever motivate us to do anything? How can we possibly feel motivated in the long-term when we believe it is our fault we can't lose weight and that we are just 'Not Good Enough'?

The answer is you can't sustain motivation based on the foundations of negative belief systems, thoughts and feelings. So where does our motivation truly come from? The reality is that it comes from life and mindset changes that have their basis in the one thing that keeps us happy, joyful and motivated - self-love.

So what are the ten top tips for changing your mindset to one that motivates us to lose weight permanently?

1. Believe that you are perfectly normal and not a failure;

2. Banish guilt and shame from your life - they only lead to more comfort eating;

3. Slowly start to find ways of loving your body image as it is - you can still love it but want to change it. This way when you lose weight you will keep on loving your body and feeding it with the fuel it really needs.

4. Acknowledge that food restricting brings with it craving, binging and overeating - make all food good whilst considering the frequency with which you eat them;

5. Learn the habits with food that people who have never needed to diet use - how to replace comfort eating with comfort loving;

6. Start to eat 'consciously' in touch with your satiety levels and how foods make you feel physically and emotionally;

7. Train yourself to eat smaller portions of more healthily balanced foods - cut down not out;

8. Tell yourself that all food is good and then carefully think about what you really want to eat that is loving and caring for your body;

9. Increase the 'happiness hormones' in your body by taking regular exercise that is fun and enjoyable - you will never stick at it otherwise.

10. Exchange the battle with life and food with a search for loving experiences and actions that 'Feed Your Soul'. The more you fill yourself with love, the less stressed you are and the less you need food as a comforter.

It really is possible to lose weight permanently and find the weight you were born to be when you change a predominantly negative mindset for a positive one. How do I know? Well, I personally have lost over 5 stone and kept it off for several years.

Chrissie Webber is a published author, business coach and leadership trainer. As Managing Director of Life-Shapers Ltd she is developing her online weight-loss motivation company into a franchise of Life Shapers Weight Management Coaches.

Her track record in the area of weight management is firstly a personal one. Following a lifetime of weight issues - at her heaviest, over 21 stone and a massive size 30 - she has personal experience of diets and their devastating effect on size and psyche.

With a background in nursing, psychology and business coaching, coupled with a lifetime of dieting, she developed and successfully used a series of models and tools that enhance weight loss motivation. Now over 5 dress sizes smaller and having sustained her weight loss for several years she has written a book about her motivational journey. Weight Loss, Life Gain - A Motivational Journey to Permanent Weight Loss was published in January 2008 by Accent Press.

Her Blog and free monthly eZine now offer support to others.

6 Pack Abs - Secrets To Get 6 Pack Abs!

Make sure that you warm up before you start doing anything. I've been subject to severe injuries all other the years, and now I make sure that I don't repeat the same mistakes.

A good way to warm up is to focus on the area you are going to train. As an example, if you are going to do strength training for your legs, you can just warm up your legs and forget about your arms and other non related parts of your body.

It is also good to alternate upper and lower body workouts because while the upper body needs some time to rest, you can still work the lower body.

Occasionally, I will change my workout completely to work the whole body in one session. Remember when I said that I hate to be bored?

Another powerful thing I do is training my abs whenever I do an exercise. I am not talking about specific abs exercises here, but all of them.

Let's say that you are doing some push ups. To work your abs at the same time, you need to increase the tension on your abs (like if you were going to receive a punch in the stomach). Doing this will ensure that you get 6 pack abs faster than others who don't know this powerful secret.

Your abs are the center of your body and you should always train them while you are doing any workout.

It's important to put this in your mind. To get strong abs, you need to focus on them.

Something I started to do after I started working with my students is planning my strength training workouts. Don't forget that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

It's really easy to do, all you need is a pen and a piece of paper, and prepare the lessons before you start.

You can even have a monthly plan once you have more experience.

And remember, you don't need to spend hours in the gym. Bodyweight training is one of the best form of exercises to lose weight and build muscle You should be done in less than one hour.

To learn more about my powerful weight loss system and how you too can get rid of your stomach fat for good and get killer 6 pack abs when you visit:

Franck Silvestre is a professional Martial Artist. Visit his website today at Turbulence Training

How Can I Lose Weight Fast

Fast weight loss is possible but doing it safely is another matter altogether. This article hopes to give you some information about how to increase the rate of your weight loss.


This is what many diets are based and although they do give results initially they tend not to last. The main reason for this is that your by taking in less calories than your body is used to it senses you are starving yourself and so it decides to make it harder for you to lose weight.

It does this in two ways, firstly it slows down the rate at which your metabolism works resulting in you burning foods slower. Secondly it starts to store your fat for reserves and future usage and instead starts to burn your muscle for energy.

You can lose weight using low calorie diets but to do it quickly would require too big a drop in calorie intake and result in the problems I have just mentioned above.


You can burn more calories by exercising so a simple logic should tell you that doing a more rigorous program will result in speedier results. This is fine in theory but more than likely isn't a realistic option.

People looking to diet usually aren't the fittest and this is where the problem is. If you aren't used to exercise and you try over doing things then there is a huge risk of serious injury. This obviously isn't going to help in any way with weight loss.

The only fast weight loss method I know that brings results works by fooling the metabolism into working at a higher rate. You can find out more about that diet at the links below but apart from this diet weight loss and fast aren't words that go together successfully and patience will be required.

To find out more about the one quick weight loss program I've found that has been proven to work take a look at this blog:

Katie Turner lost 34 lbs after having her twins and you could too. To find out more click here.

Turbulence Training - The Final Review

This program is based in two main principles that are put to work simultaneously:

Losing fat while building muscle at the same time.

The author of this new and revolutionary system is Craig Ballantyne. He is a certified specialist and has also written several articles for publications like Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Oxygen, Maximum Fitness, and more.

The workouts are created having in mind busy individuals such as students, entrepreneurs, managers, etc...and the training routines are organized in small workouts that can be done easily.

The exercises are designed in a way that through interval training and resistance training, they are able to boost your metabolism and keep it going so you will be burning fat literally all day...even while you sleep.

This smart combination of exercise, cardio and strength training allows your body to speed up your metabolism, with the result of "shedding" fat while you eat, while you sleep and while you work.

The main achievement of this program is that it is able to turn your body in a coordinated and almost perfect machine that will melt extra fat all day, no matter if you are sleeping, working out, having lunch or having fun at the bar with your friends.

One of the main advantages of the program is that all workouts can be done at home, so you won't have to waste your time going to the gym. The cost of the barbells and an exercise ball needed in this program are just a fraction of what a gym membership would cost. In the case you really enjoy going to the gym, obviously, these exercises can also be done there.

The system has introductory and intermediate phase workouts, so anyone can join in the program in short time. The workouts are organized in 26 weeks worth of routines that can be done over and over again.

Turbulence Training is based on proven scientific research and years of personal training experience: if you commit to this program you will lose fat and you will get in better shape.

If you want to know this program in more detail, please click the following link:

Weight Loss Program Diet Tips - Healthy Snacks That Satisfy

Healthy weight loss programs don't have to mean diet drudgery. Sure, you may have to give up certain foods, but for most of us it's about food and snack choices that allow us to still eat foods we enjoy the taste of, but that are lower in fat, sugar, and empty carbohydrates. Since many of us eat healthy meals but sabotage our diets by snacking on the wrong foods, learning to replace them with satisfying but healthy treats can put us back on course. These weight loss tips should help.

Here's some quick, tasty, and satisfying snacks that will bolster your weight loss program.

  • Feel like you want a sweet snack, but you're not sure what?

First, try a glass of juice-water. What the heck is juice water? Think of it as a weight loss supplement. It's an invention on mine to make sure I get enough water, which I have a hard time drinking by itself. Fill a glass 7 or 8 parts with water, and top off the rest with orange juice, lemonade, limeade, ruby red grapefruit, or whatever you prefer. It makes a tasty, filling, and often craving-crushing treat that's also very low in sugar.

Healthy Weight Loss Diet Tip: Never drink your juices straight up. Way too much sugar. Always dilute them as juice water. This habit alone will trim calories off your weight loss diet every day. It also stretches your grocery dollars if you use lemonade or limeade concentrates. They're far less costly than orange juice, and ounce for ounce their stronger taste does a more efficient job of flavoring your water.

  • Need something with "mouth feel"? In other words, something to chew on?

If you definitely feel the need for something to satisfy the eating urge, try a tablespoon of peanut butter, which should be on almost everyone's weight loss diet program. It has just enough fat for flavor and just enough sweetness to satisfy. For it's size and caloric value, it's also filling. Want to juice it up? Dip-up a little of your favorite fruit preserve. It also makes a quick one-spoonful dessert.

  • Feel like you gotta have some chocolate ice cream?

Try chocolate Ovaltine and milk. It's chocolaty, it's delicious, and it includes vitamins and minerals. It's also far more filling than ice cream, which is in fact not filling at all. But use just one or two tablespoons of Ovaltine, not the recommended four. One or two is plenty, and it reduces your sugar consumption.

Another chocolate ice cream switcheroo is hot chocolate, but don't reach for the chemical-laden packaged mix. Instead, heat a cup of milk in the microwave for 1.5 to 2 minutes, then add one or two tablespoons of Ovaltine.

  • Have a hankering for a pastry?

Just make sure you grab a few weight loss pills to go with it. Instead, have a piece of toast with jam. Whole grain bread has real protein, and far fewer carbs than pastry. If you toast it, you also improve the fiber benefit for your body. Add a thin layer of apple butter for extra satisfaction. (Apple butter has less sugar than other fruit jellies and preserves.)

Substitutes: honey on the bread instead of preserves, and half of an English muffin instead of a slice of whole grain bread.

  • You can squelch almost any sweet tooth attack with a healthy serving of fruit.

Try to always keep around a bag of apples and oranges. Since you can't always get the fruit you want in season, keep some raisins in the pantry. Just a small scoop will satisfy almost any sweet tooth. But be sure to brush your teeth afterwards. Raisins are really good at sticking to your teeth, and you don't want the sugar hanging around there.

Other suggestions:

  • Small handful of peanuts, almonds, or cashews = healthy fats and protein.
  • A few small pieces of extra sharp cheese. The sharpness is important, because the sharper the cheese, the more flavor each piece contains. The more flavor, the quicker your taste buds are satisfied. The cheese advantage is that it packs protein, calcium, and a little fat in each chunk.
  • For extra enjoyment without added calories, brew a cup of coffee to have with the cheese. Coffee and sharp cheeses are a match made in heaven.
  • If you definitely need a large snack or small meal, cottage cheese and pineapple chunks are fast and easy. If you buy canned pineapple chunks, be sure to check the label for sugar content; they're not all alike. This combination gives you calcium, protein, a little fat, and fruit fiber.

Sure, every now and again you need to let go and eat that big bowl of chocolate ice cream. When the time comes, savor it for all it's worth. But on a daily basis, if you'll make some sensible substitutions in the snacking department, you'll lower your daily calorie intake and put yourself on track for long-term healthy weight loss and proper diet management.

See Paul's test of the Cheia Vida Slim 10 Day Slim Down Challenge, with videos and weight loss tips on his blog at

Paul W. Whitten is a life-long nutrition, health, & fitness enthusiast. He writes about his fat burning dietary exploits to help others lose weight too.

How Fast Do You Want To Lose Weight? - Awesome Weight Loss Tips You Can Use Today

A better question, how fast can you lose weight? Before dieting or starting to lose weight you should always consult a physician to ensure your health and safety. After that is done, you can be on your way to losing weight. The following article will give you some nice tips on how to lose weight fast.

Weight loss is a normal thing that many people want to do to make themselves feel better, get healthy, and several other reasons. What many people don't know is what steps to take to lose weight. It is not like you can wake up one morning and decide that you are going to lose 5 pounds this week. You need a plan. Here are some great tips for losing weight fast.

How fast can you lose weight using the following methods?

1. Start drinking more water than usual.

2. This one is good. Increase your metabolism. How? Instead of eating three large meals per day, eat 4 or 5 smaller meals.

3. Run, Walk, or Swim. Do this 3 times per week for about 30 minutes.

There you have it. A simple process to help you lose weight. So the answer to the question, how fast can you lose weight? It all depends on your personal motivation, situation, free time, and many other factors. The only way you are going to succeed is if you are motivated. It is a slower process than some things but it works and if you stick to it you will see results.

For more information and an awesome free tips guide, visit below:

For a Free guide on How Fast Can You Lose Weight visit:

1 Cardio Trick To Lose Belly Fat - Maximize Your Belly Fat Burn Rate

One of the best ways to lose belly fat is through cardio workouts. Cardio can burn a lot of fat in a relatively short period of time, as long as it's done in the right way to maximize your fat burn rate. The sad thing is, that most people do cardio in a way which doesn't help them to burn the maximum amount of fat and also consumes way too much of their time.

So what is the wrong way to do cardio? Or better yet, what is the 1 cardio trick to lose belly fat fast?

The wrong way to do cardio, which is the more common form you see in gyms, is the long duration, low-medium intensity cardio workouts. You probably know what I mean: people who get up on the treadmill and simply use to it to stroll for an hour, barely picking up their feet. Others may run at a slow pace which may be great for a warm up, but it's not the best way to lose belly fat, not by a long shot.

Not that I blame those people, they've simply been filled with misinformation. They've been led to believe that they need to do long workouts in order to burn any fat at all. Of course you need to do things for a long time if you're doing it at a slow pace like a turtle. Your body barely feels any exertion.

The 1 trick to lose belly fat with cardio involves doing short duration, high intensity, interval cardio workouts. By doing such workouts you get the body to really feel the burden, work your heart through a whole range of beat rates, burn a ton of fat, and do it in less time. The downside is that you need to work hard. If you don't push yourself, you will not be able to burn enough belly fat to make it worthwhile, but if you are prepared to make the effort, you can have a massive cardio workout in 20--25 minutes flat.

So the trick to doing cardio to lose belly fat is to do it a high intensity level which means that you will only be able to keep it up for a short while, and then to lower your intensity level for a while to catch your breath, and push yourself into higher intensity again. If you do this cycle for the entire 20 minutes of workout, believe me, you'll be huffing and puffing, and sweating profusely. What's even better, is that your body will be burning calories a higher rate for a long time afterwards because you've really pushed it to the wall.

Try doing this kind of cardio. If you do just this 1 trick to lose belly fat, you will see and feel the results.

To read more about how to get flat abs, click here: Tricks To Lose Belly Fat.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read about a massive cardio oriented fitness program, click here: Turbulence Training Review - Learn The Secrets Of Cardio.

Easy Weight Loss Plan

If you want to lose weight safely, then you need an easy weight loss plan, one that you can follow to lose the weight you want. Losing weight is not all that hard if you have an easy weight loss plan that you can stick to.

Being overweight is not only uncomfortable, but it can cause health problems as well. There are more overweight children and adults now than ever before. Getting started with an easy weight loss plan is the hardest part but once you have your weight loss plan in place; you can start seeing results very quickly. It is also important to note that any weight loss plan should include a good exercise program, one that you can workout a minimum of three days each week.

Here are a few tips to an easy weight loss plan that you can start today. Fruits and vegetables are an essential part of an easy weight loss plan. They are loaded with fiber, vitamins and antioxidants which are all part of a healthy diet. Being low in calories also helps you keep your overall calorie count down making it easier to stick to your easy weight loss plan.

What about proportions? A one cup serving of pasta means cup of cooked pasta, however most restaurants serve about four servings per plate. Rather than finish it off and clean your plate, ask to take it home in a take out container. Again, this helps you stay with your easy weight loss plan.

Another way to staying on your easy weight loss plan is to eat five to seven small meals per day. Rather than stuff yourself two or three times a day, this will help keep your blood sugar levels in balance. Try going for the wholesome fresh foods as a part of your easy weight loss plan. You want to avoid fast food and processed foods as they are higher in sodium and fat content. They are not a part of your easy weight loss plan.

An easy weight loss plan does not include sugary drinks such as sodas but it does include water. As everybody knows you should drink eight glasses of water each day. This helps your body stay hydrated and it also makes you feel fuller. So be sure to make water a big part of your easy weight loss plan.

There are many other things you can make as a part of your easy weight loss plan but you dont want to be too restrictive that you find it hard to stay with your weight loss plan. Allow yourself a treat once in a while as a reward for sticking to your easy weight loss plan. You will find it much easier to lose weight if you are not feeling pressured.

Lastly as mentioned earlier, a good routine exercise program is essential for weight loss. If you can workout three times each week and include a good cardiovascular workout, you will see that you will lose weight faster than if you do not exercise. All of this combines for an easy to follow easy weight loss plan.

Ocha has been in sales and sales management for over 24 years. He now owns and manages several websites dedicated to providing information you can use today. Understanding the needs of his customers he helps provide them with valuable information they can use to help them succeed.

How to Lose Belly Fat Fast - Warning

This is not how to lose belly fat fast - starving yourself and not exercising. Getting your nutrition right, eating more in controlled portions and working out regularly are the best combinations for effective weight loss. There's no point to stop eating - it's just plain stupid - and you will fall to the temptations of cravings.

Outcome - you will end up eating more than you should. But you can get a lot of info on sensible eating just by 'Googling' for it. However, there are 4 points that are often overlooked - but are critical to your fat loss efforts.

Below are 4 must know tips on how to lose belly fat fast

1. The Plateau : You will find losing weight easy at first, but there will come a time when you may plateau. If you do -- you must stop the negative self talk that says 'I can't do this' or 'It's just too hard'.

Best yet, forget the scales for the week, and try different positive goals like eating 1 more piece of fruit for the next 7 days, go to the gym tomorrow or cut out sugary drinks for the week. Every little bit counts.

Setting smaller, achievable goals every day to give yourself a sense of achievement and momentum.

And always stay positive - remember you objective is not to look a fitness model - just a fitter and healthier you. One who is more active and doing more with your life.

Fact is - always expect the lows and highs during your fat loss journey - nothing is perfect.

2. Focus on Today, Not Tomorrow : Review your eating habits - just stop and think about what you are putting in your mouth.

Ask yourself, 'Is it worth it?' If it is food that will add more stomach fat, swap it for a good habit, like cutting down on alcohol for water, or choosing low fat ice cream.

With practice, it soon becomes your habit.

3. Spoil Yourself : No food. Nothing beats rewarding yourself with an incentive in exchange for a weekly or monthly goal.

Set yourself a challenge to visit the gym 3 times a week or just drinking water only for the week (no caffeine, no soda and any liquid calories).

And when you do meet that challenge, why not add $5 into a 'spoil myself' bank account towards something special like a facial or a weekend getaway.

This is a great way to keep you focused on your fat loss journey.

4. Check labels carefully - Most canned or packaged foods include small amounts of wheat, egg, yeast or dairy produce, so make sure you read the fine print on the labels. But the best way to keep away from unwanted additives is to prepare the food yourself - at least you know what you are putting into your meals. Homemade is always a better option.

So you may be still asking 'How to Lose belly fat fast'?

At the end of the day if you lose weight sensibly with the aim to lose it over time, you will lose the belly for good.

Remember - you didn't gain the belly fat in days, so you can't expect to lose it in days. Just not natural and it isn't worth it.

Discover How to Lose Body Fat And Build Muscle At The Same Time - Turbulence Training - Using No Long Boring Cardio, But Just Using The Best Exercises For Quick Weight Loss at

Information About Natural Weight Loss Pills

Everybody is looking for information about natural weight loss pills so after I did some research on natural weight loss pills I decided to write this article because it might help some people.

Most of the diet pill out there on the market right now are mostly NOT natural. And those that are don't work. You can drink all the green tea you want but if you have an eating disorder you won't loose any weight.

In my research I came across a lot of products that claim to be natural and claim to help you loose weight, but to be honest nothing seemed to work when I read "real testimonials". All of these products have testimonials but the people who created them could just as easily created testimonials too, you can see what I mean. So again I continued my research.

I came across a product called Hoodia or Hoodia Gordonii. This seemed like any other product out there but as I went deeper I found out that it's like some MIRACLE PILL. All that seemed funny to me too so I researched it even more, and surprisingly it seems to be working.

Hoodia is a plant that resembles a cactus but it's not a cactus at all, it's a succulent. Anyways this does not matter. This thing has been eaten by natives in South Africa, because they could hunt longer without needing to eat. HuH? I was just thinking the same thing. As I read more material about hoodia, I found out that it has an active ingredient called p57, this thing tricks your brain in telling your body that you are full. If you think you are full you won't feel the need to eat, if you won't feel the need to eat you WON'T eat this could result in a lower calorie intake and a loss in weight. Seems possibile but I was still a bit unsure about this.

I read real reviews and testimonials and apparently it WORKS! And it's being used by a lot of people all around the world. And the makers claimed it to no have any side effects, again this is sometime worth researching, so evidently I did that.

It turns out it has some glitches but not as severe as you would think. If you have some liver abnormalities then you best stay away because your body can't filter the substance and because you appetite will go away and you need those calories. Also if you are pregnant not eating could cause problems to you unborn baby, this is a common thing in every diet for pregnant women.

I want to add a few thing before you go and buy this. BEWARE! a lot of FAKE products out there that claim to give you pure 100% hoodia but they won't. These fake products can seriously harm your body because they have artificial ingredients.

I hope the information about natural weight loss pills I gave here will help you in making the right decision.

If you want to learn more about hoodia or you want to know where to buy the real thing please be sure to check my blog here: AllAboutHoodiaDietPill

Easy Diets - Not A Fake

Their are hundreds, maybe a few thousand easy diets available. You can find more than 260,000 entries in Googles search engine if you type in the keyword phrase "easy diets". They are often crap if you are looking for easy diets.

Many individuals are trying to diet while improving the quality of their diets for better health. A great diet is one that will be a blueprint for you, to last a lifetime. If your wish is to find an easy diet that works for you, then you will have to do some homework to find something that is the right fit for you. Or you go to information sites with reviews included! The Sites are given.

There are several online resources that offer information about dieting and maintaining a healthy body. Using the right combination of nutrients and the right proteins, carbohydrates and fats will go a long way in losing excess weight, maybe easy diets sites or something.

To lose weight and keep the weight off, you will be required to make some changes in the way you have been eating. You must reduce your caloric intake and burn the calories that you take in. You must work off these calories by causing your bodys metabolism to jump up a few notches.

Some easy diets, with the proper combination of foods, will boost your bodys metabolism, yet you still must work off some of the calories and help jump start the metabolism by exercise.

Pay attention to the "Big 3". Chose lower fat foods, eat more vegetables and start reading the labels of the foods you buy at the market. Learn what the labels say. These labels have all of the nutritional information you need to know in order to make buying decisions that are based on what is right for you to eat. This could help to make easy diets.The easiest diets you really need to follow are the ones that work for you and give you the proper nutrients your body needs. With that said, you will need to learn what foods work in harmony to help you lose weight.

There are many easy diet recipes online that you can try. Look them over and try a few. There are also many different diet programs that promise to be easy. Some of these easy diets might help you lose weight, yet they will not be giving your body what it needs to sustain itself at a healthy level.

By taking some time to understand how the body burns fat and maintains at a healthy level, you will be in a position to look at easy diets and discern if this is going to be a healthy diet for you to follow.

Dietary studies have shown that the easiest diets to follow are those that have a combination of several different food groups that do not drastically eliminate the foods you love. It is the reduction of the empty calories and the fatty foods that help to eliminate body fat.

The easiest diets that do not work very well are the "spot diets". It is the fad diets, usually used for a week or two that help you lose weight quickly. These types of diets do not usually pay attention to what nutrients are being depleted in the body. Some of these quick and easy diets can be dangerous to your health, so easy diets could be dangerous but easy diets maybe good for your mind to start weight loss.

If you want to know more dieting and losing weight then you have to visit this site.There you can get all the stuff you need to lose weight and healthy living just go here It is full of articles and reviews.

How To Burn Body Fat - Benefits Of Starting Your Own Weight Lifting Program

Whether you are young or old, battling with a weight problem or have body image issues, we ask the same task in mind: how to burn body fat. One school of thought is to start incorporating strength training into your life style with your own weight lifting program.

Weight lifting is one of the key elements in any effort toward fat loss. It also provides the most change in your body. While of course diet and cardiovascular exercise such as aerobics are very important in burning calories, weight lifting changes the way your body looks.

A weight lifting routine will help to raise your bodys metabolism. Youll burn more calories and fat. Weight lifting builds and maintains muscle mass. A weight lifting routine will make your body stronger, and increase endurance when you participate in physical activity. This is also a great benefit if you have kids!

Weight lifting is directly related to how your body is shaped. Therefore, it may enhance your self esteem and increase your self confidence. Certain weight lifting exercises that focus on the bodys core can improve coordination and balance.

While it may be exciting to start your own weight lifting program, there are some important points you must keep in mind.

The first is that you must always do a warm up of some sort before you start weight lifting. Warming up can help in preventing injuries. You can do some light cardiovascular exercises (such as walking on the treadmill for 5 minutes) or a perform set with very light weights before working on sets with heavier weights.

You must always lift your weights with focusing on the movement. Try not to perform the movement too quick and also focus on the muscle you are working. If you find yourself having to swing to bring the weight up, its probably too heavy for you. On certain movements you should be able to cheat a little bit to move the weight. However, you should discuss work with a personal trainer on these types of movements.

Incorporate stretching into your weight lifting routine. You can perform stretches in between sets. If you do stretch in between sets, you should stretch the same muscle group you are working with. You also have to make sure you have a full range of motion throughout the entire weight lifting movement.

While you are probably mostly concerned with your abdominal muscles, remember they are a muscle group too. Dont get caught up working your abdominals every day of the week. The frequency of performing abdominal exercises depends on the exercise program you are training with. While some theories or exercise programs require more frequency in working out the abdominals, you can probably do fine with working the muscle group 1 2 times a week.

For more important information on how to burn body fat be sure to visit where you will a review of Turbulence Training. Turbulence training is the leading program on starting your own effective fat burning weight lifting routine.

Hoodithin - Weight Loss Made Easy?

For those of us who are struggling with unwanted pounds and have to resort to dieting, the challenges of staying with the diet or weight loss plan are apparent. Hunger pangs, cravings for comfort food, and finding yourself constantly thinking about just a 'tiny bit of real food' and eventually being unable to stick to the chosen plan of action - is an all too familiar outcome.

Well, there is no need for despair! Hoodithin, an all natural herbal weight loss supplement, available on the market today, helps to overcome those unpleasant feelings, associated with being on a restricted diet. Hoodithin is a liquid extract of Hoodia Gordonii, an African cactus plant, that was extensively researched and proved to be an effective appetite suppressant. It tricks the brain into thinking that your stomach is full, thus preventing hunger bouts and cravings. The supplement has no known side effects and considered to be completely safe to use within suggested dose.

One may wonder how long it takes to see weight loss results when using the hoodia supplement. As per manufacturers of Hoodithin, it could vary from person to person, as well as frequency and amount taken. On average, you should see the difference within 2 weeks of consistent use.

There are many Hoodia products advertised and sold on the market. One should keep in mind, though, that the liquid extract of Hoodia plant is considerably more potent and fully absorbed, compared to the pill, providing faster and more efficient way to fight off hunger and unpleasant feeling of food deprivation. Another advantage being that liquid ingredients require no fillers, binders or other added ingredients - capsules/tablets often contain other ingredients and the percentage of actual pure Hoodia can be quite small. Hoodithin, the 100% pure hi-potency liquid extract of Hoodia is actually the only Hoodia product in history to have been featured on Oprah, MSNBC, CBS, 60 Minutes and the BBC.

For an overview and other informative articles on Hoodithin and liquid Hoodia please visit

Instant Stress Relief Exercise

Today, I'll show you one simple exercise that will help you reduce stress in only 10 repetitions.

But first...

When does it hit you?

When does stress take control of your upper back and neck and settle into a dull pain that lasts all day long?

Do you at least make it into the office and get a chance to read a couple of emails before the tension drives a nail between your shoulder blades?

Or does it strike 10 minutes into your long drive into work?

I'm willing to bet that if you sit at a desk all day and don't have the proper workstation set-up, that you suffer from chronic upper back tension.

Go ahead, put your hand on your traps and squeeze. Are they rock hard? Do you have your shoulders shrugged up to your ears all day long? Is your computer screen well below eye level, causing your head to slump forward? Do you slouch when you drive, adding to the stress and tightness in your upper back?

Allright, enough reminders of what's wrong with your posture and work set-up. Let's focus on what we can do to fix this...

Because even I'm not immune to it. Yesterday, after 7 training sessions, after answering over 100 emails from readers, and after reviewing several client's programs, the stress in my upper back was beyond annoying, and downright debilitating.

I had to do something about it. And fortunately I knew exactly what I needed.

10 reps of the Y-squat.

The what squat? The Y-squat.

This exercise requires you to contract your rear-delts and use your rhomboids and middle-traps to bring your shoulder blades together and hold them in position for all 10 repetitions, all while stretching the pecs. (Basically, you are holding the opposite position of the posture we tend to assume for the other, oh say, 9 hours and 50 minutes of regular workday).

So after 10 reps of this exercise, taking no more than 30 seconds in total to complete, the stress was gone from my upper back. With that stress relief, and the energy from a simple set of squats, I had a huge swing in motivation. I finished up the program I was working on and headed out to the gym to complete some more bodyweight exercises.

And that was almost 4 hours ago...and I'm still going strong and stress-free, despite being back at the computer working on more of your programs.

Now to learn how to do the Y-squat and get rid of your upper back tension. Add in a set of spiderman pushups or decline pushups, and you'll be stress free for hours.

(If you have the luxury of having your own office, I recommend taking a break every 60-120 minutes and doing 10 reps of the Y-squat. It will energize you, reduce your back tension, and eliminate some of your workplace stress. A simple secret to a much more productive and enjoyable day.)

Office or not, always focus on sitting with good posture.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit

Alcohol and Fat Loss

"Can I drink Alcohol while I'm trying to lose weight?"


"How much Alcohol is it OK to drink while I'm trying to lose weight?"

This is a common question that many people have when trying to lose weight.

And in many cases we want to "have our cake and eat it too."


I mean, there is really nothing wrong with that but when you're trying to make progress it's important that you recognize the facts when it comes to how alcohol effects your fat loss efforts.

Now here's the bottom line: one or two drinks a couple of nights a week is not going to stop you from making progress.

But if you are very serious about making progress I would ask you to consider why you even want to partake in that.

For example, if I was coaching you personally and you came to me and said that you want to make maximum progress in minimum time then I would suggest you limit drinking to once a week. (or zero if you can manage that.)

Here's why:

1) Alcohol is loaded with empty calories. These are carbohydrates that are ultimately going to turn into fat.

You might see some advertisement for some "ultra-light" beers with only 99 calories. Well, that's still 99 calories!

Drink 2 or 3 and you just put 200-300 empty calories in your body.

2) Alcohol sparks your appetite and makes you crave the foods you shouldn't be eating.

OK, let's say you decide to have a glass of wine with dinner. On paper this is no big deal. But in REALITY what actually happens?

First of all this makes you hungrier and you may begin to have serious cravings for foods you shouldn't be eating like processed carbohydrates (pasta, french fries) Personally, when I consume alcohol I crave fast food. Come to think of it, I crave anything!

3) Alcohol DESTROYS your momentum.

This is really the worst part. If you want to breakthrough a fat loss plateau then momentum is absolutely critical. If you want to stop yourself from ever getting momentum then by all means drink regularly.

Let's be honest: what normally happens when you drink Alcohol and end up overeating?

Do you feel on track the next day? Personally, I've noticed the effects last through the next day. So the point is to see the total outcome that drinking will have.

Now keep in mind that I'm writing this article to help you lose maximum fat in minimum time. Once you achieve your goals then you can figure out "what you can get away with." As far as I'm concerned there's nothing wrong with that.

For the time being try this: one night a week drink as much as you want. One drink, 3 drinks, five drinks, whatever (as long as your safe).

So if you drink on a Saturday night then you can simply relax on Sunday and it might even be a great time to give yourself some leeway in your diet. Enjoy yourself Saturday night and most of the day Sunday.

If this sounds too "extreme" for you and you can't go without drinking most nights that's fine, you can still make progress but you want come anywhere close to the progress you could make.

Ask yourself, "How much do I really want to lose fat?" "How much do I want to drink every night of the week"

The answers could be very telling.

To learn more visit to sign up for a free 10 Day eCourse.

Robert Van Gardner is the author of "Living Life Lean."

His book shows people exactly how to breakthrough their own self doubt and limiting beliefs in order to create the body of their dreams.

Tips For Weight Loss

Dieting for weight loss is widespread among men and women. What people will do to lose weight is almost unbelievable. But we need to realize that dieting can be healthy or unhealthy.

I knew a man in his thirties who looked like the famous Charles Atlas. He was muscular, had a v-shaped chest down to his waist, and was trim. Yet one day he decided he was 5-pounds overweight, and could not stand it. He insisted that his doctor put him on a severe diet, and his doctor finally did though he did not like it. The result was that a few months later this young man died of cancer. Did the diet trigger cancer already present, or was it something new? I don't know, but I do know that diets can be harmful.

So some tips about dieting and weight loss can be helpful.

#1: To succeed at weight loss one must first be happy with them selves on the inside before the outside can be changed. If the inside person is unhappy with self then changing the outside will more likely fail.

#2: Keeping a food diary can be helpful. A daily record of your food intake can help you know if you are succeeding. It can also tell you where you may need to improve your diet.

#3: Do not weigh your self every day. That can be frustrating because the change each day is likely to be small, thus depressing, and suggest quitting. Weigh once or twice a week, for example, so you can see substantial change, therefore encouragement to keep on.

#4. Let family and friends know that you are dieting. They will be supportive and that will help. They will also admire you dieting rather than "shoving" unwanted food at you, tempting you to go off your diet.

#5: Lose weight with a partner. He or she can be a good friend, a spouse, or your children. Weight loss programs provide friends during the program, others in the same program, and that is good. But you need one person on the same dieting plan as you are, and exercise program, that you are comfortable with about the program. The two of you can discuss problems each may have, and encourage each other on a personal basis.

#6: Do not set impossible goals. It is healthier to lose weight gradually.

#7: Take time to learn about nutrition and exercise, and their affects on your body. Severe dieting and exercise can harm your health, thus having a good knowledge of nutrition, of nutrients, and how these and exercise working together affect your body, and your health will go about assuring a healthy and successful program.

#8: Be patient. Each person may lose weight by different amounts when on the same program. Do not let a slower weight loss depress and lead you to quitting. Patiently hand in there.

#9: Cut back on foods, dieting, gradually. If you cut back on foods drastically you may not get enough nutrients to stay healthy. And when you cut back drastically your metabolism may slow down preventing any real weight loss.

#10: If you set out to lose a few pounds you may not need to consult with your doctor at the start of a weight loss program. But if you intend to lose any substantial amount of weight be sure and consult with your doctor first. Have the doctor design the parameters of dieting, and exercise, specifically for you. Consulting with your doctor and avoid health problems for you, and better assure a successful program.

Successful weight loss begins in the mind for it is there that patience and sticking to it starts. Without that commitment weight loss is doomed to failure.

Safe weight loss starts with a visit to your doctor. That visit can avoid harm, and assure better success.

Have happy weight loss ! list more information about the author, and provide resources that a publisher would be interested in, and some of the expertise that supports viewing his articles and these materials. Paul is interested in writing from article size to books and invites anyone interested to contact him.

Does Walking Or Running Burn More Fat?

This is a question that is debated quite often. The answer might shock you.

There's no concrete answer to this question, but basically it boils down to this: You will burn roughly 100 calories per mile, no matter what speed you go.

Now, there are some caveats. For example, a person who weighs 105 pounds will burn less calories per mile than a person who weighs 205 pounds, simply because the heavier person is carrying more weight. All things being equal, however, the lighter person doesn't need to eat that many calories in a day, so it balances out.

Another factor to, ahem, weigh in, is that the human body acclimates itself to any stresses put on it. All other things being equal, the better you get at running, the less calories you will burn. So, if you're a champion runner you will burn less calories on a run than someone who's running for the first time. Again, all things being equal, the champion runner will likely be able to run a further distance, thus balancing the equation again.

There's another camp that will argue that walking will actually burn more fat because it's a lower intensity exercise that can be sustained for a longer period of time. The key to weight loss, research has shown, is that it's not the intensity of the workout that counts, it's the accumulated duration of the exercise. So, it might actually be more beneficial for some people to walk simply because they can go for a longer distance without tiring.

The good thing about running is that it's great for your health. There are great cardiovascular benefits to a moderately intense workout. The bad thing about running is that it can be hard on some people's knees.

The bottom line? Do what you enjoy. If the thought of running makes you cringe, but you enjoy a nice long stroll, then by all means stroll away. The point is choosing a workout that you will stick with, and nobody's going to stick with something they hate doing for very long.

For more information that will guide you in terms of choosing the best activities to burn fat, visit and read our Turbulence Training Review.

Fitness guru Cynthia Blake is a writer for

Weight Loss: The Key to Discipline

Recently, two co-workers of mine were discussing their weight loss efforts and part of that conversation stuck with me. One of them said, "It sure is a lot harder to lose weight than it is to gain it." The other one answered, "Yeah, thats because gaining weight is fun." I laughed with them, because there is some truth to that statement.

Yes, it can be fun to eat with abandonment and not think about whether what you are eating is healthy or not; it is only the consequences that are painful. Examples of shorter term consequences are pain in your stomach, indigestion, and sluggishness. The longer term consequences are high blood pressure, heart disease, and shortness of breath. Seeing your appearance change for the worse is painful too. Focusing on these consequences is key to developing self-discipline.

Discipline is necessary to achieve your weight loss goals and any goal that you want to achieve in life. After all, you dont have to employ discipline to do those things that you enjoy. For example, I wouldnt have to discipline myself to eat chocolate bars because I enjoy them, however I do have to discipline myself to limit them in my life. How do I do it? Discipline requires two skills: Desire and diversion.

Desire means that you have to want the goal that your discipline will help you achieve more than anything. For example, I wanted to lose weight and get healthy more than I wanted the chocolate bars. Each time I desired the chocolate bar, I had to remind myself of the alternate goal and make it real and vivid. I had to see myself with that goal already achieved and experience the pleasure of it. I had to make that pleasure more intense than the pleasure I imagined I would receive from eating the chocolate bar.

The second skill is diversion, which is simply engaging in an activity that diverted my attention away from the undesirable activity. In the chocolate bar example, I had to either give myself something that I would enjoy eating that was healthier for me or perform an alternate activity that would help me better meet my needs. For example, if I was angry, eating a chocolate bar would not help me, but taking a long walk to cool off likely would.

My co-worker was right: For many of us, losing weight is harder than gaining it. But we need to remind ourselves that, although it is harder to lose weight, it is not impossible. It is also worth the effort. Then we use our key of discipline to help us achieve what we want. It is the only way to get the body that we deserve.

A Registered Nurse for many years, Kimberly Floyd battled obesity for much of her adult life. She achieved her ideal weight and has written a new book entitled 'Moneywise Weight Loss' which teaches others how to lose weight and save money--at the same time.

Kim has written articles for the Georgia Nurses Association publication and Nursing Spectrum Online. Now a technical writer, she has written training programs for corporate clients, including IBM, U.S. Bank, and Cingular.

Kim also teaches an online course called 'Goodbye to Shy'. This course is distributed to over 1100 colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, and Australia through Thomson Learning. An accomplished speaker and trainer, she delivers presentations on health-related topics to enthusiastic audiences.

Best Way To Lose Belly Fat - Eat More, Move More

The population of most of the developed world is getting heavier each year.

And as a result too many people today are overweight or obese.

More likely, overweight people are prone to chronic illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease,sleep disorders, reproductive problems and depression.

Aside from the genetic factors, the main reasons why more and more people are getting heavier are due to various reasons like

-watching too much television,
-spending way too much time on the computer,
-relying on less manual work,
-eating far too much junk food and take aways.

If you see yourself in this situation, it's time to improve your life and self-esteem.

And it's time to get going, lose weight for a healthier lifestyle.

When planning to lose body fat, avoid fad diets promising fast weight loss.


Two reasons...

1) It is not healthy for you
2) Once you return to your normal eating habits, the weight will quickly return

The best way to lose body fat is to

  1. Sacrifice and plan to make small, life long changes to your eating habits;
  2. Reduce the calories, and eat 6 healthy meals during the day. This will reduce any cravings for junk food or sweets;
  3. Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day;
  4. Eat less high fats such as biscuits, chocolate, fried onions, and chips
  5. Cut out both diet and non diet sodas
  6. Add less fat from butter, margarine and oil to foods
  7. Eat plenty of steam food, vegetables and fruits
  8. Reduce alcohol consumption if you drink more than 2 standard drinks per day
  9. With a calorie restricted diet, you might lose weight - but if you don't exercise, you will miss the chance of burning more body fat, and reduce the likelihood of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. So Move your butt and start exercising.

And one of the best exercises to lose belly fat is the Turbulence Training Routine.

This is a great workout for beginners looking to lose body fat.

With that, aim to lose 5-10% of your weight over 3-6 months.

This is more of a realistic target, and much easier to achieve.

As a guide use your waist measurement as an indicator of the amount of body fat you have lost.

And so, if you are overweight and looking to reduce weight - the best way to lose body fat is think long term, eat more and move more for a better you, today.

Need to know the truth about six pack abs?

Visit now to learn how to get rock hard abs and effectively turbo-charge your fat burning metabolism to scorch away stubborn belly fat.

Weight Loss Surprise! 3 Reasons Why Weight Training Is More Important than Cardio for Weight Loss

Weight training works for weight loss. That's right, it's not just cardio that causes fat loss, but also the metabolism boosting effects of weight training can help you shed pounds. If you want to get lean and build your best body ever, you need to use weight training for weight loss and muscle building and metabolism boosting.

In my weight training programs for weight loss, I use Supersets for Fat Loss, but a lot of readers ask why. A lot of people guess that it is because I want to keep the heart rate high during the workout, because they think that burns more fat.

But that's not the point. The answer really isn't that complex (and besides, heart rate has nothing to do with fat loss success).

The real reasons I use Supersets for Fat Loss?

Simply to get more work done in less time. By supersetting "non-competing" exercises, you can do almost twice as much exercise in half the time. This allows you to get in and out of the gym faster, while also allowing you to train more muscle (and therefore put more "Turbulence" stress on your body).

More turbulence results in more calories burned during and after exercise, and therefore, more fat loss, especially from those stubborn hard-to-lose love handles and thighs.

So here's a sample weight training superset workout for weight loss. And you can do this workout at home with only a bench, dumbbells, and an exercise ball.

Do 2 warmup sets for superset #1, by using 50% of the weight you normally use for each exercise.

Superset #1

DB Squat (10 reps)

supersetted with...

DB Chest Press (8 reps)

Superset #2

DB Row (8 reps per arm)

Exercise Ball Hamstring Curl (12 reps)

Finish with interval training. This workout can be done in less than 45 minutes.

Now that's how you use weight training for weight loss. This workout will boost your metabolism for hours after training. That will burn more calories and fat. Plus, you'll sculpt your body with the weight training exercises, so you look lean, not bone-rack skinny.

Weight training for weight loss works!

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Fat Loss have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

How to get Bigger Arms

Big arms and bodybuilding go together like Coffee and Coffee-mate, don't you think? In fact, I think alot of us (especially men) would have first grabbed a weight or walked into a gym dreaming of massive python-like arms!

However, the problem is that many think that they will be able to build great arms by performing endless bicep curls till the cows come home. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but doing so will not create large arms. In fact, you'll be on your way to the point of diminishing returns in no time.

Here's why - Your upper arm is made up of two major muscle groups the biceps and the triceps, and many lifters make the mistake of only training the biceps, failing to realise that the triceps only make up two-thirds of the upper arm mass. The triceps are a beautifully-shaped muscle when well developed. Surprised?

I've had friends who want bigger arms but only ask me what the best biceps exercises are. I normally end up giving them my favourite triceps exercises instead.

For good arm development, allocate a few more sets for your triceps rather than biceps. If you always start your arm training with your biceps first (almost everyone I see in the gym does this), try switching the order. Train your triceps first before you train your biceps.

Though you should always strive for a balance of all muscle groups, trust me when I say that if your biceps development are weaker but if you possess well developed triceps - your arms would still look spectacular! The same can't be said for the reverse.

The bottomline? If you want big arms, get big triceps!

Josh Stone, also known as DM, is the author behind the site which offers the author's personal views on real-life fitness, bodybuilding, sports nutrition, cardio, fat loss, training information, and on all things that surrounds fitness.

The #1 Dynamite Key for Exploding Your Weight Loss While Exercising Far Less

Have you ever noticed that the #1 exercise of choice among those trying to lose weight is walking?

So here's the question...

Why are there so many overweight walkers?

And I'm not talking about the people who have just recently laced up the Nikes and started walking to try and shed a few pounds. I'm talking about those determined individuals who have been walking around the block for the past year!

And here's the crazy thing...

Even after a year they just keep right on walking and waiting for the "awesome" weight loss to show up!

Here's the perfect example...

The same lady has walked past my office window every day for the past 365 days in sneakers, spandex and a pink headband. (Perhaps you know the type? Are you one of them?)

Not to be "mean", but I don't see the pounds melting away!

In fact, she may have gained a few inches around her waist since she began a full year ago!

So what gives?

Why don't the vast majority of walkers seem to lose any significant weight... Ever?

We all know Dr. Oz from who frequently appears on OPRAH?

Well... perhaps Dr. Oz said it best when a slightly overweight woman stood up on OPRAH and asked why her exercise wasn't producing any results?

She had been using the treadmill consistently for the past several months, but still and I quote "was not experiencing the weight loss she expected."

His response...

And everyone who has a desire to stop exercising so much and start losing weight had better pay attention!

Dr. OZ simply said...

"You're probably not pushing yourself enough."

Key point: Without intensity your exercise will not produce the weight loss you desire! In fact, you probably won't lose any weight at all!

Your body loves to be pushed! Your exercise produces the greatest weight loss when you are sweating. In fact, a short ten minute workout in which you are sweating like crazy is far superior to an hour long "hum-drum" one when it comes to producing fast weight loss.

So the next time you lace up those walking shoes...

make sure to increase your pace...

you just might find that the weight loss you have been longing for finally shows up.

Author Bio:
Jason Clemens is a leading weight loss and nutrition expert.
"Learn how to lose instant and substantial weight without having to exercise
using this All-Natural Step-by-Step Formula proven to produce out of this world weight
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