Healthy Fat Loss

Monday, May 26, 2008

Fat Loss 4 Idiots - The Perfect Exercise Routine Exploited

Everyone sometimes needs a little bit of a change. Whether it is a new job, car, or wardrobe there is always something that everyone wants to change about themselves. Well it should be no surprise to you that when you work out you have to change them out because if you don't then you will be getting nothing out of it. So it is always good to make sure that you change your workout every week.

So that is why now I have three new exercises that I like to do at the gym rowing, abs, and the stairs.

The first exercise that I like to do when I am at the gym is rowing because this is a great cardiovascular exercise to get your blood flow in. You first go to the rowing machine than lean over and get the bar then bend your legs and pull on the bar to towards you chest.

This will really get your blood circulating throughout your body and you should have no problem with breathing. Also this machine is great because while you are pulling you will be feeling the breeze from the fan that is in the machine and it feels so good.

Another exercise that I like to do when I go to the gym is abs because there are a bunch of great exercises that you can use to work out your abs. I like the one when you put the weight on then sit in the chair and put your arms on a bar and move your body down towards the ground.

Also the machine when you sit down put your hands on these to bars and then swing your feet from side to side working out you abs that you have on the sides. Working out your abs will make people be like wow you look like you lost so much weight.

One more exercise that I like to do when I go to the gym is the stairs because it work out your lower body so good. It works out pretty much all of the muscles that you have in your legs like the calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, and your butt.

So those are the new exercises that I like to do throughout the week. Also remember that it is always good to change and don't shy away from it because if you do you will never get what you dream of.

If you would like some more information on this subject, you should check out my Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review.

If you would like to know what this Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet is, it has said to be a diet plan specialized to help people lose 9 lbs in 11 days.

Exercise to Lose Belly Fat - 2 Killer Tips For Fast Results

Have you been unsuccessfully trying to lose belly fat? If so, there is a good chance you might be making some basic mistakes.

In this article, we are going to go over the 2 essential areas that are crucial to have correct if you want to exercise to lose belly fat quickly and permanently.

1. Total body strength training workouts 2-3 times per week.

This can melt fat from your body by gaining muscle and increasing your metabolism!

The more muscle you work, the more calories you will burn. Remember that muscle is the main thing that will burn fat while exercise. Strength training will help you to lose belly fat because the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn.

Don't make the mistake of doing the common "3 sets of 10" on a strength machine with a minute of rest between each set. It is a better idea to follow more of a "circuit training" structure. Here is an example:

Warm up: 5-10 minutes
1. Pushups - 10 reps
2. 1 arm DB row - 10 reps per arm
3. DB squats - 12 reps
4. Leg curls on stability ball - 10 to 12 reps
5. Side planks - 5-15 seconds per side
6. Hyperextensions - 12 reps
7. Standing DB overhead press - 10 reps
8. Ab crunches on stablity ball - 10 to 15 reps

Go from start to finish, and rest 30-45 seconds between each exercise. Try doing the entire rotation 2-3 times around. This should take no more than 20-30 minutes depending on how much rest time you need.

This workout is just an example to show you what a total body workout looks like. There are lots of different ways to structure a workout like this, but this serves our basic purpose.

With this type of total body workout, you will exercise to lose belly fat as well as gain strength. Whenever you doing total body workouts, you always want to wait a day before doing it again so your muscles can rest and recover.

2. Interval training cardio instead of long, boring, same speed workouts.

Interval training differs from regular "same speed" cardio routines because it is quicker and a lot more fun. It is a great way to exercise to lose belly fat because you alternate between high and low intensities throughout the whole workout. Here is an example:

First 5 minutes: warm-up

2 minutes: slow
30 sec - 1 minute: fast (almost as hard as you can)

-Repeat the "2 minute slow 1 minute fast" 3-6 times.
Last 5 minutes: cool-down

By doing this type of routine, you are making your fat loss workout time shorter and more effective. You will increase your metabolism and you will have a lot more fun burning fat! Do this right after your total body strength training workouts 2-3 times per week.

Be sure to keep your heart rate in mind. Because you are working very hard, you should check with a doctor and make sure this is a safe way for you to exercise to lose belly fat.

Now that you have a structure for how to exercise to lose belly fat. The effort to lose fat does not have to be frustrating and slow. If you exercise correctly and have the right diet, you should be able to lose 1-3 lbs of belly fat each week until you reach your goal!

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Reprinting is welcome as long as the content, links, and author bio and resource box are all included and remain unchanged.

If you are serious about wanting to reach your goals, go to Exercise to Lose Belly Fat for some killer information.

Tom Gifford is a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) through the American Council on Exercise and also holds a degree in Kinesiology (Exercise Science). Tom specializes in effective fat loss training for people who have tried all the fad diets and exercise gimmicks.

He is the founder of, which is a free newsletter about how to safely and effectively lose fat permanently.

Valuable Weight Loss Information

Weight loss seems to be a sound that bores more people than attracting them. Almost everyone of us struggles to deal with overweight and keep ourselves trimmed and healthy. The frustration is due to the struggle one finds himself or herself in finding an exercise routine or diet plan.

More than keeping oneself fit and healthy, it is also about impressing others. You need to impress your potential partner to make him or her feel attracted to you, right? Staying healthy is the only real way to look healthy. If you have an abundance of health, you will have more time enjoying your life on your terms rather than spending time treating different body conditions.

While you look for a weight loss plan, make it a priority and accept weight loss is a way of achieving your fuller sense of belonging. Not all bodies are made alike. What a boring world if everything were just fine and perfect. We dont even bother thinking about the worth we have. If you have a bigger physique than you like, make it a learning process to like yourself as you are.

It will be a moment of truth, moment of enlightenment, and you will accept yourself as a worthy person, before trying to impress someone with a trimmed, carved out body. It has nothing to do with weight loss, but definitely has something to do with better emotional balance. Your thoughts will be healthier. If you have the highest levels of self acceptance and approval you can go to weight loss out of inspiration instead of desperation.

Ok, you first shun the thoughts of desperation. Once you identify yourself as a worthy person, you will be inspired to be a better person, both emotionally and physically. Dont judge yourself socially unfit simply because you are overweight. How can other people accept you when you dont care to accept yourself?

Once you see yourself as an inspired person, willing to take the bull by its horns, you will locate the right methods of weight loss, self improvement, emotional control etc. Then you will find and stick to healthy weight loss program and will stick to it.

Where to start from? It is to start right from your mind. When you start from the right place in the right way, you cant fail to reach your destination even if it is weight loss.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning weight loss. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Valuable Weight Loss Information

Healthy Weight Loss Requires Motivation

Healthy weight loss is a popular goal for countless people. And today, more than ever, we are heavier than at any time in history. And even though it seems that everyone is on a diet these days, the majority never seem to understand how to lose weight and keep it off for good.

Part of this lack of understanding is due, in part, to having too much information. With all of the resources available including countless diet books, magazines and all of the information available online, knowledge is definitely not the problem. However, too much of a good thing is.

With so many sources, it's difficult to know which weight loss program to follow and who to listen to. In reality, there are a lot of good plans out there and if you happen to choose one of those it would be difficult to go wrong. If you actually manage to get to this point, program in hand, the key to success is learning what to do and then doing it. Really - it's that simple.

So many people like the idea of learning and reading about the latest and greatest diet plan but never put any of the recommendations into daily practice. They become extremely knowledgeable about weight loss and know how many calories the most popular foods contain. What they fail to do however, is make use of that information. Instead, they buy another diet book because the first one didn't work.

If implementation is the real problem, how can you beat the odds and solve it for your own situation? The answer is simple, really. Once you determine the best plan for your needs, you must find a way to constantly motivate yourself to stay on track. Because everyone is wired a bit differently, this will be a highly individual undertaking.

Some people find that having another person hold them accountable works well. They will generally confide in a friend that they are trying to lose weight and ask the friend to give a gentle reminder when it appears they have slipped up in some way. Alternatively, the friend may occasionally ask about how things are going as a subtle reminder to stay on track. The friend may even be an exercise buddy and you can hold each other accountable for fitness activities. If this strategy works for you, then use it to you and your friend's best advantage. If not, there are many other ways to stay motivated.

The most important component of a motivational tactic is that it have meaning to you. You must be able to identify with and internalize it. Ideally you'll want to find several different motivators to have in your arsenal in case one isn't working particularly well at any given moment - you can just trade it out for a new one. Develop a list of motivational tips and you'll be well on your way to a successful and healthy weight loss.

Need additional motivational tips to stick with your weight loss program?

Visit for more information and diet plan reviews.

Weight Loss Options - Surgery and Dieting

Obesity is one of most common health problems in our society. Many people struggle with their weight on a daily basis. Some people want to lose weight for cosmetic reasons, and others need to lose weight for health reasons.

Regardless of your reason for pursuing weight loss, you will likely be overwhelmed by the many different diet and surgical options available. There are a number of popular diet plans, some of which are helpful for weight loss, and some of which are just fads that arent likely to help with long-term weight management.

Diet plans that encourage you to eat only certain types of foods with certain other types of foods, or encourage you to eliminate certain other foods from your diet fall under the category of fad diets. Such diets tend to be unhealthy and do not bring about lasting weight loss. Some people do experience initial weight loss success from following certain fad diets. However, it is impossible to follow a very structured and rigid diet forever, and people tend to very quickly re-gain any losses that come about from fad diets.

When seeking weight loss through diet, it is important to keep in mind that no matter what you eat, you will gain weight when you regularly take in more calories than you expend, and you will lose weight when you regularly expend more calories than you consume.

In spite of the many different suggested eating plans, this basic formula for diet and weight loss holds true. If you go on an all candy diet, but you burn off more calories than you consume, you will lose weight. If you go on an all juice diet and you dont burn off more calories than you consume, you will gain weight.

The best diet for weight loss is a balanced diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables, and goes light on refined sugar and flour. Whole foods provide more nutrients than processed foods. When you are reducing calories, it is important to choose foods that give you the best nutritional bang for your buck. Your body needs foods from all of the major food groups to function properly and stay healthy.

For people who are significantly overweight and are not able to lose weight through traditional methods, there are a number of weight loss surgery options. Both gastric bypass and lap band weight loss surgeries have been used successfully by many people who need to lose significant amounts of weight.

Gastric bypass is a permanent surgical procedure that makes it physically impossible for people to consume large amounts of food. Following gastric bypass, a person is likely to drop large amounts of weight very quickly, do to the sudden drastic change in calories consumed. A more recent technology than gastric bypass, the lap band procedure is gaining in popularity because it is less painful, less invasive, and reversible.

Consider lap band surgery for a safe and fully reversible weight loss method. TLBC offers a sound solution for lifelong weight loss.

Learn 5 Fat Loss Techniques to Lose Weight Permanently

Are you tired & frustrated that none of the fat loss products help you to loss your stomach fat. In spite of your best efforts, more fats are getting stored at your tummy, hips and butt.

Being a professional dietician and fitness consultant, I successfully treated several of these types of cases where people failed to control their stubborn fat after several attempts and spending couple of hundreds of dollars.

In this article, I will share with you five common diet and exercise mistakes as fat loss tips for your benefit.

Most important fat loss tip is that you need to accept responsibility for your diet and exercise mistakes and need to follow a proper fat loss plan.

1. You never became obese in one day so you cannot reduce weight in one day. You need to follow a disciplined fat loss plans to get back in shape. Remember it's a life long process.

2. Fat Loss is a billion dollar industry. You will find several irresistible offers on quick fat loss promoted by celebrities. Remember offer may be good in general but it might not work for you. Before spending big money, on a new weight loss program think rationally. Instead of looking for a magic pill, take action and commit yourself to a proven diet and exercise program that you can stick to for life.

3. Please maintain food and exercise diary and record accurate portions and calories. Once you start following a fat loss program, do not bend it as per your wish. It is common mistake to eat more on Sunday feast with an understanding that you will exercise half an hour more next day. You need to create a daily calorie deficit daily and that can be achieve by taking less calorie and spend more calorie.

4. A consistent performer always wins. You need to continue to follow diet meal plan and exercise. Never go back to your old food habit or life style after initial success. Please do not watch TV while you are doing your fat burning workout.

5. You are overweight or obese because you have poor metabolism. Proper exercises as resistance training, fast walking, and swimming boost your metabolism and increase in metabolism triggers weight loss. You can take negative calorie food or hunger suppressant like natural hoodia for better result.

Fat loss industry is a growing industry. I wrote reviews on 2 top affordable weight loss product at my website. You can read review of fat loss 4 idiots and top secret fat loss secret review at my website fat loss tips.

Weight Loss: Add Chocolate to Your Diet?

Before you run out and stock up on chocolate bars, read the whole article please. Yes! Yes! Yes! There really ARE health benefits of chocolate, and it CAN be a part of a weight loss program. There are a few things to know first.

First we talk about the boring radicals, antioxidants, and flavonoids:

Free radicals: These little rascals, I mean radicals, are unstable atoms or groups of atoms that occur in the body as a result of everyday atomic processes in reaction to such intrusive things as pollution, cigarette smoke, and sunlight. They are a natural part of the process of being alive, but they can damage cells, and research seems to implicate them, at least to some extent, in the growth of cancer, cardiovascular disease, strokes, cataracts, and other problems related to age.

Antioxidants: The free radicals are unstable because they have lost an electron, and they begin to steal electrons from other atoms and molecules within the body. This creates more free radicals and more damage, even to the DNA itself. Antioxidants have an extra electron to spare and lend it to the free radicals, thereby stopping their destructive rampage. The antioxidants will also turn the free radical into a waste product, allowing it to be flushed (no pun intended) from the body. There are many antioxidants, but some of the more common sources are vitamins C & E. They are also available in many fruits and vegetables.

Flavonoids: Android, asteroid? No relation. Flavonoids are pretty common throughout nature, and they are anti- a lot of bad health things. As you may have guessed, they are also antioxidants. They are found in all kinds of stuff, such as red wine, tea, and beer...AND...Chocolate! Oh yeah! You can also eat the fruits and veggies mentioned above and get them, but chocolate's more fun, right?


Not all chocolate is created least in the finished product. The more processing that is involved generally removes more of the flavonoids. Therefore, dark chocolate probably contains the most flavonoids and provides the most antioxidant qualities.

Unfortunately, chocolate by itself doesn't taste too good, so to make it palatable, fats and sugars are added. Those are the really bad things about chocolate, particularly if you are on a diet or in some other type of weight loss program


As you can imagine, there is not a lot you can do about the ingredients added to chocolate. These ingredients are, for the most part, exactly the sort of things you need to avoid in your diet or on your weight loss program. However, regularly adding reasonable amounts of chocolate products to your diet can help you attain your weight loss goals in indirect ways.

Occasional chocolate treats are not of any great importance if you are doing everything else right. One candy bar or chocolate chip cookie is not going to destroy a week's worth of adherence to your weight loss program. In fact, knowing that you can allow yourself a treat or reward for "being good" can help you get over some of the tough parts. This is particularly true if you have the sort of self control to keep portion sizes reasonable and spaced at sensible intervals.

You can also be proactive and head off the "carb cravings" that sometimes push you over the edge by drinking some low-carb chocolate milk for example. You won't get as much of the benefits from the flavonoids, but satisfying yourself in advance with the taste and texture of the drink, or other snack, may help you retain control.

One of the major reasons diets and other weight loss programs fail is because people feel deprived. It is better to commit the occasional small dietary sin than to give up completely. Integrating chocolate and other foods you enjoy in controlled-portion servings can help you make your weight loss plan a success.

Donovan Baldwin is a Dallas area writer. A graduate of the University Of West Florida (1973) with a BA in accounting, he is a member of Mensa and has held several managerial positions. After retiring from the U. S. Army in 1995, he became interested in internet marketing and developed various online businesses. He has been writing poetry, articles, and essays for over 40 years, and now frequently publishes articles on his own websites and for use by other webmasters. You can find his blog on health and fitness at Find a weight loss program that lets you eat chocolate at

A Guide to Youth Weight Loss Camps

If you want to start promoting health and wellness to a young person, a youth weight loss camp can help you with that. A youth weight loss camp is similar to boot camp except that it is more fun, less harsh, and gives importance to discipline when it comes to health and proper nutrition.

The goal of losing weight
A youth weight loss camp is usually designed based on the concept of losing weight while having fun. If a youth needs a boost in their self-esteem and self-image, the camp instructors can guide them in doing so while teaching them how to change their eating habits to something more healthy and their inactive lifestyle to something more active.

A youth can stay in this camp for at least a week. Some are overnight camps while others last for 4 to 6 weeks. If there is an opportunity for a youth to go to a youth weight loss camp, urge them to do so. There are special packages with discounts that they can surely benefit from because it is guaranteed that they can learn a lot about health and wellness from weight loss camp.

Facilities, programs and activities
Weight loss camps are located in beautiful locations and are equipped with modern facilities and manned by expert instructors and staff. The youth will be fed a variety of healthy and nutritious meals arranged and designed for them by nutritionists. The programs and activities can inspire the youth to gain better self-worth and to change their current lifestyle to a healthier and more active one while they are having fun participating in them.

Before enrolling...
Book an appointment with the doctor to check if the youth is fit for weight loss camp. An obese youth may already have some health problems regarding his heart or lungs so they should be monitored closely before sending them to camp, otherwise, it can lead to more complications.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

Plot Your Weight Loss Course

I'm sure you already know that weight loss and improved fitness don't happen overnight. But did you know that there are steps that you can take to improve your chances of weight loss success before you even start your healthier eating and exercise plan?

There are five distinct stages of behavioral change. Knowing what stage you are at now will help you to create a road map which will help you to achieve your future weight loss and improved fitness goals.

Here are the five major phases:

Stage 1 - Pre-contemplation:

This is the point where you don't feel that any change in your lifestyle is necessary. You may be thinking that exercising just takes too much time or that fast food is just too convenient to even consider giving up. Starting a fitness or healthier eating program during this stage would probably result in failure. The best thing you can do during this phase is to reassess your life goals and educate yourself further about health, diseases and risks.

Stage 2 - Contemplation:

During this stage you may start thinking that a change is necessary.

So, you think that maybe cutting back to eating fast food only three times a week is not so bad and you might be able to at least take a walk once in awhile. This is a good time to learn more about the benefits of healthy eating and regular exercise.

Stage 3 - Preparation:

At this point you are getting more serious about taking action. You've penciled in a walk with your friend for next week and are planning to go grocery shopping to cook a home meal. You may want to research exercise equipment, gyms, personal trainers, and healthier eating programs to learn more about what you can do to get in better shape.

Stage 4 - Action:

Here's where you actually take the first step. The first step may be as simple as taking a daily walk, reducing your fast food visits to twice a month or just cutting back on daily soft drinks and unhealthy snacks. Or, you may go as far as hiring a personal trainer or joining a gym. During this stage it is very important to learn coping mechanisms that will help you avoid relapsing into your old ways. One way to avoid exercise dropout is to form new healthy habits that lead to permanent lifestyle changes.

Stage 5 - Maintenance:

This is, of course, the stage that everyone should strive to be in. Being here means that you are exercising regularly and eating healthily most of the time. It is important throughout this stage (which should last the rest of your life) that you include a variety of exercise types or workouts that change relatively frequently. You should also seek and encourage the support of friends and family and include them wherever possible in the healthier aspects of your new life.

What stage are you in right now?

So, now can you identify what stage you are at? You may find that you are in the pre-contemplation stage for nutritional habits but that you are in the preparation stage for exercises. That's okay. It's not critical for you to force both areas into the same stage. You can work on changing your nutritional and exercise habits separately.

The key to success is first identifying your stage and then taking steps to advance to the next level (unless, of course, you are already at the Maintenance stage). Use the suggestions mentioned above in each stage to help you move to the next phase.

It's also important to tune-in to your fears, past struggles and expectations. Making nutritional and exercise changes is not easy and should be approached slowly. Remember to make small changes. Don't try to go from a completely sedentary lifestyle to an hour of daily exercise overnight. Build up slowly starting with even just 10 minutes of exercise every other day.

And lastly, be sure to inform your family and friends of your plans and enlist their support. Support is extremely important for anyone with weight loss and fitness related goals.

Scott Haywood is the editor of Australia's leading weight loss and healthy lifestyle website is a free weight loss resource that has healthy recipes, weight loss product reviews, a weight loss business directory and a very popular weight loss forum.

10 Diet Free Weight Loss Tips

These 10 diet free weight loss tips will help you to see results.

1. Don't count every gram of fat. You need the essential fatty acids for their nutrients. In fact, lacking healthy fat sources will make you hungry and prevent weight loss.

2. Avoid hydrogenated oils. These have been highly processed. They will make you hungry because they lack nutrients.

3. Get healthy oils as a supplement. Tonalin CLA (Tonalin is a registered trademark) is high quality. Supplementing healthy oils can aide in weight loss. It worked for me. This you can pick up at most health food stores.

4. Do some sort of exercise three or four days a week. Most everyone can walk. Getting started with exercise helps with weight loss and your overall health.

5. Drink 8 glasses of water a day. This helps to flush out toxins. And for many who are dehydrated, it provides fluids just for normal body function.

6. Buy organic food whenever possible. Because of the high nutrient content, you'll actually find you are eating less.

7. Prepare meals yourself and cut back on the processed food. Processed foods do contain ingredients to make you fat.

8. Avoid MSG, a source of weight gain.

9. Avoid aspartame another source of weight gain. This despite the high number of weight conscious people that use it.

10. Only weigh yourself once a week at the same time each week. Your weight will naturally fluctuate so you needn't worry about the minor changes.

Making changes are a necessary part of weight loss. When the changes are practical and make sense, then you have a greater chance of sticking to them. Use these tips to achieve success for your weight loss goals.

Doris Temple created to fill the need for unbiased information. The Website provides information about organic food, products and healthy nutrition. Sign up for a free monthly email newsletter (ezine) to get the answers you need and keep updated:

Lose Weight Guaranteed

Lose weight with this 100% money back guaranteed program. No fad dieting, ab machines, escessive workouts or diet pills. This program is not like the others. If you change your approach to weightloss, you can change your future.

This program combines full body exercises to maximize fat burning along with a complete nutrition guide. You will lose that lingering stomach fat as well as tone your entire body with these exercises. The best part is that you will not have to do excessive cardio workouts to achieve these results. And if you do not like to workout, the nutritional information alone will help you to shed those extra pounds. Try it and see for yourself the results you have always wanted with a diet and exercise program. Don't give up on those new year's resolutions just yet. There is hope for your weightloss resolution. Try this product. You have nothing to lose but those unwanted pounds. Get those six pack abs you have always wanted and get into some skimpy beachwear by this summer!! Go for it, you owe it to yourself to try this program. This program has changed many people's lives so far, you can read their comments as well as learn more about this program. Click on the link below to learn more. Do it today, don't second guess yourself.....again, this is different than all the other diet and exercise programs you have tried - Guaranteed!!

Remember, this is a no risk program. You lose weight or your money back, no strings attached. Order today and change your future!

Visit weightloss for more information.

Weight Loss Information You Need to Stay Safe

Are you trying to lose weight? If so, you have probably read all sorts of ideas that are supposed to help you lose weight. The truth is that some are true and some aren't. Most of the time, ideas including the latest popular diet, capsules that are supposed to melt the fat off and other medications for losing weight are not only untrue, but they can be dangerous. There are all sorts of information that you could end up harming yourself with simply because people lie to sell products and many individuals believe them. Here are a few of those ideas that aren't true and could be potentially dangerous.

Lose Weight in a Certain Area of Your Body -

Sorry, but it's just not happening. Ask experts and you'll see why. Many people are into the fasting diets and refraining from eating unless it is very small meals once a day. Get on a steady diet plan and help yourself lose weight all over! You can get thinner and be health with just a few tips! Your body cannot be forced to burn fat in certain areas, even with targeted exercises. In fact, you could end up reducing your muscle instead of your fat. Instead of doing this and causing potentially dangerous effects to your body, join the exercise with a safe and healthy diet regimen which will help boost your metabolism and burn more fat. This is a great way to lose weight and feel much better about yourself.

Get Rid of Calories and Get Thinner -

NOT! In fact, drastically cutting your caloric intake does not make you thinner. When you do this, you are killing your body and your body knows it. For this reason, it takes survival methods to a new level and begins burning your muscles - not your fat. The fat is reserved for later because muscle provides great energy. Then, your body continues in survival mode even after you start eating again. It will store extra fat in order to prepare for another starvation or fast, and this will result in you gaining weight. This is a very unsafe way to try and lose weight, and it doesn't work!

One Type of Exercise Will Make You Thin -

Again, this myth is completely untrue. While many people think that doing cardiovascular workouts will help them become thin, the truth is that you need different kinds of exercise, such as aerobic workouts and lifting weights. These even help you continue to burn fat after the workout has finished. Cardiovascular workouts and Aerobic workouts burn around the same amount of fat, too. In combination and with a healthy diet plan is when these methods are quite effective. When you're working on losing weight, remember these claims and how untrue they are. When you can identify what's real and made-up, you will learn how to lose weight the correct way!

Fad diets are out! Learn how to lose weight and keep it off without deprivation and drugs. Visit today and get rid of those unwanted pounds forever!

3 Killer Ways To Lose Weight Like Crazy - Learn How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off Permanently

Nothing can replace that great feeling of being slim again and looking attractive. Everyone wants to lose weight but they overlook the most essential aspects they need to consider when trying to lose weight. You see you can do everything you please but you would not see any results unless you know the perfect route to what you need to do and how you need to do it. Read on to discover some of the most earth shattering ways on how to lose weight like crazy and achieve the desired results within no time.

Have a goal- This is the first step towards successful weight loss. Some people never plan and want to lose everything overnight. They feel they have gained weight and want to get rid of it as soon as possible therefore they just go out there do a lot of exercises, eat a lot of supplements and get no where. Not having a goal is like not knowing where you want to go. Therefore learn to plan before hand.

Action is a necessary force- You can decide that you want to lose weight today but you might not take any action tomorrow. You see it's extremely important to take action and action is a very necessary force especially when it comes to weight loss. Therefore along with planning you should motivate yourself to take action.

Do something daily- Make an effort daily. Do something on a regular basis and make it your habit. Learn to take a step further each day as you start seeing results. You see some people work out a lot during the first couple of months but when they don't see results they just seem to give up and this is the crucial part. Learn to keep going to stick to the track.

The Real weight loss secret- Can you imagine yourself losing 9 lbs every 11 days from now? Yes you heard it right "9 lbs every 11days guaranteed". This is the single most effective way which helps you lose weight. It is truly an absolute breakthrough in the weight loss industry. If you don't know this than you are missing out on the best ever secret "Guaranteed" to help you lose weight right away. So are you ready to drop some pounds within the next 11 days? Read on to discover this rare secret right now click here- Earth shattering weight loss secret guaranteed to help you lose weight within 11 days

Ear Stapling For Weight Loss, Does It Work?

Ear Stapling for weight loss has skyrocketed in popularity as an option to assist those struggling to lose weight. Ear stapling for weight loss involves inserting a staple in the ear (apparently a stomach acupuncture point). Ear stapling for weight loss is similar to getting your ears pierced, but with, perhaps, a little more pain.


The purpose of ear stapling is to help ease hunger pains, decrease appetite and assist in weight loss. With so many Americans increasingly becoming obese each year, it is no wonder so many people are turning to alternate options for weight loss.

The staples, which are left in your ears for several months, supposedly curb your appetite, leading to weight loss. As one happy person said "Overall, I don't eat as much and I don't want as much so, I guess I would consider it a success for me but the doctor did tell us that there is a percentage that it would not have any effect on, and I heard that this will wear off so if you don't have some sort of lifestyle changes in place by that time, I bet the weight will come back."

It's too early at this stage to compare statistical data, although it will be interesting to hear if it has or has not been a huge factor in weight loss among the users. As acupuncturist Stan Guillory says "I've treated about 600 patients in the past four months and only about 10 to 15 percent have not lost weight."

Pros and Cons Of Ear Stapling For Weight Loss

As ear stapling for weight loss becomes increasingly popular, it's more important now that people understand the positives and negatives of this procedure.


* They can be removed for about 10 days and then put back in until the patient's target weight is achieved.

* It's a quick procedure to get done and staple isn't very visible as it's in the inner part of the ear.

* No change in lifestyle seems to be needed as your appetite will be curbed.

* This procedure also seems not just good for weight loss, it can also help people quit smoking, manage stress, get a good night sleep and also help with migraines.

* You only have a one time payment of around $45 to have the ear staples put in.


* The problem is that ear stapling for weight loss is illegal in some states due to the threat of infections and other health problems.

* At some point, the ear stapling for weight loss results in the occurrence of complications or infections during the course of the ear stapling weight loss period.

* Many of the holes that are caused by the acupuncture ear staples for weight loss do not heal and leave a hole.

* The state medical board of Mississippi ordered 14 weight loss businesses that do ear stapling because they say they are doing so illegally.


Whether or not the Acupuncture Ear Staple weight loss program has had weight loss success is for you to judge.

The procedure of ear stapling for weight loss should only be entrusted to the professionals in this area. As four women from Texas who had staples placed in their ears by a commercial outfit reported pain around the staple that, in some cases, hurt all the way to the jaw and made chewing painful (maybe that caused any weight loss they may have experienced.)

I'm not a doctor or a professional researcher or anything like that but I must say that even though this all sounds very seem off putting, while researching this article on ear stapling for weight loss I have not come across a lot of infection stories.

For more advice on using ear staples for weight loss we recommend you talk it over with your doctor or health professional.

If you enjoyed this article you'll love all the FREE help and advice we have at our blog drop by now and discover more about natural weight loss.

Are You Over Weight? Want To Get Rid of That Extra Fat? Take a Look at This

I know how it feels to be an obese. I know that it really hurts you when you can wear nice designer clothes and go out with your friends; I know that it really hurts when you walk on streets and people look at you and make fun. Don't worry. I will take you on a journey of exercises and diet which will surely help you lose that extra pound.

I had read some where: "Love It or Hate It Lets Motivate Each Other to Do IT". It means to get motivated to workout more on the process to lose weight. Stick to a decision that you will lose weight in whatever way you thought of and will end up looking slim, fit and healthy.

Here are few tips and suggestions on exercises and nutrition:

The first thing that comes to my mind when I talk about losing weight is nutrition. You have to prepare your self on diet and nutrition for the rest of your life or there is a high chance of gaining that weight you had lost.

Cut off that high calorie and fast food. If you don't, you will not only put on extra weight but will also end up in many heart related problems. Completely reduce the intake of fat food from your daily meals. If you feel hungry and want to eat something all the time then grab an apple or an orange instead of a chocolate bar or a bag of chips. Avoid fat, sugar and alcohol in every way you can. Remember that many foods include hidden fat and sugar (eg: chocolate, full cream ice-cream). And the most important of all is to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day to stay fit and hydrated.

The second most important thing is exercises. Using exercises to lose weight can be a little tricky but with proper guidance and help you will surely see yourself very fit and healthy in future.

BE ACTIVE: I mean to say go on a brisk walk after your day's activities. It is a great way to burn off that rich dinner you ate! Take the stairs instead of elevator in your office and any other buildings you visit. Go on a short jog in the mornings or evenings. Swimming, skipping, running and some simple push-ups can also be a great exercise.

NO RIGOROUS ACTIVITY: Though aerobics and heavy exercises help you to lose that extra pound quickly, but they are not always recommended as you get too tired and at times become very restless.

Regular physical exercises are a part of effective weight control. It helps to control your weight by using excess calories that otherwise would be stored as fat.

Simple workouts like pushups, cardio, weight lifting, brisk walking, jogging and dancing (till you sweat) can help you a lot in reducing weight. And the most important of all is warm-ups. Do not forget to warm-up before and after your workouts as it helps in a good blood circulation process.

Get more specific with your Weight Loss and a whole bunch of fitness workout programs in the 24hr Fitness Workout Guide.

3 Secret Weight Loss Aids To Guarantee Weight Loss Success

There are three distinct types of weight loss aids:

1. Visual aids

2. Auditory aids and

3. Kinaesthetic aids

The bad news is: Willpower and self-discipline is an essential factor in achieving weight loss success, And it is up to you, and you alone to discover those aids that will help you stick to your weight management program for the rest of you life.

The good news is: There are a huge variety of dieting aids available to facilitate the task of losing those surplus pounds and keeping it off.

Visual Weight Loss Aids

Visual weight reduction aids are extremely useful. A picture of yourself at your ideal weight can provide the visual stimulus you need. Or looking at the beautiful evening gown or snazzy bikini you want to fit into or even a picture of runners arriving at the finish line of the fun-run you want to complete... any of these may do the trick. Whatever you are working towards, whether it is losing weight or improving your health, make your dieting aids visual.

Put your picture up in a conspicuous place at work or at home where you can see it often. So that when you feel discouraged, this will remind you of your weight loss goal and will help you keep your commitment.

Auditory Weight Loss Aids

Auditory aids can be as powerful as visual ones, if not more powerful. For example, negative people bring you down and lower your self-esteem. Get these negative people out of your life.

The most effective auditory slimming aids must be weight loss hypnosis cd 's.

There are many weight loss hypnosis CD 's, MP3's and other downloads available on the internet today. They are easy to use, some are even available for immediate download. They can be used in your own time and at your own pace. Some are more effective than others, so only buy from reputable dealers.

Kinaesthetic Weight Loss Aids

An very effective kinaesthetic/tactile aid is to sign a weight management contract. People who write their goals down are far more likely to succeed than people who focus mentally on their weight loss goals.

Putting something in writing somehow makes it more binding. In the contract, you should include a reward (not food-related) that you will give yourself once you have accomplished your dieting goal.

So put up your picture, download your recordings, and sign your contract:

I,__________________________ hereby vow to keep moving toward my weight loss goal of ______________________ (losing x pounds in x weeks) regardless of any obstacles or challenges I may have to face.

I understand that challenges are transitory and temporary. I vow to use all of my mental and physical resources to overcome them, and I refuse to be intimidated, discouraged or cowed by self-doubt.

I will persevere no matter what, knowing undeniably that I have the power to overcome any temptation.

Signed and dated: ___________________________________________________________

Lack of motivation happens to us all, but if you do not motivate yourself to reach your goals, no one else will. It is important to keep your eye on your weight management goals, find the appropriate weight loss aids to keep you going, and in no time, your efforts will be rewarded.

Dr Margarethe de Clermont is the author of several weight loss articles, e-courses and e-books. Interested in weight loss hypnosis cd's? Find out more about weight loss aids at

Unique Weight Loss Tips

Read the Facts Yes, it sucks but paying attention to the nutrition facts on food is necessary to lose weight. Dont just assume what you are eating make sure you find out so you know exactly what you are consuming, otherwise youre flying blind. Reading the labels will enable you to be aware of the fats, calories, and other ingredients that may be contributing to your weight.

Join a Support Group on the Internet A huge factor when it comes to successful weight loss is having support. An online group is perfect because a) you will find others that are in the same boat as you and b) you, as well as others, can remain anonymous. Anonymity allows people to be more honest and open about their experiences and feelings.

Whats Your Exercise? Keep in mind that all exercises are not created equal. If you enjoy running, run. If yoga is your thing, enroll in a yoga class. Find the exercise that you enjoy and works for you. If you pick a routine or work out regiment that you hate, you will not stick to it.

Avoid Comparisons Comparing yourself to others can be a very dangerous road. Since everyone is different, everyone will lose weight differently. The diet your best friend lost fifty pounds on may not be the right one for you. When you start taking notice of others success and attributed habits, you will only become discourage. Identify your triggers and what will lead you to your personal success.

The Magic Pill Oh, if only! No one single pill will be responsible for your complete and total weight loss (or at least as much as you hope to lose). However, there are supplements out there that can enhance and expedite your weight loss; try an energy supplement or weight loss supplement that curbs hunger. Use in conjunction with your new diet and exercise routine.

Everyone Slips You wouldnt be human if you didnt. There are going to be nights you go out with friends or to a party and blow your diet. Dont fret just get yourself back on track the next day. Youre allowed to mess up every once in a great awhile (its really is inevitable), just dont let it happen repeatedly.

Lose 5 Lbs In a Week Without Breaking a Sweat

If you want to lose 5 lbs in 1 week without breaking a sweat, then this article is definitely for you. If you don't have the time to workout but still wish to drop some pounds fast, then I can suggest a way which can work for you as it has for many others before.

To lose 5 lbs in a week without breaking a sweat you need to do something which deals with your nutrition. In a week, you won't be able to lose 5 pounds by going on a regular diet so you need to do something else. What I suggest is that you use a detox diet to flush out a lot of weight from your body.

What a detox diet does is to help you cleanse your body of a lot of undigested waste which has accumulated there due to bad eating habits. It also helps the body to get rid of toxins and so has more benefits than weight loss alone. You only use a detox diet for a few days so it's perfect for you if you want to lose 5 lbs in a week.

You should know that detox diets aren't the easiest thing in the world to do, as they are very strict. However, they have been used extensively before and can provide a fast weight loss. The detox diet I recommend is the Master Cleanse diet, as it has been around for a very long time and has been used by thousands upon thousands of people. Many celebrities have used it, including the singer Beyonce who lost 20 pounds with the master cleanse. I believe it can help you to lose 5 lbs in a week.

To read more about this diet, click here Master Cleanse Review. John Davenport writes extensively on diet and fitness issues. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose 5 Lbs Fast.

Weight Loss - How To Lose Weight By Eating More

I am telling you a secret nobody will tell you I am sure that you have heard that you have to eat less to lose weight. I will tell you weight loss program in which you have to eat more to achieve your weight loss goals.

  • Whenever you eat your diet should contain lot of water and vegetables.
  • Whenever you chose to eat snacks replace a pack of chips with natural popcorn.
  • If you want to eat something sweet try to find some fruit salads.
  • Replace soda with water in this way you will take less calories and more fruits can be added to your diet.
  • You want to eat chocolate drizzle some cut up fruits with chocolate.
  • Food portions can be small but can be eaten often.
  • Increase the level of your activity in addition to an exercise program for example you can use stairs instead of escalators this will increase consumption of calories and you can add small portions of your favorite food to your diet which you do not want to put off.
  • If you want to eat more add lots of protein to your diet it will make you satisfied faster protein helps to build muscles and muscles burn more calories.
  • Replace white bread with brown and whole milk with skimmed milk and then you can eat and drink without limitations.
  • You can eat more but do not eat when you are not hungry satisfy yourself during meals and try not to eat before television or during a movie.

Jitesh Arora.

Visit to know more about Weight Loss.

Considering Quick Weight Loss Programs?

Most people agree, sure, there's a time and place for moderate, slow-results diets, but if you're out of shape and have a deadline to look better, quick weight loss is what you're after. No matter how tight your deadline is, it never helps to panic. Quick weight loss is a goal you can achieve, and there are a few ways to get there. Remember, extreme results are never easy, but then again what goal was ever worth reaching that was easy? Where do you go? Not the bookstore. Most of those diets are more mainstream, "lifestyle fitness" kinds of books that aren't catered to the extreme reader who really wants quick weight loss as a result.

Okay, so at a very minimum, you need to keep track of ALL calories you're taking in. Set a daily quota, and don't go over it. I don't know what your limit should be of course; that will depend on your size, weight, and typical diet up until now. Your plan of action for quick weight loss will be tweaked more to your individual circumstances. Absolutely take into account your lifestyle. If you work in an office all day, sitting down, it should be lower. More active people might want to allow for a little more. Spread the calories out properly throughout the day as well. It makes much more sense to have three to five evenly sized meals than skipping breakfast, having a light lunch, then gorging yourself for dinner. That's a recipe for hunger pains and being bloated, rather than quick weight loss. Start reading food labels as well. I tell all of my clients to stay away from anything hydrogenated, even though the bad publicity is forcing most companies to cut back on trans fat anyway. Serving size can be misleading if you're looking for quick weight loss, because since the mid 1990's, the FDA standard (if you're in the US at least) has been based on a 3,000 calorie diet. The Calorie-Count website is great for keeping track of all of this. Keeping track of everything is one sure way to achieve your quick weight loss goal. I like how a bodybuilder friend of mine put it, "If you don't track it, you didn't do it."

Liquids are another important part of this quick weight loss goal. Nothing carbonated. These just contain a lot of sodium and force your body to retain water, derailing your efforts to be more active. More and more authorities on nutrition and general medicine recommend green tea and water. Full grown adults should take in two liters of liquids each day (about three-quarters of a gallon). If you're serious about your quick weight loss goal, you might want to stay as close to that amount as possible.

And no matter what kind of quick weight loss program you get into, you just can't take physical exercise out of the equation. While some people hope to, jumping from one silly "lemonade cleansing" diet to the next "low carb" craze, they can never figure out why they stay in bad shape. Try to stick to activities you enjoy, that way you'll at least have a shot of keeping up with them. Most people are surprised by how much they can actually work more physical activity into their regular days. You can skip the elevator, ride a bike to work, or walk if it's feasible. If you're in an office go out during the day whenever you can, even if it's just to walk around. So you can combine decent physical exertion with an effective diet, and you'll realize your quick weight loss goal faster than you probably thought possible.

But even with all of this in mind, most quick weight loss programs are more of a "'last ditch effort" kind of thing. You can lose muscle tissue as well if your body isn't properly nourished. Most people want to avoid the negative image of looking "sickly", or "weak" when they drop several pounds quickly. That's why adequate nutrition is essential. The best all-natural diet programs are the best place to start if you're looking for the right fuel to keep you going in your quick weight loss objectives.

Rob Jacobs has consulted on weight loss and nutrition for 20 years. He helps world class bodybuilders and dieters alike on how they can improve their health, and overall life. For more information on Rob's approach to health, please visit Quick Weight Loss

Weight Loss - Mental Preparation

There are so many information on how to lose weight easily and quickly. You have to be very careful which source information you should trust, because 80% of people don't want to help you at all. In this article I will go through the weight loss mental preparation which is required for every successful weight loss program.

If you are a person, who wants to lose weight you should first of all start from a goal. Every person who wants to achieve something should start from a specific goal, where he will describe what results he wants to achieve and how long will it take. In your case its weight loss and you should make yourself a goal, which would sound like "By the 23rd of June I will weigh seventy kilograms". Once you will set yourself a goal, you will lose the wanted amount of weight more easily, because you will how many kilograms you have to lose in a certain amount of time.

I personally think that this is the foundation of everything and once you have set yourself a goal you can move on. The second tip is to burn way more calories than you consume. If everyone could do this properly, everyone would have a perfect body, but the reality is that we can't burn more than we consume so successful weight loss experts try find their "perfect contrast" between how many calories they consume and how many calories they burn. Remember that effective weight loss workout starts from a goal and a plan.

In my opinion, person who has good mindset for weight loss, will lose weight quicker than a person who only goes to gym and does nothing more about his weight.

This is what I think about weight loss mental preparation. Readers don't have to agree with me, but I personally think this is the beginning of every successful weight loss program.

You like my articles? You want to find out how you can get rid of that fat belly? For more cutting edge weight loss information visit

The Weight Loss Secret - How To Use Exercises For Weight Loss!

The often neglected but crucial aspect of every weight loss program is exercise. While assisting with the rate of weight loss, exercise primarily trains the body to release and burn fats for energy and adds a good muscle tone.

Modifying the diet with the addition of exercise to the regimen works wonders for people following various weight loss programs.

Exercise helps control blood sugar levels without bringing insulin into play. Exercise also helps the body develop the ability to mobilize fat stores for energy. It raises the metabolic rate for a sustained period of time and also helps in increasing the production of enzymes that pull fat out from storage. The positive effects of exercise are many. Maintenance of lean tissues and raised basal metabolic rate continues long after exercise is discontinued.

In fact, many experts believe that achieving weight loss through exercising is much more effective when compared to dieting.

People who diet without exercising mostly lose water and some muscle too. What happens is, when you are on a diet and not eating enough food, your body fights back. However, if you exercise for at least 30 minutes daily, you will burn fat and retain muscle. You may not even have to cut down on food, fat is burned through exercise at a fast rate and quick weight loss is achieved.

Powerful exercises, such as workouts and turbulence training (details can be checked out at the turbulence training membership site) combined with a good diet, encourage your body to burn calories while adding lean muscle tissue.

To learn more about the powerful workouts you can do to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, visit

Frank is a former body guard, professional martial artist and trainer. He will show you the proper way to do turbulence training

The Weight Loss Exercise Secret You Need To Know

Whilst many overweight people still seek the holy grail of weight loss through magic pills and diet plans, the more realistic buckle down to regular exercise as the answer. There are many people, former junk food addicts, who ascribe their success in losing excess weight to following an exercise program.

This article will examine a common mistake made by many people pursuing an exercise based weight loss program and establish whether it really is necessary to plod away for hours on a treadmill or exercise bike in order to shed the pounds. It's easy to see the arguments in favour of losing weight by exercising. The mere act of burning up the calories means that they are not available to be added to the waistline. So far, so good.

It often happens, though, that after some initial success in losing weight a plateau is reached when it seems impossible to make any further progress. At this point many people give up, citing lack of time as the reason. Others will doggedly carry on without seeking to establish the cause of the failure of their program.

There is a simple reason why this so often happens. Very often people in this situation are doing the wrong kind of exercise. They go to the gym several times a week and spend half an hour or an hour on the treadmill or exercise bike, at a steady, measured pace. The body soon accustoms itself to this regime, hence the lack of further progress after an initial loss in weight.

Doing some steady, not-too-demanding exercise is in order for warming the body up prior to proper exercise, so as to minimise the chances of pulling a muscle or tendon. But for real weight loss you need the said proper exercise, i.e. high intensity "interval training", where you work flat out for a limited time, say a minute to start with, rising to five or ten minutes when you are really fit, and then ease off with a rest or slower pace, before again working flat out for a limited period.

This pattern should be repeated in accordance with how fit you are. You can start with a short period of this kind of training, and gradually extend it as your fitness improves. The important point is that sweating the excess weight out in this way is far more effective than more gentle aerobic exercises over a longer period.

Remember, also, that other factors, such as ditching junk food and switching to a healthier diet, are also vital to long term success in losing excess weight. Learn all you can about different foods and exercise routines, plan for realistic, achievable targets, and you will have a much greater chance of shedding those pounds for good.

Revealed at last - the secret to genuine, natural, permanent weight loss.

Lose Weight With a Green Tea Weight Loss Supplement

Supplements containing green tea extracts are a completely natural way of reducing weight with very little risk of any side effects. There are many benefits associated with green tea. The Chinese have known about its medicinal properties since ancient times, however the western world is only just opening up to the benefits of taking green tea.

Weight loss pills or diet pills are all the rage at the moment. Everybody wants to look the best they possibly can and in order to do this everybody wants to be thin! Many weight loss pills contain green tea extracts. Green tea is a natural source of antioxidants. Green tea is useful in reducing cholesterol, and it also helps to reduce the blood sugar level after a meal. It does also help to reduce weight.

Although green tea does help in weight loss, you do however need to be very patient in order to observe the results. Keep in mind that weight loss does not occur overnight, even when you are using nutritional supplements. Since green tea does not have any harmful side effects associated with it, you might want to try out some green tea weight loss supplements. You can search for fat burning pills that contain up to 70-80% green tea extracts.

Fat burning pills including green tea weight loss supplements increase the metabolic activity of your body cells. This consequently increases the amount of fuel that your body consumes. The body's fuel is calories, the higher the metabolism, the faster these are burned. Green tea extracts are also used to treat poor digestion and constipation, and also helps to fight against the free radicals in the body, the negative by-products created by normal bodily processes. Green tea supplements are rich in EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) which is not only a mouthful, it's an antioxidant and protects the body against any possible digestive problems. It is also helpful in cancer prevention and lowering cholesterol levels.

Green tea supplements are available in the form of tablets or pills. The advantage of green tea supplement over other fat burning pills is that it does not increase the heart rate of consumers. Many weight loss pills have the side effect of causing the patients heart rate to rise, causing a problem for certain groups of people with heart conditions. People belonging to any age group can use green tea to treat any medical complaints without any concern about its side effects.

Christopher DiCicco owner of has been involved with health and nutrition for over 20 years.