Healthy Fat Loss

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Dispel The Myth That Easy Weight Loss Method Exist And Concentrate On Your Efforts Instead

If you are trying to find an easy weight loss method, I am sorry to give you the bad news. There is no such system that can be considered as perfect. In fact, there are many good methods which do exist but it varies on individuals to individuals as to how good can any of these will be. Being fat is the cause of many health conditions and habits and all these requires long term attention.

How difficult or easy your weight loss program is will depend on how much you apply yourself to shedding those extra pounds. Your primary reason for losing weight must be clear whether it is too improve your looks or for health reasons; once you know this, then you must decide.

There are a number of things to consider which will help make your weight loss program easier including; the time of day you eat, how often, what you in fact eat and of course what physical activity you carry out. Losing weight too quickly will do more harm to your body. So remember to do it naturally so that your body can synchronization with your weight loss program.

If you really want a method that is easy to remember, always remember to set your sights slightly out of reach so that you can have the possibilities of reaching it. And always remember to cut down on your junk food as well.

Of course we often eat more when we do not feel very good about ourselves or are depressed about our life, which is often called comfort eating. Being overweight is suspected to be the cause of many life threatening medical conditions. The best answer to losing weight and maintaining that weight is not just about easy weight loss diets but a lot depends on the person and the kind of attitude he has towards weight loss.

The success of a weight loss program also relies on the mental attitude of the person involved so if they stay happy and do not get stressed they will more likely lose the weight they desire. Being positive is one of the most important aspects in life as it can help us achieve things we did not believe possible. Together with the loss of extra pounds comes a boost in energy and vitality as well as a sense of well being that is directly related to an improving self-esteem.

Many easy weight loss programs are far from it as they actually test the person using them but the pain barrier does not last long and once through it, the whole system becomes more pleasant.

Set a resolution to make Year 2008 to lose those belly fats, find more ways on how to get rid of love handles and challenge yourself to lose weight in our 60 days challenge. Let's all set our sights on throwing those oversize clothing away.

I am giving away 3 power-packed reports here for you to set your 2008 resolution to lose those belly fats in motion.

Lose Weight in a Week - Here is How You'll Do It

In this article we are going to take a quick look at the twenty four thousand dollar question all new dieters seem to want to know: Ok - I'm ready to start, now - how do I lose weight in a week, or less, and get that killer body back from college, quick! Well, if this is you, I've got good news and bad, so read on for more!

The good news is this: You CAN lose weight in a week, and see a pretty dramatic difference in yourself after only 4 or 5 short days! If you pick the right diet plan, and the right supporting cast, you can indeed make incredibly fast progress if you are motivated. In my own weight loss adventures, I've often seen some of the best results in the very beginning of the diet, and have found this was the motivational fuel I needed to continue on to make progress, and be as successful as I've become in my own journey. It is important though to remember that at certain key spots your body will hit some resistance points, where it feels you are at a weight plateau, or you've hit a point on the scale you simply can't pass. You can, and again, the key is consistency in execution, planning and the RIGHT program for you.

The bad news I alluded to above simply is this. You have to be careful with some of the diets you will find online these days, ( and offline as well) that promise very dramatic results within the first few days. When I see diets that promise huge results in the first 72 hours, I always cringe, because I know there will be people who will succumb to the temptation to try them. The truth is, those diets usually require some diuretic, or other way of shedding lots of artificial weight (water, etc) and have no real value in creating a lasting, tangible change to your body, mind or spirit when it comes to personal transformation.

So stick to our recommendations across the board, and you will find incredible results, I promise!

No More Chubby Tummy I told My Hubby!

Read discover how you can lose weight, feel great, and turn heads on the beach, in the boardroom and in the bedroom...guaranteed!

(Even if you've never lost a pound on ANY diet ever before!)

Fat Loss Stacks That Work Like Magic - Eat The Same, Get Lean Just By Taking A Few Key Supplements

Got your interest?

No I haven't gone to the dark side.

The truth is that you can make fat burning supplements "work like magic" and they "do the work for you". Too good to be true?

Well, what's the catch?

You got me there. There is one. Sort of.

As with many ironies in life, those who need fat loss supplementation the least, get the most benefit from it. Aside from a lean muscular body, eating clean and training smart as a lifestyle allows you to access the magic bullet of fat loss - a pill that allows you to shed body fat whilst maintaining your current lifestyle and eating habits.

By stoking your metabolism with plenty of fibrous vegetables, lean protein and good fats and keeping your body free of toxins, you create the best fat incinerating machine possible. Your calories are in balance and when you decide to " kick it up a notch" and add some fat burning supplements you end up with a nice metabolic boost that sharpens you up fairly quickly without losing muscle or strength. I know guys who have literally dieted for a week, sometimes two at most and entered a bodybuilding contest and placed, and even won. That's the power of mastering your body and keeping a great physique for life. You are never far away from your best and when summer comes you literally flick a few switches and you're set.

You see, this is the power of working with the body and not against it. Seriously how much untapped potential are you leaving on the table when it comes to serious weight loss and explosive, high quality muscle gain? Just by eating right - in accordance with what your body requires to be able to carry out effective weight loss and muscle gain and training with a clear purpose - in accordance with how your body needs to process the fuel (nutrition) you feed it, is the so called 'magic pill' you may have been looking for after all this time! Can you believe it, after all this time, the most powerful fat loss secret known to man has been lying dormant inside of you.

Do you know, when Michelangelo carved out the Statue of David, that masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture, he said that the statue, in all its glory, was already inside marble. In other words, all he did was carve away what was always there from the beginning! This is a metaphor for anyone who has tried to lose weight and failed - the weight loss keys to the kingdom are already inside you, all you really require is the desire to understand how to wield the most awesome fat stripping machine in your immediate possession. In all seriousness, take the time to understand just the basics of your biology where it comes to weight loss and muscle gain and what might seem like a little bit of knowledge has the power to transform your body and life beyond belief in record time.

So Please, leave the 3 month "summer slim downs" for the masses. Let them waste a quarter of their year, year after year spinning their wheels. There is a better way that is well worth mastering.

Ben Kong is the author and co-creator of - The Impossible To fail, Total Lifestyle System For Creating Your Best Body Ever.

Ultimate Body Success is dedicated to helping you finally understand that long lasting, body transformation is only possible when you understand how the body really works - only then can you trigger it's very own natural system for creating your best body ever. While there are no short-cuts, this is THE EASIEST WAY.

Click the link now to find out once and for all how to profoundly transform your body beyond belief.

The Weight Loss Challenge

Since the last quarter of the 20th century, the prevalence of obesity has increased sharply for both adults and children. Current studies reveal increases from 15 to over 30 percent of our current population as being obese. For children aged 2 to 5 years of age, the obesity prevalence increased from 5 to 14 percent; for those 6 to 11, there was an increase from 6.5 to over 18 percent; and those 12 to 19, obesity prevalence increased from 5 to 17 percent. Obesity begins at the home where the adult leaders teach and nurture unhealthy lifelong habits. Our society reinforces the behavior with advertising and an abundant supply of unhealthy foods. These worsening statistics prove that we need better education and guidance on the importance of healthy nutrition and lifestyle.

So unfortunately, if you are living in the developed world, you will more than likely need some help and direction with your weight control. There is a strong need for safe dieting and lifestyle restructuring. To start, you need to ask yourself some simple Yes or No questions:

Are you:




Plagued with:

Weak Concentration?

Low Self Confidence?

Poor Health?

Poor Sex Life?

If the answer is YES, then a well-rounded healthy diet plan is just what your physician should be ordering. No more pills or unnecessary alternative medical treatments like the ones you see on television. You don't need a miracle bowel cleanse. You don't need a revolutionary diet-modifying drug.

Do you have any of the problems listed above? Do you have trouble with your weight? Are you just looking to shed a couple of pounds? Have you tried one or more diets without long-term success? You aren't alone, but one among the millions of others around the world who feel a sense of hopelessness when it comes to dieting and personal health.

The dieting industry currently yields tens of billions of dollars a year. Most claims are to help you lose weight very quickly; however, read any of the fine print under the promotional pictures of the models and you will start to see the little slogan "Results not Typical." Well, what are the typical results for dieters? For starters, 90 to 99 percent of people regain the weight and then some! Many chronic dieters spend over ten thousand dollars on dieting products during their lifetimes. Wouldn't it be nice to use that money for an investment, vacation, or that special something you've always wanted? Of course it would.

There is a serious problem in America and with most of the developed world right now. That problem is customer demand fueling the food and drug corporations. Do you think they care if you are fat or thin? Maybe the individuals working in those corporations want the best for their fellow citizens, but the truth is that these corporations are in business to make a profit. What sells better? A bland tasting super healthy burger, or a juicy, fatty, scrumptious one deep fried, covered in condiments, and wrapped in sugar dough? Most will vouch for the latter.

Like the fast-food industry, the sit down restaurants are seldom better. Let's face it; our brains and bodies LOVE refined sugars and juicy fats. Therefore, the chefs and food creators at the various establishments are pushed to create that feeling of ecstasy in your mouth with these two main ingredients. And they should. You are paying them good money to make the best tasting food you've ever put in your mouth. Furthermore, do you see many restaurant reviews on the nutritional or personal health benefits gained from eating there? Of course not, and the restaurants should not be forced to do so. However, it's always nice to see healthy alternatives on the menus as well as nutritional disclosure about the meals served.

Bottom line, you've probably tried several diets without success. You have more than likely experienced part or all of the "diet cycle." The diet cycle starts when you decide to start a diet plan or product. Then, social, mental, or family pressures and roadblocks develop and you fail. You become frustrated and depressed with your failure, which leads to a return of old habits and additional weight gain. The cycle will repeat itself, again and again, if you do not adequately prepare for success and make the necessary changes in your life sustainable to break it.

You can get out of this continuous downward sequence. You can start to reverse some of the damage you've already caused your body. You can start to promote a healthier future for you and your family. It starts with the incorporation of a healthy diet and lifestyle plan. Avoid the fads and special products, and get in touch with an weight loss expert to direct you towards success.

Brent Harris, M.D.
TeleSlim Program Director


Gut Flora and Weight Loss

The bacteria that live in your GI tract are one of the most overlooked and vaguely understood components of both weight loss and longevity.There are a host of weight and health related problems that come from imbalances or problems with your intestinal flora.

Do you get a tummy bloat after eating carbs?

Is your fat relatively low but you still have a protruding stomach?

Do you not seem to recover well after exercise?

All of these can be manifestations of a problem with your internal flora. The old adage 'you are what you eat' gives way to our modern understanding that 'you are wh at you absorb'.

In this series, we will look at the role of intestinal flora. Our aim here is to education you on the nature of the vital role intestinal flora play in our health, weight loss, and longevity.

First, let's understand what we mean by the term 'gut flora'. The term gut flora refers to the delicate balance of microbes and other 'germs,' both good and bad, that live in the human gut (the stomach,small and large intestines and colon). The gut flora balance is the perfect scientific example of a commensal relationshipan otherwise symbiotic relationship where only one side benefits (in this case, the human).

There are billions of gut flora bacterial cells in the human body,compromising over 400 different strains. In fact, the bacteria in your stomach can comprise up to 22lbs of your total body weight! Though many of types of bacteria living in our stomach have been identified, there are still several types of gut flora that have yet to be explored, mainly because many are resistant to the latest culturing techniques, making them nearly impossible to study. The problem is that many types of intestinal flora can't survive outside of the warm, incubating human body and therefore can't be studied alive.

So what do the flora in our stomach and intestines do? How does what they do relate to losing weight and being lean and fit? Consider the following

Many of the flora in our gut work symbiotically within the human body. A partial list of the physiological processes that are influenced by our composition of intestinal bacteria would include our immune system, digesting carbohydrates, preventing irritable bowels, maximizing the absorption of nutrients, energy production and more.

For the purposes of weight loss and fitness we must consider that proper nutrition is essential to be lean and fit. Our intestinal flora have a very large influence over the assimilation and absorption of what we eat. Conversely, an equally important consideration that is usually overlooked is that what we eat can influence our composition of intestinal flora.

One example is the excess consumption of sugar. Certain types of flora that live within our gut thrive on a high sugar diet, most notably Candida Albicans. If you get a bloat in your lower tummy after eating sugar, this is a good indication of a candida bloom. These flora produce what are known as endotoxins. Endotoxins are poisonous substances that live within the bacteria themselves. When these bacteria die, the poisons within them flood into your body causing an immune response. If you have ever consumed sugar and felt nauseated,the endotoxins released into your system from bad gut flora are the culprit.This is just one example illustrating that if you want to lose weight and be fit and lean for life, you can't ignore the influence wielded by the little bugs living in your gut.

Learn more about weight loss at - Weight Loss Longevity Fitness.

Steps To Successful Weight Loss

The first step to losing weight and keeping it off forever is to set a goal.

This step is one of the hardest steps, not the easiest. If setting a goal were so simple everyone would be doing it.

Of course you make think that people make goals all the time. Sure they do. But they don't accomplish them. For those who do accomplish their goals, well, we consider them successful.

The secret to setting a goal is not simply to arrive at or state a particular thing that we wish to achieve. In other words, coming up with our ideal weight is not enough.

The secret to establishing a goal is commitment. That is, a single, concentrated and focused effort to achieve a desired outcome. A personal vow that is backed up by all the strength of your being. A dedicate effort that refuses to fail.

Easier said than done. The truth is that we have all done it at one time or another. At some point in your life you made up your mind that you were going to accomplish something. You made a focused effort, took action and probably made some sacrifices.

But, the point is, you did it.

Now, all you have to do is focus. Find that inner strength. Make up your mind. Take action.

You should, practically speaking, choose an ideal weight. Experience will probably be some indication.

If, however, you are obese or under medical supervision, consult your physician first.

This is perhaps this most difficult step and possibly the second most important one.

Another step that you should implement is changing your diet.

Theses steps are about life-style changes, not dieting. So, just to be clear, changing your diet is not the same as dieting. You diet to lose weight. You change your diet to transform yourself.

There are two steps to changing your diet.

The first is to eliminate the foods that aren't so good for you. These include processed food, junk food, artificial sweeteners and prepared foods.

The second is to change your diet to foods that are benefial for you. These include whole grains, vegetables and fruit.

Ideally, your meals should be cooked from scratch. I know, I know, a big pain in the neck. But the benefits are overwhelming. Losing weight is just the beginning. Whole, natural foods cooked from scratch leads to better health, calmer nerves and peace of mind. Believe it or not, children thrive and behave better.

Anyway, this is something to seriously consider. Simply ask yourself, "What are my priorities?" When you answer that then perhaps this step won't be so difficult.

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss.

How To Get A Flat Stomach Fast - 6 Effective Diet Tips!

1. Always eat breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You should not ignore it. Although many people still believe that eating less would be better, but it's opposite, you will lose stomach fat faster. When you wake up and you have been without food many hours, it's important to supply your body with a complex healthy nutrition that set your metabolism into action and gives you a consistent energy supply throughout the day.

2. Avoid bad sugars
Try to avoid processed and refined sugar that can be found in sweets and soft drinks. Taking it too much, could be unhealthy and can cause diseases such as diabetes and obesity. All that contain simple sugars, you will risk to gain overweight. Complex carbohydrates are a better energy source because they supply an even level of blood sugar.

3. Drink plenty of water
Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day! You should drink at least 80 ounces of water each day, or if you are a highly active, drink twice that much. Highly active persons should drink approximately in every 30 min, to ensure a good fluid balance. Try to replace a high calorie drinks with plain water. That way you will save yourself from extra calories.

4. Eat 5-6 small meals
Eat at least 5 meals per day in every 2 to 3 hours. This can really help to boost your metabolism and help you to get flat stomach faster, you won't be as hunger when eating 3 BIG meals per day. Eating smaller meals each day gives the body a steady supply of energy and prevents binge eating and also keeps your blood sugar level balanced.

5. Eat lot's of fruits and vegetables
Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. The benefits are, you don't have to worry about getting too much calories, because they are low-calorie foods and they include the required vitamins, fibers and antioxidants. As an example, I would include, green veggies, berries, pineapple and soy beans (rich in amino acid) in your daily diet.

6. Do not skip meals
Skipping meals is also bad, because it has an effect to slower your metabolism. It is an opposite than many people think. When people think, that eating less is better when it comes to weight loss, they are seriously wrong! You can ask yourself, why stay hungry and as a result of being starving, you start binge everything that tastes good and that's not the way how to get a flat stomach

Above I listed the basic things, that you should take into consideration, when you are trying to lose stomach fat and get six pack abs!

You can find more tips, How healthy diet can help you to fasten your metabolism and burn fat from belly area.

A clearly visible six pack abs are possible only if you burn more fat than you consume. This seems to be a problem for most of us! Basic exercises, like squad and dead lift are the best exercises that help you to burn overall fat. Training your abs will become necessary only when you want to shape or develop the abdominal muscles. Ab exercises are not the main priority to burn fat from the mid section!

I have created a site with tips and techniques, that you should know, if you have problems of getting a flat stomach and visible six pack abs! Also includes my honest review of the #1 E-book "Truth about six pack abs" Plus, you can download the FREE Bonus e-book "Insider secrets for a lean body"! Just click how to get a six pack abs fast

Want Fast Fat Burning? Learn These Diet Secrets!

It is difficult to lose weight and even more difficult to lose fat whilst keeping lean muscle. If you want to see your body do some seriously fast fat burning you need to be aware of what you are eating. Foods have a thermic effect.

The term "thermic effect of food" is used to describe the energy expended by our bodies in order to eat and process (digest, transport, metabolize and store) food. Our bodies expend energy every day by exercising, breathing, working, even sleeping. This energy expenditure is what burns calories. Below I will share some of the foods that can help turn your body into a fast fat burning machine.

Most people have never heard of the thermic effect of food and consequently they will just grab whatever is convenient whenever they are hungry. More often than not this food is not ideal in the quest to lose fat.

Protein requires the greatest amount of energy to process at approximately 30% above your resting metabolic rate. Fat on the other hand is very easily processed at about 2-3% above your resting metabolic rate. Carbohydrates fall in between the two. When we know this we can begin to realise that protein helps the body burn more calories and intake should be increased if we are serious about fast fat burning. The only question is what type of protein is the best option?

Meat, fish and poultry along with egg whites are some of the best sources of protein. To lower the fat content be careful to cook these the healthiest way by either grilling or baking. Avoid fried and breaded varieties of these foods. Be sure to choose skinless chicken and lean meat cuts. Milk is also a valuable source of protein but make sure to drink only a skimmed variety.

Fish is a good alternative to high-fat meats. Cod, tuna and halibut have less total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol either meat or poultry. Certain types of fish are very good for your heart as they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which may help lower blood fats and reduce your risk of sudden cardiac arrest. Salmon, mackerel and herring all have high Omega-3. Eat more high quality protein and you'll find fast fat burning comes easily.

Catabolic foods burn up more calories than they supply and therefore it is essential that a number of these foods are consumed in a fast fat burning diet. Many fruits are highly catabolic such as apples, blueberries, strawberries, oranges and pineapples as are many vegetables; broccoli, celery, carrots, lettuce etc. Combine your high protein foods with these highly catabolic ones and you will find that losing weight becomes a lot easier than you are used to.

Finally I would like to add that it is very important to make sure you are drinking enough water. Water is essential to keep the body hydrated and enables it to cleanse out toxins and waste products. You should be aiming to drink at least 8oz of water per day to aid fat burning.

Fast fat burning is easy when you follow these simple guidelines and incorporate and good fitness exercise program. If you are curious to learn more about fat loss you can visit my site at '7 Secrets To Fat-loss' where I unveil 7 of the least know 'secrets' to achieving that movie star body that you have always desired. Good luck with your weight loss goals, eating right is half the battle!

Daniel Depp is a health and fitness fanatic. He is a former professional athlete who, since retiring found himself over-eating and piling on weight. He decided that enough was enough and embarked on a mission to gather as much infomation about weight-loss and fitness as he possibly could and then impliment these in his own life. He has since lost over 20 pounds of body fat, lives a healthy and vibrant lifestyle and is committed to helping others do the same. Visit his website at Fast Fat Burning to get more in depth advice on weight-loss, diets, fitness training and general wellness.

Healthy Weight Loss Requires Motivation

Healthy weight loss is a popular goal for countless people. And today, more than ever, we are heavier than at any time in history. And even though it seems that everyone is on a diet these days, the majority never seem to understand how to lose weight and keep it off for good.

Part of this lack of understanding is due, in part, to having too much information. With all of the resources available including countless diet books, magazines and all of the information available online, knowledge is definitely not the problem. However, too much of a good thing is.

With so many sources, it's difficult to know which weight loss program to follow and who to listen to. In reality, there are a lot of good plans out there and if you happen to choose one of those it would be difficult to go wrong. If you actually manage to get to this point, program in hand, the key to success is learning what to do and then doing it. Really - it's that simple.

So many people like the idea of learning and reading about the latest and greatest diet plan but never put any of the recommendations into daily practice. They become extremely knowledgeable about weight loss and know how many calories the most popular foods contain. What they fail to do however, is make use of that information. Instead, they buy another diet book because the first one didn't work.

If implementation is the real problem, how can you beat the odds and solve it for your own situation? The answer is simple, really. Once you determine the best plan for your needs, you must find a way to constantly motivate yourself to stay on track. Because everyone is wired a bit differently, this will be a highly individual undertaking.

Some people find that having another person hold them accountable works well. They will generally confide in a friend that they are trying to lose weight and ask the friend to give a gentle reminder when it appears they have slipped up in some way. Alternatively, the friend may occasionally ask about how things are going as a subtle reminder to stay on track. The friend may even be an exercise buddy and you can hold each other accountable for fitness activities. If this strategy works for you, then use it to you and your friend's best advantage. If not, there are many other ways to stay motivated.

The most important component of a motivational tactic is that it have meaning to you. You must be able to identify with and internalize it. Ideally you'll want to find several different motivators to have in your arsenal in case one isn't working particularly well at any given moment - you can just trade it out for a new one. Develop a list of motivational tips and you'll be well on your way to a successful and healthy weight loss.

Need additional motivational tips to stick with your weight loss program?

Visit for more information and diet plan reviews.

Benefits Of Weight Loss

In today's world health is a major issue or concern. More and more people are becoming health conscious and are looking for means to get a perfectly built body. This has led to the opening of many commercial institutions that aid in reducing weight and training purpose. Also there large supply of different miracle pills and gadgets in the market that claim to reduce weight and help you in developing 6 pack abs in less than three weeks. While these methods are unproven, weight loss is still very beneficial to the human body.

There are ample of benefits to burning up those extra calories. Here are some examples. Cardiovascular diseases and strokes are probably the topmost reason for death and disability among many men and women. It is essential that you have a balanced weight in order to prevent the onset of many hazardous diseases like cardiovascular disease and strokes. Otherwise it might become quite impossible to regulate blood pressure.

Reducing weight also helps you to prevent the onset of diabetes. However it is only the second type diabetes which can be controlled by staying fit with a healthy diet and maintaining optimum sugar levels. None the less prevention is better than cure.

The risk of cancer is worrying and distressing majority of people especially overweight people, since studies reveal that they are more prone to cancer than people having normal weight. It is therefore essential to maintain normal body weight and reduce the amount of cholesterol content in the body, to minimize the chances of cancer.

Losing weight helps you avoid conditions like sleep apnea, a state where a person temporarily stops breathing. He continues to snore after that. It causes you to be drowsy and sleepy all day long. This has some serious consequences like heart failure. The pain caused by osteoarthritis can be reduced greatly if your weight is optimum, otherwise the pain might cause you to have headaches. Decreasing your overall weight takes some pressure of your joints and knees which might get heavily strained if you are overweight. If your knees and joints are pressurized then you are more prone to weakness in the joints and arthritis.

The fastest remedies for many lower back problems are that you reduce your weight as soon as possible. Now that your back has to handle less weight it will take up much strain off your lower spine. The same happens when you strengthen the abdominal muscles. When you have good abdominals you will automatically have a straight posture taking strain off your back again.

Recent surveys prove that running and exercising on a regular basis lessen your stress levels and also can facilitate you to deal with difficulty a better way. Also a healthy diet filled with nutrition from all the food groups is very beneficial. This amplifies your work efficiency to assist you in earning even more money and confidence in general. It will help you to lead a healthy long life.

Gary Grewal is the founder of a site featuring many articles on weight loss diets, pills, eating right, exercises etc. Visit his site for many more tips on healthy weight loss.

Defrazzle Your Weight Loss

The only time to eat diet food is while youre waiting for the steak to cook

Julia Child

I hate dieting. It doesnt matter what diet I follow, I gain weight. Its so frustrating! If I do find one that works, I usually find that right about the time Im getting used to the diet, my life ends up creating situations where I need to be eating out a lot, or spending time with friends and food. ARGH!

Ive stopped dieting now. Im just working on healthy lifestyle habits that I can work with anywhere, at any time and that allow for life to happen, so I dont need to panic.

Now, believe me, Im no expert, so check with your doctor before you follow ANY of my advice Im just a fellow mom, trying to get back into pre-baby clothes! I have found some things to be consistent in the myriad of ever-changing diet/health rules, and Id like to share them with you here. So ladies, if you want to lose those extra 10 pounds (or more) that just refuse to disappear, here are some tips that are finally working for me:

Pick Your Time

Weight loss involves very personal issues for most people, and is closely related to their self esteem. It is crucial that you attempt to lose 10 pounds at the appropriate time - at a time where you otherwise feel good and satisfied with your life. If you try and lose 10 pounds during a period of time in your life where you have a lot of stress or other distracting things going on, you drastically increase your chances of failure, which will only make things worse.

Do It With Friends

A great and fun way to help you stick with your plan is to undertake your project of losing 10 pounds with a friend. Not only will you be able to provide support for each other and track each other's progress, but you'll be able to engage in fun exercise activities together.

Make Your Plan Realistic

It's important that you set achievable goals for yourself. For example, with just some basic changes in your lifestyle and eating habits, you can lose 1 pound a week. There's no need to be in a huge rush to lose weight, and trying to lose weight quickly often requires a regimen that is difficult to keep up. For most people, it is healthier to lose weight slowly than with drastic dietary changes.

Exercise in the Morning on an Empty Stomach

There are two main reasons why you can more easily lose 10 pounds by exercising in the morning. The first has to do with the fact that it is much easier to build into your daily routine. One of the keys to losing weight by exercise is to do it regularly, which many people find difficult: it's always hard to find time. So a great reason for exercising in the morning is that you'll have very little distraction. In many ways, you are literally "making time" for the exercise by starting your day earlier. The second reason is that if you exercise in the morning on an empty stomach, you're burning energy at a time when your body's carbohydrate levels are the lowest, and therefore more fat will be burned with the same amount of exercise. There have been studies that suggest over 250% more fat is burned when you exercise in this state.

Balance Your Diet

Try as much as possible to balance your diet. This doesn't mean that you have to starve yourself -- rather make a point of getting no more the 30% of your calories from fat. Eat more fruits and vegetables and try to add as much variety to your diet as possible. Try new things, and new meal ideas. A great rule of thumb is to take a 9 plate and divide it into quarters. One quarter is starch/carbohydrate (potatoes, pasta, rice), one quarter is protein (meat, beans, tofu) and half is vegetables.

Keep Track Of Your Progress

The problem with dieting for many people, especially in the early stages, is that even if the diet is working they can't see any results. It's hard to really notice if you lose 1 pound. For this reason it's important that your track your progress, so you can have a good sense of the accomplishments you've made. Dont just track pounds, make sure you are also tracking inches by keeping track of the measurements of the main body areas: bust, waist, hips, thighs, calves, and even your upper arm.

Incorporate Exercise into your Daily Routine

Another good idea is to try and get some exercise while you're at work. Think how often you end up staying in your office on your lunch break. Instead, why not take a walk? It may not seem like much, but if you did that every day, you'd be walking 5 hours a week, which is a pretty great start towards getting some more exercise. On the weekends and in the evenings, take up a sport or an active hobby like hiking. The key is to find ways that you can get exercise while also doing things you enjoy.

You can lose 10 pounds fairly quickly by starting a serious exercise regimen, of course, but that's not necessarily the best way to do it. If you make your exercise like work, it'll start to feel like work, and it will become tempting to put it off and avoid it. If you incorporate exercise into your daily routine, however, it won't seem like work at all - it will be fun. And the best part of all is that the more you exercise the more energy you'll have: instead of being tired when you come home from work, you'll feel like doing something active. Before you know it that 10 pounds you lost might become 20.

So, there you have it! Try implementing one tip a week and making a habit out of it. Youll drop those pounds in no time!

Tipping the scales in your favour!

P.S. Want more weight loss ideas and a community to share frustrations and triumphs? Check out Darlenes March 2006 blog entries at her "Mom-Defrazzler Blog" (Theres a contest, too!)

Weight Loss - How To Speed Up Your Metabolism

Many people looking to lose weight want to find out ways they can speed up their metabolism in order to lose weight faster. Metabolism burns fat and calories and turns them into energy which means an increased metabolism will help you burn fat at a faster rate. Here is a list of steps you can follow that will help you speed up your metabolism and get rid of that excess weight faster.


A definite way to increase the amount of muscle you have is to get active. By increasing the muscle quantity, you automatically end up increasing your metabolism. The best types of exercises for increasing your metabolism are aerobics and resistance training. Not only will this help you speed up your metabolism but will also directly contribute to helping you lose that excess weight. Remember to incorporate intervals into your exercises as these help boost metabolism.

Eat Breakfast

Our metabolism slows down during sleep which is why it is important to eat breakfast and speed it up again. Eating breakfast also decreases the chances of you snacking during the day and thus helps you decrease your calorie intake.

Eat Little but Eat Often

Eating small regular meals throughout the day as opposed to eating two or three larger meals helps to speed up your metabolism. Furthermore, almost 10 percent of calories that we burn everyday are used in digesting food which means the more you eat the more calories you burn and the more excess weight you lose.

Eat Healthy

Eating healthy food not only decreases the number of calories you intake but also gives you more energy and thus increases your metabolism. Make sure you eat a lot of protein rich food as this can help you burn an extra 150 to 200 calories a day. Also, go for 'good' carbohydrates and avoid refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, bagels and potatoes. Another great way of increasing your metabolism is to eat spicy foods.


Not getting enough sleep can slow down your metabolism. A recent study showed that people who got four hours of sleep or less had trouble processing carbohydrates.

As you can tell after having read this article all it takes to speed up your metabolism and lose weight faster is a few simple steps. So, if you want to burn those calories faster follow the above mentioned guidelines to boosting your metabolism.

You can check out the controversial yet proven methods to speed up your metabolism to lose weight.

Ivy is a mother of three. She used to be fat and she has tried a lot of methods in order to lose weight. Now she wants to share what she has learned and her secret, visit her website at weight loss methods if you want to have a good appearance and be healthy at the same time.

Small Changes Build to Weight Loss

Does this sound promise yourself that the next morning you'll totally revamp your food choices, exercise daily, and be successful with your diet plan? Has it worked long-term? If not, maybe you tried to do too much too quickly. It can be overwhelming to make big changes and expect them to stick. Why not try something different? Make small changes to your food choices and exercise. Small changes build to big weight loss success.

In working with my clients, a successful strategy in losing weight and keeping it off is to make one small change at a time. Do you reach the top of a staircase by a giant leap? No, you rise to the top one step at a time. The same for weight loss is to make small changes and allow them to build success one after the other. Before you know it, those changes create a momentum of success that move you forward to your weight loss goals.

1. Eat slowly and calmly. Enjoy the tastes and textures. Put your fork or spoon down between every bite. Intersperse your eating with enjoying the company of others joining you for the meal. Your brain has a delay to your stomach by about 20 minutes when it comes to the feeling of fullness and satisfaction. If you eat slowly enough, your brain will catch up to tell you that you are no longer in need of food.

2. Eat only when you're hungry. Sounds easy but can be challenging to differentiate between your head hunger and hear your stomach truly growling. It is amazing how often we eat out of boredom, nervousness, habit, hobby, recreational sport, or frustration. Unfortunately for some of us that struggle with weight and food issues, we have actually forgotten what physical hunger and the cues feel like. Next time, wait until your stomach is growling before you reach for food. If you're craving a specific food, it's probably a craving, not hunger. It's probably your head that's hungry rather than your stomach. If you'd eat anything you could get your hands on, chances are you're truly physically hungry.

3. Out of sight, out of mind. The other day I found a surprise lurking in my refrigerator. It was a holiday treat from Thanksgiving that got pushed behind other items in the refrigerator. I'd forgotten all about this little treat put in the refrigerator because I didn't see it. Fast forward to how it looked today; it was petrified and looked awful. Seeing this Thanksgiving goodie that I'd kept that looked delicious in November to its current appearance was disgusting. It sure put the food choice into perspective. You aren't tempted if you don't see it. Even further, if you don't buy it or bring it home, you aren't tempted either. Keep your trigger foods out of your radar.

4. Empower yourself with the trash. Huh? My husband brought home leftover food from a work function he attended. It was not the best nutritional choice for anyone. Rather than keep it around, I threw it away. It felt so empowering to throw away the unhealthy food item. I chose the health of myself and my family over the temporary enjoyment of eating an undesirable food choice. You and your health are more important than any fleeting food fix

You don't have to undertake all of the changes in your lifestyle all at once. You've done that before. Did it result in long-lasting change? Probably not. Try something different. If you want different results, try it in a different way. Small changes build to big changes. Before you know it, you'll step on the scale and see your goal weight. Small changes can equal big success.

Cathy Wilson is a weight loss life coach. Cathy lost 147 pounds six years ago. Her passion is helping clients achieve their weight loss and life goals. Cathy works with clients to create a weight loss life plan that is customized to each client. Cathy is a member of the International Coaching Federation, International Association of Coaches, and Obesity Action Coalition.

Visit Cathy's website:

Stunning New Discovery On How Aerobics Can Explosively Enhance Your Weight Loss Efforts

There are several benefits or aerobics but the best one of them being weight loss. Do you know that you can burn a tremendous amount of calories with aerobics at the same time it also enhances your weight loss efforts and helps you lose a tremendous amount of weight within no time? Read on to discover some of the most astonishing tips on how aerobics can help you lose weight and get healthier at the same time...

Increased energy levels- Aerobics enhances your energy levels thus making you more energetic and active throughout the day. At the same time it helps in reducing stress to a very large extent helps you remain in a positive mind frame.

It can make you lose weight like crazy- Aerobics helps you burn calories therefore when done regularly it can help you reach your weight loss goals even faster than you can possibly imagine.

It's extremely easy to do- Do you know that you can do aerobics right from the comforts of your home? And this isn't just one sort of aerobic exercise that you can do. There are numerous aerobic exercises you can do according to your comfort levels. You see it helps in weight loss as aerobics is something anything and everyone can easily do and adapt to. One of the best aerobic weight loss exercises would be dancing. You see dancing is something we all love to do when we have our favorite piece of music on. Not only is it fun we burn calories and lose a tremendous amount of weight at the same time as well.

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