Healthy Fat Loss

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Laxative Tea For Weight Loss - Weight Loss Secrets About Laxative Tea They Don't Want You To Know

If you are looking to lose weight and trying to do so by using laxative teas, you are literally endangering yourself in more ways than you probably know.

Laxative teas are probably worse than your regular, over the counter laxatives. Why? Because they taste good and because the are often marketed as harmless and actually beneficial because of their herbal ingredients. Don't be fooled. Laxative teas are dangerous because they can be addicting. Laxative abuse can lead to long term problems and health risks that far out weigh their use. Even at a casual pace.

See, laxatives work in the large intestines, not the small intestine were the majority of calories are stored.

Because laxatives stimulate the large intestine, they produce side effects like runny diarrhea, softening of the bones and intense pain. Worse, if you abuse Laxative Tea for Weightloss, you may find yourself unable to have regular bowel movements and even more terrifying, you could end up wearing a colostomy bag.

Believe it or not, people searching for answers to their weight problem have one thing right. The reason that they can not lose weight is because of the toxin and plaque build up in their bodies. Unfortunately, people are lead to think that these teas will help aid in their removal. But as we have already said, that's where laxatives fall short, they stimulate the large intestine only. The real monster, the real weight loss demon lies within the colon.

You have probably heard the saying, "life and death begin in the colon" well it's true.

People that can't lose weight, and have other chronic illnesses should look to their colon for answers. Parasites and plaque build up in the colon is really what is stopping you from loosing weight. Get rid of this FOR GOOD and the pounds will just melt away.

But don't think for a minute that just by doing a "cleanse" that your problem will go away. There are actually 3 factors to regaining colon health and therefore maintaining the perfect weight for your body.

First, you need to understand why diets don't work--actually we just answered that with the explanation of what lives inside most peoples colons. But here's the thing, how did they get there? What do they live on? And How do I keep them from coming back after I get them out?

These parasites and plaque deposits in your colon are actually what is forcing your body to protect itself with fat. That is why today more than ever, Americans a plagued with love handles, excessive fat under the arms, around the hips and thighs. These fat deposits are your bodies way of trying to protect your organs from these toxins.

Get rid of what's in your colon, don't eat the foods that attract parasites and plaque and balance out your body with the right nutrients. Then, the pounds will melt off and you will never have to worry about finding a dangerous laxative tea for weight loss again!

Visit here for more information on why laxative tea for weight loss don't work. If you want to loose find out how to lose weight without dieting then visit

Quick Weight Loss Tips

Weigh yourself daily, preferably first thing in the morning. You will weigh the least at this time which will encourage you and you will have the motivation to eat correctly if the weight is higher than you expected. By weighing each day you can keep a better handle on what causes you to gain weight and helps you cut back a little that day if you have gained some.

Make sure you're drinking at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces per day of water. If you drink coffee, make sure you drink extra water since coffee is a diuretic that will deplete the water in your body. One last thing to mention about water is to drink it 1/2 hour before a meal since water can dilute your meal and flush out the enzymes.

Toxins come into our bodies from water, air and our food. The fat cells in the body surround the toxins because they attach themselves to our organs. Fat cells are not going to leave the body unless the toxins leave and the only way to get toxins out is to use a program that will eliminate them. Ever wonder why we gain weight in our midsection right where our organs are? Ever wonder why it gets harder and harder to lose weight as we get older? Toxins and fat cells keep collecting more and more and don't leave the body. You'll be amazed how quickly and safely you can lose weight and inches if you use a program that gets rid of the toxins.

Stalled weight loss? You might want to try eating 4 small meals a day for a week instead of 3 to set your metabolism higher. Then when you're back to eating 3 meals focus on filling your plate over 1/2 way with vegetables (raw or cooked or a combination). Make sure you balance it with some protein. If you eat the vegetables first and then fill in with the protein you'll be surprised how full you will be when the meal is over.

For more health and weight loss tips, grab your free report "How to Lose Weight When Nothing Else Has Worked" at Heidi Johnson specializes in helping families find resources to simplify and improve their lives.

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How to Get Skinny in 10 Days

95% of people are dieting the wrong way. Once you know my secret to getting skinny, it no longer seems so difficult. Read on to find out how you can achieve rapid, healthy, and permanent weight loss.

Increase Your Metabolism

Increasing your metabolism is of enormous importance in being able to rapidly get skinny. Many people try to lose weight by starving themselves and working out. This is flat-out ignorant. The old saying that losing weight is as simple as burning more calories than you take in is completely wrong. You need to feed your body and eat more to lose weight!

I know that this may seem a bit paradoxical, but think of it this way. If you never eat, your body gets used to try to survive in starvation mode all the time, with little to no fuel. Then, when you do eat, you binge, and your body is thrown into chaos. Now, your body wants to burn up your food, but your body also knows it needs to be smart for your next 'starvation'. So, it's completely confused.

Here is what you really need to do. EAT! Eat right away in the morning. And, eat 6 balanced meals a day including lots of carbs in the morning. And for each meal, eat a serving of lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and of mono-unsaturated fats. Follow this diet plan, and you WILL get skinny in 10 days! And, best of all, you'll be a lean, mean, fat burning machine, because your metabolism will be through the roof!

Detoxify Your Fat Cells

Each day, you breath in dirty air, and smoke, and eat food with horrible carcinogens and impurities. And, your body attempts to protect you from these impurities by storing them in your fat cells. The problem with your body operating this way, is that it makes you bloated and larger than you deserve to be! You can fix that!

To combat this bloating and get skinny properly I suggest you do two things. First, get a good body wrap from a spa or do one in your own home. By doing this, you'll lose many inches from your fat reserves as the toxins leave your system, and your body will be in an enhanced position to begin metabolizing fat. Not to mention, it will do wonders for you psychologically, as you will have such a great jump start on your hopes to get skinny in ten days.

At Least a Little Exercise

Exercise is necessary, but nowhere near as important as eating properly. If you are eating as I suggested, and drinking lots of water, you won't need more than 20 minutes of good exercise, 3 times a week. And, in doing this, you'll be able to meet your goal and get skinny in 10 days.

It really is that simple. Get rid of all those harmful toxins, eat like you've never eaten before, and do some basic exercise, and you WILL get skinny.

If you are truly looking to get skinny in 10 days, you need to detoxify your system. I would recommend that you check out the following site's detox body wrap line over any other manufacturers: Lose Weight Fast

Brandon Walsh is considered an expert author in the fields of biblical nutrition, weight loss, and healthy living.

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