Healthy Fat Loss

Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Guide To Turbulence Training

Turbulence training, have you ever heard of it? It's incredible that a lot of the time we know what we should do and yet we still don't do it. This is especially true when we neglect our bodies despite our busy schedules. And even in the case of those who make it to the gym is there a better,faster way to get results? This is a quick tutorial on the benefits of turbulence training.

Turbulence Training Defined

Turbulent or turbulencetraining is defined as a complete body training regimen. It has the benefits of combining a muscle growing and fat burning process into one manageable one. Of course that means the user of the program will benefit from both technologies versus just one. It also provides a number of follow along examples for both woman and men alike. This allows trainers to have a model to follow if there clients so request.

There are a number of valuable benefits provided for education of users of the turbulence training website. The site has information to benefit beginners as well as those who consider themselves advanced. One of the main points covered by the website is the idea of having proper nutrition as a part of a total body regimen. Finally, the site discusses the all important relationship between muscle growing,fat burning results and exercise.

In Closing

There you have it. A somewhat complete synopsis of the turbulence training fitness system. The main benefit of the fitness regimen is decreasing the time you have to spend in the gym. This is especially true when you take the other processes into account. These include but are not limited to: strength and resistance training along with conditioning and nutrition guidelines. Both men and women will find value from this complete training regimen.

James Redder is a facilitator of Turbulence Training If you liked the fitness training tips mentioned in this article, why not get the digital dynamite that will assist you now? Click here to grab this guide now: Turbulence Training

Weight Loss Pills - Be Very Very Careful!

Millions of people around the world are fighting obesity these days. There are literally hundreds of products, ranging from fad diets to supplements which promise instant weight loss being aggressively advertised across media nowadays. Obesity is a problem that can leave people emotionally and physically drained. Fortunately though with advances in medical science there are many drugs available that help to reduce weight. Glucofast, Nanotrim, Avatrim and Dynathin are among the popular weight loss drugs that are available in the market.

Nanotrim is a prescription drug that contains botanical extracts as its ingredients and is also quite popular. Dynathin is another prescription drug that is used by obese people to lose unwanted weight. Avatrim is yet another prescription drug that comes with the promise of weight loss. There are literally hundreds of fad diets and medications available these days. Almost all of them promise to reduce weight in a matter of a few weeks to even days. Even though this is the case, not all medications are effective. Among the most popular of weight loss drugs is Glucofast. There are numerous instances of people having benefited immensely after taking Glucofast.

There is a common factor known scientifically as 'glucose intolerance' which is responsible for weight issues. Glucofast addresses this issue and helps in the reduction of unwanted weight in quick time. The drug works by literally reprogramming your body's metabolism in such a way that your body automatically triggers a calorie igniting process which in turn leads to weight loss. The formula of Glucofast is such that there are no negative side effects associated with the use of this supplement.

The all-natural ingredients in Glucofast is in fact one of the reasons for the immense popularity of the drug in the first place. Unlike the case with other similar drugs available in the market such as Nanotrim, Dynathin and Avatrim, there are no reported negative side effects associated with the usage of Glucofast. Some of the natural ingredients in it include, juniper berries, banana leaf extract, bitter melon, and licorice. The scientifically formulated ingredients do not contain any stimulants and therefore do not lead to any negative side effects. Glucofast is also fast acting with only 4-5 weeks required to show improvement. This is because the body recognizes the synergistic nutrients in the supplement and therefore absorbs them in a better manner. This in turn results in greater benefit when it comes to the health of the cell membrane and energy production leading to efficient fat reduction. The scientifically proven efficacy of this medication is the reason for its immense popularity.

For more information on Glucofast go to Glucofast or Glucofast Review

Weight Loss Discipline

Weight loss discipline requires willpower for most diets with one exception: The Calorie Shifting Diet.

In order to lose weight on most diet plans, you are expected to eat in such a way that is completely counter to what you are accustomed to, and thus requires a great deal of adjustment, sacrifice, and willpower. The calorie shifting diet, on the other hand, is a very easy and very simple diet plan to follow.

The calorie shifting diet plan allows you to eat as much food as you want from all of the four major food groups. You are required to eat four full meals every day, leaving at least a 2.5 to 3 hour gap in between meals. The only catch is that you must adhere to a meal plan that, while it may appear to be counter to the way you normally eat, leaves you feeling completely satisfied, motivated, and requires less commitment of your willpower to adhere to.

The theory behind shifting calories to lose weight is that it is entirely possible to manipulate your body's metabolism at will using the foods that you already eat on a daily basis. There is no need to take any diet pills. There is no need to starve. There is no need to sacrifice any types of foods.

What does "shifting calories" exactly mean? It means that you shift the types of calories that you consume from meal to meal, from day to day, on a rotational basis. In other words, you get to eat everything in abundant quantity, but you must group your foods together differently at each meal according to a set pattern as prescribed by this diet plan. Doing so in the right combination will trigger the appropriate metabolic response in your body that will accelerate the fat burning process, even though you are eating to your satisfaction.

There is one other distinguishing feature of this diet. There is a general consensus among dieticians and nutritionists alike , that rapid weight loss is not good for you in the long-term. That is why this diet plan requires you to take a mandatory 3-day break every 2 weeks, to give your body a chance to stabilize and rest from the rapid weight loss you will have been exhibiting. After the 3 days is over, you may resume the diet again for another 11 consecutive days. During this 3-day break, you should plan to eat sensibly, just as you would if you had reached your goal weight and were trying to maintain your weight loss.

How would you like to be 9 pounds lighter 11 days from now? The Calorie Shifting Diet will get you there! Learn how at:

Expert Trainer Gives You 3 Ways to Lose More Fat

Once you get in the zone, burning fat can be very easy. I know, easier said than done, right? But maybe you just don't have the right tips and tricks in your arsenal to help you get started on the right foot.

So here are three of the most important things you need to be doing to get your fat burning workout program started properly.

1) Use Fitday to figure out your food intake.

You can't just "wing it". You can't "eyeball" your food intake, as research shows that even nutritionists underestimate how much food they are eating.

If you don't know whats going down your throat each day, you are going to eat way too much food and never burn the fat. If you aren't losing fat, it's a simple numbers game. You are eating too much. And if you know your numbers, its easy to make the necessary changes.

As one client said on the message boards...

"Ok, I input all my meals on Fitday yesterday, including 2 cheats that I didn't think were a big deal. One was a handful of trail mix and the other was a handful of goldfish crackers. (yes, I have kids :-) ) I can't believe how just those two seemingly harmless snacks added up!! No wonder I have a muffin top! Yikes! So thanks for the tip about Fitday because that's going to keep me accountable."

The little things add up so quickly! You'll be amazed when you finally start counting your calories that you will often be far above your recommended intake.

A little bit here and a little bit there is all that is needed to sabotage your efforts.

Use it and lose it!

2) Use the right recovery pace in your interval training

The biggest mistake people make in interval training is working too hard during the recovery period.

If you continue to work at a hard pace when you should be almost resting, you wont get the true benefits of interval training.

So lose the cardio mentality and be sure to alternate between periods of harder than normal exercise, and very easy exercise.

If you don't know about interval training, here is how it goes.

Start with your normal warmup. Let's say walking at 3.0mph on the treadmill. Do this for five minutes, and then increase the speed to 3.8mph (a fast walk). Do this for 30-60 seconds (as long as you are comfortable doing it - don't do it if you feel that is too fast for you).

Drop the intensity way back to three miles per hour.0mph for 60-90 seconds. That is one interval. Go back and forth between working hard and going easy for 3-6 rounds. Then finish with a 5-minute cool-down.

Use the recovery period to recover!

3) Plan your food intake on the weekend

Set aside time to plan, shop, and prepare several days worth of meals. Use a Saturday or Sunday afternoon to cook some chicken breasts, prepare some raw vegetables, wash your fruit, and pack up your nuts.

A little bit of knowledge can go a long way.

Its that easy.

Use interval training in your fat burning workout and bodyweight exercises to sculpt your body.

6 Surprising Weight Loss Tips

Researchers at Cornell University's Food and Brand Lab have been very busy exploring ways that food choices can be influenced by how we perceive them. They have watched hundreds of people in every day settings and have developed a set of tips that should help all of us develop easy ways to avoid overeating.

1) Some things look smaller than they really are. Consider short and tall glasses for instance. Chances are you will feel like you are drinking less when drinking from a short glass than you will when drinking from a tall narrow one. The tall one always seems to be bigger, even when the two glasses hold the exact same amount. Research has shown, even with experienced bartenders, that this size illusion causes us to pour an average of 34% more into short glasses. So, don't be fooled by short glasses. Better yet, let yourself be fooled by the tall skinny ones.

2) The closer and easier it is to reach those candies, the more candy we are going to eat. It sounds like oversimplification until you consider that the research found that people ate over twice as many chocolates when they were within arms reach rather than only 6 feet away. Conclusion? Keep those high calorie treats where you can't just reach out and get one. Another problem that this proximity effect will trigger is a zone we enter that you might call 'eating sessions.' When any foods are sitting out within easy reach, we tend to graze and eat more spontaneously and, unfortunately, more often and in greater amounts.

3) There is a reason food ads look so good- you eat more of their food when they do! How many times have you seen an ad on TV and suddenly started craving the food that was being pitched, or how about that 'Double-Chocolate Black Forest Cake' on the menu? The researchers found that people bought 27% more chocolate cake when the menu simply gave it a fanciful name. Remember then that advertising is, after all, only an illusion.

4) If you keep a stockpile of food around in view, you will end up eating it more often. The researchers call this the 'wholesale club store curse.' In their study of 219 adults, they found that stockpiled products are more frequently used when they are visible and in bulk. So, if you want to buy in bulk, at least keep it where you won't see it all the time.

5) Package size will influence how much you pour out of the package. If you buy the giant bag of chips, the researchers showed in a study of 691 adults and 48 product categories that large package size increases consumption an average of 22%. In another study involving different sized popcorn containers at the movies, it was found that people ate 45% more popcorn from the giant containers than the medium ones, even (we have to laugh at ourselves about this one) when the giant containers were filled with 10 day old popcorn.

6) If you want to change the way you eat, do it incrementally. This is particularly true if you are cooking for someone else who needs to make a change in diet. If you want to rebalance the percentage of fruits and vegetables on the dinner table, try making the shift over a few weeks. If you are the nutritional gatekeeper for your family, recognize your cooking style and understand that any modifications you make will probably have a huge impact on the people that eat at your table.

Everyone knows that it is always easier 'to say' what should be done than it is 'to do.' We know that the answer to weight loss is, simply stated, to eat no more food than our bodies require. We know that if we consume more calories than we burn, the excess will be stored as fat- in our bellies, bottoms, tops, thighs. We know that if we are overweight, it is very likely we will end up paying an unwelcome health toll. We also know from experience that this weight loss thing is hard to do! So, give yourself a break. You can lose weight over time if you make regular, incremental changes in your life. You don't have to make yourself miserable. Maybe you can start by acting on these six tips

Remember, too, that this article is for information purposes only. If you have or think you have a health issue, including weight or diet issues, consult your primary care physician for proper diagnoses and treatment.

Personal Fit Weight Loss Guide
2006 Healthiness, Inc.
This article may only be reprinted unedited, in its entirety, and with all links intact.

Grapefruit Diet Programs

Probably one of the longest existing diet formulas is the grapefruit-based diet. It has been around since the 1930's. Grapefruit is not only known for its vitamin C content but also its ability to secrete an enzyme that is believed to burn away body fat. As a diet tool, people either drink the juice of a grapefruit made from concentrate take grapefruit pills or eat the actual fruit during every diet fixture. People either drink the juice made from the fruit concentrate, take grapefruit pills, or eat the actual fruit during every meal. This is combined with other diet programs that call for \ lean-meat and a low-calorie intake.

Grapefruit is consumed at least three times a day with a low caloric intake of other meats and vegetables. The modern-day version of the grapefruit diet allows combining the grapefruit formula with today's widely-used weight loss programs like Atkins and South Beach.

Previously, a grapefruit diet prescribed to followers a strict guide in what to eat. For example, breakfasts consisted of protein and fat such as two eggs and two slices of bacon. At lunch and dinner, a dieter could unlimited meats and vegetables.

While many people swear by the effectiveness of grapefruit in reducing tweight, there are several findings that seem to say otherwise. Some diet experts claim that the miracles of a grapefruit diet are baseless and at most an urban legend.

Nobody can really explain how grapefruit or the enzyme it produces melts body fat. The claim was made in the 1930's, yet -- no one can really explain how it is possible. Other diet experts attribute the alleged success to the lean meat and low calorie meal plans that the grapefuit diet is paired with.

These counter allegations are not scientifically proven either. So, if you are on a grapefruit diet and it seems to be working well for you, it may be best for you to continue. After all, what matters is that a diet program works.

Diet Programs provides detailed information on Diet Programs, Free Diet Programs, Online Diet Programs, Weight Loss Diet Programs and more. Diet Programs is affiliated with Weight Loss Diet Plans.

Go Below Your Weight Loss Plateau

Why is it that the last few kilos of a weight control diet program are the hardest to shake? It seems that you can get into a pattern of weight loss and lose steadily till you are within a whisker of your goal weight, then...nothing. Or worse, you start to put weight back on.

The 3 main reasons for this frustrating situation are simple, finite and fixable.

1. You may have relaxed your exercise program as you have gotten closer ever closer to your goal, either putting less time and effort into each session or cutting out one or more sessions in your weekly program.

2. You may be eating a bit more freely than before as you see the end of "deprivation" in your sights, having treats a bit more often than you should or indulging in larger portions than your body needs.

3. You may have reached the weight where you no longer have a calorie deficit, so despite no change in diet or exercise you are no longer able to lose fat.

Whatever your situation, the solution is simple and readily achievable. It requires organisation and self discipline, but is well worth the effort if you really want to be fit and healthy for the rest of your life.

1. Keep a food and exercise diary. Not just for the duration of your weight loss diet, but as a lifelong habit. Weigh yourself daily on a scale that measures accurately to 100gms and gives out a fat reading as well as a weight reading.

Recognise and respond to your weight and fat trends and be prepared to deal with them as they occur, not when you have gained 2, 5 or 10kg.

Only if you are fully aware of the calories you are taking in and those you are expending and your resultant weight gains or losses, can you make informed decisions about your diet and exercise program.

2. Realise that keeping excess weight off means that you have to change your diet and fitness routine for life, not just for the short or medium term.

People who do not commit to limiting saturated fats and simple carbs do not keep weight off. All the time and effort of losing weight is lost if you return to the habits that made you overweight in the first place.

If you have lost your excess weight using a very low calorie diet with little or no exercise, (otherwise bluntly but accurately known as starving yourself) your quest for a trim and healthy you is doomed from the outset.

You have to eat at least 1500-1800 calories a day accompanied by a decent multivitamin in order to get the nutrients you need to have a fit and healthy slimmed down body. You need to exercise to feel good, build up your immunity and resistance and to gain muscle tone and great looking skin.

If you have reached a plateau due to a lack of calorie deficit, you can increase your fat burning metabolism by drinking more water, exercising a bit more intensively and making sure you eat a decent breakfast and lunch every day, with healthy morning and afternoon snacks, while cutting down your food intake at night.

Fat inhibiting supplements like protein bars and shakes are well worth considering as between meal snacks to stave off food cravings and to supply your body with essential nutrients.

If you can manage it, cutting back carbs at night may give your body the jolt it needs to get back on track for steady fat loss.

Many people find a low carb diet difficult, but to give your fat loss a kick and shove it off the plateau, you can probably live without potatoes, rice, bread and pasta for your evening meal for at least a few weeks.

Weight loss plateaus are common. They are not the end of the world and not an excuse to give up. They are a sign that you need to change something or several somethings that you are currently doing in order to get what you want.

Be assured that you can go below your weight loss plateau.

Rosie Peters gives common sense advice, encouragement and tips for weight loss, sensible diet and lifelong fitness. Sometimes it's not what you want to hear, but what you need to know. Visit Rosie at

Rosie's e-Book Weight Loss is Simple may be what you're after. Check it out & get a FREE copy of her popular e-Book Fat No More, while you're there.

12 Best Exercises for Golf

Physical conditioning and strength training for golf will increase the distance of your shots, reduce your score, and eliminate the nagging injuries associated with playing "too much" golf. In the era of Tiger Woods, there is no doubt that a golfer is an athlete. It is believed that Tiger makes shots that no one else can because of his physical strength. But while millions upon millions of golfers have emulated Tiger's clothing and equipment, how many have followed his lead and strengthened their body for golf?

Think for a moment about the money you spend on clubs, memberships, friendly wagers, and golf lessons. Are you getting your money's worth? The value of your equipment or golf pro is not being questioned, but the value of the operating unit - your body - needs to be evaluated. First rate equipment will always be limited by second rate conditioning.

The good news is that a small investment (less than the cost of your custom driver) can help you identify the weak links in your physical conditioning and will strengthen your body in preparation for the season. You owe it to yourself to get the most out of your efforts and expensive equipment. A good program can add yards to your drive and should increase the effectiveness of both your golf clubs and golf lessons.

Think about this: If you have played golf for 3 years then you have taken at least 3840 explosive swings on the course:

40 wood & long-iron shots per round

2 rounds per week

16 weeks in a season

3 seasons

= 3840 explosive swings!

Big deal, you say? Where's the problem? The problem is you have taken almost 4000 muscle contractions in one direction only. This may overdevelop some muscles at the expense of others. Imagine doing 4000 contractions with only your right arm - think there might be differences in muscle size and strength between your left and right arms?

Technically, you have overtrained some muscles for three years, while others have been completely neglected. Compounding your physical imperfections are the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle (as is the case for most golfers) and the individual oddities that you may have been born with (flat feet, limb length differences, poor co-ordination, etc.). Without physical conditioning, it's unlikely that you will be playing at an optimal level. All of these factors contribute to your need for a professional assessment - a small investment in time and money that can make a world of difference in your game. Physical conditioning is no less important than golf lessons.

Step 1 - Get a thorough physical assessment from a qualified professional to identify your muscle weaknesses and flexibility. You may visit a physical therapist, an experienced personal trainer, an athletic therapist, or other movement specialist - ask around for a recommendation. Costs will vary, but the information you will extract from this session will pay for itself at the year-end club championship!

If you need to lose excess body fat, then do it with interval training and nutrition, not with long, slow, boring cardio. That takes too long and does nothing for golf fitness.

It is mandatory that you have an assessment and address any injuries, imbalances, inflexibility, or other concerns before you move on with a strength and conditioning program. The right professional will help you address the cause of injury, rather than just treating the symptoms. Low-back pain is also extremely prevalent in golfers. If you have low-back pain, you must see your doctor and have them refer you to the appropriate professional. Fix your lower back before you start swinging your golf club at speeds of up to 90-100 miles per hour!

You may also wish to discuss pre-game preparation with your movement therapist or Strength and Conditioning Coach. Like sprinting, golf is an explosive sport and demands thorough preparation to prepare their muscles for high-velocity movements. Ask a certified trainer to take you through a warm-up that involves dynamic movements for the upper body and lower body. This is termed "dynamic flexibility" and is designed to increase range of motion and to warm-up the muscles specific to the movement.

Your pre-game preparations should begin immediately following your last round! Take advantage of any opportunity you have to enhance recovery and do some more dynamic flexibility. Does your club have a massage therapist? If so, take advantage! Do you have injuries that require immediate ice and other recovery measures? Take the opportunity to ask for instructions on recovery at your initial assessment.

From the results of your professional assessment, a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) will be able to put together a program for you. The program should begin with a restoration of function followed by training to increase strength and eventually will go on to help you develop power.

An area that is going to be a weak spot in most golfers is the strength and endurance of the abdominal and low-back muscles. Some experts suggest that increasing low-back endurance can help reduce back problems. A golfer will also want to build endurance so that they can maintain good posture in their golf stance over an 18-hole match. Endurance in the abs and lower back could have profound effects on your game's consistency.

Just like your golf lessons, the training program that you need is likely to be very different from the program required by your golf partner, your wife, or the guy you are chasing for the club championship. That is why you need to invest in a strength coach to set you up with a training program.

Priority training areas for both advanced and recreational golfers include the arms, shoulder-complex, lower back, abdominals, and obliques. This doesn't mean you should grab the local bodybuilder's routine for arm curls and sit-ups. Your program should be much more targeted than that. Here are some exercises that you should discuss with your strength coach to include in your training program:

12 Best exercises to strengthen the abdominal and lower-back muscles.

1) Plank

2) Side Plank

3) Plank With Arms on Ball

4) Bird Dog

5) Cat-Camel

6) Mountain Climber

7) Spiderman Climb

8) Stability Ball Jackknife

9) Waiter's Bow

10) Medicine Ball Woodchoppers

11) Back Extension

12) Waiter's Bow

Bonus 13) Standing Pullover

12 Best Exercises that will help you develop total-body strength & mobility:

1) Squat

2) Lateral Step-up

3) Reverse Lunge

4) Romanian Deadlift

5) Step-up

6) Split Squat

7) Single-Arm DB Row

8) Wide-Grip Seated Row

9) Standing Cable Chest Press with Rotation

10) One-arm Elevated Push-up

11) Rotator Cuff External Rotation

12) Y's & T's

Don't use all of these exercises in the same session. This is merely a list of exercises that you and your trainer may want to include in your conditioning program.

With the right program, you can become stronger, more flexible, fitter, and have more power than your opposition. A well-conditioned golfer will also have that "psychological advantage" being at the "top" of their game and has a greater chance of setting personal bests. Good luck!

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit

Detox Diet Plan Checklist

Ok, so you've decided to start investigating a fast detox diet plan to improve the quality of your life, huh? Well, here's a checklist of how to make that decision, so that you can have some more info to make an informed decision. Read through these and mark which ones apply to you:

I feel bloated often, even after not eating anything specific that might make me feel that way.

I'm feeling lethargic and tired. I don't want to do anything, even the smallest of tasks. This makes me feel cranky towards other people, and is causing problems.

I can't seem to want to get out of bed in the morning. I feel like I have no energy at all.

I have bad breath a lot and am upsetting other people, or I am extremely worried I will. This causes me to either try to keep my distance from people, or hold my breath when in close.

I feel constipated, like I need to go to the bathroom for a bowel movement, but can't seem to make anything come out.

I am concerned about my overall health

I am concerned about the toxins I'm exposed to everyday and the junk I consume and all the repercussions that could come with that.

I need to lose weight, and I don't want to have to wait 3 months and go to the gym to do it. I need to lose weight, and I need to lose it soon.

I want to feel better and have more confidence.

I want to make sure I'm doing the right things for my body to keep it going strong for many years still to come

These are some questions you can ask yourself when considering starting a fast detox diet plan. If you said yes to any of these, you can greatly benefit from a fast detox diet plan and the health advantages that come with one. Fast detox diet plans help with all of the ailments/symptoms I've listed above, and are growing very quickly in popularity for being a quick weight loss solution.

If you answered 'yes' to any of the above questions, you need to find yourself a good, highly rated fast detox diet plan. I've actually done the research myself and have one that is not only top rated, but much cheaper than many of the other fast detox diet plans out on the market currently. To read more about it, click on the link below.

Here's the link I've been talking about:

Colopure is the most trusted brand in detox diets. Awarded the #1 colon cleanser and the prestigious 5 stars by American Readers Magazine.

Why You May NOT Want To Lose Weight

Let's say you are stressed, frustrated, angry, sad, lonely, tired or depressed. You want to feel better and you find yourself mindlessly reaching for food. You eat quickly, paying little attention to the type of food or how much you're eating. At some point, what you've just done registers physically, mentally and emotionally. You feel disgusted, angry, guilty, upset and discouraged with yourself and resign yourself to believing that this unhealthy habit will never change.

There are a few things happening here. First, you're trying to find a fast, easy way to self soothe which doesn't require any thought or pre planning. It's easy, it temporarily numbs the pain, calms the anxiety, reduces the anger, keeps the fear down and provides a temporary distraction so you don't have to evaluate, fix or solve your problem. Yes it keeps you overweight, but it also provides an opportunity to remove yourself from feeling, thinking and dealing with your fears, doubts and insecurities. You may even be unaware that you do this or you may not know why you've chosen this coping strategy. What you do know however is that eating emotionally leaves you overweight and unhappy.

There are many reasons why we may eat emotionally, ranging from staying with conditioned behaviors we were taught to having poor coping skills or outlets to help us handle our problems and ourselves in a more effective way. While it seems natural to want to kick the emotional eating habit in order to lose weight, many of us may need to consider why we may feel the need to keep the weight on.

Weight provides a protective barrier. Remember when you would hide behind your mom's leg when you were scared? Our extra layers of weight may be providing that same security. For many, losing weight may leave us feeling insecure or uncertain because our role may change once the weight is lost. Expectations by others and ourselves may change as a result of weight loss success and we may feel that we are expected to accomplish more, perform or behave differently as a result. This feeling can generate fear and it may seem easier to stay with what is familiar than to venture into the unknown.

The extra weight also keeps us out of the game of life, giving us an excuse to avoid something rather than risk failure. With the weight, you may justify being rejected, overlooked or disregarded as being a result of the excess weight rather than deal with the pain of not being liked, wanted or valued.

Yet another reason why we may keep the weight on is to punish someone or to test someone's love for us. Maybe you dislike your husband's, partner's, parent's or coworker's comments, criticism or judgment about your weight. Keeping the weight on may be your passive/aggressive way of talking back.

Finally, for some of us, keeping the weight on is a way to test our spouse's love for us and we use it to see if the relationship will withstand the weight. When you're overweight yet confident, loving and supportive, relationships can survive almost anything. When you're negative, pessimistic and using your weight as a testing tool, you may want to consider what the real reason is that you're putting your relationship through this test.

It takes some real soul searching to look deep within and try to understand what the excess weight provides. Does it provide security, protection, an excuse to avoid a perceived failure? Whatever the reason, it's important to discover and understand why you've chosen to keep the weight on. Now try to see if you're trying to punish anyone other than yourself, if it's rational and worthy of continuing. If you discover something traumatizing or it feels too difficult for you to handle alone, get the help and support you need to get you through. By uncovering the reason for your weight, you're taking the first step to doing anything to change it.

Very often, excess weight is an outward sign that something is going on inside. For many moms, excess weight provides nothing more than a lack of energy, frustration and larger clothes. For others however, the excess weight provides much more. It's up to you to determine what the extra weight is giving you and what price you're willing to pay to keep it there.

Debi Silber, MS, RD, WHC is a Registered Dietitian, Personal Trainer, Whole Health Coach, President of Lifestyle Fitness, Inc and busy Mom of four. She is a Lifestyle Expert just for Moms and has been working exclusively with Moms for nearly twenty years inspiring and empowering them to become physically fit and emotionally strong through gradual, realistic lifestyle changes. For more on the Lifestyle Fitness Program, please visit

Are You Quitting A Weight Loss Regime Again?

Have you ever taken up a challenge with someone to show that you are able to lose weight, but failed miserably in the end?

If you happened to answer yes to either of the question, most probably losing weight isn't as important to you than how you thought it would.

You see, people always have the wrong mindset even if their intention to lose weight is good. Some people wants to look fabulous, some just want to show that they could. But good intention isn't the key to successful weight loss.

The key to successful weight loss is by admitting that it is a serious problem in your life, and that it may hinder your ability to lead a normal or better life ever again.

Some people think that the first step to lose weight, is to surfing the net and find some great workout and diet plan to follow.

To tell you the truth, those are the least important part of success weight loss.

In order to begin your regime at the right note, first you have to understand that weight problem is a very serious problem. And you have to tell yourself that you have the ability to correct this problem.

I don't care if you are a CEO of some big firm, or a ice-cream parlour girl. In both cases, the situation is equally problematic.

You must be saying :"Yeah, right. How can some one as high achieving as a CEO can have any grave problems?"

I tell you, problem is a state of mind.

If you are able to bring yourself to understand that losing weight is The problem, everything will come naturally.

When you are able to get through the stage of denial, you have cleared the first stage. Now I am sure you have cleared the second stage of self motivation, which is to read up on articles and maybe participate in special interest group discussions to verbalise your goals and mindset.

People often after a motivation talk or reading a motivation book, say that those information are just useless and are not effective to change your life. If you think it that way, then you have missed out step three. Step three by the way, is somewhat like coming out of self denial. Although self denial is about getting out of the gut, zealous living is about living your life with vigour and no regret.

Everytime if someone asked you how's your weight loss regime, instead of faking up a phantom workout session, you are able to list out step by step what you have accomplished for your goal. That is zealous living with no regret.

Maybe you don't ever need to visit another weight loss site ever again.

Check out the home page at
Easy to follow weight loss pep talk, just follow

What Ever Happened to Originality?

Fitness articles have become truly boring to read as of late. It seems that there are too many bum marketers lurking around trying to churn out as many fitness articles as possible in order to get more sales or subscribers to their fitness related affiliate products or lists. Or there are too many non-bum marketers who just completely suck at coming up with original ideas. So they copy someone elses article and just put a spin on it. What a wuss.

No offense to the people to bum market for those reasons, well actually, yes I do mean to offend. Because all I ever see from generic fitness article writers are:

Top 10 Ways to Increase your Fitness Levels

How to Get Rid of Fat

How to Flatten Your Stomach in x Amount of Time

How to Build Muscles


Hey generic article writers, try this one on for size

How to Write an Entertaining Fitness Article for Once in Your Life

Seriously, whats the harm in putting a little more thought into your article something that will distinguish it from the rest of the crap(ahem) articles that are being thrown out there today. Sure, its easy to get more exposure by just using some of the cheap methods like: taking someone elses idea and putting a spin on it (or just down right legally copying it), and bum marketing for maximum sales or subscribers. However, putting thought into your articles really makes the difference on how much the reader (i.e. your prospect) will view you.

You can be viewed as an authority, and expert who knows what theyre actually talking about. Or you can be viewed as simply, mediocre.

There are plenty of fresh ideas, floating around in your head. You just have to tap into your head sometimes and find those fresh ideas.

Ryan Dodson - Personal Fitness Trainer

Ryan Dodson has recently decided to share his knowledge of health and fitness all over the world with his new website,

How to Lose Fat Fast

People often think that, it is quite easy for them to lose fat fast. But, is it possible? Our body is a combination of different types of tissues, such as fats, bones and muscles. Due to consumption of excess oily food, the recommended total body fat percentage exceeds the essential fat percentage value.

The fat percentage in the body consists of essential fat and storage fat. Essential amount of fat is necessary for safeguarding of life. Excess amount of fat is hazardous. People often ask questions, do the fat percentage in men and women differ. Well, the answer to this is, body fat percentage in women is greater compared to men. Essential fat is 2-5% in men, and 10-13% in women.

Health Problems:

It is easy to gain fat fast rather than to lose fat fast. People tend to consume more amount of fatty food. Severe obesity is associated with significant medical, psychological and physical problems.

Individuals with extra amount of fat have increased risk of serious diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, strokes, sleep apnea, orthopedic problems, and hormonal problems. Thus, patients with super-obesity have greater risk of serious illness.


We are aware that, excessive fat in our body, leads to several problems. People must create a slight calorie deficit in order to lose fat fast. The most effective way is the exercise. Every individual should take out some time for workouts. Workouts make a difference, both in weight and health.

Make proper food charts, so that it is easier for you look up for daily food program. Drink adequate amount of water daily to enable body to function properly. Water flushes harmful toxins and impurities present in the body. Never be selective about best program to lose fat fast, but a proper planning about what is best for health, is quite important.

A good resource where you can learn more on how to lose fat can be found at

Weight Loss Made Simple

The Plan

You don't need diet pills or television gimmicks to lose weight. All you need is a good diet plan, and you need to stick to it. Any good diet plan needs only two parts, an eating plan and exercise. I prefer to use the term eating plan over diet because the word diet makes me think of eating less food, or food that has little or no taste. The plan is to kick up your metabolism so that you're burning more calories during the day. Consult your doctor before beginning any exercise or diet program.

20 Minutes a Day, 3 Days a Week

This is one of the best and easiest ways to get your exercise in and build lean muscle. Muscle building is one of the important parts of this guide. An extra pound of muscle will burn about 50 calories a day even if you're sitting and watching television. To build lean muscle, do a weight circuit. Do squats, push-ups, bent-over row, military press, upright row, triceps, wall sit, and bicep curls with a set of free weights that you're comfortable with. Try to go from one exercise to the next without resting, and this will keep your heart rate up. Rest a minute or two between sets. Start with 2 sets of the circuit and then move to 3 sets when you're ready.

How to Eat

Make sure you eat first thing in the morning to jumpstart you metabolism. Eat six times a day, three small meals and snack in between. Frequent eating will keep your metabolism running strong. Drink plenty of water as this also helps metabolism. If you're feeling hungry, then drink a glass of water, and if you're still hungry after that then go ahead and eat. Sometime thirst can be confused with hunger and a lot of people don't drink enough water every day.

What to Eat

Eat as many vegetables as you like. Eat foods like lean meats, eggs, low or non-fat dairy, beans, nuts, berries, oatmeal, whole grain food, and definitely ad some whey protein after workouts. Stay away from trans fats, saturated fats and high fructose corn syrup. Unsaturated fats are good for you and are found in olive oil, nuts, avocados, etc. Use olive oil to cook with instead of butter. Use this guideline to make a healthy version of things you like to eat. For an example, you could make a pizza with a whole wheat crust, tomato sauce, lean meat such as turkey or chicken, and any type of vegetables you like.

Stick to the Plan

Don't go on and off of fad diets, you'll end up weighing more than when you started. Make a lifestyle change by eating healthy and exercising, because it's a sure way to lose weight and keep it off. You don't have to use the plan in this guide, but it's what works for me.

Hope this was helpful, for more info visit Thanks, Greg Green.

Is Low-Carb Weight Loss Really Just Water Loss?

Any weight loss or diet plan, including low-carb plans like the induction phase of the Atkins Diet will result in water loss during the first week or two.

However, one of the real beauties of following a low carbohydrate eating plan is that most of the weight loss than extends beyond the initial induction phase of the diet is really from a drop in fat pounds.

How can this be?

Well, when you follow a controlled carbohydrate eating plan like Atkins or the South Beach Diet, your body soon switches from burning carbohydrates (which the diet deprives the body of) to burning fat for energy. In other words, the majority of the weight loss that occurs beyond the initial induction phase is really loss of fat that has been stored in your body.

Contrary to what many skeptics and misinformed persons may report or say, even if your body sheds water during the first few days of a controlled carbohydrate diet plan like the South Beach Diet or Atkins, the bodys water balance soon returns to normal and the weight loss that follows is the depletion of fat pounds.

This loss of fat reveals itself to one and all in the form declines in inches (your body measurements) and pounds regardless which low-carb diet you follow.

About The Author

Craig Whitley is the Senior Editor of Diets and Weight Loss Plans a daily blog for dieters. Visit his website daily to read the latest news and articles on diets, dieting, weight loss and obesity. The URL address for Diets and Weight Loss Plans is You have permission to publish this article electronically on your website or in print, free of charge, as long as this resource box with all links and author attribution are kept intact.

How You Think Determines How You Feel About Yourself

What do you think about when it comes to weight loss? Are your thoughts about yourself in line with how you want to feel about yourself? Many people determine their present actions on what they feel. But did you know that feelings stem from thoughts? Before a feeling is felt it was thought out. Therefor, it's safe to say that if you want to feel a certain way then it is imperative that you think about it first.

When it comes to weight loss, are your thoughts supportive of the goals you want to accomplish? Are you thinking about how great a person you really are? Are you thinking about how successful of a person you really are? If not, your chances of being successful at weight loss are short lived. The mind must be full of success so in turn it creates an emotion that makes you feel good. Many people create doubts in their minds. They say negative things about themselves so in turn their emotions reflect a certain amount of fear and disappointment which eventually creates low self-worth. Emotions are very powerful and must be kept in check in order for you to take action but most importantly feel good about yourself. You must be able to look at yourself in the morning mirror and say how good looking you are and fantastic you feel. It might be difficult for you right now since perhaps you are probably really far from where you really would like to be. But it must start in the mind. You must create in your mind the outcome that you are looking for so that it translates into emotions that make you feel good. Ultimately, those feelings will create action and energy toward a direction that you want go into.

It starts in the mind. You can do it now. All it takes is an eager want to change and say that this is the person who I want to be. Do it. You can and I believe in you. Only you can do it. And I believe that you can. Start creating in your mind what it is that you want. How do you see yourself? Perhaps 10lbs, 20lbs, 50lbs, 100lbs lighter. Create that seed of action in your mind so that it germinates into reality. I believe in you. I'll be cheering you on.


"Cap" Josue Cano B.A. C.S.C.S., is a specialized strength trainer and author of the book: "Don't wait get in S.H.A.P.E.: drop body fat fast and get fit quick". He is also an entertaining, funny health and fitness speaker who speaks to college students about college weight gain and has a program called Tackle the Freshman 15. He can be reached at his website: or by phone: (805) 415-0497 E-mail:

Discover The Secret To Build Muscle To Achieve Fat Loss

You want to lose fat, then muscle building workouts should be a part of your program, and remember the duration of exercise is most important, the longer you work out, the more calories you'll burn and in the end the more fat you'll lose. We all know that the hardest part of the body to shed pounds from is the abdominal area, abdominal fat loss is extremely hard to lose and it takes a very strict diet and exercise plan also, one of the best ways for effective fat loss is using a combination of low intensity and high intensity exercises.

Most people think weight loss and fat loss are the same thing, wrong. just trying to lose weight can be detrimental to your health. Targeting specific areas for fat loss is somewhat effective and provides long term health benefits.

The amount of fat we eat is important, only about 25-30% of our daily calories should come from fat plus, all Calories are created equal and you're overweight because you eat more calories than are needed to supply immediate energy needs. Any extra calories you eat are quickly converted into fat and then are stored as body fat and our body forms fat when calories are converted into fat and stored for future energy needs.

You Must Exercise To Build Muscle

To successfully lose fat, you must combine exercise with your low fat eating plan plus, increased exercise will require you to consume more calories, and regular exercise is one of the keys to targeting fat loss and the immediate benefits of exercise are increased energy levels, improved circulation, better muscle tone, and, of course, weight loss. The source of the calories does not matter because carbohydrate stores in your liver and muscles (called glycogen) depleted from exercise must be replaced during your recovery.

Muscle weighs two times as much as fat yet takes up half the space so that is because the more muscle mass you have, the more you burn fat efficiently because muscle is an active tissue and it requires calories to function. Muscle is responsible for burning fat and that makes muscle an integral part of permanent fat loss. A loss of too much muscle can be dangerous, and eventually even fatal. Your body fats and muscles are made up of completely different cell structure and they are so different that they cannot be converted to each other which indicates that muscles are very much alive and work very hard whereas fat just sits there doing nothing and just plain looking ugly.

Another big obstacle in fat loss is alcohol consumption so please keep in mind that weight loss and fat loss are two separate entities, and its fat loss dieters really need in order to change body composition for the best. When your body enters starvation mode, fat loss will slow down or even cease as your body tries to conserve it's energy.

Richard Whitherspoon

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review

Lose Fat - Build Muscle

A Beginners Guide To Body Building

Achieve Good Health and Weight Loss through Walking Exercises

Many people are encountering problems with their excess weight. There are those who are suffering from obesity which is really alarming and dangerous to their health. Fitness experts recommend walking as a good way to lose excess weight and maintain a physically fit body.

Of course, there are far more effective ways on how to lose the unwanted calories in your body. You can engage yourself to a more intense workouts and diet programs which have shown fast results in achieving your goals to lose weight.

Many fitness experts say that walking is the simplest way to lose weight. Walking is a form of exercise that we can do everyday. There are people who do not like the thought of engaging themselves on intense workouts and physical trainings. Some people also like the thought of paying expensive fees on gyms and weigh loss programs.

Walking as a form of exercise can help you with that. You do not need to pay fees to do walking. Generally speaking, walking is inexpensive. You do not need to buy diet pills, pay workouts and trainings and get new exercise gears and equipments for your exercises.

Aside from being a great way to lose weight, walking is also great with your entire fitness and health. It is the primary step to get you motivated and be more dedicated in losing weight. You may set long distance walking in the morning. This is a great way to keep the body active and alive. Now that you have decided to be more active and lose weight through walking, you may need to remember some important things that can help you to be motivated during your walking sessions.

1. It is recommended that you do your walking slowly. You may set long distance training if you are already through with short distance walks. You may start off walking a mile and then add more miles. Five to six miles of added walk would be beneficial for a healthy heart.

2. You should always keep track of your body's reaction. Observe how your body reacts with long distance walking. Walking can also be a great warm up before you engage with intense exercises like running and marathon.

3. To see great results on weight loss, it is recommended that you allot 20 to 30 minutes of walking. This will get your heart rate up and will maintain a good blood circulation. Make walking your daily routine to achieve quick results. If you have a busy schedule, you can at least do it 4 times a week.

4. It is recommended that you keep pace of yourself while you are walking. If you are feeling a little tired and getting bored with your walk, you may stop for a while and take a short rest to refresh yourself for another mile of walk.

Aside from walking, proper diet and exercises are interrelated to one another when it comes to weight loss. Even when you are doing high intense work outs, without proper diet, you cannot get positive results with your weight loss. It is also important that you are properly motivated and dedicated with your desire to lose that unwanted weight.

Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in the latest in Dieting. For more information regarding Walking And Weight Loss please drop by at

How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat That Doesn't Want To Budge

You should be sporting a six-pack by now. Those hours a day at the gym on the running, rowing and cycling machine, combined with an endless amount of sit ups should have gotten you a six-pack by now. But it's not happening. You thought you knew how to get rid of belly fat. You thought you had it down to an art form, how wrong were you.

You're frustrated and saddened. That reflection in the mirror isn't what you hoped for. You're wondering where your efforts have gone and you're on the verge of giving up. It's that pooch at the bottom of your belly that's bothering you the most. It just doesn't seem to shift.

You wish you could just cut off that annoying flab sitting below your midriff. But before you do anything extreme! Realize that anyone can learn how to lose lower belly fat. This ever elusive answer to knowing how to get rid of belly fat effectively has eluded so many people because frankly there are just too many answers out there.

Most gym slaves are frustrated week after week, unable to shift that lower belly fat regardless of how many crunches they do. Heck, you might eventually get a four-pack, but there will always be that lower flab preventing you from getting to the next level.

Little do they know that the answer to how to get rid of belly fat in the lower regions is not what they believe it to be. Who wants to spend hours in the gym anyway?

Put it this way, if you have spent hours at the gym and you're starting to see gradual results, it's a start. Now you can continue the way you're going and maybe, just maybe in a few years you'll see the results you've always wanted. Now, there's no guarantee you'll ever reach your desired results, so it's insane to go this route.

Simply put, relying on a single method isn't your answer to how to lose lower belly fat. To effectively lose weight and gain a ripped body and a six-pack to be proud, of all you have to do is make small changes. Even if you've never stepped in a gym or rarely exercise, there are simple guidelines you can apply to your cardio workouts or diet that will make dramatic differences in results.

It's about increasing effectiveness and efficiency. After all you want to see great results in the littlest time possible. We can do this by turning your body into a super fat burning machine. To do this you will only need to adjust a few important aspects in your training or eating habits.

Most newbies to training, start their exercise regime so horribly wrong. They don't have the foggiest idea on how to perform exercises well, they don't combine cardio workouts with weight training and they simply eat poorly which will prevent them from seeing results.

If you really want to know how to get rid of belly fat, then it may be that you'll need change your game plan completely. If you're lucky, you may just have to apply one or two amendments. If you want to succeed, it's down to you to get the right expert advice.

Click here and get started on how to get rid of belly fat. Go to

Easy Weight Loss -- 5 Steps to Lose Weight

Is it easy to lose weight? Yes. Losing weight is easy. I see it everyday. Patients of mine come into the office as happy as can be because they lost 15 pounds on the newest easy weight loss plan.

It's easy but can you keep it off?

My patients may feel great but none of them keep the weight off. Just as quickly as they lost weight, my patients following easy weight loss plans, gain it!

Gaining weight, specifically re-gaining weight lost while dieting, should be the focus of weight loss programs. Other things, like easy weight loss, are distracting and costly for all of us. Every year thousands of obese and overweight people do not lose weight because of easy weight loss distractions.

Why are fast and easy diet plans so attractive? Well, what could be better than losing weight and looking good fast? How about lasting healthy weight loss?

Why do you think diet plans focus solely on losing weight and say very little about keeping it off? Because it's easy to lose weight and it's next to impossible to prevent weight re-gain.

Diet plans take the easy road and provide dieters a quick short lived solution.

From Atkins to the Zone, weight loss diets have perfected colorful ways to disguise one simple easy weight loss principle. All diets can lead to easy weight loss by following this one easy principle.

Low carbohydrate diets, low fat diets, negative calorie diets, low energy density diets--all apply this one principle. And this one principle leads to easy weight loss. Do you know what it is?

To experience easy weight fewer calories.

Holding other things constant, like exercise, simply eat fewer calories and you will lose weight easily. Whether or not you keep the weight off depends on how easily you lost it.

The Easy Weight Loss Steps

1. Week One -- Cut calories by 100
2. Week Two -- Cut additional 150 calories (total=250)
3. Week Three -- Cut another 150 calories (total=400)
4. Week Four -- Final cut 100 calories (total=500)

First month weight loss total = 2-4 pounds 500 calories cut = 1-2 pounds/week of weight loss End of second month weight loss total = 6-12 pounds

The chance of keeping the weight off = 5%

To accelerate weight loss and weight re-gain, just cut more Or you can hold off on the weight loss plan above and learn more about weight re-gain and how to prevent it. Stay tuned for Weight Re-gain Prevention.

Until then, healthy living!

Michael Smith, MD
Chief Medical Consultant
Diet Basics Website

Dr. Michael Smith is the Chief Medical Consultant for Diet Basics, a content rich website dedicated to the online dieter. Dr. Smith and Mark Fugua, the Chief Editor and Wellness Leader, are moving the site forward into the second phase of content, "Keep Weight Off!"

Visit the site today and learn how to prevent Weight Re-gain and Diet Shock. Start with the Diet Basics Education page.

Effective Ways To Weight Loss

You're already trying hard to lose weight. You're exercising and eating right. You're drinking more water and less juice. So how about doing a couple extra things this year to lose a couple extra pounds? Let's take a look at a few things you could do to supplement your weight loss:

1. Eat a salad before every meal. If you eat a full salad without dressing before you order or make your main meal, you may not find yourself eating as much of the high calorie foods to get full. You may be able to cut as much as 100 to 200 calories from each meal, which could help you lose one to two pounds per week. More importantly, you'll be eating healthier.

2. Use cinnamon flavored gum as your only snack. Whenever you feel yourself getting hungry and it isn't meal time, try popping a piece of sugar free cinnamon gum in your mouth. We're not sure why, but cinnamon gum seems to provide a hunger satisfaction not received from fruit and mint flavors.

3. Take 20 to 30 minutes to relax before consuming meals. This relaxation time could be taking a walk or talking with friends. In the mornings you may want to have your devotional time before your meal. Water the plants in your house or read a newspaper. Don't watch TV, as contrary to what many think, this causes a physiological stress reaction in the body.

4. Try new types of fruits and vegetables whenever you see some you haven't eaten before. Every new healthy food that you discover a liking for is another variety of alternative low-calorie food for you to use in your weekly meal plans. Many diets feel because they lack variety of flavors, so the more healthy variety you add the less you'll crave a change in diet. You may even play in the kitchen and create two or three great new recipes out of each new food you find.

5. Almost never combine eating with other activities. The only exception are family meals when some healthy conversation at the dinner table may be of more value than weight loss. You will almost always eat more if you're entertained while you eat.

It is important to keep your family and friends close while you are working on your weight loss efforts. Keep your support system close and take time to talk with people. Isolating yourself can undermine your weight loss efforts. Reach out and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

There is more than one effective way of dieting; the question is which diet is the right one for you? To learn more about how to choose the right weight loss diet program check out these articles about weight loss plans in particular how to get fit through sustainable, but quick weight loss programs.

6 Pack Abs - Secrets To Get 6 Pack Abs!

Make sure that you warm up before you start doing anything. I've been subject to severe injuries all other the years, and now I make sure that I don't repeat the same mistakes.

A good way to warm up is to focus on the area you are going to train. As an example, if you are going to do strength training for your legs, you can just warm up your legs and forget about your arms and other non related parts of your body.

It is also good to alternate upper and lower body workouts because while the upper body needs some time to rest, you can still work the lower body.

Occasionally, I will change my workout completely to work the whole body in one session. Remember when I said that I hate to be bored?

Another powerful thing I do is training my abs whenever I do an exercise. I am not talking about specific abs exercises here, but all of them.

Let's say that you are doing some push ups. To work your abs at the same time, you need to increase the tension on your abs (like if you were going to receive a punch in the stomach). Doing this will ensure that you get 6 pack abs faster than others who don't know this powerful secret.

Your abs are the center of your body and you should always train them while you are doing any workout.

It's important to put this in your mind. To get strong abs, you need to focus on them.

Something I started to do after I started working with my students is planning my strength training workouts. Don't forget that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

It's really easy to do, all you need is a pen and a piece of paper, and prepare the lessons before you start.

You can even have a monthly plan once you have more experience.

And remember, you don't need to spend hours in the gym. Bodyweight training is one of the best form of exercises to lose weight and build muscle You should be done in less than one hour.

To learn more about my powerful weight loss system and how you too can get rid of your stomach fat for good and get killer 6 pack abs when you visit:

Franck Silvestre is a professional Martial Artist. Visit his website today at Turbulence Training

Get Rid Of Fat On The Inside: Don't Be A TOFI

Get rid of fat on the inside even if you are a slim person

Scientists using MRI body scanners have found that dangerous levels of fat can be stored in your body around your vital organs even if you are a naturally thin person. They've even given a name to people in this significant sector of the population - TOFI or "Thin on the Outside Fat on the Inside". Are you a TOFI?

Surveys conducted by scientists in a London hospital using an MRI scanner to locate and measure fat deposits in the body have found that fat is stored in significant quantities around you vital organs such as liver, heart and pancreas. This represents a very high-risk health factor. What's more disturbing is the fact that high levels of fat can be found clinging to the vital organs of people who are thin and not regarded as overweight.

Exercise to get rid of fat on the inside

The surveys indicate that thin people who don't exercise much have higher levels of fat on the inside than those who take regular exercise. No longer can you use the fact that you are a natural thin person as an excuse for not working out which will put a smile on the face of many of us who find it so difficult to lose weight even with good nutrition and exercise.

If you don't exercise regularly or you want to find out how to look after your body better then please go and get a free 'burn the fat' report and e-course from here: Lose Weight And Plan To Stay Lean And Healthy.

Exercise isn't just for weight loss

Many people think that the only purpose served by exercise is to lose weight. This new information about fat on the inside is further proof that exercise is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle, which should lead to a longer and more active life. Regular exercise together with good nutrition burns fat from all over your body inside and outside while building muscle at the same time.

Eat properly, exercise regularly and you'll feel better, look better and live longer.

Find out what food to eat to help you lose weight: Food to Help You Lose Weight at